
    Live Q&A With My Texting Community

    enMay 26, 2019
    What does Gary Vaynerchuk say about trusting your gut?
    Why should young people trust their instincts more?
    What factors should be considered when choosing a project?
    How does authenticity impact influencer marketing strategies?
    What aspirations does the speaker have for inspiring youth?

    Podcast Summary

    • Trust your gut instinctsTrusting your gut can lead to better decisions and fewer regrets in life, especially for young people

      Learning from this episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience is the importance of trusting your gut instincts. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized that people often regret not trusting their gut more than trusting their head, especially when they're young. He believes that your gut is a valuable source of information and that you should trust it, even if it goes against what your head may be telling you. Additionally, Gary mentioned that young people should trust their gut more because their heads are often filled with unnecessary influence from external sources. Overall, the episode reinforced the idea that trusting your instincts can lead to better decisions and fewer regrets in life.

    • Consider alignment with passion, potential for success, and happinessFocus on projects that align with your passion, have potential for success, and bring overall happiness. Honesty about motivations and control is crucial.

      When faced with multiple projects or endeavors, it's essential to consider which one aligns best with your passion, potential for success, and overall happiness. The speaker, for instance, felt most connected to his solo project, despite having less control over it, because it was the one he enjoyed the most and believed had the most upside. It's crucial to look beyond short-term success and consider the long-term implications of each project. Additionally, one should be honest about their motivations and potential delusions, as well as the level of control they can realistically have in each situation. Ultimately, the goal is to focus on the project that brings the most joy and fulfillment, even if it comes with challenges.

    • Find your unique edge and reconnect with customersDon't judge past mistakes, reach out to customers to rebuild relationships, and turn setbacks into opportunities for growth

      In today's content-saturated world, the unique quirks and edges we possess are our greatest assets. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his personal experience of burnout and how it led him to refocus and connect with his customers. He emphasized the importance of not judging ourselves for past mistakes and encouraged reaching out to our customer base to rebuild relationships. By doing so, we can turn setbacks into opportunities and start feeling good about ourselves again. Remember, life is more like boxing than basketball - we can have losses, but the key is to win the next fight. So, take inspiration from Gary's story and call your customers today.

    • Excitement about new product release and advice on personal growthIdentify reasons for inaction, overcome it through determination and hard work, and learn from mentors to achieve success.

      The speakers in this conversation are expressing their excitement about a new product release and sharing advice on personal growth. They discuss the importance of taking action towards one's goals, whether it's in business or personal life. Gary Vee encourages the listener to identify the reasons for inaction and overcome it through determination and hard work. He also emphasizes the importance of reaching out to mentors and learning from them. Despite some interruptions and confusion in the conversation, the overall message is clear: to achieve success, one must be motivated, take action, and learn from others.

    • Fear of judgment and societal pressureBelieve in yourself, take action towards your goals, and don't let fear or external pressures hold you back. Good quality equipment can boost confidence, but self-belief is key.

      Fear of judgment, insecurity, and societal pressure can hold us back from pursuing our dreams and passions. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience of wanting to pursue filmmaking but being held back by his mom's disbelief and his own insecurities. He also mentions the importance of having good quality equipment, such as a good camera, in order to feel confident in his work. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of believing in oneself and taking action towards one's goals, even if it means facing challenges and hard work. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of following one's dreams and not letting fear or external pressures hold us back.

    • Overcoming Fear of Judgment and Societal PressureEmbrace fears, take action despite negative opinions, and empower yourself to control your own destiny

      Fear of judgment and societal pressure can hold us back from making important decisions and pursuing our goals. The speaker in this conversation acknowledges his own fears and realizes that many of the things he's scared of have already happened. He encourages the listener to face their fears and take action, even if it means leaving a comfortable situation or dealing with negative opinions from others. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of self-empowerment and not letting external factors dictate our lives. Ultimately, the conversation encourages listeners to break free from their fears and take control of their own destinies.

