
    About this Episode

    In this episode of the Empowered Presence™ podcast, Melanie interviews career coach and YouTuber, Timeka Green, about the importance of authenticity in personal branding. Timeka shares her own experiences with building a YouTube channel, overcoming personal challenges, and the significance of staying true to oneself.

    They discuss how authenticity has helped Timeka connect with a global audience to the tune of 12,000 and make a positive impact on people's lives. The episode also touches on the Empowered Presence™ program, designed to help executive women of color develop their personal brand without losing their authenticity.


    Timeka Green is a Global Human Resources (HR) professional, Career Coach, Mom, YouTuber and Optimist who believes it is time to see others that look like her, grow in their career like she has.

    Timeka has worked in HR for over 11 years, starting with job titles ranging from HR Assistant to HR Generalist and grown to Global HR Business Partner (HRBP) and HR Director. She has worked in a number of industries, ranging from local government, organ & tissue donation and clinical research to the tech industry.

    After seeing so many disparities among minorities in the corporate workplace, she decided to create a space where she could reach many and educate them on how to skip the hurdles she has crossed.

    In December 2020, Timeka started her YouTube channel called Heyyy HR and now has over 14,000 subscribers. Many find her not only on her YouTube channel, but also dropping daily gems on LinkedIn with a following of over 12,000 professionals.

    Recent Episodes from Empowered Presence™

    The CEO Mindset—How to brand yourself and create a career that ROCKS!

    The CEO Mindset—How to brand yourself and create a career that ROCKS!

    In this episode of the Empowered Presence™ podcast, host Melanie and guest Nickquolette Barrett explore the theme of career ownership and personal branding. Nickquolette, a career strategist and executive coach, shares insights on transitioning from employee to CEO of one's career, advocating for oneself, and the importance of self-awareness and strategic planning.

    They discuss the challenges faced by women of color in the workplace and the need for authentic self-representation. Nickquolette also talks about her role in leading the Society of Elite Resume Writers and Coaches and her upcoming career branding program. The episode also highlights the Empowered Presence™ program, designed to help executive women of color build visibility and authority without compromising authenticity.



    Nickquolette is a.k.a. The "Get Hired" Strategist is the founder and CEO of iRock Development Solutions, LLC dba iRock Résumés and President of the Society of Elite Résumé Writers and Coaches.


    She is a 4x Certified Executive Coach, Executive Résumé Writer, article contributor and member of the Newsweek Expert Forum, and a dynamic speaker and trainer. She specializes in résumé and LinkedIn profile writing, interview prep, and career development & strategy.


    She won two career industry awards from Career Directors International and authored two books,`”You're Hired!” – Volume 1 & 2.


    Nickquolette's mission is to take career professionals from job applicant to job candidate. She works to change your mindset from employee to CEO of your career. Her motto is “Land the Job of Your Dreams and Create a Career That Rocks!”.


    Nickquolette works with clients at various stages of their career with most being in senior leadership roles. Testimonials from happy clients keep her referral pipeline full. She stands ready to help you land the job of your dreams and create a career that rocks!




    Nickquolette Barrett's Career Journey (00:01:33) 

    Nickquolette's Career Transformation (00:02:47) 

    Recognizing Career Manipulation (00:03:53) 

    Taking Control of Career (00:07:36) 

    Understanding Value and Worth (00:09:27) 

    Strategic Career Planning (00:16:56) 

    Transcending Job Titles (00:19:42) 

    Understanding Personal Branding (00:20:54) 

    Transitioning from Employee to Entrepreneur (00:21:55) 

    Identifying Career Goals (00:22:50) 

    Financial Preparedness for Entrepreneurship (00:25:04) 

    Learning from Current Organization (00:27:03) 

    CEO Mindset for Career Development (00:29:50) 

    Investing in Personal Development (00:30:59) 

    Changing the Workplace Narrative (00:35:32) 

    Recognizing and Advocating for Strengths (00:38:08) 

    The importance of authenticity (00:40:49) 

    Taking control of your narrative (00:41:47) 

    Leadership and gratitude (00:42:45) 

    Revamping career branding (00:43:42) 

    Transition in leadership (00:45:38) 

    Empowered Presence program (00:47:27) 

    Discovering personal voice (00:48:57) 

    Empowerment through personal branding (00:51:00) 

    Leveraging YouTube to Build a Global Personal Brand

    Leveraging YouTube to Build a Global Personal Brand

    In this episode of the Empowered Presence™ podcast, Melanie interviews career coach and YouTuber, Timeka Green, about the importance of authenticity in personal branding. Timeka shares her own experiences with building a YouTube channel, overcoming personal challenges, and the significance of staying true to oneself.

