
    Podcast Summary

    • Shingles Prevention and Boring BankingStay informed about shingles prevention and maintain a secure, effective banking experience.

      While the virus that causes shingles lies dormant in most people over 50, it can lead to a painful and long-lasting rash. Prevention is key, so individuals are encouraged to consult their doctors or pharmacists about shingles prevention. Meanwhile, in a different context, PNC Bank emphasizes the importance of a boring yet effective banking experience. Mark Manson, a best-selling author and self-help guru, shared his unconventional upbringing, discussing his rebellious past and early computer hacking experiences during an unscripted podcast conversation. The conversation touched on various topics, including social media, self-help, relationships, politics, self-esteem, and neurodiversity. Manson's candid approach to life and his use of raw language resonated with the podcast host, resulting in a lively and engaging discussion.

    • Fear of alienation and ethical obligation lead to polarized political discussionsSharing information doesn't equate to personal conviction or belief, and the increasing polarization and shortened attention spans online contribute to rigidity in beliefs, causing an environment of poisoned discourse.

      In today's interconnected world, people's radical perspective-taking abilities can make it challenging to make decisions and take sides, especially when it comes to political topics. Mark Manson, a self-help author, shared his experience of avoiding political discussions due to the fear of alienating a large audience, but felt ethically compelled to address these issues in 2020. However, this decision led to a deluge of hate mail from all sides of the political spectrum, leading him to write about the importance of understanding that sharing information doesn't necessarily equate to personal conviction or belief. The increasing polarization and shortened attention spans online are causing people to cling to their beliefs, creating an environment of poisoned discourse. From a psychological perspective, this rigidity in beliefs can be attributed to a lack of coherence and meaning in people's immediate environments, making them crave predictability and stability.

    • Online discourse can lead to divisive and harmful conversationsThe absence of context and trust in online discourse can cause misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and even violent rhetoric. Remember, people on all sides are human and capable of empathy and understanding, and open and respectful dialogue is essential for positive change.

      Online discourse, particularly on social media platforms, can easily derail into divisive and harmful conversations due to the lack of verbal and facial cues, anonymity, and the psychological experience of seeing words on a screen. This can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and even violent rhetoric. The absence of context and the ease of hiding behind a screen can cause a small percentage of people to instigate and escalate conflicts, pulling in the larger community and leading to a toxic environment. The lack of trust and the belief that one is on the "right side" can further fuel these conflicts, leading to a cycle of polarization and hostility. It's important to remember that people on all sides of an issue are human and capable of empathy and understanding, and that open and respectful dialogue is essential for productive conversations and positive change.

    • Imbalance in Perception and Discussion of Controversial IdeasThe left dominates idea creation while the far right influences areas like religion and rural communities. Criticism towards ideas within one's own group is taboo, hindering healthy debate and self-reflection. Labeling ideas as controversial can prevent progress and understanding.

      There's a significant imbalance in the way controversial ideas are perceived and discussed in various media outlets and societal spheres. The speaker notes that while there's a tendency for the left to dominate the space of idea creation, the far right often inhabits different spaces and has a strong influence in areas like religion and rural communities. However, criticism towards ideas within one's own group is often seen as taboo, leading to a lack of self-reflection and healthy debate. The speaker also mentions the observation that one side, typically the left, is quick to label ideas from the other side as controversial, while their own ideas are rarely, if ever, subjected to the same scrutiny. This dynamic can hinder progress and understanding, as it prevents the exploration of nuanced perspectives and the addressing of potential flaws within one's own beliefs.

    • Navigating the Misery of PoliticsDespite intellectual curiosity, the speaker chooses to limit engagement with politics in public and focuses on topics where they feel most authentic and valuable.

      The speaker is passionate about certain topics, particularly those related to coaching people to greatness and helping kids in the education system. However, when it comes to politics, they feel miserable and depressed, leading to the question of why they engage with it at all. The speaker recognizes their intellectual curiosity and the prevalence of political discussions in society, but they have made a conscious decision to limit their engagement with politics in public and focus on topics where they feel most authentic and valuable. The speaker's unique value in the self-help industry stems from their reaction to the popular self-help platform, Tiny Buddha. While there is no inherent issue with Tiny Buddha, the speaker's competitive nature led them to differentiate themselves and focus on their unique perspective and expertise.

    • Criticizing the Self-Help Industry's Quotes and PlatformsThe speaker aims to create an alternative platform with raw and honest content, challenging the effectiveness and diversity of traditional self-help quotes and sites.