    • Taking responsibility for one's lifeRecognize personal role in circumstances, make difficult decisions, and seek support for positive change.

      Taking responsibility for one's life is crucial for personal growth. Blaming external factors, such as a difficult upbringing, may provide an easy excuse, but ultimately, it's essential to acknowledge the role each person plays in their circumstances. The speaker encourages taking action, even if it means making difficult decisions and stepping out of comfort zones. He offers financial assistance and encouragement to motivate the listener to leave a toxic environment and start anew. This conversation highlights the importance of accountability, determination, and support in making positive changes in life.

    • Encouraging David's Journey to Self-SufficiencyDavid learned to be more independent through Google and selling items, while the speaker offered encouragement and advice, emphasizing the importance of taking risks and seizing opportunities.

      The speaker encouraged a man named David to become more independent by using resources like Google instead of relying on his mother for support. The speaker also expressed admiration for David's ability to find value in unexpected places, such as selling a toy for a profit. The conversation ended with the speaker learning that David had already made plans to leave his current situation and start a new life in Los Angeles. Throughout the conversation, the speaker expressed enthusiasm and encouragement for David's journey towards self-sufficiency. Additionally, the speaker shared his own experiences and offered advice, emphasizing the importance of taking risks and seizing opportunities. The conversation showcased the power of determination, resourcefulness, and the support of others in overcoming challenges and making positive changes in one's life.

    • Embrace Ambition and PersistenceFocus on staying ambitious and persistent, even when results aren't immediate. Don't let 'but' or 'because' hold you back. Spread positivity and value, and stay focused on goals with patience.

      Consistency and creativity are key to making an impact and achieving success, as emphasized by Gary Vaynerchuk. He urged listeners not to let the words "but" and "because" hold them back, as these words often stem from insecurity. Instead, they should focus on staying ambitious and persistent in their efforts, even if they don't see immediate results. Vaynerchuk shared personal stories of how he has used his platform to inspire and help others, and emphasized the importance of spreading positivity and value in the world. He also highlighted the importance of staying focused on one's goals and staying patient, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. Overall, the message was one of encouragement and motivation to keep pushing forward and believe in the power of consistent effort.

    • From reselling to influencer marketing and making a meaningful impactAuthenticity and proven results matter in influencer marketing. Target local influencers with real followers. Personal upbringing and external influences shape our lives and goals. Aspire to make a meaningful impact like a rock band or early hip hop group.

      Discovering new opportunities and leveraging them can significantly change one's life and perspective. The speaker shares his experience of starting with reselling on the side and using the profits to support his family's business. He emphasizes the importance of authenticity and proven results in influencer marketing, suggesting targeting local influencers with real followers instead of those with large but distant followings. The speaker also highlights the importance of both personal upbringing and external influences in shaping one's life and goals. He aspires to make a meaningful impact like a rock band in the 70s or early hip hop group, inspiring young people and providing them with a framework for success.

    • The Value of Relationships During an InternshipWhile learning opportunities may be limited during an internship, the relationships built can have a significant impact on one's career.

      While an internship may not provide significant learning opportunities, the relationships built during that experience can have a disproportionately valuable impact on one's career. Gary emphasized that people are the most important asset in life and business. He shared his belief that it's unlikely to learn much during an internship, but the connections made there can open doors and lead to opportunities later on. Josh, a senior in high school, was inspired by this conversation and decided to focus on building relationships rather than accumulating material possessions. He expressed his struggle with motivation and shared his plan to move out and work multiple jobs to pursue his passions. The conversation highlighted the importance of relationships and the value of hard work in achieving personal and professional goals.

    • The Power of Regret and Taking ActionRegret can motivate us, but taking action is better. Work hard, overcome fear, and seize opportunities to achieve goals.

