
    Mastering The Mind With The Master of Meditation

    enAugust 13, 2013
    What is the importance of meditation according to Rich Roll?
    How does the app 'Waking Up' support meditation practices?
    What does Rich Roll's new venture Voicing Change Media focus on?
    How can meditation help us connect with our deeper identity?
    What dangers exist in Far North Queensland's natural environment?

    Podcast Summary

    • The Role of Meditation in Optimal Health and WellnessMeditation is crucial for optimal health and wellness, often overlooked, and can be practiced with apps like Waking Up, which offers a range of practices and resources.

      Learning from this episode of the Rich Roll podcast is the importance of meditation for optimal health and wellness. Rich Roll, the host, emphasized that while people often focus on diet and exercise, they overlook the role of meditation in functioning at one's best. They discussed the benefits of the meditation app "Waking Up," which offers a range of meditation practices and mindfulness resources. Additionally, Rich announced his new venture, Voicing Change Media, which will feature various shows, including those focused on meditation and personal growth. Overall, the episode highlighted the significance of meditation in optimizing wellness and making good decisions. The app Waking Up offers a free trial for listeners, and Rich is proud to be a part of this consortium dedicated to fostering meaningful exchanges and sharing thought-provoking content.

    • Understanding the Role of Mindset and Emotions in Healthy ChoicesRecognizing the benefits of healthy habits and mental health practices can help prioritize and overcome obstacles to make consistent choices, leading to transformative effects on wellbeing.

      Making healthy choices, such as exercising or eating well, can be challenging, especially when dealing with stress and anxiety. Our mindset and emotions play a significant role in our decision-making process. It's not uncommon to feel overwhelmed and choose less beneficial options. However, recognizing the positive impact of healthy habits on our wellbeing and the importance of mental health practices like meditation can help us prioritize and make consistent choices. Despite knowing the benefits, it can still be difficult to establish a regular practice. Fear, lack of readiness, or the mystification around certain practices can hinder us from starting. But once we overcome these obstacles and make a commitment, the positive effects on our lives can be transformative.

    • Accessing a natural state of consciousness through meditationMeditation is a simple, secular practice that can increase presence, reduce stress, and deepen self-connection

      Meditation is a natural state of consciousness that we can all access, but often forget how to reach. The techniques for achieving this state have existed in various religious and spiritual traditions, but the practice itself transcends any specific belief system. Meditation can provide a sense of deep connection and expanded consciousness, often first experienced in childhood. The challenge lies in making this experience accessible to those who may feel threatened or intimidated by the religious or spiritual connotations. The key is to teach and practice meditation as a secular, non-dogmatic technique, allowing individuals to have the experience without the need for specific beliefs or affiliations. It takes time and effort to reach this state, but the rewards of increased presence, reduced stress, and a deeper connection to oneself are worth the practice.

    • Experience a deeper level of identity through meditationMeditation helps access a deeper level of identity, characterized by stillness, openness, and joy, which is often overlooked and forgotten as we grow older. Regular practice can bring happiness and contentment independent of external circumstances.

      Meditation helps us connect with a deeper level of our identity beyond surface-level conditions and identifiers. This deeper level can be experienced as a boundless aspect of consciousness and is characterized by stillness and dynamism, openness, and pure natural joy. It's important to note that this deeper level of identity is often overlooked or forgotten as we grow older and accumulate more external markers of identity. Meditation practices, such as focusing on the breath, can help us access this deeper level and experience the pure joy and bliss that comes with it. This joy is not conditional on external factors and can bring a sense of happiness and contentment that is not dependent on external circumstances. The experience of this deeper level of identity can be difficult to put into words, but it is a powerful and transformative experience that can be accessed through regular meditation practice.

    • Meditation offers inner happiness independent of external circumstancesMeditation can be learned from childhood, providing inner peace regardless of circumstances, and is a source of independent happiness

      Meditation offers an independent source of inner happiness that transcends external circumstances. Whether you're a billionaire in a mansion or in solitary confinement, meditation can help you find inner peace. Charlie, a leading meditation teacher, learned this from his spiritual teacher father at a young age and has since taught people from all walks of life. His father, a former US Air Force general's son, left the military life to pursue spiritual studies in Australia and became a renowned meditation teacher. Charlie's father taught him to meditate when he was just four years old using a mantra-based technique, and he has been teaching meditation ever since. The experience of meditation is like following a gold coin into deeper layers of the mind, and it can be easily taught to children and adults alike.

