
    Listener Mail: Crab Faces, Anus Myths and More

    enMarch 08, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • The role of AI in shaping industries and the evolution of an aquatic mail botAI is revolutionizing industries and Carney, a fictional aquatic mail bot, exemplifies the power of imagination and continuous evolution in technology and mythology

      Artificial intelligence is expected to play a significant role in shaping the future across various industries. From healthcare and retail to entertainment and personal computing, AI is transforming our world today and creating a more accessible tomorrow. Meanwhile, in a different realm, an aquatic humanoid mail bot named Carney has evolved to process listener feedback in a unique way. This fictional character from the podcast "Stuff to Blow Your Mind" has acquired webbed feet and gills, possibly for cooling purposes. Listeners shared fascinating stories, including one about the Muska culture in Colombia, which believed that their shamans could transform into aquatic humanoids with fish tails and other animal features. These myths suggest that the idea of aquatic humanoids is often associated with a sense of superiority and serenity. Overall, these discussions highlight the power of imagination and the continuous evolution of technology and mythology.

    • Why haven't aquatic creatures evolved to human-level intelligence?Evolution favors physical adaptations over intelligence due to energy requirements and long development periods. Social structures and tool use might have contributed to human intelligence.

      There are various reasons why aquatic creatures have not evolved to the level of intelligence seen in humans. Robert and Joe discussed how evolution favors physical adaptations over intelligence, as brains are energy-intensive and require a long development period. They also suggested that tool use and social dynamics might have played a significant role in the evolution of human intelligence. The lack of complex social structures in most aquatic species could be a reason why they have not evolved to be as intelligent as humans. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the intriguing idea of an aquatic humanoid with a fishtail or penis coming from it, but couldn't find any information on it and expressed a desire to learn more. Overall, the conversation touched on the evolution of intelligence, the role of physical adaptations, and the potential influence of social dynamics and tool use on the development of advanced intelligence in certain species.

    • Tool use and technology in underwater environmentsDolphins use marine sponges for foraging, but the physics of resistance and buoyancy might not allow the same tool-developing regimes as above water. Fire, instrumental in human technological society, couldn't exist underwater.

      The use of tools and the development of technology would have different dynamics underwater compared to on land. Dolphins using marine sponges for foraging is an example of tool use in an aquatic environment. However, the physics of resistance and buoyancy in underwater environments might not allow the same types of tool-developing regimes as above water. Furthermore, the question of whether an underwater intelligence could ever have technology based on fire was raised. While human tool use and intelligence were present before the mastery of fire, fire was instrumental in creating human technological society, which couldn't exist underwater. A listener from Copenhagen shared an interesting fun fact related to the evolution of the anus episode. An old Chinese curse wishes one's hated enemy's descendants to be born without anus for ten generations. In light of the facts presented in the episode, this curse seems unusually cruel. However, it turns out that this curse might not be as terrible as it sounds, as some species of scorpions can lose their anus if they jettison their tail, but they don't necessarily die from it.

    • The Anus: Crucial but Often Overlooked Body PartThe anus, a crucial body part, is often overlooked until it malfunctions, causing significant disruptions. It's essential for certain functions, but when it's not working, it can lead to major issues.

      Just like the scorpion, which needs its stinger for larger prey but can still breed and function without it, our bodies have parts that we often overlook until they malfunction. This was illustrated in a listener's story about the body parts arguing for control, with the anus ultimately taking charge when it stopped functioning. The anus, much like the scorpion's stinger, is crucial for certain functions, but when it's not working, it can cause significant disruptions. This episode touched on the evolution and functionality of the anus but didn't delve into the dimensions of pleasure or other aspects. A listener recommended the book "Lord of Light" by Roger Zelazny, which won the 1968 Hugo Award and explores themes of immortality and the Hindu pantheon. The book's premise of gods ruling a world resonated with the hosts, who often discuss science fiction and fantasy that draws from Western mythologies. It's refreshing to find examples that utilize other mythologies, even if not perfectly executed.