      Regret is a powerful motivator, but it's better to take action and try than to wait and potentially regret later. Paulo expressed his admiration for Gary's determination and was inspired to work hard and make the most of his time. He shared his personal struggle with balancing school and work, but was motivated by the opportunity to provide for himself and be independent. Paulo also discussed his fear of comfort and procrastination, and his plan to use his remaining vacation time to take action and pursue opportunities. He shared an example of buying and selling mugs as a way to make money and gain experience in business. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of taking action, working hard, and overcoming fear and procrastination to achieve goals.

    • The value of meaningful relationships over quantityAuthenticity, patience, and adaptability are key to building genuine relationships and achieving success in both personal and professional settings.

      Maturity and authentic connections are valuable over quantity. The conversation between the individuals in the text highlights the importance of having meaningful relationships rather than superficial ones. The speaker expresses his preference for having a few genuine friends over a large group of acquaintances. He also shares his excitement about meeting someone who he believes is mature beyond his years and is inspired by his level of conversation and determination. Furthermore, the speaker emphasizes the importance of patience and building leverage when trying to influence change in an organization. He advises against coming in hot with strong opinions on the first day and instead encourages listening, observing, and building relationships with like-minded individuals. Lastly, the conversation touches on the importance of being adaptable and taking control of one's career. The speaker encourages the idea that if someone is unhappy with their current situation, they have the power to seek out alternatives rather than staying stuck in a negative environment. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of authenticity, patience, and adaptability in personal and professional relationships.

    • Staying true to oneself and seeking mentors leads to opportunitiesHard work, resilience, and a positive attitude can lead to unexpected opportunities and the chance to work with industry leaders

      Passion and determination can lead to unexpected opportunities and the chance to work with industry leaders. The speaker, who grew up in a restrictive environment, emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and seeking out mentors and like-minded individuals to help achieve professional goals. The conversation culminated in an offer for the speaker to join Gary Vaynerchuk's team, which was a dream come true for him. This experience underscores the idea that hard work, resilience, and a positive attitude can open doors to exciting new possibilities.

    • Stories of Overcoming AdversityAmbition, determination, focus, and persistence can lead to success, while entitlement and criticism can hinder progress. Live experiences provide valuable advice.

      Ambition and determination, even in the face of adversity, can lead to great success. The speaker shares stories of individuals who have overcome challenges and achieved their goals, despite setbacks and obstacles. Entitlement, on the other hand, can hinder progress and limit potential. Another key point is the importance of staying focused and persistent, even when faced with difficulties or criticism. The speaker also emphasizes the value of living experiences and providing advice based on firsthand knowledge. Lastly, the importance of hard work and perseverance, even when it seems impossible, was a recurring theme in the conversation.

    • Putting customers first and building a personal brandFocus on adding value to customers and building a strong personal brand, rather than just growing social media numbers.

      Focusing on providing value to customers and building a strong personal brand is more important than obsessing over growing numbers on social media platforms. The speaker, Gary Vaynerchuk, emphasizes the importance of putting the customer first and creating content that adds value, rather than focusing solely on increasing followers or views. He also suggests focusing on personal brand-building rather than delegating it to a company. The speaker's own experiences of reaching out to potential business partners and the importance of persistence were also highlighted in the conversation.

    • Maximizing Social Media Reach: Facebook vs YouTubeTo effectively use Facebook and YouTube for content creation, understand their unique features and audiences. Offer long-form content on both platforms, but tailor messaging to each audience. Engage with followers, ask for feedback, and use tools like Google Trends for ideas. Delegate tasks to save time and focus on strengths.

      Creating valuable content for different social media platforms requires understanding their unique features and audiences. Facebook and YouTube, for instance, offer more long-form options, but their audiences differ significantly. Facebook skews older and allows targeted ads based on location and age, while YouTube has a broader audience. To attract visitors to your website without directly promoting investment opportunities, consider hosting webinars, offering free content, or using social media to ask your audience what they want. Additionally, engaging with your audience by asking for feedback and using tools like Google Trends can help generate ideas. Outsourcing tasks, such as video production and editing, to virtual assistants or hiring full-time staff can help focus on strengths and save time. Creativity is essential in generating ideas and building context, but recognizing the need for collaboration and delegation can lead to even greater success.

