
    Meadows 1/6 subpoena, toxic train disaster, Alabama Blackhawk crash

    enFebruary 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Community Frustrations Over Toxic Train CrashResidents of East Palestine, Ohio demand answers and action following a toxic train crash, with frustration escalating at a town hall meeting due to the absence of Norfolk Southern Railroad. A subpoena of former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows marks a significant move in the January 6th Capitol riots investigation.

      Quality sleep is a priority, and the Sleep Number smart bed offers customizable solutions for individual sleep needs. Meanwhile, in East Palestine, Ohio, residents are demanding answers and action following a toxic train crash that left them concerned about their health and safety. Frustrations escalated at a town hall meeting as families sought assurances about the long-term effects of the incident and requested ongoing testing. Norfolk Southern Railroad, the company responsible for the derailment, did not attend the meeting, leading to further anger and mistrust. The community is now waiting for the EPA and other officials to provide clear answers and solutions to their concerns. In other news, former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows has been subpoenaed by the special counsel investigating the January 6th Capitol riots. This development marks a significant move in the ongoing investigation.

    • Trump Allies Face Legal Battles Over Election InterferenceTrump allies like Mark Meadows are under subpoena and face legal challenges for their roles in election events, while former VP Mike Pence argues for protection under the speech and debate clause. Special counsel Jack Smith is locked in eight secret court battles with witnesses, and the FBI searches for classified documents connected to President Biden.

      Key figures from the Trump administration, such as Mark Meadows, are facing subpoenas and legal battles over their involvement in the events leading up to and following the 2020 election. Meadows, who was present during the Capitol riots and on the infamous phone call with Georgia's secretary of state, has received a subpoena from the Department of Justice and has vowed to fight it on constitutional grounds. Former Vice President Mike Pence is also facing a subpoena, but he is arguing that he is protected by the speech and debate clause as part of the legislative branch. Jack Smith, the special counsel leading the investigations, is reportedly locked in eight secret court battles with witnesses. Additionally, the FBI has conducted searches for classified documents at multiple locations, including the University of Delaware, connected to President Biden. These developments underscore the complex and ongoing nature of these investigations, with significant constitutional questions at play.

    • Community gathers for support after tragedyTraumatic events leave a deep impact, raising questions and requiring support, as seen in a university shooting and helicopter crash.

      The aftermath of a traumatic event, such as a mass shooting or a helicopter crash, can leave a deep impact on individuals and communities. Last night, students, faculty, and staff at a university gathered for a vigil, just 50 yards from where a shooting occurred, showing a strong display of vulnerability and strength. People are left with many unanswered questions, including how the shooter obtained the gun and why the tragedy happened. Meanwhile, in a separate incident, two Tennessee National Guardsmen were killed in a helicopter crash during a routine training flight, leaving their families and communities in grief. These events serve as a reminder of the unexpected challenges and emotions that come with tragedy, and the importance of coming together for support and answers.

    • Biden's Age: Significant Issue in Political DiscourseDemocrats focus on Biden's accomplishments, Republicans use age as campaign issue, Contingency plans being made for Biden's reelection, Biden advisers tread carefully to avoid appearing disloyal

      President Joe Biden's age is a significant issue in the political discourse, with some Democrats expressing concerns about his energy levels and ability to handle the demands of the job. However, Biden's advisers argue that the focus should be on his accomplishments and the important numbers, such as COVID shots administered, unemployment rate, and jobs created. Meanwhile, some Democrats are quietly preparing for a contingency plan in case Biden decides not to run for reelection or faces health issues. Republicans, like Nikki Haley, are using Biden's age as a campaign issue, calling for term limits and mental competency tests for politicians over 75. Despite these concerns, many Democrats are feeling good about Biden's record and believe he has a strong case for reelection. The conversation around Biden's age is a delicate one, and some advisers are treading carefully to avoid appearing disloyal.

    • Presidential Candidates' Age and Narcan AccessibilityJoe Biden's age and COVID-19 precautions may impact his campaign. Over-the-counter Narcan could make the life-saving drug more accessible.