    • Exploring Creativity and Imagination in Literature and ArtDiscover unique blends of Eastern models, sci-fi elements, and mythology in the author's books. Unexpected comparisons and discussions of art simulating human processes ignite creativity and imagination.

      The books by this author offer a unique blend of Eastern models of government and mythology with sci-fi elements, creating an intriguing and imaginative far-future fantasy world. The author's first book, "The Man of Gold," is worth checking out, and it's available on Kindle with striking cover art featuring a yellow bathrobe-wearing figure and a character resembling Jermaine Clement. A discussion about literature led to an unexpected comparison of a story about anus control to a segment in William S. Burroughs' "Naked Lunch." The conversation also touched on a Ho Chunk Legend about the origin of wrinkly anuses. On a lighter note, an art exhibit at the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) in Tasmania, Australia, called "Cloaca" by Belgian artist Wim Delvoy, simulates the human digestive process and defecation through a machine, offering a fascinating exploration of the natural world. Overall, these discussions highlight the endless possibilities for creativity and imagination in literature and art.

    • Inspiration behind unique inventions and product recommendationsDiscover how personal experiences and sponsor products can inspire unique inventions, and find convenient solutions for everyday issues with Astepro, Bartesian, and Symbionica.

      The creation of a unique invention, in this case, a digesting duct, might have been inspired by the artist's personal discomfort or health issues. During our discussion, we also highlighted various sponsor products. Astepro, a nasal allergy spray, was mentioned, which provides fast-acting relief for allergy symptoms. For Mother's Day, Bartesian, a countertop cocktail maker, was suggested as a gift for moms, offering them the convenience of creating premium cocktails at home. Lastly, Symbionica, a brand of all-natural supplements, was introduced, emphasizing their great taste and effectiveness. Overall, we explored various topics, from intriguing theories about invention inspirations to practical solutions for everyday issues.

    • Ancient Egyptian practice of Weprompet involves sharing stories, food offerings, and symbolic acts, including using honeyThe ancient Egyptian practice of Weprompet offers a unique way for individuals to connect with traditions, express emotions, and engage in symbolic acts using honey as a common food offering.

      The ancient Egyptian practice of Weprompet, celebrated when the sun rises before the star Sirius, involves sharing stories, food offerings, and symbolic acts. Honey is a common food offering due to its association with the god Re and the color gold. Modern practitioners may engage in activities like writing frustrations on clay pots, defiling them, and smashing them to symbolically subdue negative energies. Honey, as "bee barf," adds humor to the practice. Jen, a listener, shared her appreciation for the show and her love for gardening and bees, which led her to create a watercolor painting with an honest label for a honey jar. This practice, while the origins may not be historically established, provides a unique way for individuals to connect with ancient traditions and express emotions.

    • Understanding the full context of practices like meditationDecoupled experiences can still be valuable, but integrating practices into a larger spiritual framework can lead to deeper understanding and growth.

      While there are various ways to approach practices like meditation, it's essential to recognize the full context and potential benefits. For instance, using a honey dipper might seem like a simple task, but it's a highly specialized device with a rich history. Similarly, meditation apps and secular practices can offer surface-level benefits, but integrating them into a larger spiritual practice, like Buddhism's Eightfold Noble Path, can lead to deeper understanding and growth. However, it's also important to acknowledge that decoupled experiences can still be valuable and worthwhile. As Jiryu, an ordained Zen Buddhist priest, noted, removing the engine from a car still allows it to function, but it won't move the vehicle without the rest of the car. Ultimately, the value of practices depends on the individual's goals and motivations.

    • Exploring various forms of meditation and spiritual practicesExploring different meditation and spiritual practices can lead to growth and transformation, even if one moves on to deeper practices or beliefs.

