
    McConnell's Alarming Freeze, Biden's Decline, and Elites Saying We'll "Own Nothing," with Glenn Greenwald and Carol Roth | Ep. 619

    enAugust 31, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Concerns over Mitch McConnell's health and leadership capabilitiesPublic figures' health and abilities matter for effective governance, aging leaders may cling to power leading to gerontocracy, and it's important for family and aides to intervene for a dignified exit.

      The health and capabilities of public figures, including politicians like Mitch McConnell, become a matter of public concern when they remain in positions of power and responsibility despite apparent incapacities. McConnell's repeated freezing on camera and inability to answer questions has raised concerns, with some speculating it could be related to Parkinson's disease. While it's important to be understanding and empathetic about aging and infirmity, the public's interest lies in ensuring capable leadership. The phenomenon of aging leaders clinging to power, known as gerontocracy, can be detrimental to effective governance. It's crucial for family members and aides to step in when necessary to ensure a dignified exit from public life.

    • Considering the impact of aging on leadershipLeaders must prioritize the greater good by recognizing when they can no longer effectively carry out their duties due to age or infirmity, and relinquish power accordingly.

      Individuals, especially those in positions of power, have a responsibility to consider the impact of their continued service on their ability to effectively carry out their duties. This was discussed in the context of personal experiences and the current situation of an aging president. It's important to recognize that age and infirmity can impact cognitive abilities and physical capabilities, and when it becomes apparent, family members and the public have a responsibility to intervene. This can be a difficult decision, as it involves personal and professional sacrifices, but ultimately, the greater good should be prioritized. The responsibility to relinquish power, regardless of one's attachment to it, is a crucial aspect of good leadership. It's not about age alone, but about ability and fitness to serve.

    • Growing concerns about Biden's mental and physical capabilitiesDespite downplaying efforts, concerns about Biden's fitness for presidency persist due to visible differences in his performance and lack of transparency from the White House

      There are growing concerns about President Joe Biden's mental and physical capabilities to effectively carry out his duties as president. These concerns have been expressed by Democratic insiders even before he secured the nomination in 2020. The visible difference in Biden's performance from just a few years ago has raised questions about his ability to keep up with the demands of the presidency. The attempts to downplay these concerns and insinuate that people are not intelligent enough to assess the situation for themselves is seen as disrespectful and gaslighting. The ongoing denial and lack of transparency from the White House only fuel the suspicion and speculation about Biden's fitness for office. This situation presents a significant challenge for the Democrats and could potentially lead to a shift in public perception regarding Biden's presidency.

    • Criticisms of President Biden's tone-deaf response to crises and challenges from figures like Cornel West and Bernie SandersPresident Biden's dismissive behavior during crises and history of lying have damaged his public image. Figures like Cornel West and Bernie Sanders, who offer alternative perspectives and appeal to disconnected voters, pose significant challenges to the Democratic Party.

      The ability to connect with people and show empathy is crucial in politics, especially during times of crisis. The recent behavior of President Biden, such as his dismissive response to the Maui fire disaster and his history of lying, has been criticized as tone-deaf and damaging to his public image. Meanwhile, figures like Cornel West and Bernie Sanders, who have been critical of the Democratic Party and offer alternative perspectives, could pose significant challenges to the party in upcoming elections. West, in particular, is a respected intellectual and charismatic figure who could appeal to a wide range of voters, including those who feel disconnected from stale left-wing dogma. Sanders, who has always prided himself on his independence from the Democratic Party, attacking his friend Cornel West shows that there is no longer any significant internal dissent within the Democratic party.

    • Tensions between Bernie Sanders and Cornel WestDeep divisions within the Democratic Party over commitment to working class and poor communities, leading to public attacks and criticism for rigging primary and neglecting marginalized communities.

      The dynamic between Bernie Sanders and Cornel West, two prominent figures in the Democratic Party, highlights the deep divisions within the party regarding its commitment to addressing the needs of the working class and poor communities. Sanders argues for unity to defeat Trump, while West expresses skepticism about the Democratic Party's intentions. This tension has led to harsh public attacks, with Sanders criticizing West for owing significant unpaid taxes and West accusing the party of neglecting the needs of marginalized communities. The stakes are high, as the Democratic Party faces criticism for rigging the primary in favor of Joe Biden and the potential loss of black votes to Trump. The party's handling of these issues and its ability to address the concerns of its critics will be crucial in the upcoming election.

