
    Life Looks Different Than I Thought It Would

    enMay 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Validating feelings of sadness and griefIt's crucial to acknowledge and validate emotions, even when societal norms suggest otherwise. Sharing resources and supporting each other through mental health discussions can lead to growth and healing.

      It's important to acknowledge and validate feelings of sadness and grief, even when societal pressures suggest otherwise. The doctor John DeLoney Show emphasizes the importance of mental health discussions and encourages listeners to share resources with each other. The show provides a supportive platform for individuals dealing with various life challenges, offering guidance and companionship. Additionally, the use of technology, such as sending episodes to friends and leaving positive reviews, can help expand the reach and impact of such resources. A light-hearted moment in the conversation revolved around sharing experiences of the worst physical pain, highlighting the importance of storytelling and connection in human interactions.

    • Embracing the full range of emotionsAcknowledge and process emotional pain to heal and grow, rather than dwelling on unrealistic fantasies.

      Experiencing pain and loss is a natural part of life, and learning how to grieve those experiences is essential for personal growth. The speaker shared his own experiences with physical pain, from a tripped over railroad track resulting in a toe injury to undergoing surgeries. He acknowledged that each experience left an impact, but he was able to move on. The concept of grieving was brought up in relation to emotional pain, such as longing for different relationships or circumstances. The speaker emphasized the importance of acknowledging these feelings and allowing oneself to process them, rather than dwelling on unrealistic fantasies. The speaker's wife provided an example of this, as she had grieved the loss of her father and was able to move forward in her life. Overall, the speaker encouraged listeners to embrace the full range of emotions that come with life's challenges and to find ways to heal and grow from them.

    • Everyone's grief is unique and necessaryGrieving is a unique and necessary process, allowing feelings of heartbreak and letting our body catch up to our spirit, not a competition or something to be fixed or compared to others.

      Experiencing grief after a loss, such as a miscarriage, is a unique and necessary process. It's not a competition or something to be fixed or compared to others. Everyone's grief is different and unique, just like a fingerprint. The cultural current may push us to move on and be grateful, but it's important to allow ourselves to feel the heartbreak and let our body catch up to our spirit. Grieving is not a competition, and it's essential to remember that loss is loss. It's okay to sit with the grief for a minute, an hour, a day, or a season. The great therapist, Link, wisely said, "Grief is grief." It's important to remember that there's no right or wrong way to grieve, and it won't provide an answer to all things, but it's a necessary part of the healing process.

    • Finding Solid Ground in GriefAcknowledge and process grief to find meaning and move forward, while honoring the memory of those we've lost.

      Grief provides us with a sense of solid ground after a loss, allowing us to move forward and find meaning. This can come in various forms, such as rituals, ceremonies, or tangible reminders. It's essential to acknowledge and process our grief, rather than suppressing it, to eventually reach a place where our bodies no longer react strongly to the painful memories. However, it's important to remember that the wish for the person or situation we've lost to still be present will never fully disappear. Instead, we can find ways to honor their memory and make meaning of our experiences to help us navigate life's challenges.

    • Challenging the notion that thoughts and feelings control usWe have the power to interrupt and redirect our thoughts instead of being held captive by them. Replace intrusive thoughts with alternative images or mantras, and remember it's okay to shift focus when needed.

      Learning from the discussion about dealing with grief and intrusive thoughts is that we have the power to interrupt and redirect our thoughts instead of being held captive by them. According to David Kessler, author of "Finding Meaning," we are culturally conditioned to believe that our thoughts and feelings control us. However, we can challenge this notion by introducing alternative images and mantras to replace the intrusive thoughts. For instance, if you find yourself thinking about a painful memory, replace it with a happy one. Additionally, having a mantra or positive affirmation can help redirect your thoughts in a more positive direction. Remember, it's not about avoiding the pain or denying the reality of the situation, but rather about choosing which thoughts to focus on and giving yourself permission to shift your attention when needed. The 5 stages of grief, while not a definitive prescription for everyone's experience, can serve as a helpful framework for understanding the complex emotions that come with loss. Ultimately, it's important to remember that you have the power to choose how you respond to your thoughts and feelings, even during the most difficult times.

    • The importance of support during griefSeeking support from loved ones and professionals is crucial for healing from grief, as it helps process difficult emotions and experiences.

      Grief is a complex and uncontrollable process that demands the presence and support of others. While some people may try to avoid reminders of their loss, such as a deceased loved one's belongings or a letter to a child they'll never have, these touchstones can actually be important parts of the healing journey. Grief cannot be managed alone, and seeking out the witness and support of others is essential for the healing process. This may involve sharing difficult emotions and experiences with trusted friends or family members, or seeking the guidance of a mental health professional. Remember, you are not alone in your grief, and reaching out for help and support is a sign of strength.

    • Approaching Relationships with Honesty and UnderstandingFocus on building trust and communication, accept reality, and avoid putting 'diagnostic glasses' on in relationships.

      It's important to approach relationships with honesty and understanding, rather than trying to diagnose or hide the truth. In the discussion, the speaker emphasized the importance of accepting the reality of a situation and working through it, rather than trying to fill the gap between expectations and reality with assumptions or misinformation. This is particularly relevant when dealing with sensitive issues, such as suspected neurodivergence in a partner. The speaker also cautioned against putting "diagnostic glasses" on and looking for disorders everywhere, as this can lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary stress in relationships. Instead, focus on building a strong foundation of trust and communication, and seek out resources and support for both yourself and your partner to better understand and navigate any challenges that come your way.