    • Reframing Burnout as a Positive ExperienceRecognize and accept burnout as an opportunity for growth and a chance to reset instead of stigmatizing it as a failure.

      It's important to recognize and accept burnout instead of stigmatizing it as a failure. Luis, a young professional in sports, expressed his fear of burning out due to long working hours and the pressure to succeed. Gary Vaynerchuk, a renowned entrepreneur and motivational speaker, encouraged Luis to embrace the idea of changing his mind and owning his burnout. They discussed how society often views burnout as a negative thing, but it can be an opportunity for growth and a chance to reset. Luis acknowledged that he was self-aware and had the power to make a change if needed. By reframing burnout as a positive experience, one can reduce its stigma and regain control.

    • Investing in sports cards: A profitable side hustleConsider investing in rookie cards of promising players like Jordan Adams for potential profits. Research thoroughly before investing and prioritize mental health to avoid burnout.

      Investing in sports cards, specifically rookie cards of promising players, could be a profitable side hustle. A particular player mentioned, Jordan Adams, was suggested as a potential investment due to his promising game and inexpensive cards. The speaker emphasized the potential for significant profits in the next two years. However, it's important to do thorough research before making any investments. Additionally, the speaker touched upon the topic of burnout and how it can manifest as impatience or entitlement. He cautioned against making hasty decisions based on external pressures and encouraged taking time to consider one's mental health and wellbeing. Lastly, the speaker shared some thoughts on the importance of focusing on the substance of a business rather than its name.

    • Believe in those who believe in youFocus on supporters, learn from them, and stay persistent in pursuing your goals. Balance self-confidence with openness to feedback, and build relationships with mentors and industry experts.

      Focusing on those who believe in you and your abilities is more productive than trying to convince skeptics. The speaker in this conversation emphasizes the importance of listening to and learning from those who take you seriously, rather than wasting energy on those who doubt you. He also shares his personal experiences of staying patient and persistent in pursuing his goals, despite his age or challenges. Another key point is the balance between having confidence in yourself and being open to constructive feedback from others. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not letting others' judgments disproportionately impact your own decisions, while also respecting and being thoughtful about their perspectives. The conversation also touches on the importance of networking and building relationships with mentors and industry experts. Overall, the speaker's message is one of perseverance, self-belief, and the value of seeking out and learning from those who support and inspire you.

    • External pressures can derail personal growthExternal judgments and distractions can be powerful, but it's important to stay true to your goals and not let others' opinions define your worth. It's never too late to get back on track and continue pursuing your passions.

      External judgments and distractions can derail personal growth and ambitions. The speaker, who grew up taking care of his family and selling items to make money, lost his drive when he started dating someone whose family disapproved of his unconventional methods. This led him to believe that he was not good enough and ultimately caused him to abandon his hustle. The speaker's story serves as a reminder that external pressures can be powerful, but it's important to stay true to your goals and not let others' opinions define your worth. Additionally, the speaker's experiences demonstrate that it's never too late to get back on track and continue pursuing your passions.

    • Follow your dreams and passions despite challengesStay true to yourself and pursue goals, even when faced with financial struggles or criticism, for personal growth and success. Stay inspired by influential figures.

      Following your dreams and passions, even when faced with challenges and setbacks, can lead to personal growth and success, even if it doesn't align with others' expectations or timelines. The speaker shared his own experiences of hustling and chasing his dreams, despite financial struggles and criticism from others. He emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and continuing to pursue one's goals, even when it seems difficult or exhausting. The speaker also highlighted the impact of influential figures, such as Nipsey Hussle, and the importance of staying inspired and motivated by them. Ultimately, the speaker's message was to keep pushing forward, even when faced with obstacles, and to not let others' judgments or expectations dictate one's path in life.

    • Focusing on the past can hinder growthAdapt to new situations, focus on present and future, and don't let past frustrations hinder personal growth.