    • Unprecedented Propaganda Campaign for Biden ElectionsExpect intense propaganda efforts from power centers in US elections, demonstrated by Russiagate and Hunter Biden laptop incidents. Cornel West could act as a spoiler, but Biden's determination to hold power makes replacement unlikely.

      The 2020 US presidential election is expected to see an unprecedented propaganda campaign from the power center in the United States, backing Joe Biden. The lengths they went to in 2016, fabricating the Russiagate scandal and lying about the Hunter Biden laptop being Russian disinformation, demonstrate their determination to win. Cornel West, aligned with the Green Party, could potentially act as a spoiler, resonating with black voters and delivering a powerful anti-establishment message. The speculation about Joe Biden's infirmity and potential withdrawal has been circulating, but given his lifelong pursuit of political power, it's unlikely he will voluntarily relinquish it. The Democratic party's self-esteem and purpose are deeply intertwined with holding onto power, making it an uphill battle for any potential replacement, like Kamala Harris, to take over.

    • Republican Primary Race: Trump Faces Challenges from Haley and RamaswamiTrump faces competition from Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswami in the Republican primary race, with Haley surging in Iowa and tied with Ron DeSantis in New Hampshire, while Ramaswami is seen as the debate winner. Trump's unique ideology makes it challenging for competitors to contrast him without alienating his supporters.

      The Republican primary race for the 2024 presidential nomination is heating up, with Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswami gaining ground against front-runner Donald Trump and Governor Ron DeSantis. According to recent polling data, Haley is surging in Iowa and is tied with DeSantis in New Hampshire, while Ramaswami is seen as the debate winner. Trump's pollster, Tony Fabrizio, reported these findings to Republican donors, causing a stir in the race. However, DeSantis' pollster disputes the numbers, claiming Trump still holds a significant lead in both states. The strategy of dividing the opposition to maintain a strong base is a tactic Trump employed successfully in 2016. Trump's unique ideological message, which repudiated Republican Party orthodoxy on foreign and economic policy, made it challenging for competitors to draw a clear contrast with him without alienating his supporters. Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, Tim Scott, and Chris Christie, among others, do not share Trump's ideology and face difficulties in gaining ground against him. The race remains uncertain, with Trump maintaining a significant lead but facing challenges from multiple contenders.

    • Trump vs Everyone Else NarrativeTrump's team is changing the focus of the primary from Trump vs DeSantis to Trump vs all other candidates. Trump's base remains strong despite indictments, and Vivek Ramaswami's message may still resonate despite personal style issues.

      The Trump team is shifting the narrative of the Republican primary from Trump versus DeSantis to Trump versus everyone else, as they believe criminal trials against Trump will galvanize his base. Trump's support among Republicans, independents, and non-MAGA voters remains strong despite the indictments, which many view as political persecution. Vivek Ramaswami, a potential challenger, has become irritating to some due to his personal style, but his message may still resonate. The foreign policy aspect of Ramaswami's comments on Israel and US aid have been taken out of context and used as attack points by opponents. The focus on Israel and the Abraham Accords is a priority for Trump. Despite personal feelings towards some candidates, it's important to acknowledge the potential significance of their messages and actions in the political landscape.

    • Challenging the bipartisan consensus on US-Israel relationshipVivek Ramaswamy questioned moral obligation to support Israel unconditionally, advocating for self-sufficiency, but critics misconstrued it as cutting aid, and his inconsistent messaging raised concerns.

      During the Democratic primary debate, Vivek Ramaswamy raised some nuanced points about the US-Israel relationship, challenging the bipartisan consensus. His stance, which questions the moral obligation to support Israel unconditionally, is not popular among Republican voters, including MAGA voters. Ramaswamy's critics accused him of wanting to cut off aid to Israel, but he clarified that he was advocating for Israel's self-sufficiency. Despite his lack of foreign policy experience, Ramaswamy has expressed confidence in his ability to handle complex issues and assemble a team of experts. However, his inconsistent messaging on certain issues, such as Taiwan, has raised concerns. Overall, Ramaswamy's stance on Israel and his approach to foreign policy are divisive, and it remains to be seen how it will resonate with voters.