    • Understanding Communication Challenges in RelationshipsSeeking professional help, such as a marriage counselor with diagnostic capabilities, can provide valuable context and tools for improving communication in relationships, even if a diagnosis is involved.

      Effective communication in relationships can be challenging when individuals have different ways of processing emotions and experiences. In this conversation, the speaker expresses concerns about her husband's perception challenges, lack of empathy, and shutting down emotionally. She acknowledges the need for honesty but also the importance of seeking professional help, specifically a marriage counselor with diagnostic capabilities, to better understand their communication issues. The speaker believes that a potential diagnosis, if accurate, could provide valuable context and tools for improving their relationship, rather than being an excuse. Ultimately, the goal is to find ways to communicate and connect more effectively, regardless of any potential diagnoses. The speaker expresses her openness to the possibility of her husband being on the autism spectrum, emphasizing that love and a willingness to work on communication are essential in a relationship.

    • Focus on skills and seeking help instead of labeling loved onesInstead of defining loved ones by diagnoses, focus on learning new skills and seeking professional help to improve communication and understanding. Each person's differences, including autism or health issues, present unique challenges but also potential assets.

      Instead of labeling a loved one with a diagnosis, focus on learning new skills and seeking professional help to improve communication and understanding. Autism, for instance, may appear as a challenge in social interactions but could potentially be an asset in certain professions. Similarly, individuals with different heights or abilities may face unique challenges, but these differences do not define them. In the case of helping a loved one quit smoking, especially after a health scare, it's essential to have an open and honest conversation about the importance of quitting for their health and the well-being of the family. It's crucial to remember that logic might not always be enough to address emotional issues, and sometimes, empathy and patience are the keys to making progress.

    • Having difficult conversations with loved ones about end-of-life mattersExpress love and gratitude, initiate with a letter, and have the conversation before it's too late.

      Having difficult conversations with loved ones, especially those related to end-of-life matters, can be terrifying but necessary. These conversations may not be caused by anything you've done, but they become essential for finding peace and closure. It's important to recognize that these conversations are about love and grace, not power struggles. If you have a good relationship with your father, expressing your love and gratitude to him regularly is a great starting point. The conversation may be challenging, but it's a necessary part of the journey towards accepting the reality of mortality. Writing a letter and reading it to him face-to-face could be an effective approach to initiating the conversation. Remember, it's better to have the conversation before it's too late.

    • Expressing love in difficult timesExpressing love through unconventional methods can deepen connections and create meaningful memories, even during hardships. Recognizing and appreciating a loved one's value is crucial, especially during challenging times.

      Expressing love and appreciation to a loved one, even in difficult circumstances, can lead to beautiful experiences and meaningful connections. Using unconventional methods, like having a child write a letter or sharing a photograph, can make these moments even more impactful. These actions may not always result in the desired outcome, but the effort put into expressing love can lead to personal growth and important memories. Additionally, it's essential to recognize and appreciate the value of a loved one, even when they may be going through challenging times.

    • Finding Joy in the Present MomentEmbrace simple pleasures, avoid harmful habits, focus on the present, and make positive choices for well-being.

      The speaker is expressing a desire to live in the moment and find joy in simple pleasures, such as music and socializing, while avoiding harmful habits like smoking and excessive drinking. However, the speaker acknowledges that change can be difficult and that letting go of past experiences can be challenging. Ultimately, the speaker encourages the audience to focus on their current situation and make positive choices for their well-being. Despite facing obstacles and setbacks, the speaker remains hopeful and expresses love and support to those around them.

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    Subscribe for the latest episodes, and follow us on social media for podcast updates, artist spotlights, Spotify playlist recommendations, wellness services, inspirational quotes, and more!

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    Dating In Religion: Naïve and Unrealistic Dating Advice
    DATING & LIFE COACHING SERVICES CONTACT: pursuingcompatibility@gmail.com

    DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/pursuecompatibility?locale.x=en_US

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    Check out more episodes at https://transformupodcasts.com

    Dating In Religion I Naive and Unrealistic Dating Advice I Relationship Advice I Dating Tips I Relationship Advice I Finding Compatibility I Dating Skills I Compatibility In Relationships I Psychology I Life Coach I Red Flags I Faith and Dating

    00:00 - 01:00 - FUNNY Intro
    01:00 - 05:43 - Spiritual and Religious Journeys - Raised Sheltered
    05:43 - 20:43 - Naive Guidance Was Given Religion - Bad Dating Advice
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    CONTACT: pursuingcompatibility@gmail.com

    Annamarie and her guest reviews thoughts of dating in religion, unrealistic guidance in current dating.

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    Follow us on Instagram @alottocoverpod
    Email us at alottocoverpod@gmail.com

    Resources from this week's episode:

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    We cover:


    • Sigi’s own story with body image and yo-yo dieting

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    • How to tune in and find comfort within your body

    • The link between body image and food

    • The flow on effect of yo-yo dieting to your moods

    • The balance of loving your body as it is AND desiring to change it

    • The importance of patience & flexibility when it comes to training & exercise

    Sig is passionate about educating women to shape sustainable living - mind and body - that is based on science and not trends. 


    Her coaching is your one stop health solution to ending yo-yo dieting, build body confidence and empower you to achieve what's possible in life.


    Connect with Sig here on instagram

    Connect with me on instagram (gemmaehanley) or on www.gemmahanley.com