
    “Live, from the Tulsa overflow” (with Jon Stewart!)

    enJune 22, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Races to Watch in New York and Kentucky PrimariesDemocrats face challenges from conservative and progressive candidates in New York and Kentucky primaries, while concerns over vote-by-mail implementation persist.

      The primaries in New York and Kentucky are heating up, with several key races to watch. In New York's 15th district, Democrats are trying to prevent a Trumpy Democrat, Ruben Diaz senior, from winning the primary due to his history of homophobic and anti-choice statements. In the New York 16th, Democratic incumbent Elliot Engel is facing a challenge from progressive school principal Jamal Bowman, who has gained support for his exciting and progressive campaign. In Kentucky, former fighter pilot Amy McGrath and Kentucky's youngest black lawmaker, Charles Booker, are in a tight race to challenge Mitch McConnell. Additionally, the ability of states and municipalities to implement vote-by-mail in time is a concern, especially in New York, where some absentee ballots have yet to be distributed. Overall, these primaries will be important tests for the Democratic Party and the country. Be sure to check out Crooked Media's virtual pride parade on Wednesday to support LGBTQ organizations.

    • Trump's Tulsa Rally: A Major Flop with Only 62,000 PeopleLow attendance at Trump's Tulsa rally due to COVID-19 concerns and campaign's overhyped ticket registrations. Sign of momentum problems for Trump and campaign incompetence.

      The Trump campaign's much-hyped rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, turned out to be a major flop with only 62,000 people showing up, far less than the expected 19,000 inside the venue and 40,000 at an outdoor stage. The low attendance was due to concerns over COVID-19 and the campaign's overhyping of ticket registrations, which were inflated by K-pop fans and TikTok users. The campaign blamed the Tulsa Police Department, Antifa, and the media for the poor turnout, but the underwhelming crowd size is a sign of real momentum problems for Trump and a lack of competence from his campaign team. The event served as a reminder of the ongoing fear and uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus pandemic and the challenges of holding large-scale political rallies during this time.

    • Lower-than-expected attendance at Trump's Oklahoma rallyDespite a small in-person crowd, Trump's Oklahoma rally reached 7.7 million viewers on TV, but the focus on attendance detracted from his message.

      The number of people who attended President Trump's rally in Oklahoma was much lower than expected, with approximately 62-100 people showing up in person. This was a significant departure from the large crowds Trump is known for and has used as a proof point for his support. The lack of attendance drew attention away from the substance of Trump's speech and gave the impression that his base may not be as solid as once believed. Furthermore, the focus on crowd size detracted from the potential impact of the 7.7 million people who watched the speech on television. Ultimately, this event highlighted the challenges the Trump campaign faces in adapting to the realities of campaigning during a pandemic and the importance of having a compelling message to engage voters.

    • Disappointing Tulsa Rally for TrumpFewer attendees than expected, Joni Ernst reconsidering support, Trump's speech focused on grievances, downplayed virus importance, disorganized and inconsistent message

      The Tulsa rally attended by President Trump was a disappointing turnout, with fewer people showing up than expected. This event has raised concerns for at-risk Senate candidates, such as Joni Ernst, who may be reconsidering their level of support for Trump. Additionally, Trump's speech focused more on his grievances and past accomplishments rather than addressing current issues like the recession, unemployment, or the COVID-19 pandemic. His comments downplaying the importance of testing and referring to the virus as the "kung flu virus" have been criticized by the Biden campaign. Overall, the rally did not effectively convey a clear reelection message and instead came across as disorganized and inconsistent.

    • Trump's speech lacked a clear positive vision for reelectionTrump's focus on attacking Biden instead of presenting a compelling vision for his own reelection campaign is damaging and uninspiring.

      During a recent speech, President Trump delivered a negative message about Joe Biden without presenting a clear positive vision for his own reelection campaign. The speech was chaotic and lacked a coherent message, leaving people confused and uninspired. While Trump's speeches in the past had a core message, no such message was present in this speech. The absence of a clear vision and the focus on attacking Biden instead of presenting his own agenda is damaging for Trump's campaign, especially given the current state of the country and the high percentage of people who believe it's heading in the wrong direction. Trump's strategy of painting Biden as a helpless puppet of the radical left is not a substitute for presenting a compelling vision for his own reelection.

    • Republicans Warn of Radical Left Control, Attacks on Biden's Age Unsuccessful, Legal Issue Arises over US AttorneyRepublicans raised concerns about Democratic control leading to chaos, attacks on Biden's age were criticized, and a legal issue arose when Trump tried to replace the US Attorney investigating his allies.