      The age of presidential candidates, including President Joe Biden, is a concern for some voters. However, using age as a wedge issue makes some people uncomfortable. Biden himself has acknowledged the concern, but his campaign may look different this time around due to his advanced age and the COVID-19 precautions. A potential game changer in public health is the possibility of making Narcan, an overdose reversing drug, available over the counter without a prescription. This could make the life-saving medication more accessible to those in need. The FDA is expected to make the final decision on this matter soon.

    • FDA Considering Allowing Over-the-Counter Sale of NarcanThe FDA's proposal to make Narcan available without a prescription could save lives during opioid emergencies, but a current hurdle is the need to ask pharmacists directly for it. Meanwhile, a potential debt limit crisis could lead to economic and financial chaos, impacting various groups and potentially causing a recession.

      The FDA is considering allowing people to purchase Narcan, a medication used to reverse opioid overdoses, without a prescription. This could make it easier for individuals to have the life-saving drug on hand, especially during the summer months when more people gather and potential exposures to opioids increase. However, there is currently an impediment as people need to ask the pharmacist for it directly. The FDA supports this idea, and it could significantly reduce the number of opioid-related deaths, which reached over 80,000 in 2021. Meanwhile, there is an urgent warning from the Congressional Budget Office about the potential debt limit crisis. If lawmakers do not address the issue soon, the U.S. could default on its debt as early as July, leading to an economic and financial catastrophe. This could result in unpaid bills to various groups, including Social Security recipients, active-duty military, and federal contractors, causing a potential recession and loss of confidence in the U.S. economy.

    • Rising costs in various areas threaten US financial sustainabilityThe US faces a debt-to-GDP ratio of 118% within the next decade due to escalating expenses in Medicare, Social Security, defense, and interest payments, necessitating urgent action to address the underlying causes.

      The United States is facing an unsustainable financial path due to rising costs in areas like Medicare, Social Security, defense, and interest payments. These expenses, which are larger than the size of the economy, will lead to a debt-to-GDP ratio of 118% within the next decade. This is a significant concern, as it has never happened before, and it could result in decreased Social Security benefits and potential economic instability. The short-term solution is to raise the debt ceiling to pay existing bills, but the long-term issue requires addressing the underlying causes of these growing expenses. Robert Irvine, a renowned chef and business consultant, shares similar insights in his new book, "Overcoming Impossible," where he emphasizes the importance of empathetic leadership, managing egos, and trust in running successful businesses, whether they are large corporations or small restaurants. His experiences and lessons learned from turning around struggling businesses can serve as valuable guidance for individuals and organizations facing financial challenges.

    • Learning from failures and setbacksUse past experiences as opportunities for growth, don't let them foster resentment. Companies responsible for environmental incidents should be held accountable for their actions and the impact on communities.

      Everyone, including business owners, faces failures and setbacks in life. Robert Irvine, from the show "Restaurant Impossible," emphasizes the importance of learning from these experiences and using them as opportunities for growth rather than allowing them to foster resentment. This concept is especially relevant in the context of the toxic chemical spill in East Palestine, Ohio, where residents are dealing with the immediate consequences and long-term uncertainties. Companies like Norfolk Southern, which have a history of environmental incidents, should be held accountable for their actions and the impact they have on communities. Learning from past failures and holding companies accountable are essential for individuals and society as a whole to move forward and prevent similar incidents from happening again.

    • Railroad Industry's Opposition to Electronically Controlled Pneumatic BrakesThe railroad industry's resistance to implementing electronically controlled pneumatic brakes has led to potential safety risks and regulatory rollbacks, putting public safety at stake.

      The railroad industry's resistance to implementing electronically controlled pneumatic brakes, despite their proven effectiveness, has led to potential safety risks and regulatory rollbacks. This issue came to a head during the Obama administration when a push to mandate these brakes for high hazard flammable trains was met with strong opposition from the industry and lobbyists. The Trump administration later reversed this rule, and the industry's victory may have long-term consequences for public safety. The recent East Palestine train derailment and subsequent chemical spill have renewed calls for stricter regulations. Meanwhile, former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows has been subpoenaed in the ongoing investigation into the January 6th Capitol attack, adding to the legal challenges facing the former administration's officials.