    • Self-confidence vs. ArroganceSelf-confidence can lead to success but arrogance can alienate people. Understanding struggles and showing humility is important.

      Self-confidence can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can lead to success and achievement, but on the other hand, it can turn into arrogance and alienate people. The discussion highlighted the example of a political figure who went from self-confidence to arrogance, and how it affected his image and ability to connect with people. The economy was another topic touched upon, with the observation that despite rising costs and struggles for the middle and working class, the president was boasting about his economic policies. The disconnect between reality and perception was emphasized, and the importance of humility and understanding the struggles of the average person was emphasized.

    • Media overlooks individual economic hardships amidst rosy economic pictureThe media and White House focus on employment and inflation rates, but fail to acknowledge individual economic struggles and signs of recession

      While the media may be painting a rosy picture of the economy under President Biden, the reality for many Americans is one of economic hardship. Despite low unemployment and decreasing inflation rates, many individuals are dipping into savings and relying heavily on credit. This trend, which indicates signs of individual recessions, is not being acknowledged by the media or the White House. Instead, the focus is on the creation of jobs and the reduction of inflation, which may not tell the full story. For instance, the job growth under Biden can be attributed to the reopening of the economy rather than new job creation. Additionally, while inflation rates have decreased, they remain higher than sustainable levels, eroding the purchasing power of the US dollar. It's essential to consider these complexities when evaluating the economic situation under the current administration.

    • Long-term structural issues persist in the economyThe current economic situation is facing long-term structural issues due to the Fed's policies and Biden administration's initiatives, including energy, labor supply, housing, and inflation, which cannot be solved by printing money. Government intervention could lead to negative tax revenue and unequal outcomes.

      The current economic situation, despite showing signs of slowing growth, is not yet out of the woods due to long-term structural issues that have been caused by both the Federal Reserve's policies and the Biden administration's economic initiatives. These issues include energy, labor supply, housing, and inflation, which cannot be solved by printing money. The American people understand these costs, and the Biden presidency's perceived anti-business stance and interference in corporate operations through policies like expanding overtime pay and lowering drug prices have raised concerns. Historically, lowering taxes has resulted in increased tax revenue, but the current administration's focus on raising taxes and government intervention in business operations could lead to negative tax revenue and unequal outcomes. It is essential to let the markets sort out wages and other economic issues rather than relying on government intervention.

    • Government Intervention and the Threat to Private PropertyThe idea of government intervention leading to a world without private property ownership is concerning, as it goes against American ideals and historical evidence of prosperity. Instead, removing barriers for American workers to create wealth is advocated.

      The idea of government intervention leading to a world where people will "own nothing and be happy" is a concerning prediction, as it goes against the American ideal of private property ownership and the historical evidence of prosperity associated with it. The speaker argues that this mentality, seen in Democratic leaders and global organizations like the World Economic Forum, is rooted in a cycle of financial power shifting throughout history. The speaker believes that this proposed vision of no property ownership would lead to a lack of freedom and happiness, and instead advocates for removing barriers that allow American workers to create wealth and seize the American dream. The speaker also warns against the potential consequences of buying into the idea of government taking care of everything, as it could make it easier for them to control various aspects of our lives.

    • BRICS nations seeking more power and voice in global financeBRICS countries, led by China, are challenging the US dollar's dominance as the world's reserve currency and exploring alternatives like gold and expanding the BRICS group to gain more influence in global finance due to US instability and actions.

      As the financial order shifts globally, powerful individuals and nations are motivated by human nature to retain their power and wealth. This is evident in the growing influence of the BRICS nations, who are seeking more voice and power on the global stage. The instability of the US dollar, as the world's reserve currency, is a concern for many countries, particularly large importers, leading them to explore alternatives like gold and expanding the BRICS group. China is a key player in this shift, pushing for less reliance on the US dollar in reserves and trade. The US's actions, such as cutting off Russia's access to reserves, have further fueled this desire for alternative financial systems. Overall, the global power dynamic is shifting, and nations and individuals are positioning themselves accordingly.