      During a recent speech, Republicans warned that if Democrats gain power, radical leftists would be in control, implying that Joe Biden would be unable to prevent chaos. However, attacks on Biden's age and mental acuity as a campaign strategy were criticized as misleading and ineffective. Meanwhile, a legal issue arose when President Trump attempted to replace the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Jeff Berman, who has been investigating Trump's allies. The attempt was unsuccessful, leading to a brief constitutional crisis. It's important to note that Berman is a registered Republican and has supported Trump in the past, but the ongoing investigations into Trump's associates likely motivated the attempt to remove him.

    • AG William Barr's interference in SDNY investigationBarr tried to replace US Attorney, exposing potential damage to ongoing investigations and undermining DOJ's independence, while Bolton's book release marked a legal victory for transparency

      The Attorney General, William Barr, attempted to interfere in an ongoing investigation led by the Southern District of New York (SDNY) against a Turkish state-owned bank for allegedly violating US sanctions against Iran. This came to light after Barr tried to replace the US Attorney, Geoffrey Berman, with a Trump golf buddy, which was seen as an attempt to protect Trump and undermine the independence of the SDNY. This incident, reminiscent of the "Saturday Night Massacre" during the Nixon administration, highlights Barr's willingness to lie publicly and use the Department of Justice as a tool for Trump's personal and political wars against his enemies. Despite the incompetence displayed, the potential damage to ongoing investigations is significant, and it's crucial for those concerned about law and order to stay vigilant and support candidates in the upcoming elections. Additionally, John Bolton's book release marked a legal victory for transparency, as the courts denied Trump's efforts to block its publication.

    • John Bolton's new book portrays Trump as erratic and unfit for officeBolton's book reveals Trump's lack of foreign policy vision, erratic behavior, and self-interest, adding to evidence of his unsuitability for presidency

      Key takeaway from the discussion on Pod Save America is that former National Security Advisor John Bolton's new book paints a damning picture of President Trump's leadership, with Bolton describing Trump as erratic, foolish, and unfit for office. The excerpts from Bolton's interview with ABC's Martha Radditz suggest that Trump has no foreign policy vision and spends little time learning about critical issues. Bolton also alleges that Trump encouraged China's construction of concentration camps and asked for help on trade to win reelection. These revelations add to the growing body of evidence that Trump is an incompetent leader who puts his personal interests above the country's needs. The interview also highlighted the troubling connection between Trump and authoritarian leaders like Xi Jinping, who have manipulated Trump to further their own agendas. Overall, Bolton's book provides further evidence of Trump's unsuitability for the presidency and underscores the need for a competent and compassionate leader like Joe Biden.

    • Bolton's Account Highlights Trump's Self-Serving Foreign PolicyBolton's revelations expose Trump's prioritization of personal interests and reelection prospects over the national interest, showcasing his disregard for diplomacy complexities and lack of knowledge in negotiations.

      Former National Security Advisor John Bolton's recent revelations about President Trump's foreign policy decisions and motivations add to the growing body of evidence that Trump prioritizes his personal interests and reelection prospects over the national interest. Bolton's lack of knowledge about the substance of negotiations with China, North Korea, and Ukraine, as well as his eagerness to secure deals for photo ops, underscores Trump's disregard for the complexities of diplomacy. Furthermore, the Supreme Court's decision to block the administration's plan to end the DACA program is a legal setback for Trump, who responded by lamenting perceived bias against him. Despite calls for Bolton to testify before Congress, Democrats have not yet invited him to do so, missing an opportunity to further scrutinize Trump's actions. Overall, Bolton's account highlights the chaos and self-serving nature of Trump's foreign policy decision-making.

    • Temporary victory for DACA, but the election mattersThe recent Supreme Court decision to reject the administration's attempt to end DACA is a temporary victory, and the upcoming election is crucial as the next president could shape the court's decisions for a generation.

      The recent Supreme Court decision to reject the Trump administration's attempt to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is a temporary victory, and the necessity to protect the lives of hundreds of thousands of young immigrants underscores the importance of winning the upcoming election. The decision was a result of the administration's incompetence and lack of clear justification, but it does not address the underlying issue of racial animus towards immigrants. The court's decision sidesteps the bigger questions, and the stakes are high for the upcoming election as the next president could appoint new justices, shaping the court's decisions for a generation. The administration could still try to end DACA, and it's crucial to remember that this victory is not based on a deeper liberal philosophy but on the administration's incompetence. It's essential to focus on building a strong legal framework for liberal arguments and acknowledging the importance of the court in shaping future policies.

    • The politics of DACA and the role of the industrial political complexAmericans support Dreamers, but the political landscape is uncertain due to the industrial political complex, which prioritizes money over governing, leading to complex issues like DACA.