    • Mike Pence Focuses on Separation of Powers Amid Ongoing InvestigationsFormer VP Pence emphasizes constitutional principle as investigations into election interference and mishandled classified documents continue, while a Georgia grand jury report on Trump's election interference efforts is released today, but criminal charges remain undisclosed.

      Former Vice President Mike Pence is focusing on the constitutional principle of separation of powers, while investigations into the 2020 election and Trump's handling of classified documents continue. Special counsel Jack Smith's battles related to these investigations are ongoing, with implications that could reach far and wide for Trump. Today, the Georgia special grand jury's report on Trump's attempts to overturn the election results in that state will be released, although criminal charge recommendations will remain secret. Meanwhile, tensions remain high following a mass shooting at a mall in El Paso, Texas, where one person was killed and three others were injured. The gunman had a note in his pocket threatening shootings at other places, including Michigan and New Jersey, but it is believed he acted alone.

    • Recent Concerns: Mass Shootings, Aviation Close Calls, and Alec Murdock TrialAuthorities are investigating multiple concerning incidents, including mass shootings, aviation close calls, and complex trials. The FAA is conducting a safety review and industry summit, while investigators work to determine motives and potential connections in the mass shooting case.

      There have been multiple concerning incidents recently, including mass shootings and aviation close calls. The authorities are working to investigate these incidents and ensure public safety. In the case of the mass shooter, investigators are trying to determine the motives and potential connections of the suspect to various locations mentioned in his threat letter. Regarding the aviation incidents, there have been three close calls in less than a month, leading to concerns and calls for increased safety measures. The FAA is conducting a sweeping safety review and industry summit to address these issues. Additionally, in the Alec Murdock trial, new footage emerged of Murdock being asked directly about his involvement in his wife and son's murders, adding complexity to the case.

    • Alec Murdock's Interview with InvestigatorsSuspect Alec Murdock denied being at the crime scene, but investigators question his alibi and focus on him as a prime suspect. He also showed curiosity about the voice on a recording from the victim's phone.

      During an interview with investigators, Alec Murdock, a suspect in a double murder case, faced numerous questions regarding inconsistencies in his alibi and possible connection to a recording found at the crime scene. Murdock denied being at the kennels where the murders took place and insisted he changed clothes and spent only 45 minutes to an hour at his mother's house, while a caretaker testified to a much shorter visit. Investigators are focusing on Murdock as a prime suspect, and he was also curious about the identity of the person heard on the recording from the victim's phone, which he denied being. Meanwhile, in another news story, the gunman responsible for a racist mass shooting in Buffalo received multiple life sentences without parole, and Nikki Haley, a potential 2024 presidential candidate, called for mandatory mental competency tests for politicians over 75, targeting both President Biden and former President Trump.

    • Nikki Haley's comments on gerontocracy in US politicsNikki Haley's call for new leadership reflects a generational shift and the need for fresh perspectives in politics, despite potential ageist perceptions among some older voters.

      Nikki Haley's recent comments about politicians being past their prime and the need for new leadership is part of an ongoing conversation about gerontocracy in US politics. She is not starting this conversation but rather tapping into an existing narrative. While her comments might be perceived as ageist by some, older voters are likely to view politicians as individual characters rather than proxies for their own aging process. Additionally, Haley's stance on straddling the fence on various issues, including race and identity politics, is a strategic attempt to appeal to a diverse range of voters. However, her comments about Trump and Biden's competency align with the Republican party's argument against them. Overall, Haley's comments reflect a generational shift in leadership and a recognition of the need for fresh perspectives in politics.

    • People's resilience and unity shine during disastersAmidst devastation from a deadly earthquake in Turkey, survivors are being found, aid efforts continue, hospitals are being supplemented with field hospitals and hospital ships, and the international community responds with donations and helicopter support.