      There is value in exploring various forms of meditation and spiritual practices, even if one may eventually grow bored or move on to deeper practices. The existence of multiple versions of these practices across religions and outside of religious contexts highlights their versatility and accessibility to individuals with varying beliefs and preferences. Moreover, the discussion touched upon the romantic poem "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The poem's themes of self-love and connection with nature, even in the face of death and isolation, demonstrate the transformative power of these practices. The mariner's experience of finding kinship and love for previously despised creatures, leading to his spiritual liberation, serves as a powerful reminder of the capacity for growth and redemption. Jess, a listener, shared her insightful interpretation of the poem, emphasizing the mariner's journey towards self-love and connection with nature, ultimately resulting in his spiritual freedom. This connection between spiritual practices, self-discovery, and the natural world serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative potential within us all.

    • Adaptations of rodents in Israeli desertTwo rodent species, fat sand rat and spiny golden mouse, have unique adaptations to survive in the Israeli desert's extreme conditions. The fat sand rat excretes salt crystals and has high salt urine, while the spiny golden mouse adds freshwater snails to its diet for water balance.

      Nature provides fascinating solutions for surviving in extreme environments. This was highlighted in a listener's email about two rodent species in the Israeli desert that have adapted to a high salt diet. The fat sand rat excretes salt crystals from salty leaves and has the ability to excrete urine with 9% salt concentration. The spiny golden mouse adds freshwater snails to its diet to balance its water intake. These adaptations allow these rodents to thrive in an environment where water is scarce. Another listener shared their appreciation for the episode on sea snakes and the magic of observing these creatures underwater. Additionally, they connected the experience to a poem about the love for slimy things. Lastly, a listener expressed their enjoyment of the recent "From the Vault" episodes on the science of Frank Herbert's Dune and the memories it brought back. Overall, these stories showcase the wonders of nature and the human connection to it.

    • Exploring the truth in outdated theoriesOld theories may not be entirely accurate, but they can provide valuable insights when reevaluated through a modern lens. Continued curiosity and exploration are essential in historical research.

      Our perception of historical theories, even those considered outdated or incorrect, can sometimes hold a grain of truth when viewed through a modern lens. This was evident in the discussion about the miasma theory and the discovery of radon gas. Additionally, the importance of continued curiosity and exploration in historical research was emphasized through the story of Sarah's high school teacher and her theory about the terracotta warriors of the first Chinese emperor. While the theories may not have been entirely accurate, the desire to understand the past and the connections that can be drawn between old and new knowledge is a valuable aspect of historical inquiry.

    • Ancient Chinese belief in immortality and afterlife led to creation of terracotta soldiersThe ancient Chinese belief in immortality and the afterlife influenced the creation of terracotta soldiers as companions for rulers in the afterlife, with some theories suggesting it may have been an alternative to human sacrifice or influenced by funeral customs like jade armor.

      The ancient Chinese belief in immortality and the desire for an afterlife led to the creation of terracotta soldiers to accompany their rulers in the afterlife. This theory is debated, as some believe it may have been an alternative to human sacrifice. The Chinese funeral custom of entombing the dead in jade armor is also discussed as a possible influence. Overall, the fascination with immortality and the afterlife played a significant role in ancient Chinese culture. If you're interested in learning more, check out the "Jade Immortality" episode featuring Christian for a deeper dive into Chinese funeral customs and beliefs.

    • Was the Samurai Crab the Inspiration for Samurai Masks?Michelle's theory suggests that samurai crabs might have influenced the design of samurai masks due to their symmetrical face structures, but it's more likely that the masks came first and shaped the perception of the crab.

      The connection between the samurai warrior's mask and the samurai crab may not be as straightforward as it seems. Michelle, a listener, proposed an intriguing theory that the artists who created the samurai masks might have been inspired by the natural symmetry and stylized face structure of the samurai crab. This theory challenges the traditional understanding that the masks influenced the depiction of the crab. Both the samurai masks and the samurai crab share similarities in their facial structures, with lobes resembling eyes and a central structure resembling a nose and mouth. While it's also possible that the artistic tradition influenced both the masks and the perception of the crab, the size and perceived fearsome nature of the crab make it less likely that it served as the primary inspiration for the samurai masks. Nonetheless, this theory adds to the ongoing conversation about the intriguing connection between these two seemingly unrelated entities.

