
    Listen Again - Baratunde Thurston: How To Citizen

    enMarch 26, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Citizenship as ActionThrough inspiring TED Talks, we're encouraged to challenge ourselves, have faith in humanity, and respond to the world's challenges with love and compassion, making us active citizens.

      Citizenship is not just a label, but an action. Baratunde Thurston, a writer, comedian, and political commentator, explores this idea in his podcast "How to Citizen?" He was inspired by the frustration of negative news and the desire to highlight those making a difference. In his TED Talk "How to Deconstruct Racism One Headline at a Time," Thurston discusses the importance of challenging ourselves with influential TED Talks. One such talk is Valerie Core's "Revolutionary Love," which challenges us to respond to the world's challenges with love and compassion. Thurston emphasizes the importance of faith in humanity and the need to reinvest in it for our own well-being. These TED Talks and their messages demand a response and inspire us to be active citizens.

    • Love's transformative power in the face of hateValerie, a spiritual leader, advocates for self-love and loving others as a revolutionary act. After 9/11, she focused on civil rights and social justice, offering a path towards healing and understanding through love and commitment.

      Love, in its various forms, is a powerful force for change and unity in the face of hate and adversity. Valerie, a spiritual leader and civil rights activist, shares her experiences as a Sikh woman who learned to face hate with love at a young age. She advocates for self-love as a revolutionary act, loving others by seeing them as part of us, and even loving opponents by tending to their wounds. After the 9/11 attacks, Valerie focused her activism on civil rights and social justice, and her message of love and commitment remains relevant today. In a project of self-government and coexistence, her lessons on love and its transformative power offer a path towards healing and understanding.

    • Seeing beyond opposing viewpointsFocus on empathy and relationships to bridge divides and strengthen democracy, rather than engaging in dangerous or unhealthy ways with those we disagree with.

      Opposing viewpoints don't necessarily mean irreconcilable differences or enemies. Valerie Jarrett encourages us to see beyond the manifestation of pain and hurt that fuel conflict and instead, focus on empathizing with the humanity of those we consider our opponents. This doesn't mean engaging with every opponent in a dangerous or unhealthy way, but rather, committing to the relationships that can help bridge divides and strengthen our democracy. As Baratunde Thurston, our guide for this hour, puts it, we need to learn how to "citizen" - engage constructively and meaningfully with those around us, even when we disagree. It's a challenging but necessary endeavor if we want to move beyond the current polarized climate and build a more inclusive and equitable society.

    • Connecting democracy to real life and encouraging civic engagementTo strengthen democracy, we need to believe in it and actively participate by addressing common challenges in our communities, fostering shared experiences and beliefs through civic religion.

      Democracy requires active participation and belief from its citizens. Eric Luebert, the creator of Civic Saturdays, emphasizes the importance of connecting the idea of democracy to real-life issues and encouraging citizens to see themselves as contributors to their communities. He defines civic religion as a shared system of beliefs and practices that strengthens the democratic process. While faith in democracy is crucial, it's not enough; citizens must also act on their beliefs and engage with their communities to address common challenges. The loss of communal spaces and shared experiences has made it harder for people to understand their interconnectedness and the impact of their actions on society. Despite these challenges, Luebert remains optimistic about the potential for citizens to come together and revive their belief in democracy.

    • Creating Earth's first mass multiracial democratic republicNonviolent resistance, including boycotts, strikes, and alternative media, can be effective tools for challenging powerful opponents and promoting societal change

      We are currently attempting something unprecedented in human history: creating Earth's first mass multiracial democratic republic. This ambitious project, which involves democracy, multiracial representation, and a republic, has never been achieved at scale before. While it's a challenging endeavor, it's essential to acknowledge our progress and continue striving for improvement. Nonviolent resistance, as Jamila Rakib, the executive director of the Albert Einstein Institution, emphasizes, can be a powerful tool for change. It's not a sign of weakness but a strategic approach that can disrupt an opponent's sources of power through various methods, such as boycotts, strikes, and alternative media. Protests are important for demonstrating public support for change, but they don't necessarily lead to fundamental transformation. By understanding the full range of nonviolent actions, we can effectively challenge powerful opponents and work towards creating a more equitable society.