      Focusing too much on the past can hinder personal growth and success. The speaker shares his experience in flipping items, feeling frustrated about how the market has changed and how young people are now taking over. He admits to being stuck in this mindset for years, which left him feeling burnt out. The advice given is to change perspective and focus on the present and future, rather than dwelling on what has already happened. The speaker emphasizes the importance of adapting to new situations and learning new skills, as well as being mindful of living for the present and not being overly concerned with others' opinions.

    • Embracing Personal Growth and Letting Go of Negative PatternsRecognize and reverse negative patterns like overspending and seeking validation from others, prioritize happiness and well-being, and understand that not everyone's opinions matter.

      Focusing too much on the opinions of others and living in the past can hinder personal growth and financial success. The speaker in this conversation emphasizes the importance of recognizing and reversing negative patterns, such as overspending and seeking validation from others. He advises cutting ties with toxic relationships and focusing on personal strengths to start anew. It's essential to understand that not everyone's opinions matter and that it's important to prioritize one's own happiness and well-being. The speaker's experience of selling despite having a small starting point and cutting off unsupportive relationships demonstrates the power of self-belief and determination. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of self-reflection and the ability to pivot in the face of adversity.

    • The Power of Authenticity and VulnerabilityFocusing too much on validation from others can hinder personal growth and happiness. Embrace authenticity, vulnerability, and humility to overcome fears and build stronger relationships.

      Focusing too much on pleasing others and being overly concerned with how we are perceived by them can be detrimental to our personal growth and happiness. The speaker shares his own experience of getting lost in the need for validation from others, which led him to become insecure and arrogant. He encourages everyone to acknowledge their past mistakes and share them openly to take control and move forward. By being authentic and true to ourselves, we can make amends and build stronger relationships. The power of vulnerability and humility can help us overcome our fears and become better versions of ourselves. So, don't be afraid to share your poison and let go of the past. Embrace your authenticity and be a good dude.

    • Owning up to past mistakes and apologizing publiclyPublicly acknowledging past errors and apologizing can help individuals move past negative perceptions and live authentically. Don't hide from mistakes, even if it means potential criticism. Use social media to clear the air and move forward.

      Acknowledging past mistakes and apologizing publicly can help individuals move past negative perceptions and live authentically. The speaker emphasizes the importance of owning up to past actions and not hiding from them, even if it means exposing oneself to potential criticism. He encourages the person he's speaking to to make a public apology on social media to clear the air and move forward. The speaker also shares his own experience of buying a car impulsively and regretting it later, and uses it as an analogy for the importance of being true to oneself and not living up to others' expectations.

    • Taking accountability for past mistakesAcknowledge past mistakes, take responsibility, create a video apology, change perspective, focus on personal growth

      Accountability is key to moving forward from past mistakes. The speaker acknowledges that the listener had a rough period in life and had made mistakes, but emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for those actions. The speaker himself is taking accountability and encourages the listener to do the same. He suggests creating a video apology to those involved and moving forward, recognizing that everyone makes mistakes and that it's important to focus on personal growth. The speaker also emphasizes that changing one's own perspective is the first step towards dealing with past relationships and that the reactions of others are beyond one's control. The speaker ends by encouraging the listener to take action and focus on self-improvement.

    Recent Episodes from The GaryVee Audio Experience

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    Taking Accountability as a Leader

    Today's episode of the podcast is my advice to CEOs all about social media and self-publishing books. I share my tips for getting your business to $1,000,000, including making an obnoxious amount of content, being remarkable at organic social, and what you should be focused on as a CEO. The most important message CEOs need to hear? That you need to start taking accountability!

    The GaryVee Audio Experience
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    The Secret to Successful Content Creation

    The Secret to Successful Content Creation

    Today's video is a Q&A I held in Brazil recently. We discuss the details of understanding culture when you're trying to make a global impact. We dive into the fundamental human truths that remain constant across borders and how to include local context to make your message resonate. We also talk about the balance between attention and accountability when you're in the public eye, and how ambition and patience go hand in hand. If you're a content creator, you'll find value in our discussion on differentiating your content based on your audience. For the leaders out there, we touch on the responsibility you hold for every member of your team. This episode really has something for everyone! Enjoy.


