
    M&A058S - Transhumanism: Maintain Humanity Under 500,000,000 (Season 2 Short)

    enAugust 08, 2022

    About this Episode

    Ever heard of the Georgia Guidestones? In Elbert County, GA six granite slabs weighing nearly ¼-million tons were erected in 1980. Oddly enough, not many Americans know about this monument, I call it an alter, but many who do refer to the stones as “American Stonehenge.” 

    The monument's creators believed that there was going to be an upcoming social, nuclear, or economic calamity and they wanted the monument to serve as a guide for humanity in the world which would exist after it.  

    Sounds like a noble endeavor, right?  

    How about we read the message first?  Spoiler alert: the guidestones were destroyed by what mainstream media says were explosives, but I’m not so sure…why would anyone want to destroy stones displaying such a heartwarming, uplifting and encouraging message in eight languages?  Well here it is:

    1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
    2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
    3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
    4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
    5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
    6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
    7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
    8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
    9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
    10. Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.

    Maybe it’s just me…I’m sure it is…but just in case, does anyone else see similarities between these ANTI-ten commandments and what we’re seeing put forth on the earth right now?

    Atheists, you’re the experts in skepticism, right?  Are you even the slightest bit skeptical the “powers that be” have your best interest at hand, or are you just limiting your skepticism to the existence of my God?  Love to hear from you all…we’re in this life together, might as well talk about important stuff...

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    Recent Episodes from Miracles & Atheists

    M&A071 - Inauthentic Christians and Atheists (Movie-Making w/ Niel Guilarte)

    M&A071 - Inauthentic Christians and  Atheists (Movie-Making w/ Niel Guilarte)

    Capturing ON FILM the genuine moment an atheist experiences the power of God for the first time…is this even possible? 


    Will it be authentic? 


    For many, whether believers or non-believers, it can be challenging to ascertain the authenticity of a “spiritual moment” caught on film, without questioning whether that moment was setup, or if there are alternative motives behind the experience.  We can’t have that with Miracles & Atheists, and that’s one of the reasons atheists and Christians are working together to experience “so-called” miraculous events, to film these experiences.  The movie-making process is a unique one and we’d like to share that process with The Miracles & Atheists Community.  That’s why we’re also partnering with award-winning digital media/content producer, editor, speaker and coach, AND our new co-host of the Miracles & Atheists podcast, Niel Guilarte. Niel specializes in high end media creation and post production as well as coaching businesses, entrepreneurs and creatives in developing and bringing their visions to life pulling from over 30 years of experience in pro audio / video production and post production for television, video, online platforms, indie film, podcasting and more.


    Nick Snapp and Niel Guilarte talk about what it was like to hit the streets with a camera, strike up some spiritual conversations, pray with people and take risks to see what happens.  We talk about the movie-making process and why people are starting to get excited about the Miracles & Atheists movie. 





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    filmmaking, skeptic, skepticism, christianity, christian, agnostic, atheist, atheism, apologetics, supernatural, miracles, Jesus, Christ, God, faith, spiritual, spirituality

    M&A070 - The Moment an Atheist Experiences the Power of God (w/ Niel Guilarte & Nazach Snapp)

    M&A070 - The Moment an Atheist Experiences the Power of God (w/ Niel Guilarte & Nazach Snapp)

    If God Almighty exists, does He make Himself known to those who don’t believe in Him? What would it look like if an atheist were to experience the supernatural power of God for the first time?


    It’s a question that’s been on my mind for quite some time now, and one I’m willing to explore.  If atheists are truly open to truth, and they want to experience miracles, as many of my atheist friends who come on the show claim to want, will they? 


    If I were to invite our atheist friends on a journey to find miracles, would they be willing to go?


    On today’s podcast, we’ll explore these ideas and tell the story of how Miracles & Atheists got started. We’ll also reveal where we’re headed.  It’s an exciting time in M&A history, as we turn the page and start another chapter of this wild journey of unpacking the tension between different worldviews of the supernatural. 


    You’ll also meet our new Co-host! (OR is it Co-hosts?) We’ll see!  Enjoy… 





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    M&A069 - Skeptics: Can Man Really Control the Climate? (w/ Jason Deramo)

    M&A069 - Skeptics: Can Man Really Control the Climate? (w/ Jason Deramo)

    What would happen if it were proven that “fossil fuels'' didn't come from fossils at all?  What if they were created by simple chemistry within the Earth, and we weren’t actually running out of oil and natural gas?  What would you do if oil deposits were filling back up after being drawn down?


    What if they were [gasp]...a RENEWABLE RESOURCE


    Do you like your Tesla?


    What would you do if you found out the cost of producing lithium and cobalt for the batteries used to power your electric vehicles were absolutely DEVASTATING the environment and the surrounding communities in which these resources are being mined?