    • Economic Factors Driving Up Housing PricesEconomic decisions by Saudi Arabia, China, Wall Street, and the Fed have led to a surge in demand for housing, reducing supply, and driving up prices, making it difficult for the middle class to afford homes

      The economic decisions being made on both a domestic and international level are contributing to rising housing prices and making it increasingly difficult for the middle class to afford homes. Saudi Arabia's investment in US treasuries and China's desire for energy security have led to a surge in demand for housing, driving up prices. At the same time, Wall Street institutions have been buying up homes to rent rather than sell, further reducing the supply and increasing prices. The Fed's actions, including low interest rates and now rising rates, have also contributed to the problem. The average person is left struggling to afford housing in the face of rising prices, high gas prices, inflation, and stagnant wages. The American dream of owning a home is being replaced by a system that transfers wealth from families to Wall Street. It's a challenging situation for many, and some will not be able to afford a home at all.

    • Taking Control of Your Financial Situation and Advocating for ChangeIndividuals can improve finances through personal austerity, advocate for housing supply, and engage in local activism. Vivek Ramaswamy is a potential GOP contender addressing economic issues head-on.

      Individuals can take steps to improve their financial situations and push back against government policies that negatively impact middle-class Americans. This can include practicing personal austerity, advocating for more housing supply, and getting involved in local government. Vivek Ramaswamy, a potential GOP primary contender, is seen as a promising alternative to Donald Trump due to his commitment to addressing issues head-on, despite potential criticisms. Ultimately, it's crucial for individuals to educate themselves on the root causes of economic issues and engage in activism to effect change.

    • Vivek Ramaswamy's Actions and Demeanor in GOP Debates Could Negatively Impact His Political CareerRamaswamy's actions towards Trump and arrogant demeanor during the GOP debates may negatively impact his political career and resonance with the populist sentiment in the race.

      Vivek Ramaswamy's political career may be negatively impacted by his recent actions towards Donald Trump during the GOP debates. Trump, being the dominant figure in the race, could potentially tarnish Ramaswamy's reputation for stepping in it now. Ramaswamy's arrogant demeanor and self-complimentary remarks during the debate were also criticized by some listeners. Pat in Kansas suggested that Ramaswamy might be aiming for a cabinet position instead of the presidency. Trump himself warned Ramaswamy to be careful with his words during an interview on Glenn Beck's show. Jenny in Georgia shared similar feelings towards Nikki Haley, expressing that she came across as arrogant and pompous during her time at the UN. Overall, the consensus seems to be that Ramaswamy's actions and demeanor may not resonate well with the populist sentiment in the GOP race.

    • Lack of representation from certain voices in negotiationsInclusivity and accurate representation of public opinion are crucial in negotiations to ensure a productive and fair conversation.

      The voices of certain potential candidates, such as Larry Elder, were missing from the recent negotiations, which could have significantly altered the conversation. Vivek Ramaswami, who was present, could have benefited from a mentorship role with a DC insider, rather than being seen as a potential running mate or cabinet member due to his lack of political experience. The polling data was also discussed, with concerns raised about its accuracy and potential manipulation, as many people may have grown tired of Donald Trump and his chaotic presidency but still hold strong feelings towards him due to name recognition. Overall, the importance of including diverse voices and accurately representing public opinion was emphasized.

    • Appreciating Complex Political FiguresStay open-minded and respectful in political dialogue, acknowledging complexities of figures and engaging in respectful discourse to navigate the nuances of the political landscape.

      Open-mindedness and respectful dialogue are crucial in understanding complex political figures and navigating the nuances of the political landscape. Megyn Kelly expressed her appreciation for engaging with individuals like RFKJ, acknowledging their perspectives even when they differ from her own. She emphasized the importance of staying open-minded and recognizing the complexities of politicians, just as we do in personal relationships. As a journalist, she acknowledged the emotional journey and the highs and lows that come with covering various figures. She encouraged listeners to do the same and stay engaged in the political process, ultimately leading to the election of a new president. Additionally, she invited listeners to email her and promised to read and respond to their messages. Overall, the message encourages listeners to stay informed, engaged, and open-minded in their political discourse.

