
    Podcast Summary

    • Health and wellness evolution: From survival to optimizationOptimize health through sleep aids, natural supplements, and balanced diet. Prioritize restful sleep, consider supplements, and consume recommended servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

      Our focus on health and wellness has evolved from mere survival to optimization, as discussed in Dan Vongino's interview with Gary Brecker. While the past prioritized basic sustenance, today's concerns involve enhancing our lives through various methods, such as sleep aids like Beams Dream Powder and supplements like Field of Greens. The interview with Gary Brecker highlights the importance of a restful sleep and the impact of poor sleep on overall health. The use of natural supplements and life hacks can help individuals maximize their lives and improve their health. Additionally, the importance of consuming the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables daily is emphasized, with solutions like Field of Greens providing a convenient option for maintaining a balanced diet.

    • Cold exposure triggers multiple health benefitsCold showers can boost mood, energy, and overall health by driving blood to core organs, activating brown fat, and releasing protective proteins and survival genes

      Cold exposure, such as taking ice cold showers, can have numerous health benefits. When the body is submerged in cold water, it triggers a response that drives blood to the core organs and up to the brain, activates brown fat for temperature regulation and caloric expenditure, and releases protective proteins and survival genes. These effects can lead to improved mood, increased energy, and enhanced overall health. Additionally, the act of confronting and overcoming the discomfort of the cold shower at the start of the day can provide a sense of accomplishment and motivation to tackle challenges throughout the rest of the day.

    • Incorporating cold showers into daily routine boosts health and well-beingCold showers clear mind, release dopamine, repair muscle tissue, clean blood, boost emotional resilience, best taken 60-90 mins after waking up, no caffeine beforehand

      Incorporating cold exposure into your daily routine can have numerous benefits for both your physical and mental well-being. The speaker compares the experience of taking a cold shower to meditation, as it helps clear the mind and focus on the present moment. Cold showers also release dopamine, creating a feeling of euphoria that can last for hours. Additionally, cold showers can help repair muscle tissue, clean the blood of free radicals, and even boost emotional resilience. To maximize the benefits, it's recommended to wait at least 60 to 90 minutes after waking up before consuming caffeine, allowing your body to naturally reset cortisol and melatonin levels. Overall, incorporating cold showers into your morning routine can be a simple yet effective way to improve your overall health and well-being.

    • Start your day with small practices for better well-beingCold showers, natural sunlight, and breathwork can boost mood, energy, focus, and reduce stress, leading to a better day and potentially a better life.

      Incorporating small, daily practices into your routine can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. Specifically, starting your day with cold exposure, such as a cold shower, exposure to natural sunlight, and breathwork, can boost your mood, energy levels, and even improve the quality of your workouts. These practices, which cost nothing, can help increase oxygen intake and improve emotional states, leading to a better day and potentially a better life. By making these simple adjustments, you may experience improved focus, reduced stress, and an overall sense of well-being. Try it for a week and see the difference for yourself.

    • Practices to Influence Body's Charge for Better HealthGrounding, cold exposure, breathwork, and sunlight exposure can improve health by regulating body's pH levels. Grounding involves connecting with earth, while tech like PEMF mats or oxygen concentrators can support these practices.

      Human bodies have a charge, and to influence this charge, simple and natural practices such as grounding, cold exposure, breathwork, and sunlight exposure can have significant positive effects on our health. These practices, which are free and easily accessible, can help regulate our body's pH levels and improve our overall well-being. Grounding, in particular, involves connecting with the earth's surface with bare feet to create a low gas current, leading to various physiological benefits. The speaker personally vouches for the effectiveness of these practices and encourages their regular use, even for those with busy travel schedules. Additionally, using technology like PEMF mats or oxygen concentrators can also support these practices when direct contact with nature is not possible. Overall, incorporating these simple, cost-effective practices into daily life can have a profound impact on our health and well-being.

    • Understanding Health Issues as Nutrient DeficienciesMany diseases are caused by nutrient deficiencies rather than aging or external factors. Focusing on addressing these deficiencies can improve overall health.

      Many common health issues are not caused by aging or external factors, but rather by nutrient deficiencies in the body. The speaker, a former mortality researcher, emphasized that the presence of oxygen is key to good health and that most diseases are actually expressions of nutrient deficiencies. For instance, high homocysteine levels, which are caused by a deficiency in the amino acid trimetal glycine, can lead to hypertension. Similarly, hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland is unable to produce enough thyroid hormones, is often caused by a deficiency in nutrients like selenium and thiamine, which are necessary for the conversion of T4 to T3. The speaker urged that instead of medicating organs for crimes they didn't commit, we should focus on addressing nutrient deficiencies to improve overall health.