    They discuss how authenticity has helped Timeka connect with a global audience to the tune of 12,000 and make a positive impact on people's lives. The episode also touches on the Empowered Presence™ program, designed to help executive women of color develop their personal brand without losing their authenticity.


    Timeka Green is a Global Human Resources (HR) professional, Career Coach, Mom, YouTuber and Optimist who believes it is time to see others that look like her, grow in their career like she has.

    Timeka has worked in HR for over 11 years, starting with job titles ranging from HR Assistant to HR Generalist and grown to Global HR Business Partner (HRBP) and HR Director. She has worked in a number of industries, ranging from local government, organ & tissue donation and clinical research to the tech industry.

    After seeing so many disparities among minorities in the corporate workplace, she decided to create a space where she could reach many and educate them on how to skip the hurdles she has crossed.

    In December 2020, Timeka started her YouTube channel called Heyyy HR and now has over 14,000 subscribers. Many find her not only on her YouTube channel, but also dropping daily gems on LinkedIn with a following of over 12,000 professionals.

    How to Turn Setbacks into Success and Obstacles into Opportunities

    How to Turn Setbacks into Success and Obstacles into Opportunities

    In this episode of Empowered Presence™, host Melanie speaks with Charity S. McDonald, an executive career consultant and founder of CRWN Institute. Charity discusses her journey from facing career challenges, such as working in a toxic environment and being underpaid, to tripling her income by shifting to an abundance mindset, asking for help, and leveraging her skills in a new industry.

    She emphasizes the importance of personal branding, self-advocacy, and articulating one's value in the workplace. Charity also shares her experience with content creation on LinkedIn, where she became a Top Voice by engaging with others and sharing inspirational posts.

    She offers insights into her approach to career coaching, which includes personal branding, interview preparation, and positioning for thought leadership. The conversation underscores the power of storytelling and an abundance mindset in overcoming obstacles and achieving success.




    Charity S. McDonald is an executive career consultant for tech and talent leaders from the metro NYC area. As the founder of CRWN Institute, she helps high achievers become big receivers without burnout and land their next-level role on LinkedIn. Charity has over a decade of experience in higher education, people operations, executive recruiting, HR tech, coaching, and consulting. In 2023, she was recognized as a LinkedIn Top Community Voice in career and leadership.  Charity is a keynote speaker at colleges on the topics of professional development and self-leadership.


    The journey into the workplace (00:02:11) Charity describes entering the workplace during the Great Recession and the challenges she faced in a toxic work environment.

    Shifting mindset and learning to ask for help (00:02:56) Charity discusses her journey from hesitancy and scarcity mindset to learning to ask for help and shifting her mindset.

    Recognizing personal value and articulating it (00:12:27) Charity explains the struggle of articulating her value, learning to speak to her strengths, and the importance of personal branding in career advancement.

    Challenges faced by women of color in the workplace (00:14:40) The conversation touches on common themes among women of color in the workplace, including holding onto opportunities, advocating for oneself, and the need to speak up and showcase accomplishments.

    Finding opportunities and leveraging transferable skills (00:19:46) Charity shares how she was found by potential employers and clients, leveraging LinkedIn and consulting work to transition into career coaching and outplacement support.

    LinkedIn Visibility and Top Voice Recognition (00:22:03) Charity's journey to becoming a top voice on LinkedIn and her strategy for achieving recognition.

    Content Creation Strategy (00:23:06) Charity's approach to creating engaging content on LinkedIn and the impact of inspirational storytelling.

    Overcoming Obstacles with Abundance Mindset (00:30:24) Charity's perspective on cultivating an abundance mindset and how it helped her overcome obstacles in her career.

    Comprehensive Career Support Services (00:33:09) The range of services Charity provides to her clients, including personal branding, resume development, and negotiation support.

    Connecting with Charity (00:36:04) How to connect with Charity, book appointments, and engage with her content on LinkedIn.


    How to Find Your Brand Voice as a Multi-Passionate Pro

    How to Find Your Brand Voice as a Multi-Passionate Pro

    In this episode of Empowered Presence™, we have a chat with Kijaffa Hall, founder and CEO of KZ Hall Consulting and host of the "Coffee and a Notepad" podcast. We explore Kijaffa's path from a varied background to establishing her own successful business. She discusses the challenges of being multi-passionate and the process of integrating her diverse skills into a cohesive business strategy.

    She emphasizes the importance of authenticity, embracing individuality, and defining success on one's own terms. Kijaffa shares insights on navigating insecurities, the role of therapy, and the significance of a supportive network. The episode also touches on Kijaffa's commitment to social impact and her efforts to empower others through her consulting services and podcast.

