
    About this Episode

    Life on a budget is good! Whether it’s a financial or food budget, it’s empowering, freeing, calming and exciting! It changes the way you think and dream – and the decisions you make in response to those thoughts and dreams. “CentsAble” Bobbi compares budgeting to dieting and shares ideas for using both to reach your goals.

    If you’re restricting your spending today, it’s for a specific spending purpose tomorrow or somewhere in the future. A budget is simply a breakdown of your money and a plan for how you want to spend it.

    Life on a budget doesn’t mean you have less money, it just means you’re choosing to only spend a certain amount for one thing, so you have enough to spend on another – as opposed to just spending because there’s still money in your bank account. That’s mindless spending, and it causes a lot of stress down the line, when you realize there are still other things you need to pay for, which you didn’t think about in the moment, and there’s no money left.

    The beauty of the budget is simply that it keeps track of all those other things you need to pay for, so you make financial decisions with less stress. And you can use it to hit your financial goals like paying off debt, saving for a vacation, anything you want! This is why I love budgeting!

    Budgets are not a one-size fits all! They’re very personal, and should reflect your values and goals, as much as your wants and needs. The budget that works for one may not work for another; there is no right or wrong when it comes to your budget – it’s purpose is to help you achieve your best life!

    Life on a budget! Try it! You might like it!

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