
    Podcast Summary

    • Building Strong Connections: Neighbor to Neighbor and Discovering New InsightsConnecting with neighbors and discovering new insights can lead to stronger communities and personal growth.

      Building strong connections within communities can lead to meaningful social bonds and better preparedness for unexpected events. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on those living around us to create a more connected society. Meanwhile, in a different context, a listener named Adam shared his unique experience of throwing a disc in disc golf, which he believes involves a whip-like motion similar to animals in the wild. This anecdote highlights the various ways we can discover new insights about our own bodies and the natural world. Moreover, in the realm of consumer products, straightforward pricing from AT&T Fiber offers simplicity and transparency, while the Nissan Pathfinder's advanced features make adventures more accessible. Lastly, Stuff to Blow Your Mind's listener mail segment showcases the power of engagement and interaction between listeners and the podcast hosts. In essence, these diverse examples illustrate the importance of community connections, discovering new knowledge, and embracing simplicity and innovation in our daily lives.

    • A listener's experience with the podcast during disc golfListeners find the podcast engaging for long trips and enjoy its relaxed vibe. Some initially assume it's not suitable for solitary activities like disc golf but later find it enhances their experience.

      The listener appreciates the podcast for keeping him engaged during long trips and values the relaxed and chill vibe of the show. He was initially perplexed about the idea of listening to the podcast during a game of disc golf, assuming it to be a solitary activity, but clarified later that he might have confused it with team sports like ultimate Frisbee. The listener also shared his fond memories of playing a specific version of disc golf with an elegant design of holes. In response to the podcast's series on hermit crabs, the listener expressed excitement and anticipation for the upcoming episodes, suggesting that Werner Herzog's documentary on hermit crabs would be a perfect fit due to his extensive filmography and expertise in documentaries.

    • Maternal effect on crab shell handedness and the 'witching hour'Crab shell handedness can be influenced by maternal genetics, and the 'witching hour' may impact various organisms, including plants, and could potentially affect herbicide application times.

      The handedness of shells in crabs, as discussed in the episode, may not be solely determined by the individual crab, but rather influenced by their mother's genetics, a phenomenon known as maternal effect. This was brought up by listener Matt, who shared his biology class learning about snails, where the direction of their shells is genetically decided but the mother's genetics initiate the spiral. This means that a crab or snail could have a shell that is different from their genetic handedness due to their mother's genes. Another intriguing topic Matt suggested was the concept of the "witching hour" or "devil's hour," traditionally believed to be midnight, but now more commonly assumed to be 3 AM. Matt shared his memories of old cartoons and literature associating this hour with supernatural events and the thinning of the veil between worlds. He also mentioned the circadian rhythm, which many organisms, including plants, follow, and suggested research into the effectiveness of applying herbicides based on the time of day. These insights from Matt, along with the discussion of Werner Herzog's documentaries and the mention of the witching hour, serve as intriguing topics for further exploration.

    • Dislike for April Fools' Day due to digital age pranks and disinformationThe speaker suggests limiting April Fools' Day to specific hours to reduce pranks and misinformation, but acknowledges potential downsides and questions the need for the holiday in the digital age.

      The speaker expresses a dislike for April Fools' Day due to the asynchronous nature of pranks in the digital age and the prevalence of disinformation. They suggest limiting the holiday to a specific hour, such as 3-4 AM, to reduce the impact of pranks and misinformation. However, they also acknowledge that this could potentially lead to even worse practical jokes during those hours. Ultimately, they question the need for a day dedicated to pranks and misinformation when there is already an abundance of it online. The speaker also introduces Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, as a beacon of hope in communities.

    • Building strong community connectionsFostering bonds with neighbors leads to mutual support during challenging times. Astepro offers fast-acting relief from nasal allergy symptoms in 30 minutes, while Apple Card rewards everyday purchases with up to 3% cashback.