    • The origin of samurai crab faces - nature or nurture?Exploring the relationship between crab faces and their origins, we consider the possibility of natural causes or artificial selection. The debate highlights the importance of questioning assumptions and considering alternative perspectives.

      The relationship between the samurai crabs and their distinctive faces, as depicted in various traditions, could have gone both ways - either the crabs established the faces through natural means or the faces influenced the crabs through artificial selection. This idea was inspired by a Japanese pro wrestler named Gran Naniwa, who wore a crab-like mask and performed moves mimicking a crab walk. The debate of which way caused the other is an interesting question that highlights the importance of considering alternative perspectives when examining correlations. Additionally, listener Kevin suggested a potential solution to the issue of invasive green crabs through selective breeding to make them larger and more desirable as a food source. However, the complications and long-term investment required for this plan make it less likely to be implemented. Skye, another listener, praised the episode for its connections to various topics and mentioned the difference in perspective while playing role-playing games, which also relates to the idea of considering alternative perspectives. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of questioning assumptions and exploring alternative possibilities.

    • The impact of video games on our behavior and mindsetPlaying video games can lead to lasting changes in our behavior and mindset, as shown by heightened awareness and lingering emotions from roles and gameplay dynamics.

      The way we engage with video games and the roles we play within them can have lasting impacts on our behavior and mindset, even after we've stopped playing. Sky shared an experience of playing the game "Insider," where she found herself constantly analyzing communication and interpreting words due to her repeated role as the insider. This heightened awareness followed her long after the game was over. Similarly, Robert noted that the feeling of mischievousness retained after playing as a werewolf in "Werewolf" seems to be influenced by the outcome of the game. It's intriguing to consider how the dynamics of winning and losing might shape the intensity and duration of these "Proteus effects." Additionally, the way we frame the gameplay experience could potentially influence the emotions and feelings that linger. For instance, considering werewolves as the last members of their species fighting for survival could alter the way players perceive their actions and the aftermath. These examples illustrate the profound connection between the virtual world and the real world, and the potential for video games to shape our thoughts and behaviors beyond the gameplay itself.

    • Study reveals dogs can deceive for personal gainDogs can deceive humans for personal gain, as shown in a study where they led partners to empty containers. Implications for animal detection purposes.

      Animals, including dogs, are capable of deception for personal gain. This was highlighted in a study published in the journal Animal Cognition, where dogs were found to lead human partners to empty containers if they believed the human partner would not share the food with them. This discovery could have implications for various uses of animals for detection purposes, as it shows that if the parameters are not set correctly, the animals may deceive handlers. Additionally, the discussion touched on the discomfort of learning information that contradicts deeply held beliefs, especially when growing up in an environment that prioritizes religion over science. Kennedy, a listener, shared how the podcast has helped her navigate these uncomfortable realizations and gain a better understanding of the world.

    • Examining beliefs criticallyCritically examining beliefs, including religious ones, can lead to growth and new perspectives. Science provides factual knowledge, but doesn't answer all existential questions. Adopt skepticism, not to discard all beliefs, but to adjust them when necessary.

      Challenging our comfort zones and critically examining our beliefs, even if it makes us uncomfortable, is an important and rewarding process. It allows us to grow and gain new perspectives. This can be applied to various aspects of life, including religious beliefs, where science and spirituality can coexist. The scientific approach may not answer all existential questions, but it can provide factual knowledge. It's essential to remember that adopting scientific skepticism doesn't mean discarding all beliefs and meaning structures. Instead, it encourages us to examine them critically and adjust them when necessary. The host emphasizes that their show does not aim to promote throwing out all beliefs and meaning structures, but rather to encourage critical thinking and examination when facts contradict beliefs.