    • Many people worldwide are deficient in vitamin D3 and folic acid, leading to potential health issues85% of dark populations and many others suffer from vitamin D3 deficiency, which can mimic rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Folic acid, found in fortified foods, can cause attention disorders in those with a gene mutation, and anxiety can stem from neurotransmitter imbalances, often overlooked in modern medicine

      Many people around the world, including 85% of dark, complexioned populations, are clinically deficient in vitamin D3. This deficiency can lead to symptoms similar to rheumatoid arthritis, and if misdiagnosed, could result in unnecessary corticosteroid use and joint replacements. Additionally, folic acid, a man-made chemical found in fortified or enriched foods, can contribute to attention disorders like ADD and ADHD, especially in those with a common gene mutation called MTHFR, which impairs the body's ability to process folic acid into the necessary methyl folate. Anxiety, another common condition, can also be caused by a buildup of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. These nutrient deficiencies and their consequences are often overlooked in modern medicine, and addressing them through proper nutrition and supplementation can lead to significant improvements in health and wellbeing.

    • Understanding the Impact of Fear on the Body and How to Reduce ItSupplementing with methylated B vitamins, methyl B12, folate, and SAM-E can help reduce high levels of chemicals like catecholamines in people with anxiety.

      Our brains respond to fear in the same way, whether the fear is real or imagined. This response, known as the fight or flight response, is triggered by the release of chemicals like catecholamines. People with anxiety have high levels of these chemicals. To help bring these levels down, supplementing with methylated B vitamins, methyl B12, folate, and SAM-E can be beneficial. These supplements provide the body with the raw materials it needs to break down neurotransmitters. For more information, people can visit Gary Breca's website, theultimatehuman.com, where they can take a genetic test to find nutrient deficiencies and sign up for a free newsletter. Additionally, following Gary Breca on Instagram @garybreca is a great way to learn about various ways to improve overall health and wellness.

    • Exploring alternatives for savings, health, and firearmsDiscover Henry firearms for gun enthusiasts, diversify savings with Birch Gold Group, fast for weight loss and health, and obtain essential nutrients through diet or supplements.

      Henry firearms, made in America and backed by a lifetime satisfaction guarantee, offer high-quality options for gun enthusiasts. Meanwhile, protecting savings during tumultuous economic times can be achieved through diversification with gold from Birch Gold Group. Fasting, an ancient practice, can lead to weight loss and improved health, as our bodies become more efficient at using stored energy sources. Essential nutrients, such as essential fatty acids and essential amino acids, must be obtained through diet or supplementation, while carbohydrates are not essential for life. Fasting has been practiced for centuries for both religious and health benefits, allowing the body to burn stored energy sources and become more efficient.

    • Recycling senescent cells for energy during fastingFasting triggers autophagy, a process that cleans the body of inefficient cells and lowers blood sugar levels, potentially reducing the risk of health issues like Alzheimer's.

      When our body runs out of available glycogen for energy after about 24 hours of fasting, it begins to break down and recycle senescent cells for energy through a process called autophagy. This not only helps the body clean itself of inefficient cells but also lowers blood sugar levels. Interestingly, high blood sugar levels have been linked to various health issues including Alzheimer's, which is now considered type 3 diabetes. Fasting, particularly a three-day water fast, can help clear the brain of waste products and improve mental clarity. While it may seem counterintuitive, even during fasting, the body can still access energy through the breakdown of senescent cells and, in the case of a water fast, from the caffeine in a cup of black coffee.

    • Effective Blood Sugar Management with Berberine and MetforminBerberine, a natural supplement, may outperform Metformin in reducing hemoglobin A1C, improving quality of life. Other supplements like NAD, NMN, resveratrol, and collagen also help. Protect muscle mass with peptides during weight loss.

      Managing blood sugar effectively is crucial for leading a good quality life, as discussed. Berberine, a natural supplement derived from a plant, and Metformin, a commonly prescribed pharmaceutical, are both glucophages that help control blood sugar. However, clinical studies suggest that berberine may perform better than metformin in reducing hemoglobin A1C, the three-month average of blood sugar levels. The speaker is a strong advocate for berberine and has seen positive results in his own life and in his clients. Other supplements mentioned include NAD, NMN, resveratrol, and collagen. The speaker also discusses the importance of protecting muscle mass while losing weight, suggesting the use of peptides like sermorelin acetate in conjunction with weight loss methods. Overall, the key takeaway is that managing blood sugar effectively, through natural supplements or medical interventions, can significantly improve one's quality of life.