    -The power of curiosity in entrepreneurship -How to internationalize your content -The balance between confidence and humility -The concept of document, don't create -How to balance between building a brand and selling -Is it important for creators to become the face of their brand? -How to continuously adapt to changing markets -How to consistently stay at the top of your industry

    The GaryVee Audio Experience
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    Social Media Marketing Strategy Every Brand Can Apply TODAY

    Social Media Marketing Strategy Every Brand Can Apply TODAY

    Today's episode is a great meeting I had with Habib Salo, where I share my two cents about the benefits of being remarkable at organic content. We talk about how organic social is going to be the most important thing in marketing, the advantages of being intentional about partnering with influencers, and being razor-focused on your audience. Hope you enjoy!

    The GaryVee Audio Experience
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    Optimizing Brand Growth and Sales Strategies | Ryan Serhant

    Optimizing Brand Growth and Sales Strategies | Ryan Serhant

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    The GaryVee Audio Experience
    enSeptember 01, 2024

    Can You Monetize Your Passion? l Scott Jochim

    Can You Monetize Your Passion? l Scott Jochim

    In today's episode, I am sharing a throw back episode where I sit down with Scott 'Mr. Sqwishy' Jochim, the CEO of Brand Vending Products, and Sqwishland. We chat about the importance of being passionate about what you do, and how realistic it is to monetize your passion if you're really good at it. We also explore the power and allure of vending machines, discussing not only their ability to attract attention but also the sentimental value they hold for many.

    Advice on Building Better Businesses

    Advice on Building Better Businesses

    On today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience, I am sharing a compilation of mentorship meetings I recently had for a new mentorship program VaynerX offers called vYve. vYve by Vayner is a High-performance Personalized Acceleration Program offering Exec coaching, Mastermind sessions, and 1:1 meetings with me, which is what you're watching here. This episode is perfect for anyone who has a business, big or small, to gain tactical advice and insights on taking it to the next level! I hope you enjoy and check out vYve if you're interested in learning more!

    More on vYve:

    INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/vyvebyvayner/

    WEBSITE - https://vyve.vaynerx.com/

    Listen If You Are Scared to Get Into Content Creation

    Listen If You Are Scared to Get Into Content Creation

    Brisbane Influencer Q&A 2023

    Today's Episode of the podcast is a Q&A session I did before my keynote for the Mindset Matters 2023 conference in Brisbane Australia. We dive deep into the reason most people are scared to take the jump to start something new, how to balance between doing things that make you happy and things that make you more money, and how to get better at time management. Hope you enjoy it, don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments!

    Jake Paul's Next Fight vs. Mike Tyson & Dealing w/ Critics

    Jake Paul's Next Fight vs. Mike Tyson & Dealing w/ Critics

    In this episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience, I sit down with Jake Paul on his podcast BS w/ Jake Paul. We discuss his incredible journey from a top 1% YouTuber  to His upcoming fight with the legend Mike Tyson. He and I discuss the mindset it takes to handle fame, criticism, and the constant pressure to reinvent yourself in an ever-changing world. Jake shares his experiences in the ring and in business, and gives some advice on how he’s managed to turn haters into motivators. We also touch on the importance of self-awareness, humility, and the ability to laugh at yourself. This conversation is a must-listen for anyone looking to understand the power of attention and how to leverage it for success.Topics Discussed:

    • Jake Paul's transition from YouTube to professional boxing
    • Jake Paul & Mike Tyson fight
    • Handling fame, criticism, and staying grounded
    • The importance of self-awareness and humility in success
    • Influencer marketing and the future of the industry
    • Reinventing yourself in different stages of life
    • The balance between personal and professional life
    • MY approach to staying consistent and focused
    • Insights on entrepreneurship and turning failures into wins
    • The role of social media in shaping careers and public perception