      The political landscape surrounding issues like DACA is complex, with mixed signals coming from both the public and political figures. Americans, including a majority of Republicans, support allowing Dreamers to stay and receive legal status. The politics of ending such a popular program, especially during an election year, are uncertain. In the discussion, Jon Stewart shared his thoughts on the role of the "industrial political complex" in the current political climate. He views it as a valuable tool but laments how it often gets tangled up in regrettable ways. Stewart believes that systems, including the political one, tend to grow and propagate the parts that make them the most money, leading to issues like the massive amount of money in the electoral system and the time politicians spend raising funds instead of governing. A constitutional amendment or a new Supreme Court could potentially help address these issues.

    • Breaking the Cycle of DivisivenessTo address the incentive structures in politics and media for a more informed society, progressives need to build alternative structures, including new academic institutions, think tanks, and media outlets prioritizing clarity, authority, and diverse perspectives.

      The current political system, with its permanent campaign and heavy reliance on big donations, perpetuates divisions and entrenches complexes, making it difficult for meaningful problem-solving and informed decision-making. The media landscape, with its conflict-driven business model, further exacerbates the issue. To effect change, it's a generational project that requires addressing the incentive structures in both politics and media. The right has shown success in building alternative structures over the past 60 years, and it's time for progressives to do the same. This will involve creating new academic institutions, think tanks, and media outlets that prioritize clarity, authority, and a diverse range of perspectives. Only then can we hope to break free from the endless cycle of divisiveness and start making progress towards a more informed and equitable society.

    • Right-wing media and institutions sow discord and corrode trustFocus on creating thoughtful disagreements, depth and substance, and building a culture that earns back editorial authority.

      The right-wing media and institutions have been deliberately sowing discord and corroding trust in liberal-leaning institutions for decades, while deflecting criticism and playing the victim. They have used fear and grievance to maintain their power and influence, even when their actions are harmful or divisive. The constant political warfare and reacting to their provocations can be exhausting and unsustainable for those on the progressive side. To build a counterweight, we need to focus on creating thoughtful, honest disagreements and moving beyond the endless cycle of conflict. It's important to recognize that the news media's reaction to social media trends can be superficial and volatile, and we should strive for more depth and substance in our coverage and discussions. Ultimately, we need to disconnect from the noise and focus on building a culture that earns back editorial authority from the audience.

    • The slippery slope of fears and realitiesRecognize worst-case scenarios are better than reality, pursue integrity, and change corrupt systems from within, not reject them.

      The ongoing debate around freedom of speech, victimhood culture, and systemic corruption can be seen as a slippery slope argument where fears of one extreme leading to another are raised. However, it's essential to recognize that the worst-case scenarios painted by some are still better than the reality for many people. Furthermore, those with significant platforms for expression should not use their megaphones to spread fear and victimhood but instead pursue integrity and transparency, even when dealing with corrupt systems. The answer to systemic corruption is not to reject the system but to take it over and change it from within. Ultimately, the younger generation, with its progressive values and activism, should not be discouraged from participating in the political process despite its inherent corrupting nature. Instead, they should strive to insinuate their values into the system and work towards change from within.

    • Political System Overwhelmed by Noise, Need a Fox News for the LeftTo combat right-wing propaganda and prioritize important issues, a Fox News-like platform for clarity and integrity on the left is needed to filter out political noise.

      The political system in Washington is heavily consumed by noise and lacks clarity, with legislative bodies struggling to make rules more manageable and prioritize important issues. The right has effectively built a parallel universe with a well-organized feeder system, but the left is starting to harness authentic grassroots energy. The media plays a significant role in this noise, with Fox News providing effective infrastructure for right-wing propaganda. To counteract this, what's needed is a Fox News-like platform for clarity and integrity on the left. The enemy is not a lack of talented individuals, but rather the overwhelming weight of noise that requires systemic filtering.

    • Jon Stewart's Appreciation for The Daily PodcastJon Stewart's words of appreciation for The Daily podcast can be used as promotional material due to their inspiring nature. The podcast, produced by Crooked Media, features a team including Michael Martinez, Jordan Waller, Andrew Chadwick, Kyle Seglen, Elijah Cohn, Narmel Konian, Gail Fried, and Milo Kim.

      During a recent interview, Jon Stewart expressed his appreciation for the mission of the podcast and mentioned the phrase "love it or leave it" several times. While it's unclear if he was specifically referring to the podcast, his words could be used as promotional material due to their inspiring nature. The podcast, titled "The Daily," is produced by Crooked Media, with Michael Martinez serving as executive producer. The team includes assistant producer Jordan Waller, mixer and editor Andrew Chadwick, and sound engineer Kyle Seglen. The digital team, consisting of Elijah Cohn, Narmel Konian, Gail Fried, and Milo Kim, films and uploads episodes as videos every week. The podcast's team took inspiration from Stewart's work on The Daily Show and wishes him good luck with his new project, Irresistible, which is available on demand and in select theaters starting June 26th.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Pre-order Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps at crooked.com/books or wherever books are sold. Out June 25th.

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    To pre-order Democracy or Else, out June 25th, visit www.crooked.com/books 


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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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