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    J.D. Vance on Democrats' Anti-Family Policies, Media Attacks, and Whether Biden Can Remain in Office | Ep. 849

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    More from Vance: https://x.com/JDVance

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 26, 2024

    James Woods on Biden's Farewell and Political Bias in Hollywood, and Jim VandeHei on the Trump Era Media and More | Ep. 848

    James Woods on Biden's Farewell and Political Bias in Hollywood, and Jim VandeHei on the Trump Era Media and More | Ep. 848

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    Woods- https://x.com/RealJamesWoods

    VandeHei- https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/739608/just-the-good-stuff-by-jim-vandehei/


    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 25, 2024

    Deep Dive: How Kamala Harris is Polling Against Donald Trump So Far... and What To Watch For, with Spencer Kimball | Ep. 847

    Deep Dive: How Kamala Harris is Polling Against Donald Trump So Far... and What To Watch For, with Spencer Kimball | Ep. 847

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Spencer Kimball, director of Emerson College Polling, to discuss Emerson's new poll in swing states looking at Kamala Harris vs. Donald Trump, how Trump still outperforms Harris in most states, whether Harris is able to perform better than Biden did, the key constituencies of minority voters and young voters, the potential polling impact of Harris being anointed by top Dems rather than the American voters, which party has the momentum now and will in the next few weeks, whether Trump or Harris have the upperhand in 2024, and more.

    More from Kimball and Emerson: https://emersoncollegepolling.com/

    Magic Spoon: https://Magicspoon.com/MK or use promo code MK 

    Done with Debt: https://www.donewithdebt.com/

    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 25, 2024

    Left Smears Kamala Critics as Racist and Sexist, and False Narratives Emerge, with Tulsi Gabbard, Michael Knowles, and RealClearPolitics Hosts | Ep. 846

    Left Smears Kamala Critics as Racist and Sexist, and False Narratives Emerge, with Tulsi Gabbard, Michael Knowles, and RealClearPolitics Hosts | Ep. 846

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Tom Bevan, Carl Cannon, and Andrew Walworth, hosts of the RealClearPolitics Podcast, to discuss whether VP Kamala Harris could perform better than President Biden against Trump in November, how much money her campaign has raised, whether Harris' record will hurt her with swing voters, the undemocratic way Kamala Harris was anointed as the next Democratic nominee, how the left is spinning the reality of the situation, the spin from Chuck Schumer and others about the "grassroots," J.D. Vance's first week as VP nominee, the latest alarming details about security lapses regarding the assassination attempt, and more. Then Tulsi Gabbard, author of "For Love of Country,” joins to discuss the Democratic elite lying about the process that anointed Kamala Harris as the nominee, their attempt to spin the truth about the consequences of her policy, her experience why Harris failed as a 2020 Democratic candidate, Harris’ extreme policies, the false narratives being created around Harris' record and push toward lawlessness, how she pushed for less police on the streets, her viral debate moment with Harris, and more. Then Michael Knowles of The Daily Wire joins to discuss the left  and media attempting to make Kamala Harris seem cool and "brat," CNN trying to explain what "brat" even is, whether she's actually just awkward and vapid, how the the smears of the right as racist and sexist after Harris became the presumptive nominee, the false narrative that Fox host Brian Kilmeade said "colored" and insane reaction to it, using an old J.D. Vance clip about "cat ladies" to smear him, an incredibly emotional Elon Musk moment about radical transgender ideology and his son, and more.

    Bevan, Walworth, & Cannon- https://www.realclearpolitics.com/

    Gabbard- https://www.tulsigabbard.com/

    Knowles- https://www.dailywire.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 24, 2024

    Dem Elite Anoint Kamala, and Secret Service Director Finally Resigns, with Sen. Josh Hawley, Charlie Spiering, and Mike Baker | Ep. 845

    Dem Elite Anoint Kamala, and Secret Service Director Finally Resigns, with Sen. Josh Hawley, Charlie Spiering, and Mike Baker | Ep. 845