    • Focus on what brings happiness and peaceConsider letting go of things that don't bring joy or value, and explore resources and opportunities for a happier life.

      If something in your life doesn't bring you peace and happiness, consider letting it go. The speakers emphasized the importance of prioritizing what brings joy and value to your life. They encouraged listeners to engage with them through social media or email, and mentioned various sponsors and partners. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily was highlighted as a source for authentic black voices and stories, while Visible was touted as a transparent and affordable wireless option. Zumo Play was presented as a free streaming platform with a diverse range of entertainment options. Overall, the message was to focus on what brings happiness and peace, and to explore the resources and opportunities available to enhance your life.

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    Show Notes:

    Now AI Takes on Writing Death Metal, Country Music Hits, More - CDM article about music written with artificial intelligence.

    Hazel Savage on the Music Production Podcast - Hazel talks about how her company Musiio is intelligently categorizing music.

    Paul Zgordan on the Music Production Podcast - Paul discusses Mubert, which is creating AI generated music from samples.

    Jonathan Bailey on the Music Production Podcast - Jonathan explains how Izotope is using AI to help us make music.

    GLITCH DRUMS - Ableton Live and Sample Pack featured in the intro music to this episode.

    Save 25% on Ableton Live Packs at the My Store with the code: PODCAST

    Thank you for listening. Please consider giving the Music Production Podcast a review on your favorite podcast provider. And don’t forget to visit my site BrianFunk.com for music production tutorials, videos, and sound packs.

    Brian Funk

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    Accelerating AI

    Artificial intelligence is quickly growing in the technology world today. Google and Microsoft have invested heavily in AI. Does AI live up to the hype around it? Will the building blocks of AI transform from hype to reality?

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    • The Growth of AI – Will AI transform from hype to reality? AI, as Steve says, is in the “grind it out” phase, and is being crafted for real-world application. While it hasn’t had a “Ta-Dah” moment yet, it will be another year of progress for AI as it builds upon itself.
    • Transitioning into the Cloud – With the recent transition of big things into “the cloud,” the focus has become all about accessibility. Whether it’s AI or the cloud, it’s about being smart with the technology in creating solutions. It’s about having adaptable services and experiences.
    • Into Rural America - Around 14-15% of homes in America don’t have broadband. The lack of subscriptions is not only due to internet connectivity but also from the lack of a connection shared by the people and tech companies due to culture and livelihood. How do we, as the tech community, help these rural areas? It takes individual efforts that eventually expand.


    If you want to be more knowledgeable for the new year on AI, the cloud, and rural America’s broadband issues, hop on over to show to get more expert insights and advice.


    About our Guest: Steve Guggenheimer

    Steve Guggenheimer, the Corporate Vice President of Microsoft’s AI sector, is responsible for creating groundbreaking AI technology and advancing its global presence. Throughout his 26 years at Microsoft, Steve has been involved in key leadership positions, building Microsoft’s hardware and software systems as the head of the OEM division and Developer Evangelism. Steve has also been in product teams for Microsoft’s Windows, Application Platform, Visual Studio, and much more. Before coming to Microsoft, Steve worked on developing and marketing products in the field of lasers at Spectra-Physics Inc. Steve attended the University of California, Davis, where he received a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Physics and received a Master’s Degree in Engineering Management from Stanford University. Steve and his wife run the Guggenheimer Foundation, and he is on the board of directors of Muzik.


    Let’s connect; I am on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter. If we do connect, drop me a note and let me know. The email address is feedback@philmckinney.com, or you can go to PhilMcKinney.com and drop me a note there. If you are looking for innovation support, go to TheInnovators.Network or want to be challenged to develop the next big idea, check out our Disruptive Ideation Workshops. Don’t forget to join our Innovators Community to enjoy more conversations around innovation.