    • Check Out More:


    How to Break Free From Fear | VeeCon 2024 Closing Keynote

    How to Break Free From Fear | VeeCon 2024 Closing Keynote

    In this episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience, I'm sharing the closing keynote from VeeCon 2024! I discuss the power of adaptability and how it can transform your life. I also share my thoughts on why courage is essential in making big moves, like quitting a job that no longer serves you, and how humility can actually be your biggest strength. I talk about the importance of balancing passion with practicality and why fear is the BIGGEST barrier holding you back. VeeCon 2024 was one for the books and I can't wait for the next one 😉 I hope you all enjoy.


    • The Power of Adaptability
    • Facing and Overcoming Fear
    • The Importance of Courage
    • Balancing Passion and Practicality
    • Quitting with Purpose
    • Embracing Humility for Long-Term Success
    • Navigating Uncertainty in Business and Life
    • Building Confidence Through Action
    • Letting Go of Ego
    • The Impact of Fear on Society

    How To Succeed In Marketing

    How To Succeed In Marketing

    Today's episode of the podcast is a Q&A and fireside chat I did with CMOs in Australia this time last year. I answer a bunch of interesting marketing questions such as how marketers need to use AI, the concept of "and" vs "or" in marketing, and the right balance between math and art in marketing. Hope you enjoy it!

    Related Episodes

    SSP 046: How To Create Your Own Dream Job w/ Whitney Powell

    SSP 046: How To Create Your Own Dream Job w/ Whitney Powell

    What do you do when the struggles get to be too much? How do you deal with the fears and frustrations of being an entrepreneur? We have all been there, and they will happen throughout your career, but today’s guest Whitney Powell has some insight and inspiration to share that will help you break free.

    Whitney began her career in LA after graduating from film school but soon realized that the Hollywood life was just not for her. So she changed everything. Her love of travel, storytelling, and endurance racing lead her to create her own company that fuses those passions together with social media branding for clients.

    She opens up about how while her life might look amazing on Instagram and Facebook (and believe me, it does), that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been filled with struggles, frustrations, and fear. She gets brutally honest about all of this, including what she does to pick herself up and continue moving forward even in the darkest times.

    If you have ever felt like taking your business in another direction more in line with your deepest passions, then this is a podcast that you cannot miss. I learned a ton from this conversation, and I strongly suggest you listen to it twice because it is just that good.

    Have you ever felt like throwing in the towel? How did you get yourself past that point? Let us know in the comments!

    In this episode:

    • What does entrepreneurial life really look like, and how does it differ from what we see on social media?
    • Tips on how to recover when you are feeling like giving up
    • Why it’s so important to be honest and upfront on social media
    • How to think outside the box when it comes to making a career in the film and video industry



    “You need to know what you are worth and say no, ‘I am going to stick to my guns and follow the path that I envisioned & not accommodate what other people’s visions are.” (34:13)

    “Get mad and get proactive.” (35:29)

    “What do I want? Nobody else is living my life. I have to live my life, so what do I want to be doing with that time. We only have so many hours in a day to make those choices so what are you going to do with it?” (36:46)

    #326 The Fine Craft of Slip Trailing Explained With Stacia Miller

    #326 The Fine Craft of Slip Trailing Explained With Stacia Miller

    In the podcast episode  we delve into the captivating story of Stacia Miller, who evolved from a reluctant pottery student to a master craftswoman with her own studio. Emphasizing the significance of experimentation, Stacia shares how she developed her distinctive slip trailing technique and finds inspiration from her peers. The episode highlights her intuitive design process, her husband's supportive role, and her foray into glaze chemistry. Listeners are encouraged to embrace their creative evolution, with Stacia advocating for the joy of making pottery and the importance of having fun in discovering one's artistic voice.You can learn more about stacia by checking out her instagram @claybystacia

    Top 3 Value Bombs:

    1. **Embrace Experimentation**: One of the key takeaways from Stacia's story is the importance of experimentation in the creative process. She emphasizes that trying a wide range of techniques and materials is crucial for discovering one's unique voice in pottery. This trial-and-error approach allows for personal growth and the development of a distinctive style. Stacia's journey illustrates that finding one's voice is not a fixed destination but an evolving path that benefits from continuous exploration and willingness to embrace change.