      Building strong connections within your community can lead to mutual support during challenging times, such as natural disasters or everyday needs. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of fostering these bonds with those around you. On a different note, Astepro, a sponsor of this episode, offers a fast-acting, steroid-free nasal allergy spray for relief from symptoms like congestion, runny nose, sneezing, and itchy nose. Unlike other allergy sprays that take hours to start working, Astepro begins relieving symptoms in just 30 minutes. During our discussion, Rob, the local host, shared his positive experience with Astepro, mentioning its effectiveness in treating his allergy symptoms before leaving the house. Apple Card, another topic covered, offers cashback rewards on everyday purchases, with up to 3% daily cash back on Apple purchases, 2% on all other Apple Card purchases made with Apple Pay, and 1% on all other purchases. Lastly, we received a follow-up message from Jim, a listener, regarding our previous episode on rat kings. While we concluded that they likely occur naturally, Jim expressed skepticism based on his professional experience and the rarity of encountering rat kings in the wild. This conversation highlights the importance of ongoing dialogue and critical thinking in understanding various phenomena.

    • Mystery of Rat Kings: Natural or Man-Made?Rat kings, formed by rats with fused tails, are rare and their origin is debated, with some believing they occur naturally and others suggesting human intervention. The black rat is the species commonly involved. Cold winters might be a factor in their formation.

      The existence of rat kings, which are rats entangled in a way that their tails appear fused together, remains a mystery. While some believe they occur naturally, others argue they are likely the result of human intervention. The species of rat believed to be involved in these phenomena is the black rat (Rattus rattus). The severing of a rat's tail when trapped could be a factor in the formation of rat kings. However, the rarity of rat kings might be due to their occurrence only in areas with cold winters, as most reported cases come from northern Europe. An intriguing connection to this topic is the existence of a metal band, Throneless, from Malmo, Sweden, which uses a rat king as part of its logo. While this might be a coincidence, it adds to the intrigue surrounding these fascinating creatures.

    • Music and the Evolution of GenresMusic genres like synthwave and chiptune have roots in video games and have evolved, retaining their essence while inspiring modern artists. Both music and concepts, such as the rat king, can change and adapt over time.

      Music, like the concept of a rat king, can evolve and transform over time. The rat king, which was once a symbol of a king being served by rats, has now become synonymous with rats with twisted tails. Similarly, music genres, such as synthwave and chiptune, have evolved from their origins in video games and have influenced modern music. For instance, synthwave, though not nostalgic for some listeners, has roots in video game music and continues to inspire artists today. Chiptune, which involves recreating music using the sounds of old video game consoles, is another example of this evolution. Both the rat king and music demonstrate how ideas and concepts can change and adapt over time, while still retaining their essence. Additionally, music, like the various genres discussed, can evoke strong emotions and memories, whether it's the adrenaline rush of NES game soundtracks or the heaviness of stoner doom metal.

    • Listener Fernando suggests 'The Hidden' as an alien buddy cop filmListen to hear about 'The Hidden', a suspenseful 1987 alien movie with Kyle MacLachlan and 'Twin Peaks' cast, suggested by Fernando, and plan to check it out with the hosts.

      Fernando, a long-time listener, recommended the movie "The Hidden" as a noteworthy alien buddy cop film. This 1987 gory and suspenseful movie features Kyle MacLachlan as one of the cops trying to stop alien replicants from committing crimes. The film also includes cast members from "Twin Peaks," such as Michael McDowell, who wrote the screenplay, and Clue Gallagher. The movie seems like a cop variation on "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," with an earthling getting possessed and committing crimes. The podcast hosts, Robert and Joe, plan to check out this film, and listeners are encouraged to continue sending in suggestions for episodes and to leave reviews and ratings to support the show.

    • Building strong community connectionsEmpowering individuals to help neighbors and prepare for disasters, Neighbor to Neighbor fosters community bonds. Affordable wireless with Visible, and luxurious summer getaways at Fairmont Austin.

      Building strong connections within your community can bring about a sense of hope and preparedness in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on those living around you to create meaningful social bonds and prepare for potential natural disasters. This organization empowers individuals to grow their community by lending a helping hand to neighbors in need or standing together during times of crisis. To learn more about Neighbor to Neighbor and how you can help build a more connected community, visit caneighbors.com. Additionally, the future is here with Visible, a wireless company offering a one line plan with unlimited 5G data powered by Verizon, all for just $25 a month. With no hidden fees or surprises, it's a transparent and affordable option for those looking to switch wireless providers. Lastly, for a summer getaway, consider Fairmont Austin, a luxury hotel offering spacious guest rooms, renowned service, and a variety of amenities, including a spa, rooftop pool, and a prime downtown Austin location. With world-class accommodations and a welcoming Texas flair, Fairmont Austin is an ideal home base for exploring the live music capital of the world. Visit fairmontaustin.com for more information.

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