    • Fostering Mindfulness in ChildrenChildren naturally engage in mindfulness practices, allowing them to experience profound effects. Encourage, not force, these practices for optimal results.

      Children have a natural ability to fully engage in mindfulness practices, experiencing profound effects with simple instructions, while adults often struggle due to preconceptions and self-defeating thought patterns. The speaker, who started meditating at a young age following his father's example, emphasizes the value of allowing kids to choose such practices and not forcing them, as opposed to the more challenging experience of teaching adults. Despite initial rebellion as a teenager, the speaker ultimately recognized the benefits of meditation and made a conscious decision to continue the practice. This anecdote highlights the importance of fostering mindfulness practices in children and respecting their autonomy in the process.

    • A transformative period of growth at age 16At 16, the speaker underwent a 3-month transformation, experiencing mental clarity, creativity, and overall well-being, leading to personal growth and expertise.

      During a transformative 3-month period starting at age 16, the speaker experienced significant improvements in mental clarity, creativity, and overall well-being. They felt less overwhelmed by social situations and schoolwork, with enhanced memory and academic performance. This period also marked the first time they felt the runner's high, which brought about a profound sense of connection and happiness. The speaker's commitment to this newfound state of mind led them to travel and explore new experiences, eventually leading to personal growth and expertise in various areas.

    • Living with Dangerous Creatures in Far North QueenslandThe Aboriginal population in Far North Queensland maintains a deep connection to the land, fostering a heightened sense of awareness and appreciation for the natural world, despite the presence of dangerous creatures.

      Nature in Far North Queensland, Australia, while beautiful, comes with unique and potentially dangerous elements. The region is home to deadly creatures like crocodiles, jellyfish, snakes, and cassowaries. However, the people who live there, particularly the Aboriginal population, have a deep connection to the land and have maintained their traditions and awareness of their environment. This connection to nature and the practices passed down through generations foster a heightened sense of awareness and appreciation for the natural world. Despite the challenges, the area's beauty and the resilience of its people make it a remarkable and worthwhile experience.

    • Exploring spiritual experiences across culturesCultivating spiritual experiences, like those in Voodoo dances or charismatic Christian churches, can lead to feelings of ecstasy and bliss. Meditation can help bridge the gap between true self and societal mask. Recognize and appreciate their value, regardless of cultural differences or societal norms.

      There's a deep sense of connectedness and spiritual experiences that exist in various cultures around the world, which can be overlooked by individuals in Western society due to their focus on technology and single-point focus. These experiences, such as those seen in Voodoo dances or charismatic Christian churches, can be misunderstood or stigmatized in Western culture. However, they are not uncommon and can be cultivated or even experienced spontaneously. Meditation can help individuals become more comfortable expressing their true selves and bridging the gap between their true self and the mask they present to the world. These experiences can lead to feelings of ecstasy and bliss, and scientists have even studied the brain activity associated with them. It's important to recognize and appreciate the value of these spiritual experiences, regardless of cultural differences or societal norms.

    • Discover your true self through meditationMeditation helps reduce stress and anxiety, leading to a more liberating sense of self based on inner happiness and bliss. Transcendence during deep meditation is the first step to going beyond the ego and intellect, accessible to anyone.

      Meditation does not make you lose yourself, but rather helps you discover your true self by reducing anxiety and stress. People often identify themselves based on negative emotions, but meditation can lead to a more liberating sense of self based on inner happiness and bliss. During deep meditation, you can transcend your senses, such as feeling huge hands or a huge head, which is a normal part of the process. This early stage transcendence is the first step in going beyond the ego and intellect, and it can lead to profound experiences of bliss and consciousness. These experiences are not limited to meditation experts or spiritual individuals, but are accessible to anyone willing to explore their inner world.

    • Dispelling misconceptions about meditationMeditation is a learnable skill for all, approach it without judgment, and try focusing on a mantra or technique to get started.