    • Nonviolent protests and organizing: Powerful tools for changeNonviolent protests and organizing can galvanize masses, share info, and exercise power, but require strategy, training, and clear objectives. Impact seen in historic movements and modern digital actions. Line between nonviolence and destructive actions blurry, debate ongoing.

      Nonviolent protests and organizing, though often criticized for not directly changing systems, are powerful tools for galvanizing masses, sharing information, and exercising power. Nonviolence requires strategy, training, and clear objectives, and its impact can be seen in both historic movements and modern digital actions. However, the line between nonviolent protest and destructive actions like looting can be blurry, and the debate surrounding their impact on peaceful protests is ongoing. Ultimately, the context of systemic inequalities and the emotional toll of societal issues can lead to a combustible situation, where both peaceful and destructive actions occur.

    • Understanding and healing through civic actionsEngaging in civic actions, even in challenging circumstances, can lead to understanding, healing, and revolutionary love. Black women's history of survival and organizing inspires us to address pressing issues.

      Engaging in civic actions, even in the face of adversity and violence, can lead to understanding, healing, and revolutionary love. The speakers at the TED Radio Hour emphasized the importance of tending to opponents' wounds and understanding the root causes of actions. Morgan Dixon and Vanessa Garrison, founders of Girl Trek, shared how black women's history of survival and organizing can inspire us to address pressing issues, such as the health crisis disproportionately affecting black women. The acts of peaceful protest and self-care can serve as powerful tools for change and healing.

    • Encouraging community walks to combat preventable heart disease in black womenGirl Trek empowers black women to prioritize physical health and community through community walks, fostering healing and collective strength.

      Morgan Dixon and Vanessa Garrison, founders of Girl Trek, are addressing the disproportionately high rate of preventable heart disease among black women in America by encouraging community walks. This simple yet powerful solution not only promotes physical health but also fosters a sense of community and collective strength. The trauma and pain experienced by black women throughout history can manifest in health outcomes, making it crucial to process and heal in a healthy and constructive way. Girl Trek serves as a lifeline for women, providing support and empowering them to take control of their bodies and lives. The community walks are a civic and life-affirming act, defying the forced individualism of society and encouraging collective strength. By starting their talks with their names, Dixon and Garrison honor the unique identities and experiences of black women, emphasizing the importance of self-expression and individuality within a larger community.

    • Lessons from a multitalented mother shape her son's understanding of citizenshipAcknowledge and learn from personal traumas and histories, extend humanity to others, challenge unjust systems, and embrace a bigger narrative for growth and connection.

      Our experiences and the lessons we learn from those who raised us shape our understanding of citizenship and the world around us. Arneita Lorraine Thurston, a multitalented woman who faced adversity but acknowledged her mistakes, served as a powerful model for her son Beritunde. Her implicit lessons taught him to acknowledge and learn from his own traumas and histories, extend humanity to others, and challenge systems that don't serve us. Beritunde encourages us all to level up by letting go of limiting stories and embracing a bigger narrative that fosters connection and understanding among people. This process of growth and transformation is crucial for creating a better reality for all.

    • Staying Committed to Civic EngagementEngage in the political process, treat those we elect as if they work for us, and remember that everything is political.

      Civic engagement is crucial in shaping the world we want to live in. It's not just about attending meetings or signing petitions, but also about having an internal compass and staying committed. We can't blindly trust those in power or opt out of the political process. Baratunde Thurston, a writer, comedian, and political commentator, emphasizes the importance of contending for power in our system and being engaged in it, as someone else might be if we're not. He encourages us to treat those we elect as if they work for us and to remember that everything is political in some way. So, let's stay committed to our values and engage in the political process to create the world we desire.

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