    2. **Support Systems Matter**: Stacia's experience highlights the significance of having a supportive network, particularly mentioning the role her husband played in her pottery journey. His support in handling logistics and providing financial stability before her craft became profitable was invaluable. This underscores the importance of having a solid foundation and support system when pursuing a passion, especially in the early stages when the venture may not be immediately lucrative.

    3. **The Joy of Teaching and Learning**: Through teaching pottery classes, Stacia found that not only was she able to impart her knowledge to others, but she also learned from her students. This reciprocity in the learning process can lead to new insights and techniques that might not have been discovered otherwise. Moreover, the act of teaching reinforces one's understanding of their craft and often requires a deeper analysis of techniques, which can lead to further refinement of skills. Stacia encourages those interested in teaching to jump in and start, even if they don't have all the details figured out, emphasizing the growth that comes from the teaching experience itself.

    Get your 53 themes by clicking this link shapingyourpottery.com/53themes


    Get Things Done

    Get Things Done

    Who: Dana Wilde - Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs

    What This Show is About: How to Take “Feel Good” Action and Be More Productive

    Dana is often asked if she is “anti-action”. In this episode, she reveals the truth about how she takes action and gets stuff done, and shares her own imperfections.

    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to break through your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana

    In this episode ...

    • What is “Intentional” Action adn how does it build your business FASTER?
    • The three major ways that mindset affects the type of action you take in your business.
    • PROOF that the way you think is the only thing that matters when it comes to creating a result.
    • When to choose action before mindset.
    • A mini-rant for being PRODUCTIVE!

    Resources from this episode ...

    If you want a JOLT of HAPPY every morning, then subscribe to the Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs Daily Newsletter HERE.

    Where to Learn More:



    Limiting Beliefs

    Limiting Beliefs
    Who: Dana Wilde - Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneur
    What This Show is About: "Help! My Husband is SO Negative!"
    This listener is TRYING to be more positive but it's hard because her husband has physical pain and is often in a bad mood. That combined with low self-esteem makes it challenging to be a brain trainer. Dana helps this listener with a mindset shift!
    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana
    Please check out our episode notes below...
    03:25 - Step ONE when dealing with others who have a negative mindset or attitude (this is the AWAKENING step).
    06:22 - Step TWO when dealing with others who have a negative mindset or attitude (this is the DECISION step).
    07:10 - Discover what being a BRAIN TRAINER is all about.
    09:35 - Step THREE when dealing with others who have a negative midnset or attitude (this relates to SHIFTING your mindset).
    10:23 - Listen here to hear some GENTLE sentences you can say to shift your mindset about this negative person.
    12:30 - Learn about how stories about your SIGNIFICANT OTHERS can relate to your business mindset here.
    13:30 - BONUS Tip for dealing with others who have a negative mindset or attitude (this relates to YOUR success).
    Where to Learn More:

    #24 Bitcoin Enthusiast and Technology Consultant, Joshua Henslee, on Leaving behind a “Dream Life” for a True Passion

    #24 Bitcoin Enthusiast and Technology Consultant, Joshua Henslee, on Leaving behind a “Dream Life” for a True Passion

    This is the Revolution of One Podcast #24 with host T.K. Coleman.

    This week’s guest is Joshua Henslee, a Bitcoin writer for CoinGeek and technology consultant for Unisot. In this episode, we discuss his journey into the uncharted world of Bitcoin and the struggles of leaving behind a “dream life” for a passion he believed worth following, as well as the importance of making your own mistakes on your journey to success.






    Joshua Henslee









    Producer: Sean W. Malone

    Asst. Producer: Pavel Rusakov

    Marketing: Kamau Olatunji