    Here's a sneak peek into this episode: 

    Kijaffa opened up about her eclectic background, showing us how what once felt like a scattered array of skills actually became her superpower. She's a testament to the beauty of a non-linear path, and her story will make you appreciate your own unique journey.


    We delved into the challenges and triumphs of being someone with multiple passions. Kijaffa's approach to integrating her interests into a successful business model is a masterclass in authenticity. If you've ever felt like you're juggling too many interests, this is a must-listen!


    Kijaffa got real about the struggles of self-promotion, especially when your skill set is as varied as a Swiss Army knife. Her insights on building confidence and finding your voice are golden nuggets for anyone looking to sell their story with sincerity.


    She shared how not every passion needs to be monetized. It's okay to love something just for the joy it brings. She's found a way to weave her love for crafting and social impact into her business, proving that your passions can support your professional life in unexpected ways.


    Her business, KZ Hall Consulting, is all about helping you bring your big ideas to life, especially for those who might second-guess their brilliance. Kijaffa's clarity sessions are a game-changer for women on the brink of something great.


    Coffee and a Notepad, Kijaffa's podcast is a treasure trove of conversations with entrepreneurs who are carving their own paths. It's a dose of inspiration for anyone looking to create success on their terms.



    Kijaffa is a passionate business strategist who is excited to keep growing her network of social innovators, community collaborators, and global changemakers.  As the Founder and CEO of K.Z. Hall Consulting, she curates opportunities for businesses and individuals to actualize their impactful ideas through skills, strategy, and business development. Her “From Spark to Strategy Workshop” is a collaborative ideation and planning work session for individual dreamers and the Spark Accountability Group provides both community & support to business owners as they bring their ideas to fruition.

    Always a talker and someone with a lot of opinions, Kijaffa is now using her voice to create a community for current and aspiring business owners. She is the proud creator and host of the “Coffee and a Notepad” podcast, where she invites guests each week to talk about all things business, entrepreneurship and creating success on your own terms”. She loves sharing her career journey, experiences, and strategy tips as guest host on other podcast shows and professional conferences and welcomes opportunities to continue to share her knowledge to support others.

    Kijaffa is a proud Brooklyn girl now lovingly living in the Washington DC area. She is a lover of all things social media, black tv and music, and Sunday brunch with family and friends. 


    How Healing Past Traumas Can Accelerate Your Career

    How Healing Past Traumas Can Accelerate Your Career

    In today's powerful episode of Empowered Presence™, host Melanie welcomes Wendy Carter, an ICF certified coach and leadership development practitioner. Wendy shares her personal journey, discussing how she overcame traumatic experiences and limiting beliefs that once hindered her career progression. She explains the impact of trauma on belief systems and how these beliefs can affect professional outcomes.

    Wendy and Melanie delve into cognitive distortions, the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in the workplace, and the power of rewiring the brain for positive change. Wendy also offers complimentary coaching sessions and announces upcoming workshops for women of color and events on relational trauma.


    Wendy, an ICF Certified Coach and Leadership Development Practitioner, brings over 15 years of Fortune 100 Human Resources experience, excelling in transforming leaders for measurable performance outcomes. As the Founder of Emerge Development Solutions, she offers top-quality coaching to Fortune 500 organizations, specializing in innovative solutions through a coaching lens and utilizing assessments for self-awareness and actionable self-development plans. With Senior Leadership roles at AdventHealth, Walt Disney Company, and Citigroup,


    Wendy's expertise spans career growth, confidence, and well-being. Holding an MHRM from DeVry University and a BA from the City University of New York at Baruch College, she holds an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) from the International Coaching Federation. A dedicated member of the International Coaching Federation’s South East Region and SHRM’s Central Florida division, Wendy contributes to advancing coaching excellence and HR practices. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, meeting new people, and cherishing quality moments with her family.



    Stop Playing it Safe: Find Your Own True Voice

    Stop Playing it Safe: Find Your Own True Voice

    In this episode, Melanie interviews Brenda Mariah from Push Career Management. They discuss the challenges of perfectionism, particularly for women of color in the corporate world, and the resulting imposter syndrome.

    Brenda shares her personal experiences with striving for perfection and the realization that it's unattainable. She encourages listeners to embrace their imperfections and focus on progress. The conversation also touches on their professional journeys and the mutual influence they've had on each other. Brenda concludes by inviting listeners to connect with her for support in their career growth.


    When you KNOW you can do the job, but you’re having trouble getting others to see your value. That’s where Brenda Mariah comes in. Specializing in boosting confidence in those who are going to battle emotionally in their careers or transitions. Brenda Mariah of Push Career Management is a career-focused speaker, wordsmith, career storyteller, encourager, author, and strategist that can help them AND YOU see what you’re made of.




