
    Martin Wolf on why banks fail and what to do about it

    enMarch 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Banks' dual role and inherent instabilityBanks serve two functions: managing money and taking risks, but their alignment is questionable leading to instability and potential failure. Understanding their purpose and risks is key to future reforms.

      Banks serve two primary functions: managing people's money (liabilities) and taking risks (assets). However, these functions are not well-aligned, leading to inherent instability. Banks fail because risk is part of their nature. The recent crisis with Silicon Valley Bank highlights this identity crisis, with some viewing banks as capitalist institutions and others as utilities with government backing. This tension needs resolution to prevent future crises. Martin Wolf, EFT's chief economics commentator, suggests rethinking our understanding of banks to determine whether they should be guided by market forces or government intervention. Understanding the purpose of banks and their inherent risks is crucial to shaping future banking reforms.

    • Banks as Utilities: Balancing Liquidity and CreditBanks offer essential financial services, but their role as both liquidity providers and credit grantors creates inherent risks. Approaches to mitigate these risks include letting banks fail, increasing government intervention, or finding a balance.

      Banks, as institutions, are unique in their role of providing both safe liquid assets and access to credit within the same system. This combination, while necessary for economic function, can be fragile and has the potential to lead to instability. Banks should be viewed more as utilities, providing essential services, rather than prime risk takers. Options for addressing the inherent risks include letting banks fail, increasing government intervention, or finding a balance between the two. The debate continues on the best approach to ensure the stability and reliability of the banking sector.

    • Bank depositors cannot effectively monitor bank risksImplicit deposit guarantee necessary to prevent bank runs and economic chaos, focus on regulation, transparency, and bank soundness instead.

      While the idea of allowing depositors to bear the risk of bank failures as a means of promoting financial discipline might seem appealing in theory, it is not a practical solution due to the complexity of bank balance sheets and the inability of depositors to effectively monitor these risks in real time. As a result, the implicit guarantee of deposits is a necessary measure to prevent generalized bank runs and the resulting economic chaos. Instead, the focus should be on tightening regulation and improving transparency of banks, ensuring that all significant financial institutions are subject to the same regulatory oversight and scrutiny, regardless of their size. Additionally, strengthening the soundness of banks through higher capital requirements and more equity financing are other ways to reduce the risks of bank failures and maintain financial stability.

    • Discussing the importance of increasing equity capital in banks for financial stabilityBanks should increase equity capital to reduce intermediation risk and improve financial stability. Solutions include aligning assets and liabilities, having longer-term deposits, and even creating a digital currency issued by a central bank.

      The discussion highlights the importance of increasing equity capital in banks for financial stability. Before the financial crisis, banks operated with high leverage ratios, putting them at risk of insolvency during economic downturns or interest rate shocks. Since then, banks have improved their leverage, but some argue it's still not enough. A more radical solution suggested is aligning assets and liabilities within financial institutions, which would eliminate intermediation risk and make banks more resilient. This could be achieved by having perfectly liquid liabilities matched with equally illiquid and safe assets, or by having longer-term deposits and substantial equity. The most extreme version of this idea is the creation of a digital currency issued by a central bank, which would allow everyone to bank with the central bank and reduce the need for intermediaries. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the need for stronger financial institutions and the potential benefits of eliminating intermediation risk.

    • Preventing Future Financial Crises: Tighter Regulations and OversightGovernments and regulators should take steps towards unifying regulatory structures, increasing insurance fees, and implementing tighter oversight to prevent future financial crises.

      The financial system could benefit from stricter regulations and oversight to prevent future crises. The speaker suggests a combination of measures including tightening regulation, increasing equity requirements, and making accounts more realistic. While these changes may increase the incentives for banks to run themselves soundly, the speaker believes that governments and regulators may not be ready for such radical transformations just yet. However, the speaker expects that the minimum steps governments and regulators should take include unifying regulatory structures, increasing insurance fees, and tighter oversight. The speaker also expresses a desire for higher equity requirements, but acknowledges that it may not happen soon. The speaker concludes by expressing their belief that further crises are inevitable and that more stringent measures will be necessary at some point.

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    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

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    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

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    On X, follow Sara Germano (@germanotes) and Saffeya Ahmed (@saffeya_ahmed).

    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

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    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

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    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

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    On X, follow Joe Miller (@JoeMillerJr) and Michela Tindera (@mtindera07), or follow Michela on LinkedIn for updates about the show and more.

    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.