      During times of disaster, the resilience and unity of people come to the forefront. Despite the devastating earthquake in Turkey, survivors are being found, and efforts to provide aid and shelter are ongoing. Hospitals, which are crucial in such situations, have been damaged, making field hospitals and hospital ships essential. The situation in Turkey is severe, with over 40,000 deaths and many survivors in need of care. The international community has responded with donations, and helicopters are playing a crucial role in delivering supplies and performing search and rescue missions. The situation remains challenging, but the determination and compassion of those involved offer hope for the future.

    • Communities seeking answers after crisesTransparency and effective communication from authorities during crises are crucial in alleviating public fears and concerns.

      The aftermath of crises, whether in the form of natural disasters or man-made accidents, can leave communities feeling scared, uncertain, and in need of answers. This was evident in the heated town hall meeting in East Palestine, Ohio, where residents demanded assurances about the safety of their water, air, and homes following a toxic train derailment. Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the people are grappling with the long-term effects of ongoing missile strikes and the war with Russia. The tragic events serve as a reminder of the importance of transparency and effective communication from authorities during times of crisis to help alleviate public fears and concerns.

    • East Palestine Residents Frustrated and Uncertain About FutureDespite reassurances, East Palestine residents are hesitant to return home due to unanswered questions about long-term health effects, home values, and accountability. The absence of Norfolk Southern Railroad representatives at a recent town hall added to their sense of abandonment.

      Residents of East Palestine, Ohio, who were displaced by a train derailment and resulting chemical spill, are expressing deep frustration and uncertainty about their future. Despite assurances from officials that it's safe to return home, many are hesitant and have unanswered questions about long-term health effects, home values, and accountability. The absence of Norfolk Southern Railroad representatives at a recent town hall added to the community's sense of abandonment. Jamie Cozza, an East Palestine resident, shared her experience of being displaced from her home and the emotional toll it's taking on her and her family. The cleanup effort is underway, but residents are worried about the length of the process and who will be responsible for addressing their concerns in the long term.

    • Communities Demand Change and Action After CrisesResidents of crisis-affected communities are advocating for their health and safety, and leaders must listen and take action to address their concerns, such as expanding background checks for gun sales or providing free soil and water testing.

      Communities affected by crises, whether it's a toxic spill or a school shooting, are fighting for their health and safety, and they deserve support. Jamie Cozza, a resident of East Palestine, Ohio, expressed her concerns about the safety of her community after a toxic train derailment. She feels betrayed by the railroad company and is organizing a community meeting to bring in scientists for free soil and water testing. In Michigan, the community is mourning the loss of three students killed in a shooting on campus. Senator Chris Murphy, a gun safety advocate, is reintroducing legislation to expand federal background checks to all gun sales. He believes that this legislation, which is supported by 90% of the American public, could have saved the lives of the students. Both communities are demanding change and action from their leaders. It's crucial that we listen to their concerns and work towards making our communities safer.

    • Progress in Gun Safety LegislationSignificant gun safety bill passed last year, political landscape shifting, but passing legislation in current House is difficult. China threat discussed, Starbucks labor laws controversy ongoing

      Despite the challenges, progress is being made on gun safety legislation. Last year, a significant gun safety bill was passed, expanding background checks, which was once thought impossible. The political landscape is shifting, and more Republicans are recognizing the gun lobby's diminishing power. However, passing gun safety legislation in the current Republican-controlled House is an uphill battle. Another issue discussed was the threat from China and the need for a thoughtful, competitive, but non-conflictual approach. Regarding the Starbucks labor laws controversy, the senator believes Starbucks is trying to avoid embarrassment by declining the request for CEO Howard Schultz to testify.

    • Unions and Corporations: Balancing Power, Connecticut Company Under Investigation, and Georgia Grand Jury ReportUnions give workers leverage in negotiations with corporations. A Connecticut company faces potential legal actions, while a Georgia grand jury report on former President Trump's actions will be partially released, with some details kept secret to protect investigations and uncharged individuals.