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri to discuss the Secret Service director finally resigning after her terrible appearance before Congress, the failure of law enforcement at the Trump rally causing the attempted assassination, the blame game we're seeing now, the lack of accountability and transparency, the contemptible actions of Sec. Mayorkas and the FBI in the wake of the assassination attempt, the attempted rebrand of VP Kamala Harris, the Democratic elite installing Harris as their new "party puppet," whether Harris could end up as president over the next few weeks and months, and more. Then Charlie Spiering, author of "Amateur Hour," joins to discuss how the elite on the left are attempting to rebrand Harris and appoint her as the nominee, calling her a "wine aunt," her history of rocky workplace relationships, why it's fair game to question how Harris got her start in politics involving her relationship with Willie Brown, her early work in San Francisco, the talking point about her being a tough prosecutor, Harris' terrible run as the "border czar," her far left believes on social issues, Kamala having a "brat summer," and more. Then Mike Baker, host of "The President's Daily Brief," joins to discuss how Secret Service should have handled the Trump rally, the timeline of events during the assassination attempt, all the areas where law enforcement went wrong, the breakdown of leadership and communication, the lies about "sloped roof" and more, and more.

    Hawley- https://x.com/HawleyMO

    Spiering- https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Amateur-Hour/Charlie-Spiering/9781668046074

    Baker- https://www.youtube.com/@presidentsdailybrief

    Magic Spoon: https://Magicspoon.com/MK or use promo code MK 
    Prager U: Make a 100% tax-deductible donation at https://PragerU.com/Socks & get your socks today
    Native Path: Visit https://nativepath.sale/MK now to claim your exclusive up to 45% OFF discount. 


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 23, 2024

    Biden Still Hiding After Dropping Out, and Elites Coronate Kamala, with Charles C.W. Cooke, and Jim Geraghty, and Dave Rubin | Ep. 844

    Biden Still Hiding After Dropping Out, and Elites Coronate Kamala, with Charles C.W. Cooke, and Jim Geraghty, and Dave Rubin | Ep. 844

    Megyn Kelly begins the show by discussing the monumental news that Joe Biden has stepped down as nominee through a statement posted to his X account, why there are questions about the validity of his signature, the alarming way he looked when he was last seen on Wednesday, and more. Then Charles C.W. Cooke and Jim Geraghty of National Review join to discuss why it's strange that Biden hasn’t been seen or heard from for days, the true nature of his health condition, whether Biden really can remain president now that he's no longer running as the nominee, if Kamala Harris has an actual shot of winning the presidency if she's the Democratic nominee, her cringe and awkward moments that attempt to cover up her nervousness, young people online trying to make her awkwardness seem cool, her political failures during this administration, how top Dems will try to sell Harris to America and whether it will work, whether she might be installed as president in the next few weeks too, and more. Then Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report, joins to discuss the failures of the Secret Service that led to the assassination attempt on Trump, the lack of accountability surrounding the incident, the Secret Service director Kim Cheatle being grilled by both sides of the aisle in a Congressional hearing, her refusal to give any actual answers, Nancy Pelosi’s endorsement of Kamala Harris, top Dems pushing Harris as the nominee while Biden remains hidden, and more.


    Cooke- https://twitter.com/charlescwcooke

    Geraghty- https://www.amazon.com/Dueling-Six-Demons-Dangerous-Clique/dp/1733734651

    Rubin- https://www.youtube.com/user/RubinReport


    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 22, 2024

    BREAKING: Biden DROPS OUT of Presidential Race, with Emily Jashinsky, Rich Lowry, and Mark Halperin | Ep. 843

    BREAKING: Biden DROPS OUT of Presidential Race, with Emily Jashinsky, Rich Lowry, and Mark Halperin | Ep. 843

    Megyn Kelly delivers a breaking news bonus episode on the massive development with President Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race in a statement posted to X on Sunday afternoon. She's joined by Mark Halperin, founder of the Wide World of News Substack, to discuss his correct reporting that Biden would drop out this weekend despite indications he was going to try to stick around, how key former Speaker Nancy Pelosi was to the process, and more. Then Emily Jashinsky and Rich Lowry join to discuss how the Democratic elite and establishment media colluding to lie for months and years about the true state of Biden's cognitive decline, the dishonest spin that led to this moment, what might happen next in the 2024 election, the insane reaction to "hero" Biden after he agreed to step aside, VP Kamala Harris' most embarrassing moments of the past few years, the immediate push to make Harris the definitive candidate, how Republicans will work to tie Harris to the Biden presidency, her major flaws as a candidate, whether Biden should resign as president now that he won't be the 2024 nominee, the open questions about how he can't do the job, the danger to keeping him as the president, and more.