      The speaker had a critical perspective towards the self-help industry and wanted to create an alternative platform with raw and honest content. He found some popular self-help sites too cheesy and wanted to be the antithesis to them. He specifically mentioned Tiny Buddha as an example, but it's not a personal attack against the site or its creator. The speaker believes that some self-help quotes can be too obvious and milk toast for today's diverse audience, who are looking for good advice and information beyond the basics. He also thinks that a lot of traditional self-help originated from a specific demographic and no longer casts a wide net. The speaker's theory about the self-help industry is that it's for those who seek motivation and want to keep working on themselves despite criticism or negativity. He questions the effectiveness of some quotes, like the one about the dandelion, in motivating people who may be insecure or feeling down. Overall, the speaker's goal is to provide content that resonates with a broader audience and encourages them to be honest with themselves.

    • Effectively repackaging age-old ideasStay open-minded, embrace diverse communication styles, and recognize complexities of human development

      The self-help industry's impact lies in its ability to package and present age-old ideas in new and relatable ways. People respond differently to various forms of communication, and what resonates with one audience may not with another. The quote about the dandelion, for instance, may not be the speaker's preferred style, but it undeniably resonates with many others. The speaker's work, in turn, is an example of effective repackaging, making complex ideas accessible to a broader audience. Another significant shift in perspective the speaker has undergone is the recognition of genetics' role in shaping our well-being. This acknowledgement, though controversial in some self-help circles, adds a crucial layer of nuance to our understanding of personal growth. Overall, the speaker's insights highlight the importance of staying open-minded, embracing diversity in communication styles, and recognizing the complexities of human development.

    • The Double-Edged Sword of Our Unique Strengths and ChallengesUnderstanding that our unique strengths and challenges coexist is crucial for self-acceptance and empathy towards others. Embrace the complexity of the human experience.

      While we all have unique strengths and talents, there are aspects of ourselves that can be both our greatest assets and our biggest challenges. This concept, known as the "double-edged sword," is the best and worst part of who we are. For instance, someone who is highly creative and has a rich imagination might also struggle with focus and organization. The field of neurodiversity suggests that every person's neurodivergence comes with hidden benefits, but not everyone agrees with this perspective. It's essential to acknowledge that it's okay not to be perfect and that everyone faces challenges, even if they come hand in hand with unique abilities. Embracing our differences and understanding the complexity of the human experience is crucial for self-acceptance and empathy towards others.

    • Recognizing Hidden Benefits of Personal ExperiencesEmbrace individual differences and experiences to discover unique benefits, what may seem like a disadvantage could be a hidden strength.

      Everyone has unique experiences and perspectives, and not everything can be labeled as having a hidden benefit. The speaker shares his personal experience of having ADHD, which he initially saw as a disadvantage but later discovered had benefits such as keeping him engaged and making his writing edgy. However, it's important to note that what may be a hidden benefit for one person might not be the same for another. The speaker emphasizes that it's only valid for individuals to identify such benefits in themselves. He also shares his own experiences of feeling like a freak as a kid and having a literalness that helped him as a scientist. The speaker expresses his dislike for politics and corporate cultures and how he gets uncomfortable in such environments. He also mentions his involvement in the pickup artist world and his past experience of writing a book about it. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of recognizing and embracing individual differences and experiences.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Pickup ArtistsTwo main types of men seek help from pickup artists: socially underdeveloped with autistic traits and those with vulnerable narcissism, who fear rejection. While some find value, the community also perpetuates harmful beliefs and misogynistic attitudes.

      The pickup artist community is composed of two main types of men: those who are socially underdeveloped, often with autistic traits, and those who have low self-esteem and intense fear of rejection, a condition known as vulnerable narcissism. The former group, despite their confusion, didn't suffer much from anxiety during social interactions but needed help understanding social contexts. The latter group, however, was more complex, as they were often well-socialized and had good emotional intelligence but were crippled by their fear of rejection, leading them to seek out the pickup artist community for solutions. The community, while providing some value, also perpetuated harmful beliefs and misogynistic attitudes, creating a challenging environment for these men's personal growth.

    • The Self-Help Industry and NarcissismThe self-help industry can unintentionally foster codependent relationships between vulnerable and grandiose narcissists. Balance truth-seeking with a comfortable, approachable environment for personal growth.

      The self-help industry can unintentionally foster a codependent relationship between vulnerable and grandiose narcissists. This dynamic was evident in the pickup artist community and later discovered in the self-help industry. The unique value proposition of some individuals in this field lies in their ability to provide evidence-based information while maintaining a lighthearted and quirky personality. This approach helps make the often uncomfortable aspects of self-exploration more palatable and encourages vulnerability from guests and audience alike. The goal is to help people deal with their insecurities and fears, rather than building them up to a point where they no longer need to confront them. Ultimately, the key is to strike a balance between truth-seeking and creating a comfortable and approachable environment for personal growth.

