
    Leveraging Business Growth | Interview with Brand Minds

    enOctober 06, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding self-awareness and innovation during COVID-19Businesses must adapt by focusing on self-awareness and innovation during COVID-19. Self-awareness means adjusting strategies, while innovation creates new opportunities. Gary Vaynerchuk urges entrepreneurs to keep pushing boundaries despite challenges.

      During the COVID-19 crisis, businesses need to focus on self-awareness and innovation to adapt and grow. Self-awareness involves understanding what can and cannot be accomplished during this time and adjusting business strategies accordingly. Innovation, on the other hand, can help businesses create new opportunities, such as direct-to-consumer e-commerce or new products that meet the needs of the market. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of these two pillars in a virtual event setting, where innovation can be both inspiring and challenging for consumers. He also warned against blaming the consumer for not adopting new innovations and instead encouraged entrepreneurs to continue pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

    • Entrepreneurs as Firefighters, Innovators, and CommunicatorsEntrepreneurs are adaptable, innovative, and effective communicators who tackle unexpected challenges and drive business innovation and growth.

      Entrepreneurs in the current business climate must be adaptable, innovative, and effective communicators. The COVID-19 crisis has tested the mettle of entrepreneurs, requiring them to address vulnerabilities and pivot quickly in response to changing circumstances. Entrepreneurs are like firefighters, always ready to tackle unexpected challenges. They are also innovators, constantly seeking new solutions to problems. And, they are communications leaders, able to rally their teams and audiences behind their vision. The pandemic has exposed the difference between true entrepreneurs and those who were merely self-employed during the economic growth of the past decade. For businesses like VaynerX and VaynerSpeakers, which were significantly impacted by the crisis, entrepreneurs had to let go of non-essential staff and pivot their businesses to survive. Despite the challenges, entrepreneurs remain the driving force behind business innovation and growth.

    • Preparing for challenges and being proactiveCreating newsworthy content, pivoting during tough times, and leveraging LinkedIn for professional growth.

      Preparing for challenges and being proactive in the face of adversity can lead to effective reactions and even positive outcomes. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his experience of losing clients and having to lay off employees during a difficult time, but through hard work and pivoting, he was able to turn things around and promote leaders within his organization. For entrepreneurs and startups looking to earn media attention, Vaynerchuk recommends creating newsworthy, authentic content or situations that can capture the attention of news outlets. He also suggests thinking like a headline writer to reverse engineer what would make a story interesting. When it comes to building a brand, Vaynerchuk believes that both personal and business brands are important and can be developed simultaneously. The biggest mistake people make on LinkedIn, according to Vaynerchuk, is underestimating its potential. LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for building professional relationships and showcasing expertise, and it's important to take advantage of its features and engage regularly.

    • Maximizing Reach on LinkedIn: Importance of Strong Creative IdeasEffective tactics are important but a captivating idea is crucial for a successful LinkedIn campaign

      LinkedIn is a powerful sales channel for businesses, especially in the B2B sector, and should be taken seriously for content strategy. The platform currently offers organic reach that is difficult to achieve on other major social media networks. LinkedIn's professional nature makes it an intriguing opportunity for both B2B and B2C content creators. However, a successful campaign on LinkedIn, or any social media platform, relies heavily on a strong creative idea. While tactics are important, they are secondary to a compelling concept that resonates with the audience. A great campaign requires both effective tactics and a captivating idea to maintain attention and ultimately, drive success.

    • The Importance of a Great Product or ServiceTransparency, self-awareness, a belief in execution, and the ability to adapt to challenges are crucial for entrepreneurs to build a successful business. A great product or service is the foundation, without it, marketing efforts may only highlight its shortcomings.

      While having great ideas and tactics for a campaign is important, the success of a product or service cannot be overlooked. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes that if a company's product or service is not up to par, then all the marketing efforts will only speed up the awareness of its shortcomings. Therefore, transparency and self-awareness are crucial for entrepreneurs when pitching their business to investors. Another important factor for investors is the belief that human beings will actually do what the entrepreneur is proposing within the next 36 months. This demonstrates the entrepreneur's confidence in their business model and their ability to execute it. Lastly, successful businesses are characterized by their ability to deal with challenges, such as the impact of COVID-19, and their focus on treating employees and customers well. Business is not just about strategy and tactics, but also about how we treat other human beings. In summary, having a great product or service, being transparent and self-aware, and having the ability to execute and adapt to challenges are essential characteristics of a scalable business.

    • Identifying Business Scalability: Intuition & Data AnalysisAssess market growth, entrepreneur's mindset, and adapt to trends like live streaming and social media integration for business scalability. Love the game of entrepreneurship for long-term success.

      Identifying the scalability of a business involves a mix of intuition and data analysis. Looking for signs of explosive growth in the market and assessing the entrepreneur's mindset are two key factors. The current era presents ample opportunities for starting businesses, but fear and personal circumstances can hinder entrepreneurs. Live streaming and social media integration in e-commerce is a promising trend, and those who love the game of entrepreneurship rather than just the material rewards are more likely to succeed. Entrepreneurs should reconsider their motivations if they're primarily focused on the money and the fear of losing it.

    • The value of personal growth for entrepreneursEntrepreneurs can benefit from mentors, but personal learning methods vary. Building a personal brand online brings opportunities, but also criticism.

