
    (Matt Monday): Why They Commit to the NEXT Person

    enAugust 26, 2024
    What impact do breakups have on self-worth?
    How can we gain resilience after a painful experience?
    What advice does Matthew Hussey provide regarding past relationships?
    Why is comparing ourselves to others' relationships misleading?
    What strategies can help people focus on their own happiness?

    Podcast Summary

    • Post-breakup changesExperiencing a loved one's changes for someone else can be painful and challenge self-worth, but understanding this dynamic can help navigate with resilience and self-compassion.

      Experiencing someone we care for deeply making changes only after we have parted ways, for someone else, can be a deeply painful experience. It challenges our self-worth and leaves us questioning what was wrong with us. This phenomenon, as discussed by relationship expert Matthew Hussey, can be disheartening and may lead us to question our judgment and ability to choose the right partner. Understanding this dynamic can help us navigate such situations with greater resilience and self-compassion. In the following sections, we will explore this concept in three parts, drawing insights from Matthew Hussey's teachings and the experiences shared by his Love Life community members.

    • Observing ex-partners' changesBe cautious of what we see online or through third-party info, consider potential motivations, and remember that dwelling on past relationships can negatively impact self-worth. Seek support in a community if needed.

      It's important to be cautious when observing ex-partners' apparent changes in relationships. Suzanne's situation highlights how easy it is to be consumed by thoughts of "what if" and self-doubt when we see an ex thrive in a new relationship. However, it's crucial to remember that what we see online or through third-party information might not be the full story. Before jumping to conclusions, it's essential to consider the potential motivations behind the change and whether it's sustainable. The second takeaway is recognizing that dwelling on past relationships can negatively impact our self-worth and self-esteem. It's natural to question our role in past relationships, but it's essential to remember that we cannot control another person's actions or feelings. Instead, focus on personal growth and learning from past experiences. Lastly, if you're struggling with similar issues, consider joining a community like the Love Life Club. Being part of a supportive network can provide valuable resources, guidance, and a safe space to learn and grow in your love life.

    • Comparing relationshipsAssessing others' relationships based on limited evidence and comparing ourselves to them can be misleading. Focus on our own journey and finding our own audience for growth and fulfillment.

      Comparing ourselves to others' relationships and assuming easy progress based on superficial evidence is misleading. We don't have complete knowledge of what's happening behind closed doors, and people's fundamental nature often remains unchanged. Instead of measuring others' progress or feeling threatened by their success, we should focus on our own journey and finding our own audience. Everyone deserves happiness, and it's not a competition. Let go of the need to measure or compare and embrace the uniqueness of each person's path to growth and fulfillment.

    • Being authenticFocus on being the best version of yourself and refining your craft, rather than comparing yourself to others and worrying about their success. Your unique voice and strengths will resonate with your audience.

      Focusing on being the best version of yourself and leaning into your unique strengths is key to finding and connecting with your audience. Comparing yourself to others and worrying about their success can be distracting and unproductive. Remember, everyone has a unique voice and resonates differently with different people. It's important to stay true to yourself and refine your craft, rather than trying to be someone else. Additionally, it's natural for people to find different things appealing and resonating with different individuals is not a reflection of one's worth. Instead, focus on growing and improving, and trust that your audience will find you. If you feel like you're always the one being surpassed by others, try to shift your perspective and focus on your own journey and growth. Your job is to find and connect with your people, and the best way to do that is to be authentic and true to yourself.

    • Self-reflection in relationshipsCourageously identifying and addressing personal behaviors that hinder connection in relationships is crucial for personal growth and meaningful relationships.

      We all have intrinsic value that we bring to relationships, but sometimes our behaviors can distract people from experiencing that value. It's important to explore what those behaviors might be and how they may be hindering our ability to connect deeply with others. This can be a difficult and brave question to ask, but it's essential for personal growth and finding meaningful relationships. During a recent getaway with a small group of clients, one woman asked me to identify her biggest weakness after working with her for eight months. Her question showed great courage and reminded me of the importance of self-reflection in identifying and addressing behaviors that may be getting in the way of our relationships.

    • Honest FeedbackSeeking feedback from trusted individuals can lead to valuable insights, but creating a safe space for honest communication is crucial. Identify patterns and address potential 'fatal flaws' to improve relationships.

      Seeking genuine feedback from trusted individuals can lead to valuable insights about our behaviors and how they may be impacting our relationships. It's essential to create a safe space for honest communication, encouraging the person to be brave in their responses, and acknowledging that their feedback may not always align with our own perception. By asking for honest feedback from multiple trusted sources, we can identify patterns and address any potential "fatal flaws" that may be hindering our connections with others. Remember, the goal is to learn and grow, not to be right or defensive.

    • Weaknesses and personal growthIdentifying and addressing our weaknesses can lead to personal growth and better relationships. Ask trusted individuals for insights and focus on areas for improvement.

      Identifying and addressing our weaknesses can lead to personal growth and better relationships. Instead of dwelling on perceived flaws, we can view them as opportunities for improvement. By asking trusted individuals about our biggest weaknesses, we can gain valuable insights and focus on areas for development. Change may not be easy, but it's worth the effort. Additionally, it's important to remember that others' relationships may not be as perfect as they seem, and focusing on our own growth will lead us to find our true audience and lasting connections.

    • Moving ForwardFocus on creating a fulfilling life for yourself instead of dwelling on past relationships, be the author of your own happiness, and seek opportunities for growth.

      You have the power to be the hero of your own story. Focusing on past relationships or the people in them keeps you from moving forward and creating a fulfilling life for yourself. You are the author of your own happiness, and no one can stop you from experiencing amazing love and living an amazing life. Don't be afraid to explore the things holding you back and create opportunities for growth. Joining a retreat or seeking guidance can help you on this journey. Remember, you have the power to make yourself the leading role in your own movie. Don't let past relationships define your future. Take control and create a life filled with joy and love.

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    ►► Ask Matthew AI Your Biggest Dating Question for Free Now at. . .
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    → http://www.AskMHFirst.com

    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com

    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

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    ►► Transform Your Relationship With Life in 6 Magical Days.
    Learn More About The Matthew Hussey Retreat at. . . .
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    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com

    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com