    Empowered Presence™
    enJanuary 23, 2024

    Don’t Call It a Comeback! How Ashley Went from Insecurity to Influence

    Don’t Call It a Comeback! How Ashley Went from Insecurity to Influence

    In this first episode of 2024, we sit down with Ashley Watkins Thomas, a job search coach and certified resume strategist to discuss her professional journey and the personal challenges she faced, including illness, death, and insecurity. She talks about her transition from corporate recruiting to full-time coaching, her struggles with self-perception, and the importance of authenticity with clients. 

    Ashley shares her story of overcoming adversity, embracing her true self, and the value of community support. Melanie and Ashley highlight the significance of authenticity in personal branding, especially for women of color, and the empowerment that comes from showing up as one's genuine self.



    Ashley Watkins Thomas is a Job Search Coach and Certified Resume Strategist with Write Step Resumes. She is a corporate recruiter of 20 years, hiring for companies across banking, education, healthcare, nonprofit, and manufacturing industries. She has won multiple resume-writing awards and was named Jobscan's Top 15 Job Search Experts to Follow and LinkedIn's Top Voice. Her job search advice has been featured in major publications, including HuffPost, New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal. She is best known for positioning emerging and experienced leaders to land more interviews and 6-figure salary offers at Fortune 500 brands.

    Links referenced in the episode:


    Can You Build a Strong Personal Brand Without Social Media?

    Can You Build a Strong Personal Brand Without Social Media?

    In this episode, Melanie explores the idea of building a personal brand without relying on social media. She discusses the resistance and stress associated with social media, as well as the negative impact it can have on mental health.

    She reflects on how famous people like Michael Jackson built their brands before social media existed, emphasizing the role of traditional media. Melanie suggests alternative ways to build a personal brand, such as search engine optimization and building a community around a brand. She acknowledges the benefits of social media but expresses the belief that it is possible to build a personal brand without it.


    How Taking Control of Your Own Career is Key to Professional Growth

    How Taking Control of Your Own Career is Key to Professional Growth

    In this episode, Melanie introduces Kareen Turner, a leadership development expert with over 20 years of experience in corporate environments. Kareen shares her journey of self-discovery and personal branding, including her decision to pursue a career in nutrition and her unexpected path into leadership roles. 

    She emphasizes the importance of exploring one's interests, being intentional in career choices, and not dismissing unconventional opportunities. Karen also discusses the importance of finding joy and fulfillment in work, advocating for equal pay and opportunities for women of color, and the significance of mentors and benefactors in career growth. 


    Kareen Turner is a leadership development expert with over 20 years of experience in corporate environments. As the founder of the Leadership Untitled Institute, Kareen is dedicated to providing top-notch resources through private consultations and group coaching programs. She is also the co-author of the Career Accelerator Planner, a guide designed to help individuals accelerate their career growth.

    Throughout her career, Kareen has been consistently recognized for her ability to build trust and influence quickly, creating strong relationships with her team members and colleagues based on mutual respect. Her reputation as a servant leader has allowed her to lead teams to achieve extraordinary results focused on organizational goals.

    She is the host of the podcast, Leadership Untitled with Kareen Turner, where she shares best practices and strategies to lead with excellence, helping individuals and organizations reach their full potential. Kareen is a Certified High Performance Coach, certified through the High Performance Institute.



    Show Up Like a LinkedIn Pro: Insights from an Executive LinkedIn Strategist

    Show Up Like a LinkedIn Pro: Insights from an Executive LinkedIn Strategist

    In this episode, Melanie introduces guest Deiera Bennett, an executive LinkedIn strategist and ghostwriter. They discuss the importance of having a strong LinkedIn presence and how it can benefit professionals in terms of attracting clients and establishing their personal brand.


    Deiera highlights the lack of representation of Black women on LinkedIn and the misconceptions surrounding the platform. They also discuss the importance of engagement on LinkedIn, networking without being salesy, and the strategy of sharing valuable content to attract potential clients.


    Deiera emphasizes authenticity, genuine interest, and consistency in posting. They conclude by encouraging more Black women to join LinkedIn and offer help and advice for personal branding.



    Deiera Bennett is an executive LinkedIn Strategist and ghostwriter. Her clients include founders and executives of multi-million and multi-billion dollar companies in industries such as healthcare, recruitment, logistics, and information technology. In addition to ghostwriting, she manages the marketing for an educational technology startup.



    Connect with Deiera on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deierabennett

    Learn more about Melanie's Empowered Presence program: www.myempoweredpresence.com

    Book a free call with Melanie: www.resume-evolution.com/letschat