      Having a mentor or role model can be incredibly valuable for entrepreneurs, but the best approach to learning and growth is a personal one. Some people may thrive on mentorship programs and shadowing, while others may learn best by listening to customers or creating and sharing content. The timing and methods of learning are unique to each individual. Furthermore, building a personal brand and becoming famous online can bring numerous opportunities, but it also comes with its challenges. Once you share your work and yourself with the world, you open yourself up to opinions and criticism. It's essential to understand that whatever you put out there becomes public and to be prepared for the potential downsides. Ultimately, the key is to find what works best for you and to use the resources and experiences available to you to continue growing and learning as an entrepreneur.

    • Handling hate and judgment with kindnessBeing the bigger person in disagreements, maintaining work-life balance, hustling smartly, and being an early adopter of technology are keys to building a brand and achieving success. Compassion and empathy are crucial in handling hate and judgment.

      Building a brand and putting yourself out there comes with the risk of judgment and hate, but handling these situations with compassion, sympathy, and empathy can lead to success. Brent Oliveras, the speaker in this discussion, emphasizes the importance of kindness, being the bigger person in disagreements, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. He also shares that hustle is essential, but it should not come at the cost of mental or physical health. Oliveras admires these qualities in his personal life, especially in his mother, and considers her his greatest hero. He also emphasizes the importance of education and being an early adopter of technology in his success story. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of resilience, compassion, and hard work in building a brand and achieving success.

    • Lessons from a successful entrepreneurSuccessful entrepreneurs share valuable insights and a desire to help others. They regret past mistakes and emphasize candor in leadership, while predicting trends like SMS retail, voice-activated AI devices, influencer marketing, and fragmented OTT content.

      Successful entrepreneurs, like the speaker, have valuable insights to share and a desire to help others. They understand that sharing knowledge creates space for new information and can lead to personal growth. The speaker emphasized the importance of candor in leadership and regretted not being more assertive in business deals and product innovation. Looking ahead, the speaker predicts that SMS retail, voice-activated AI devices, influencer marketing, and fragmented OTT content will be major trends in the next five years. Reflecting on his own experiences, the speaker shared that he regrets not being more assertive in business dealings and not productizing innovative ideas. He also emphasized the importance of candor in leadership and the value of sharing knowledge. The speaker's insights offer valuable lessons for entrepreneurs and remind us that success comes with experience and the willingness to learn from mistakes.

    • Transforming Challenges into OpportunitiesThrough resilience, emotional intelligence, and skills development, challenges can lead to personal growth and innovation.

      Challenges can be transformative and lead to personal growth and skills development. The speaker shared how her difficult relationship with her non-communicative father helped her hone her emotional intelligence, consumer behavior skills, and storytelling abilities. She also expressed her hope that in the next five years, people will shift from focusing on differences and negativity towards building each other up, leading to innovation, creativity, joy, and happiness. The speaker's experience demonstrates the power of resilience and turning adversity into opportunity.

    • Investing in daily content creation for personal and professional growthCreating sustainable content infrastructure boosts opportunities, possibilities, and financial impact. Gary Vaynerchuk's inspiration fuels confidence and authenticity for success.

      Importance of creating a sustainable infrastructure for producing content daily across various platforms on the internet. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes that investing time, effort, and resources into this endeavor is crucial for both personal and professional growth. Content creation on the internet offers a significant leverage point for individuals to change their opportunities, possibilities, and financial impact on businesses. Watching and learning from inspiring figures like Gary can help boost confidence and encourage authenticity, ultimately leading to success.

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    Il en ressort de bons conseils pour tous ceux qui :

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    • voudraient se lancer et attendent désespérément l’idée miraculeuse ;
    • se posent des questions sur le pricing ;
    • se demandent quels indicateurs clefs prendre en compte ;
    • hésitent entre le B2B et le B2C ;

    Petite litanie de tips & trics :

    Préparez vos réunions : ne pas commencer une réunion sans savoir quel est l’objectif

    Si vous voulez vous lancer, n’attendez pas l’idée miracle. L’important c’est de créer de la valeur. Par exemple, lorsque vous travaillez, vous identifiez probablement compte de dysfonctionnements ; eh bien commencez par proposer une solution qui améliore cela, et crée de la valeur pour ses utilisateurs. Se lancer avec des amis ou de la famille est relativement risqué aussi.

    Pour avoir une bonne life balance, il faut être organisé, et éviter de perdre son temps sur des choses futiles. Pouvoir dire non. De plus le sport aide à maîtriser le stress.

    Faîtes des essais erreurs comparatifs (on parle de A/B testing) sur le pricing. Le princing est souvent oublié, mais c’est un point crucial du marketing mix.

    Ne pas forcément répondre aux sirènes du B2B, le B2C c’est bien aussi, et en tous cas, faire canal B2B + Canal B2C quand on est une petite équipe, c’est une perte d’énergie.

    Il faut rester focus sur votre stratégie, et surtout sur ce qui crée de la valeur pour les clients.

    Si vous avez besoin de recul, de vous former, osez pousser des portes pour vous constituer un réseau, envoyer des mails… cela permet de faire des rencontres, et de confronter ses problématiques avec d’autres personnes.

    Avoir aussi des moments de déconnexion.

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