    What if all these initiatives, all these efforts, all this talk about climate change was just the work of a small group of “businessmen” to create scarcity for resources that aren’t really scarce at all? 


    How would you respond, if you knew that God, not man, is the only one who can really cause true climate change…even though man can manipulate the weather (or can he?) 


    Bring out your skepticism tools my atheist friends, and let’s apply them to the narrative you’ve believed since grade school about fossil fuels.  Let’s use them to “follow the science” and examine the mainstream narrative you’re absorbing about climate change these past few years.





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    Miracles & Atheists
    enFebruary 28, 2023

    M&A068 - A Demon Brought Me to Church (w/ Wiley Anson)

    M&A068 - A Demon Brought Me to Church (w/ Wiley Anson)

    For some people, it takes a supernatural encounter with a demon and projectile vomiting to turn it all around.  Depression, pride, greed: gone in an instant.  But what about homosexuality? 


    If all that really exists is time and chance acting on matter, homosexuality would be no exception.  People are, or they are not, right?  From a materialistic, naturalist worldview, homosexual brains just fizzed in the direction of same-sex attraction, and that’s that.  It’s not God’s doing, it’s just chemistry.  God doesn’t even exist according to most of my atheist friends, so what does someone who doesn’t exist care about homosexuality?


    It’s funny though…atheists often question not only the existence of God, but the morality of God as well, and why wouldn’t they?  How can God be moral if He created people to be gay, only to make them deal with everything that comes along with being gay?


    But what if a homosexual brain were to suddenly fizz in the another direction?  What if a homosexual ceased being gay?  Would it be a miracle?


    Probably just random fizz… 


    Our guest today on Miracles & Atheists is Wiley Anson.  Wiley has had supernatural experiences with demons and he knows a thing or two about being gay.  His story is a good one, and contrary to much of what you’ll hear from human secularism. 





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    M&A067 - (Pt 2) Reprogramming God’s Code: The Technology that Opens the Door for Satan to Emerge (Call-In Show w/ Jason Deramo)

    M&A067 - (Pt 2) Reprogramming God’s Code: The Technology that Opens the Door for Satan to Emerge (Call-In Show w/ Jason Deramo)

    Is editing a person’s genes not all that big of a deal?  Just stick you with a needle, remove your defects using CRISPR technology, or inject some protein compound into your cells using mRNA technology and move on, right?


    You would certainly get that impression by listening to guys like Yuval Noah Harari and Klaus Schwab.  They talk of things like the “4th industrial revolution,” and changing your “identity,” and changing “who you are,” the fact that this isn’t a mainstream topic of conversation says a lot about our media in 2023.


    They also talk about going “beyond the God of the Bible.” 

    Yes, seriously.


    What are the spiritual consequences of changing who you are with technology, or even talking like they do about becoming gods?


    This is the topic we’ll explore as we get into Part 2 of Nick Snapp’s conversation with Jason Deramo, titled, “Reprogramming God’s Code: The Technology that Opens the Door for Satan to Emerge.”





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    M&A066 - (Pt 1) Reprogramming God’s Code: Is Human Genetic Engineering a Good Thing? (Call-In Show w/ Jason Deramo)

    M&A066 - (Pt 1) Reprogramming God’s Code: Is Human Genetic Engineering a Good Thing? (Call-In Show w/ Jason Deramo)

    Do you want your baby with blue or hazel eyes?  Order now, and you’ll save 10% on gene therapy with this special offer! 

    25 years ago, the idea that babies could be altered genetically for the purpose of correcting mutations or even specifying preferred genetic traits or skills was merely fantasy.  This technology, and the ramifications of such a world were portrayed in detail by the 1997 movie, Gattaca.   

    Yet, in 2023 fantasy is quickly becoming reality.  Human Genetic Engineering, using CRISPR and other programmable systems to target stretches of genetic code and edit DNA at precise locations is very desirable to many people.


    Do you think this is a purely humanistic, materialistic endeavor, or is there spiritual motivation?

    So what does God think about this technology?  Who’s kingdom will be glorified through CRISPR gene editing systems?  

    The Miracles & Atheists Podcast is re-releasing a fascinating conversation with Jason Deramo and Nick Snapp on the Miracles & Atheists Community Call-In (The MACC) show in two parts, where they  examine the spiritual side of human genetic engineering and see if we can glean any insight into what’s going on.





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    M&A065 - (Pt 2) A New Eye! Did God Do It? (w/ Jon Farmer and Jordan Stewart)

    M&A065 - (Pt 2) A New Eye! Did God Do It? (w/ Jon Farmer and Jordan Stewart)

    Jon Farmer gave a miraculous testimony of how his daughter received a NEW EYE from God.  Jon told his story to our atheist friend, Jordan Stewart, at our live public podcast event in Raleigh, NC!  