      Meditation is a practice that can be beneficial for anyone, regardless of their background or previous experiences. Many people hold misconceptions about meditation, viewing it as something only certain types of people can do or that it involves specific, unusual experiences. However, the truth is that meditation is a skill that can be learned and developed with consistent practice. It's important to approach meditation without judgment or expectations, as the most profound experiences often come unexpectedly. If someone is interested in starting a meditation practice but feels unsure of where to begin, they can try focusing on a mantra or other specific technique to help quiet the mind. There are also many traditions and teachings from around the world that offer guidance on how to meditate effectively. By approaching meditation with an open mind and a commitment to regular practice, one can experience the many benefits it has to offer.

    • Exploring the Power of Mantras in Ancient Vedic TraditionMantras from ancient Vedic tradition, based on primordial sounds, can help quiet the mind, reduce ego and intellect, and promote deeper states of consciousness through repetition.

      The ancient Vedic tradition from Northern India, the birthplace of yoga and Ayurvedic medicine, offers valuable insights into meditation practices that have been passed down for thousands of years. These practices include focusing on the present moment through breath awareness, focusing on an object or mantra, or repeating a sound. Mantras, which are considered primordial sounds, can be found in various cultures and are believed to have deep roots in consciousness. Research suggests that even the repetition of simple sounds can lead to powerful effects. Mantras from the Vedic tradition are particularly interesting as they seem to resonate with teachers from other spiritual traditions around the world. Whether repeated out loud or silently in the mind, mantras can help quiet the ego and intellect, allowing for deeper states of consciousness to emerge.

    • Mantras as mental triggers for deeper consciousnessMantras, derived from ancient India, act as mental triggers for deeper consciousness. Their impact depends on an individual's spiritual development, and may change over time.

      Mantras, which originated from ancient Indian sages, act as mental triggers that bring individuals into a quieter state of consciousness. These sounds were discovered during long periods of meditation and have been scientifically proven to have more powerful effects when given to individuals at the right stage of spiritual development. The selection of the appropriate mantra depends on the individual's ability to handle spiritual experiences, which can vary greatly. Over time, as an individual evolves, their mantra may change to accommodate their deeper and more powerful experiences. Even after decades of use, the mantra can become a Pavlovian response, guiding the mind towards a quieter state of consciousness.

    • Exploring the Depths of Indian MeditationIndia's rich spiritual traditions offer unique opportunities to learn from masters and access ancient meditation practices for profound experiences and deep consciousness.

      The practice of meditation, particularly in the rich spiritual traditions of India, can lead to profound experiences and deep consciousness. After years of practice, one can easily enter a deep state of consciousness. Advanced techniques can further enhance the experience, providing a qualitatively different experience. The unbroken lineage and cultural priority of spiritual growth in India offer a unique opportunity to learn from masters and access ancient knowledge. Some meditation practices and traditions have been deeply ingrained in Indian culture for thousands of years, creating a deep connection to the source of this knowledge. Many people, including those from modern backgrounds, have given up their possessions and dedicated their lives to studying these traditions, offering a wealth of knowledge to those seeking spiritual growth.

    • Misconceptions about Spiritual Practices and Material SuccessSuccessful individuals like Steve Jobs and Richard Branson prove that spiritual practices and material wealth can coexist.

      Spiritual practices, such as meditation, can provide a deeper sense of absolution and release beyond material possessions and unhealthy habits, but it's a common misconception that practicing these techniques will make one renounce their worldly possessions or lose their business success. Counterexamples of successful individuals, like Steve Jobs and Richard Branson, who credit their success to meditation, prove that one can maintain material wealth while also incorporating spiritual practices into their lives. In Indian culture, there are traditions for both renunciates and householders, and the householders' technique is what is being taught. The assumption that monks can easily clear their minds and live without food is not always accurate, and each group requires different techniques for meditation.

    • Exploring the Limits of the Human Body: Yogis and Their Extreme PracticesSome individuals have achieved extraordinary control over their bodies and minds through practices like meditation and breatharianism, leading to blissful and ecstatic states. These practices require expertise and mastery, and offer a transformative experience beyond our traditional senses.