    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 21, 2024

    J.D. Vance on Trump, Addiction, and Family | November 2020 Re-Release

    J.D. Vance on Trump, Addiction, and Family | November 2020 Re-Release

    Today we're re-releasing an episode from our archives, when J.D. Vance was a guest on the show in November 2020. In the years since the interview, Vance has gone on to become U.S. senator from Ohio, and this week, named former President Trump's VP nominee. In this episode, Vance and Megyn discuss Trump and the 2020 election, his family and their portrayal in the movie adaptation of "Hillbilly Elegy," addiction in America, the blindspots of the Democratic party, failure of the elites, and much more.

    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 21, 2024

    Trump's Emotional Closing to RNC, and Democrats in Chaos as They Push Biden Out, with Kmele Foster and Matt Welch | Ep. 842

    Trump's Emotional Closing to RNC, and Democrats in Chaos as They Push Biden Out, with Kmele Foster and Matt Welch | Ep. 842

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Kmele Foster and Matt Welch, co-hosts of The Fifth Column podcast, to discuss former President Donald Trump's major speech to close out the RNC, how Democrats are still fumbling with attempting to replace Biden after the debate debacle, the galvanizing moment for Republicans after Trump assassination attempt, the changing identity of the Republican Party, Trump's altered persona on display at the Republican National Convention, the fun and entertaining Republican National Convention, the GOP connecting with the working class, if the GOP is headed to a massive landslide victory in November, Trump's RNC speech reference to the chart that saved his life, "The View" hosts critiquing Trump's comments about God saving his life, George Conway's ridiculous new campaign to prove Trump is mentally ill,  how Trump's background involving overcoming obstacles and optimism is being used in campaign messaging, the difference between him and other New York elites, Trump sharing the story of how he came up with the "no tax on tips" policy position thanks to a waitress, how the Democrats might push out Biden, who could be the replacement and whether VP Kamala Harris gets anointed, and more.

    More from The Fifth Column: https://www.wethefifth.com/


    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 19, 2024

    J.D. Vance Takes Centerstage, and "Ear Truthers" in Trump-Hating Media, with Donald Trump, Jr., Rep. Byron Donalds, and Matt Taibbi | Ep. 841

    J.D. Vance Takes Centerstage, and "Ear Truthers" in Trump-Hating Media, with Donald Trump, Jr., Rep. Byron Donalds, and Matt Taibbi | Ep. 841

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Donald Trump Jr, host of the "Triggered" podcast, to discuss J.D. Vance’s acceptance speech at the RNC, his remarkable life story, the sweet moment with his mother, the evolution of Vance's feelings about Donald Trump, the left-wing media questioning whether Trump was actually shot, Joy Reid’s ridiculous coverage on MSNBC, how the Trump family has rallied around the former president in the wake of the assassination attempt, and more. Then Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida joins to discuss the Secret Service’s need to be held accountable for the failures that led to the assassination attempt, new details about when law enforcement identified the shooter as a person of interest, the growing list of Democrats calling for Joe Biden to step aside, how top Dems' attitude toward Biden has changed over the past few weeks, and more.  Then Matt Taibbi, editor of "Racket News," joins to discuss the evolution of Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski's narrative surrounding Joe Biden’s health and ability to serve in the wake of the CNN debate, how ridiculous it makes them look, what top Dems are saying now about Biden's political future, the media’s ridiculous coverage and skepticism of Donald Trump’s ear, using the term “photoganda” to discredit the iconic photos of Trump after the shooting, why the left doesn't like that Trump is getting positive attention for his bravery and courage, and more. 


    Trump Jr- https://rumble.com/c/DonaldJTrumpJr

    Donalds- https://x.com/byrondonalds

    Taibbi- https://www.racket.news/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 18, 2024

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    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:


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