
    About this Episode

    I am so blessed to have on my show today, the author of Energy Healing for Empaths. Being an empath myself and having multiple energy vampires come in and out of my life over time, this was a topic I was very passionate to discuss. If you are an empath and you struggle to set boundaries, discover your own power amidst chaos or overcome the energy drain from vampires then definitely listen up.

    I will let Lisa tell you her story but I will tell you a little about her. She is the author of the #1 best-selling book The Art of Psychic Reiki, as well as the book Energy Healing for Empaths. She is Psychic Counselor and Reiki Master Teacher with over 25 years of experience. Lisa has been teaching Reiki for over 20 years and has trained over 1000 people in Reiki and has done over 15,000 individual sessions. She is also the host of the radio show and podcast, The Miracle of Healing on Empower Radio. She specializes in training emerging psychics, empaths and healers to that they can fully step into their gifts since the world needs all the healers that it can get!

    In this interview we will cover:

    1.    Lisa's story.

    2.    What an empath is and how you may discover if you are one.

    3.    Some people see being empathic as a curse. However, you specify that it is a gift. I am very glad to be empathic but it does come with its own set of challenges. Lisa will explain her reasoning behind this.

    4.    An empath is naturally an overgiver and can be prone to empath overload. How empaths can stop themselves from getting into a cycle of overgiving and overloading.

    5. The importance of setting boundaries when you are an empath.

    6.What an old soul, mid soul and new soul are and where the empaths fit in.

    7.   How to distinguish between other peoples feelings/emotions/thoughts and your own.

    8.    The role that addictions may play in an empaths life?

    9.  What cluster B energy vampires are and how you can protect yourself against them.

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