      There are individuals who have mastered their bodies and minds to the point of controlling their metabolism and even going beyond the five traditional senses. These individuals, often referred to as yogis, have developed intense body control through practices like meditation and breatharianism. While it may seem extreme or even painful to outsiders, these individuals report experiencing a blissful and ecstatic state. It's important to note that these practices require extensive expertise and mastery, and they are not the same as common yoga practices or simple pain management techniques. Additionally, our senses are more complex than we may realize, with some, like smell and taste, being interconnected, and others, like balance and proprioception, often overlooked. Meditation allows us to go beyond these senses, offering a unique and transformative experience.

    • Transcending pain through meditationMeditation techniques can help manage pain by allowing individuals to focus beyond the sensation and use mantras to enter deeper states of relaxation, providing an alternative to painkillers for those with chronic pain or allergies.

      Meditation techniques can help manage pain by allowing individuals to transcend their sense of touch and pain. This can be particularly useful for those who are allergic to painkillers or have chronic pain conditions where the cause is not easily identified. One specific technique involves focusing on the sensation in the palms of the hands, then using a mantra to transcend that sensation and go deeper into a meditative state. This process can be repeated to train the brain to go beyond the sense of pain. While this technique requires some prior experience with meditation, it can be learned in a matter of days. For those suffering from chronic pain, this can be an alternative to relying on potentially harmful painkillers. Additionally, meditation has been found to be effective in managing migraines.

    • Managing Migraines through Nervous System BalancePractice deliberate switching between parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems to manage migraines using breathing techniques. Count exhales for 4 and inhales for 2 for parasympathetic stimulation, or take long inhales and short exhales for sympathetic activation. Repeat multiple times for potential relief.

      Migraines may be caused by a mismatch in the timing between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. To manage migraines, practicing deliberate switching between the two systems through breathing techniques can be effective. By counting exhales for four counts and inhales for two counts, one can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation. Alternatively, taking long inhales and short exhales can trigger the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for stress and anxiety. Switching between these patterns multiple times can help train the body to use each system appropriately, potentially reducing the frequency and severity of migraines. This theory was inspired by observing that a girlfriend's migraines could be prevented by masturbation, which is known to require synchrony between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.

    • Managing Migraines through Autonomic Nervous SystemBreathing exercises and water enema can help alleviate migraines by influencing the autonomic nervous system. Breathing exercises engage the parasympathetic nervous system to train the body to prevent migraines, while a water enema can provide quick relief by tricking the body into switching nervous system modes.

      The body's autonomic nervous system can be influenced through various methods to help alleviate conditions like migraines. The speaker shared an experience of a partner using a technique to help with her migraines, but it only provided temporary relief. After years of experimentation and research, the speaker discovered that breathing exercises, specifically engaging the parasympathetic nervous system, could help train the body to prevent migraines. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the use of a water enema as a quick relief method for migraines, which can help trick the body into switching nervous system modes. Overall, these methods offer potential solutions for managing migraines and other conditions related to the autonomic nervous system.

    • Hack your body and mind with meditationMeditation improves mental clarity, emotional balance, and overall well-being by conditioning the nervous system, revealing authentic self, and enhancing unique qualities. Practice daily for self-awareness, mastery, and personal growth.

      Meditation is a simple yet effective method for hacking both the body and mind, leading to improved mental clarity, emotional balance, and overall well-being. This practice, which can be as simple as focusing on your breath for a few minutes each day, has been shown to help condition the nervous system, revealing one's authentic self and enhancing unique qualities. By consistently practicing meditation, individuals can gain greater self-awareness, mastery over their conscious selves, and unlock their full potential for personal growth and empowerment.

    • Making Meditation Accessible Through Online CoursesCharlie's online meditation courses offer affordable, easily digestible content for individuals in smaller towns or areas with less momentum for meditation practice, providing a comprehensive learning experience and personal insights from the instructor.

      The speaker, Charlie, emphasizes the importance and accessibility of learning meditation through his online courses. He aims to make meditation practice more accessible to individuals in smaller towns or areas with less momentum for meditation practice, by offering affordable and easily digestible content. The courses cover various meditation techniques from different categories, allowing individuals to find the technique that suits them best. Charlie's courses are an excellent starting point for those interested in meditation, offering a comprehensive learning experience that can provide a lifetime of benefits. Additionally, Charlie's courses offer personal insights and feedback from his experience teaching meditation in various locations, making the learning experience more engaging and effective.

    • Exploring Meditation with Experts and PeersOnline meditation courses offer accessible, supportive environments for beginners and experienced practitioners, providing a range of techniques and opportunities for interaction with experts and peers.

      The online meditation course offers valuable insights for both beginners and experienced practitioners, providing different techniques to suit various mind states. The community aspect allows for interaction with experts and peers, creating a supportive environment for exploration and growth. The convenience and accessibility of the program make it an excellent option for those who may feel uncomfortable or intimidated by in-person classes. The speaker's unique background, growing up surrounded by spiritual figures, adds depth to the course and highlights the importance of finding the right meditation practice for individual needs.

    • Transcending Limiting StoriesLet go of attachments and expand perspective beyond limiting beliefs to touch consciousness of true self and experience present moment fully.

      Our identities and experiences shape who we are, but they are not the entire truth. As shared in the conversation, Paramhansa Nityananda, an Indian master guru, emphasized that people often create chains of stories based on their experiences, which can limit their perception of reality. These chains can be based on suffering or happiness, but neither is the truth as they do not encompass the present moment or the consciousness of who we truly are. To transcend these stories, it's essential to let go of attachments and expand our perspective beyond the limiting beliefs that shape our identities. This can help us touch the consciousness of who we truly are and experience the present moment more fully. The human mind is wired to constantly seek and hold onto something, but by consciously letting go of these stories, we can find freedom and a deeper understanding of ourselves.

    • The power of direct experience in meditation for personal growthMeditation through personal experience is more effective than philosophical understanding for overcoming limitations like sleep issues. Human connection adds to the benefits.

      Direct experience through meditation is more effective than philosophical understanding for achieving personal growth and overcoming limitations, such as sleep issues. The teacher emphasizes the importance of personal experience and shared human connection in the meditative process, which can be beneficial regardless of one's beliefs or background. Many people, regardless of their skepticism or beliefs, have reported positive experiences with these techniques. Sleep issues are a common reason people turn to meditation, and it can be an effective solution for those struggling with restful sleep.

    • Improve sleep quality through daily meditationMeditation releases stress, aids in deeper sleep and reduces anxiety, leading to improved sleep quality

      Establishing a daily meditation practice can significantly improve your sleep quality. During meditation sessions, your body releases stress, which can lead to an influx of thoughts. These thoughts help process and release the stress, allowing for easier falling asleep later in the day. Aim for two sessions per day, one for stress release and one for deep meditation. The benefits include improved sleep quality, as well as the ability to go through all six stages of sleep for a restorative night. Additionally, meditation can decrease cortisol levels, reducing anxiety and making it easier to fall asleep. While morning and sunset hours are ideal for meditation, it's important to remember that meditation can be effective at any time of day.

    • Enhance your day with meditationChoose the right meditation technique and time, commit to a consistent practice for 90 days, and improve mental and emotional well-being.

      Meditation can significantly enhance your day by helping you transition smoothly between different periods, such as before breakfast and before evening. However, it's essential to choose the right technique and time for meditation, as meditating before bed may disrupt your sleep cycle. Additionally, committing to a consistent meditation practice for at least 90 days is recommended for effective change. You can find more information about meditation and Charlie Knowles on mindbodygreen.com, charlieknowles.com, or follow him on Twitter and Instagram (@CharlieKnowles). Remember, meditation is a powerful tool to improve your mental and emotional well-being, so make it a part of your daily routine.

    • Rich Roll's New York and Malibu Retreats Still Have OpeningsRich Roll is leading plant-based retreats in New York and Malibu, offering nutrition, yoga, and meditation courses. Secure your spot at vadacenter.com.

      Rich Roll, a renowned plant-based athlete, author, and podcast host, is conducting retreats in New York and Malibu. These retreats, which still have openings, will be led by Rich himself and are expected to sell out quickly. Interested individuals should visit vadacenter.com to secure their spots. Additionally, Rich will be the main teacher at these events, but he will not be attending them with his father. Currently, his only scheduled appearances are in New York and Los Angeles. To stay updated on any future events, followers are encouraged to keep up with Rich on his various media platforms. The best way to support the show is by using the Amazon banner ad at richroll.com for purchases, and donations to the podcast are also welcome. Rich and his team are also offering a plant-based nutrition course, a yoga course, and a meditation program on their website. The retreats, courses, and other offerings aim to help individuals improve their health and well-being through plant-based eating, yoga, meditation, and other practices.

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    The Voice of Swimming: Olympian Rowdy Gaines on The Sport That Saved His Life

    The Voice of Swimming: Olympian Rowdy Gaines on The Sport That Saved His Life
    Rowdy Gaines is a three-time Olympic gold medalist, NBC’s voice of swimming, and a living legend in the aquatic world. This conversation explores Rowdy’s extraordinary journey from late-blooming swimmer to world record holder and beloved broadcaster. We dig into his mental resilience through setbacks like the 1980 Olympic boycott and a battle with Guillain-Barré syndrome, his perspective on the evolution of competitive swimming, and his passion for water safety advocacy. He offers a behind-the-scenes look at the Paris Olympics and much more along the way. Rowdy’s infectious enthusiasm is a gift to the sport. He shows everyone how and why we love this sport, which means so much to us both. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF  👉wakingup.com/RICHROLL Roka: Unlock 20% OFF your order with code RICHROLL 👉ROKA.com/RICHROLL Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉 boncharge.com  Birch: Get 25% off ALL mattresses and 2 free eco-rest pillows 👉BirchLiving.com/richroll This episode is sponsored by Better Help: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Meal Planner: For customized plant-based recipes 👉meals.richroll.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 12, 2024

    Dr. Ted Schaeffer: All Things Prostate Cancer, Urology, & Men’s Health

    Dr. Ted Schaeffer: All Things Prostate Cancer, Urology, & Men’s Health
    Dr. Edward Schaeffer is a world-renowned urologist, pioneering robotic surgeon, and Chair of Urology at Northwestern University. This conversation explores the complexities of prostate health and cancer care. We discuss the latest advancements in early detection and treatment and the importance of proactive health management for men. Dr. Schaeffer shares insights on interpreting PSA tests, the role of genetics in prostate cancer risk, and the revolutionary impact of robotic surgery. Along the way, we debunk common myths about prostate health, address the controversies surrounding mass screening, and examine the interplay between lifestyle choices and cancer risk. Dr. Schaeffer is a pioneer in his field. The conversation is enlightening and potentially life-saving. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  AG1: Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs  👉drinkAG1.com/richroll Peak Design: 20% OFF sleek carry solutions 👉PeakDesign.com/RICHROLL Squarespace: Save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain 👉 Squarespace.com/RichRoll  On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF your first order 👉on.com/richroll Meal Planner: For customized plant-based recipes 👉meals.richroll.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 08, 2024

    Tom Shadyac: The A-List Filmmaker Who Gave Away Millions & Found Fulfillment Through Service

    Tom Shadyac: The A-List Filmmaker Who Gave Away Millions & Found Fulfillment Through Service
    Tom Shadyac is the acclaimed director of hit comedies like “Ace Ventura,” “Bruce Almighty,” and “The Nutty Professor,” who walked away from Hollywood success to pursue a life of greater meaning. This conversation explores Tom’s spiritual journey from materialism to service, his life-changing work with Memphis Rox, and his iconoclastic views on consciousness and human interconnectedness. We discuss the illusion of separation, finding purpose through community, and how embracing uncertainty can lead to profound personal growth. Along the way, Tom turns the tables and becomes the interviewer—probing my relationship with ego and uncertainty. Tom’s wisdom and humor are such a treasure. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  Seed: Use code RICHROLL25 for 25% OFF your first order  👉seed.com/RichRoll Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉boncharge.com On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF your first order 👉on.com/richroll Go Brewing: Use the code Rich Roll for 15% OFF 👉gobrewing.com  Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine + 20% OFF all of my favorite products 👉livemomentous.com/richroll  Meal Planner: For customized plant-based recipes 👉meals.richroll.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 05, 2024

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