    • Bachelor vs Married Life: Choosing Between Thrill and ConnectionBoth bachelor and married lifestyles offer unique benefits, with the former providing excitement and freedom, and the latter offering happiness and companionship. The choice between the two depends on individual preferences and goals.

      While the bachelor lifestyle and married life each have their unique benefits and challenges, they cater to different emotional needs. The bachelor lifestyle, often referred to as the seduction or bachelor lifestyle, is characterized by excitement, novelty, and freedom. It can be more thrilling and stimulating, but it may lack the sense of contentment and deep connection that comes with a committed relationship. The married life, on the other hand, offers happiness, consistency, and a deeper sense of companionship. However, it requires effort to maintain the relationship and create novelty, as the initial thrill of a new relationship fades over time. Both lifestyles have their pros and cons, and the right choice depends on individual preferences and goals. The speaker shared his personal experience of transitioning from a bachelor lifestyle to a married one, highlighting the difference in feelings of thrill and contentment. He acknowledged the importance of creating novelty in a marriage to keep things exciting and suggested that Esther Perel, a renowned psychotherapist, would agree that it's possible to have both thrilling moments and deep connection in a committed relationship.

    • Navigating the complexities of polyamoryPolyamory brings emotional challenges such as jealousy, awkward conversations, and emotional exhaustion. Communication skills and high sex drive can help, but not everyone is suited for this lifestyle.

      While the idea of polyamory can be exciting and appealing, it comes with significant emotional complexities and challenges. People need to consider the potential for awkward conversations, feelings of jealousy and inadequacy, and the emotional exhaustion that comes with being a good partner in multiple relationships. Some individuals may be well-suited to this lifestyle due to their communication skills and high sex drive, but others may find it overwhelming. As for Will Smith, despite the controversy surrounding him, it's likely that he will adapt and find positivity in his current situation. His ability to psychologically adapt to challenges and turn them into opportunities is a testament to his resilience. Chris Rock has also been making jokes about the incident in his stand-up performances. Ultimately, it's hopeful that Will and Chris Rock will find a way to connect and laugh about the situation in the future.

    • Professional Experience with a Philosophical DebateSoft determinist views on free will, societal importance of acting as if we have it, and questioning the hype around meditation

      The speaker had an extraordinary professional experience working with a successful individual, who they hold in high regard despite philosophical debates about free will. The speaker identifies as a soft determinist, believing we don't have free will but acknowledges the importance of acting as if we do for societal reasons. They argue that the question of free will doesn't impact the handling of criminals or violent offenders, which is a sociological question rather than a philosophical one. The speaker also expressed their views on meditation, considering it overrated despite personally enjoying it.

    • Meditation and Genetics: Understanding Their LimitsBoth meditation and genetics have their benefits, but it's crucial to approach them with a nuanced understanding, recognizing their limitations and not overselling them as solutions to all problems.

      Both meditation and the study of genetics have been subject to hype and misconceptions. Meditation was once seen as a panacea for well-being, but new research suggests it may not be beneficial for everyone, and some may even experience worsened conditions. Similarly, the role of genetics in behavior has been overemphasized in some circles, while underappreciated in others. In the case of meditation, the speaker shares their personal enjoyment of the practice but acknowledges its limitations. As for genetics, the speaker had a disagreement with a leading behavioral geneticist over the downplaying of environmental factors and the overreliance on twin studies. The speaker argues that both meditation and genetics are valuable tools, but their benefits should be understood in context and not oversold as solutions to all problems. Regarding self-esteem, the speaker believes it is underrated as a crucial aspect of personal development, despite a backlash against the self-esteem movement in the past. Overall, it's essential to approach these topics with a nuanced understanding, recognizing their potential benefits and limitations.

    • Understanding Self-esteem and Narcissism, and the Impact of Social MediaSelf-esteem and narcissism are different; self-esteem is positive self-regard, narcissism is constant self-promotion. Social media can connect us, but also has negative effects. Financial planning brings security and reduces stress.

      Self-esteem and narcissism are often misunderstood as being the same thing, but they are distinct concepts. Self-esteem refers to an individual's positive self-regard, while narcissism involves the constant need to defend and promote a positive self-image, often at the expense of others. Additionally, while social media can be a valuable tool for connecting with others, it can also have negative effects, and it's important to use it wisely. The debate around the value of social media is ongoing, with some arguing that it's overrated due to the lack of productive conversations and potential negative effects, while others see it as a valuable tool for connecting with people. Ultimately, it's important to use social media in a healthy way and to remember the importance of face-to-face interactions and genuine human connection. When it comes to finances, it can be overwhelming to navigate the complex world of personal finance. But, having a solid financial plan in place can help alleviate stress and provide a sense of security. Seeking the advice of a financial professional or utilizing online resources can help individuals make informed decisions and take control of their financial future.