    If you haven’t listened to Part 1 yet, then you missed Jon’s story.  So before you listen to Part 2, make sure you go back and check out the first part of this fascinating conversation!  Part 2 dives deeper into the realm of why God created us and the world and why He did it the way He did it.  We'll attempt to answer questions about Hell, and why Hell even exists, and we'll talk to a young man from Bangladesh about various religions, evil spirits and the supernatural. 

    If there is a God, do you believe He could create a new eye?  If your child was born without a fully functional eye, an eye of abnormal size and shape, would you pray?  Would you expect your prayers to make a difference?  

    But what if they did?  What if your child’s eye was recreated?

    Also joining us will be another awesome guest, atheist/skeptic Jordan Stewart, who we welcome to ask the tough questions.

    What an exciting time to have important conversations!  We’ll be broadcasting from the Sanctuary Girl retail store at the Crabtree Valley Mall in Raleigh, NC.  

    Even MORE…our Director for The Miracles & Atheists Film will be taking footage for our upcoming movie!!! Don’t know about the movie?  Click here to learn more.

    At the event we’re planning to have free snacks, good people and fascinating dialogs - will you come out and join us?  If you’re not local, we’ll also be streaming to Rumble, Facebook and YouTube.  


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    M&A064 - (Pt 1) A New Eye! Did God Do It? (w/ Jon Farmer and Jordan Stewart)

    M&A064 - (Pt 1) A New Eye! Did God Do It? (w/ Jon Farmer and Jordan Stewart)

    If there is a God, do you believe He could create a new eye?  If your child was born without a fully functional eye, an eye of abnormal size and shape, would you pray?  Would you expect your prayers to make a difference?  

    But what if they did?  What if your child’s eye was recreated?

    That’s our guest Jon Farmer’s testimony, and what we’ll be diving into on this presentation of The Miracles & Atheists Podcast!

    Also joining us was another interesting guest, atheist/skeptic Jordan Stewart, who we welcome dto ask the tough questions.  This particular episode is Part 1 of a 2-part series.

    What an exciting time to have important conversations!  We broadcasted this conversation live and in public from the Sanctuary Girl retail store at the Crabtree Valley Mall in Raleigh, NC.  

    Even MORE…our Director for The Miracles & Atheists Film will be taking footage for our upcoming movie!!!

    Don’t know about the movie?  Click here to learn more.


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    M&A063 - Censorship, Free Speech and The Church (w/ Jason Deramo & Special Guest Jeff Kliewer)

    M&A063 - Censorship, Free Speech and The Church (w/ Jason Deramo & Special Guest Jeff Kliewer)

    What does the Bible say about freedom of speech?  Is there anything spiritual behind online censorship?


    If so, what should the Church do about it? What should YOU do about it?


    In a time when tolerance is celebrated and Christians who stand on Biblical principles are ridiculed and shadowbanned, it seems like there are very few who stand up and speak truth.  


    Jeff Kliewer, author of Blood-Red Church: How Redemption Colors our Politics, believes that the redeemed of the Lord do, in fact, have a responsibility to stand for certain non-negotiable ethical positions in the public arena. Christians are free to disagree on disputable matters, but when it comes to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, family, church, capitalism, and the sovereignty of this nation, redemption has colored our politics red.  Jeff is our special guest on The Miracles & Atheists Community Call-in, so bring your questions and call us at 919-301-9045 while we’re online.





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    M&A062 - What’s Really Going on with Ukraine? (w/ Jason Deramo and Special Guests “Puck” and ObjectivelyDan)

    M&A062 - What’s Really Going on with Ukraine? (w/ Jason Deramo and Special Guests “Puck” and ObjectivelyDan)

    Russia is bad, Ukraine is good.  That’s what they tell us.  People are scared of Russia; we hear of more Russian missile strikes and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy continues to call for more international assistance.  He recently said “the more audacious and cruel Russian terror becomes, the more obvious it is to the world that helping Ukraine to protect the sky is one of the most important humanitarian tasks for Europe.”

    So is that the deal?  Are we witnessing a classic power play of a tyrannical dictator to seize territory, or…

    Is there something else going on?

    Putin’s original goal, as quoted by the mainstream media, was to “demilitarize and de-Nazify Ukraine."  Yet, the media insists that claims of Nazis and genocide in Ukraine are “completely unfounded.”  Ukraine’s foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba said,"it's crazy, sometimes not even they can explain what they are referring to."

    So no one really knows why Russia is invading Ukraine, other than Russia is evil?  Something’s not adding up here…

    Maybe there’s something spiritual going on? 

    We’re looking for an objective understanding of the situation, and who better to bring on than “ObjectivelyDan,” Dan Earles? Dan has been featured on The Atheist Experience, Talk Heathen and other influential platforms.  Dan will join us with his friend Alex Puck, and we’ll all put our heads together and do our best to unpack the situation and examine the evidence in effort to uncover some real truth about the Russia invasion of Ukraine.




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