      Corporations hold significant power in America, and unions provide a means for workers to have a fair chance at negotiating with these corporations. The ongoing investigation into a Connecticut company's potentially illegal actions has brought this issue to light, with Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz being called to testify. However, the release of a grand jury report on former President Trump's actions after the 2020 election in Georgia is also making headlines. The report, which will be partially released, is unprecedented as Georgia rarely uses special purpose grand juries. The report's release, while significant, will not reveal all the details as charges are still being considered. The grand jury's decision to keep some information secret protects uncharged people, investigations, and witnesses. The special counsel investigating the January 6th Capitol attack has also subpoenaed Trump's former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, indicating that the investigation may be nearing a conclusion.

    • Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows may testify about Trump events despite executive privilegeMark Meadows, a former White House chief of staff, may testify about potential criminal conduct related to Trump despite attempts to use executive privilege to avoid subpoenas. Simultaneously, a rising number of Americans, especially black Americans and males, are working two jobs to make ends meet.

      Mark Meadows, a former White House chief of staff, is expected to testify about Trump-related discussions and events leading up to January 6th, despite potential attempts to use executive privilege to avoid subpoenas. This is significant because the executive privilege may not protect him from testifying about potential criminal conduct. Additionally, an increasing number of Americans are working two full-time jobs, not just for extra income, but to make ends meet. This trend is particularly prevalent among black Americans and males. Furthermore, there is a growing movement of labor organizers in non-traditional industries seeking long-term dignity, sustainability, and decision-making power through unionization.

    • A new wave of unionization in progressive companiesWorkers are organizing themselves at progressive companies like Starbucks, seeking power sharing and accountability beyond wages.

      The landscape of unionization is shifting, with a significant increase in union petitions and drives, particularly in companies like Amazon, Starbucks, and Trader Joe's, which were once considered impenetrable to unionization. This new generation of unions looks different from the traditional model, with workers organizing themselves and seeking power sharing and accountability, rather than just higher wages. The push for unionization is happening at progressive companies like Starbucks, which have historically offered benefits but are now being asked to provide a seat at the table for workers. The COVID-19 pandemic has also played a role in this movement, as workers have reevaluated their work environments and sought better conditions. Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks, has been invited to testify about these issues in March, and the conversation around unionization is an important one for all involved. The trend of white collar unionization in previously unlikely industries is also noteworthy. Adi Cornish, the host of The Assignment with Adi Cornish podcast, delves deeper into these topics in her upcoming episodes.

    • Tiger Woods' golf comeback and NBA All Star weekendTiger Woods returns to golf after injuries, NBA All Star weekend features interviews with notable figures

      Tiger Woods' return to competitive golf at the Genesis Invitational is a significant event, not only for his fans and the golf community, but also for Woods himself as he continues to recover from injuries sustained in a car accident two years ago. Despite facing challenges with his leg recovery and golf game, Woods' impact on the sport and his determination to win remain undeniable. Another key point is the strong jobs market in the US, as shown by the low unemployment claims, despite the Federal Reserve's efforts to control inflation through interest rate hikes. Additionally, the NBA All Star weekend is taking place, with CNN's Poppy Harlow interviewing members of the Inside the NBA crew and notable figures like Utah Jazz owner Ryan Smith and WNBA commissioner Kathy Engelbert.

    • Donna Kelce's Moment of Joy at Super BowlThe love and presence of family, especially in challenging times, can bring immense joy and strength.

      The resilience and determination of Travis Kelce's mother, Donna, was a standout moment during Super Bowl week. Despite the Kansas City Chiefs losing the game, Donna's moment in the spotlight brought tears of joy to players and fans alike. Kelce's emotional reaction to his mother's moment underscored the importance of family and the impact they have on our lives. As Kelce himself noted, even in the face of losses, the joy and love of a mother's presence can be a source of strength and happiness. Additionally, the unique bond between Kelce and his brother Jason, who faced off against each other in the Super Bowl, further highlighted the significance of family and the special moments that can bring us together.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.


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    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday. 

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.