    • Assessing your financial health with Facet Wealth's free quizRegularly evaluate your financial health with Facet Wealth's free quiz for a personalized score and snapshot of your current situation. Don't forget, it's not an investment advice.

      It's important to assess your financial health regularly. Facet Wealth Incorporated offers a free financial wellness quiz to help you do just that. This quiz provides a score and a snapshot of your current financial situation. It's essential to know where you stand financially, and this tool can be a helpful starting point. Remember, this quiz is not an offer to buy or sell securities, nor is it investment, legal, or tax advice. On a different note, if you're looking for comfortable footwear, consider Tacovas. Their handcrafted boots are not only comfortable but also stylish. With various men's and women's styles available, Tacovas can help you put your best foot forward. Comfort and confidence go hand in hand, and Tacovas delivers both. So, whether you're wondering if cowboy boots suit you or not, give Tacovas a try. Visit their website at tecovas.com to explore their offerings and experience the difference for yourself. In essence, taking care of your financial health and investing in comfortable footwear are simple yet impactful steps towards personal growth and improvement.

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    The Psychology Podcast
    enJune 13, 2024

    How To Spot a Narcissist and Heal From Them w/ Dr. Ramani Durvasula

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    How to Feel Alive Again in a World That Wears Us Down w/ Corey Keyes

    How to Feel Alive Again in a World That Wears Us Down w/ Corey Keyes
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    Hello and welcome to Martin Hewlett's Calming Anxiety.

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    My email is calminganxiety@martinhewlett.co.uk
    For those younger listeners struggling with the stress of social media, do check out this amazing website. https://www.icanhelp.net/

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    Finally, if you are ready to learn more about meditation and self hypnosis we have an eBook - Calming Anxiety - A New Way of Thinking. It comes with 5 guided sessions to listen to and shows you how to learn to relax deeply. https://www.martinhewlett.co.uk/resources/ Its free !!!
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    and finally, in everything you do, just be kind .

    Backing Music by Chris Collins
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    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/calming-anxiety--4110266/support.

    Dad to Dad 147 Azim Khamisa - Lost His Son To Gun Violence & Through TKF.org Has Reached Millions About Forgiveness & Teaching Non-Violence

    Dad to Dad 147 Azim Khamisa - Lost His Son To Gun Violence & Through TKF.org Has Reached Millions About Forgiveness & Teaching Non-Violence
    Our guest on this Special Fathers Network Dad to Dad Podcast is Azim Khamisa. Azim was born in Kenya and is a successful international businessman. In 1995, Azim’s world was turned upside down when his 20-year-old son Tariq was murdered by a 14-year-old gang member. Azim now dedicates his life on the concept of forgiveness and helping others to avoid similar violent tragedies. In fact, Azim has befriended his son’s killer and his grandfather. It’s an incredible story about a truly special man and it’s all on this Special Fathers Network Dad to Dad podcast.

    CBS video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBDeFi-04VM

    NBC video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKJSOHigxhI

    Tariq Khamisa Foundation website: https://www.tkf.org

    TKF Program Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaT90zQz8RM
    Azim's website: https://www.azimkhamisa.com

    Email: azim@azimkhamisa.com

    Attend the May 15th SFN Dads Virtual Conference. Register for FREE at https://www.21stCenturyDads.org.

    About the Special Fathers Network -
    SFN is a dad to dad mentoring program for fathers raising children with special needs. Many of the 400+ SFN Mentor Fathers, who all are raising kids with special needs, have said: "I wish there was something like this when we first received our child's diagnosis. I felt so isolated. There was no one within my family, at work, at church or within my friend group who understood or could relate to what I was going through."

    SFN Mentor Fathers share their experiences with younger dads closer to the beginning of their journey raising a child with the same or similar special needs. The SFN Mentor Fathers do NOT offer legal advice or medical advice, that is what lawyers and doctors do. They simply share their experiences and how they have made the most of a challenging situation.

    Go to: https://www21stCenturyDads.org is you'd like to be a SFN Mentor Father.

    Please support the SFN. Click here to donate: https://21stcenturydads.org/donate/

    Feelings and Emotions, So Many Callers!

    Feelings and Emotions, So Many Callers!

    **Important Message** Angels Don't Lie Facebook Live will only be available out of the private group Facebook group. Please send Jeanne an email to join the group. Jeanne has a great message about emotions and feelings. Prayers to our callers - Cassandra, Nicole, Barbara, Hillary, Lisa, Katharine, Michelle and Simone from Ireland. Angels and loved ones provide guidance through Jeanne's power of connection to Spirit.


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