    • Supplements for Health and LongevityResveratrol, NAD-like supplements, and collagen peptides can improve cardiovascular health, increase energy production, enhance skin health, and potentially slow down aging.

      Certain supplements, such as resveratrol, NAD-like supplements (nicotinamide riboside, nicotinic acid, or NMN), and collagen peptides, can contribute to various health benefits including improved cardiovascular health, increased energy production, and enhanced skin health. Resveratrol, specifically pi-ceed resveratrol, can help increase blood flow, lower blood pressure, and even lengthen telomeres, a sign of aging reversal. NAD-like supplements, which cannot be taken orally as the molecule itself, can raise NAD levels naturally and improve energy production within the cells. Collagen peptides, particularly types 2, 3, 5, and 9, can help repair skin, improve elasticity, and even promote the production of new blood vessels. These supplements, when used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, can contribute to overall health and wellness, and potentially even slow down the aging process.

    • Optimizing Health: Essential Nutrients and Supportive PracticesDiscover your body's needs, supplement wisely, maintain an active lifestyle, and incorporate self-care practices for optimal health.

      Optimizing one's health involves providing the body with essential nutrients and engaging in practices that support its natural functions. The speaker, Gary Brukman, shares his personal experience of taking collagen daily, which he believes contributed to his not losing hair during chemotherapy. He also mentions the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle, including working out and using a sauna, which may have helped his body fight off the pernicious effects of the chemo. Brukman encourages listeners to find out what their bodies are deficient in and supplement accordingly, rather than blindly taking supplements. He also credits a conversation with Dana White for introducing him to the practice of cold plunging, which he believes can have a transformative impact on one's life. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of taking care of one's health through a holistic approach that includes proper nutrition, physical activity, and self-care practices.

    • Small changes for big impact on well-beingWaking up at the same time, avoiding electronics before bed, and practicing gratitude can significantly improve mental and emotional health.

      Small changes in daily habits and mindset can have a significant impact on overall well-being. Gary Breca shared his personal experience of overcoming depression and sleep issues by implementing simple life hacks. These hacks included waking up at the same time every day, avoiding electronics before bed, and practicing gratitude. Breca emphasized that these changes didn't require a lot of time or effort but had transformed his life. He encouraged listeners to give them a try and offered his support and welcome return to the show for those interested in further discussion. Overall, the episode underscored the importance of prioritizing self-care and making intentional choices to improve mental and emotional health.

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    Get weekly tips from Gary Brecka on how to optimize your health and lifestyle routines - go to https://www.theultimatehuman.com/ For more info on Gary, please click here: https://linktr.ee/thegarybrecka Order The 1 Genetic Test That Will Give You Results For Life Here: ⁠⁠⁠https://10xhealthnetwork.com/pages/genetic-testing?utm_source=gbrecka⁠⁠ Get The Supplements That Gary Recommends Here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://10xhealthnetwork.com/pages/supplements?utm_source=gbrecka Sign up for 10X Health Affiliate Program https://10xhealthsystem.com/GBaffiliate ECHO GO PLUS HYDROGEN WATER BOTTLE https://echoh2o.com/?oid=19&affid=236 BODY HEALTH - USE CODE ULTIMATE10 for 10% OFF YOUR ORDER https://bodyhealth.com/ultimate Do you go to bed physically exhausted but have trouble sleeping because your mind races all night? Do you ever feel like you have food allergies but the symptoms are inconsistent? Gary Brecka is diving into the common gene mutation MTHFR and how it can lead to anxiety, gut issues, and mood problems for up to 44% of the population! We’re diving into the steps you can take to combat it and the supplements to help your body perform at it’s best! 00:10 - What is the MTHFR Gene Mutation? ( Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase ) 01:00 - How do you know if you have the MTHFR gene mutation? 03:00 - Top symptoms of MTHFR. 04:30 - What are the best supplements to treat it? 06:40 - What it means when you’re waking up bloated in the morning. 08:50 - The BIGGEST STEP EVERY PARENT should take to see a difference in their kid’s behavior. FOLLOW Gary Brecka: @garybrecka The Ultimate Human: @ultimatehumanpod Subscribe on YouTube: @ultimatehumanpodcast The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices