
    (Matt Monday): If He's Sending Mixed Signals, Text Him THIS

    enOctober 03, 2022
    What does inconsistent behavior indicate in a relationship?
    How does attention differ from intention in relationships?
    What are the risks of mirroring a partner's behavior?
    Why is consistent investment important in a relationship?
    What should you do when relationship standards are not met?

    Podcast Summary

    • Hot and cold behavior in relationships signals lack of intentionRecognize the difference between attention and intention. Someone who disappears frequently is likely more interested in the romantic experience than making progress in the relationship.

      The inconsistent behavior of someone who goes hot and cold in a relationship is a sign of lack of intention rather than genuine interest. While they may shower you with attention when they're present, their absence and lack of communication indicate that they prioritize other things over you. This creates a confusing and unsatisfying dynamic. It's essential to recognize the difference between attention and intention. Attention is the act of giving someone your focus, while intention refers to having a clear vision for a romantic relationship and actively working towards building it. When someone disappears, it's a significant red flag as it suggests they're more interested in the romantic experience than making progress in the relationship. Instead of using their excuses as justification to continue the relationship, it's crucial to focus on finding someone who is committed to both your connection and making romantic progress together.

    • Don't mirror unreciprocated behaviorFocus on investing in the relationship, be consistent with emotions and actions to avoid unhealthy cycles.

      In relationships, especially those that are not progressing as desired, it's crucial not to mirror the other person's behavior, especially when they're not investing in the relationship. This can unintentionally give them what they want and attract unwanted attention from players or avoidants. Instead, it's essential to focus on investing in the relationship and being consistent with your emotions and actions. One common mistake people make is believing that if someone was great in the past but has gone cold, they should stop investing as well. However, this can actually reward the other person's behavior and create a dangerous cycle where the relationship becomes a game. To break this cycle, it's important to understand the dynamics at play and focus on investing in the relationship. This means being consistent with your emotions and actions, even if the other person is not reciprocating. By doing so, you can avoid getting stuck in a cycle of attraction and avoidance and instead build a healthy, progressing relationship.

    • Investing in a relationship means communicating openly and honestly, even when the other person's behavior is inconsistent.Communicate openly and honestly, especially when the other person's behavior is inconsistent, to build authentic and fulfilling connections.

      Investing in a relationship means communicating openly and honestly, even when the other person's behavior is inconsistent. When someone goes hot and cold, it's important to withdraw your attention but also take the opportunity to educate them on why you're doing so. This can only happen when they make an ask for your attention. By not communicating how we feel, we risk attracting the wrong partners and becoming invisible to those who truly value vulnerability, integrity, and deep connections. So, when a person who has been distant suddenly reaches out, be honest about your feelings and the lack of closeness in the relationship. This communication sets the stage for a more authentic and fulfilling connection.

    • Clear communication and consistency matter in relationshipsBe clear about personal values and expectations in relationships, and consistently communicate to maintain a strong connection.

      Clear communication and consistency are essential in maintaining a strong connection in a relationship. The text discusses a situation where one person expresses feelings of distance due to the other's inconsistent communication and absence. The response should be empathetic but firm, acknowledging the other person's busyness while also expressing personal values and expectations. By being clear about what one values in a relationship and how the other person's actions have fallen short, there is an opportunity to educate and potentially rebuild the connection. It's important to remember that communication is a two-way street, and both parties must make an effort to maintain a healthy and consistent relationship.

    • Communicating effectively in relationshipsSetting clear standards, expressing feelings without blame, following through, and investing in communication tools can lead to fulfilling relationships. Be prepared to let go if necessary.

      Effective communication in relationships requires setting clear standards and being willing to walk away if they're not met. The speaker acknowledges the importance of expressing feelings of disconnection without blame or accusation, but emphasizes the necessity of following through with those expressions to maintain respect and attraction. They also suggest that investing in a resource like MomentumTexts.com can provide valuable tools for navigating dating and relationship dynamics. Ultimately, the speaker encourages taking a bold and uncommon approach to communication to potentially transform casual relationships into meaningful connections. However, it's important to remember that not everyone may respond positively, and it's crucial to be prepared to let go if necessary. By setting and upholding standards, individuals can increase their chances of finding and maintaining fulfilling relationships.

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