
    Podcast Summary

    • Setting healthy boundaries in relationshipsUnderstanding and respecting boundaries is crucial for healthy relationships, whether online or offline. Open communication and creating a safe space are essential for defining and maintaining them.

      Setting boundaries is an essential aspect of healthy relationships, whether they are in real life or online. During a recent discussion on this topic, several women shared their experiences and perspectives. They ranged from being a young student who had encountered bad experiences to a content manager in the Esports industry. The group acknowledged that boundaries apply to all types of relationships and are not limited to those between men and women. They also discussed the importance of understanding what boundaries mean and how to define them. The conversation highlighted the need for respect and open communication in establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries. It was noted that everyone, regardless of gender or background, can benefit from this conversation. The group also emphasized the importance of creating a safe and supportive space for discussing these topics. Overall, the discussion underscored the significance of setting and respecting boundaries in all aspects of life.

    • Setting and communicating boundaries in relationshipsEffective communication is vital for setting and enforcing boundaries, which help prevent misunderstandings and discomfort in relationships. Respecting boundaries shows self-respect and consideration for others.

      Setting and communicating boundaries is essential for healthy relationships, whether they be romantic, platonic, or even with strangers. Boundaries define what is acceptable behavior in various aspects of life and help prevent misunderstandings and discomfort. However, learning to establish boundaries and enforcing them can be challenging, especially when dealing with people we don't know well or those who feel entitled to disregard them. It's important to remember that communication is key and that setting boundaries doesn't make one weak or unreasonable. Instead, it shows respect for oneself and others. While it may not always be easy, taking the time to understand and assert boundaries is a crucial aspect of building and maintaining strong, fulfilling relationships.

    • Setting Boundaries: When and How to Communicate EffectivelyAsk for clarification after building trust and comfort to establish clear boundaries effectively.

      Setting clear boundaries is essential in all relationships, whether personal or romantic. However, knowing when and how to establish these boundaries can be confusing. The speaker shared their experience of having these conversations after crossing a boundary, which can lead to misunderstandings and confusion. They suggest that asking for clarification after developing a level of comfort and trust with someone is a more effective approach. The importance of trust and developing it before having boundary conversations was also discussed. The group acknowledged the challenge of finding the right time to have these conversations and expressed a desire for guidance on this topic. Sharing personal experiences was suggested as a way to learn from one another and gain practical insights. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of open communication and respecting each other's boundaries.

    • Power imbalances in education and workRecognize and address power imbalances, create safe spaces for reporting, and respect boundaries to prevent discomfort and trauma in educational and professional settings.

      Power dynamics and boundaries can be violated in various ways, especially in educational and professional settings. The stories shared illustrate how individuals, particularly students, can feel powerless and uncomfortable when dealing with inappropriate advances or behavior from those in positions of authority. These situations can range from unwanted attention and texts to more serious cases of harassment and following. The inability to enforce boundaries in these contexts can lead to feelings of fear, discomfort, and even trauma. It's important to recognize and address these power imbalances and to create safe spaces for individuals to report and seek help when needed.

    • Fear of retaliation can prevent individuals from speaking upSetting clear boundaries and creating safe spaces can help individuals report inappropriate behavior without fear of retaliation.

      Fear of retaliation and uncertainty of the consequences can prevent individuals from speaking up against inappropriate behavior. The fear of making a wrong move and facing repercussions can silence people, especially in professional settings. However, setting clear boundaries and being firm can be an effective way to deal with persistent individuals. The appropriateness of repercussions versus education as a response to inappropriate behavior is a complex issue and can depend on the specific context. It's important to create safe spaces where individuals feel comfortable sharing their experiences and reporting inappropriate behavior without fear of retaliation.

    • Addressing Inappropriate Behavior: Speak Up and Create a Culture of EmpowermentEmpower individuals to speak up against inappropriate behavior and create a culture where those exhibiting it are open to learning and growth.

      Education and communication are crucial in addressing inappropriate behavior, especially in professional environments. People may choose to stay quiet due to fear of repercussions or a desire to blend in, but it's important for individuals to speak up when they feel uncomfortable. The response of the person exhibiting inappropriate behavior is also significant. If they dismiss concerns with "that's just how I am," it's essential to continue the conversation and make it clear that such behavior is not acceptable. It's challenging for individuals in the public eye to filter out opinions and determine what is morally right, but ultimately, it's essential to prioritize setting and respecting boundaries. Casters, for example, have a unique role in observing reactions and gauging the mood of their colleagues and audience. Ignoring clear signs of discomfort is not an option. The key is to create a culture where individuals feel empowered to speak up and where those exhibiting inappropriate behavior are open to learning and growth.

    • Communicating effectively and respecting boundariesRecognize manipulative behaviors, communicate feelings, and maintain healthy boundaries to create a respectful environment.

      Effective communication and respecting boundaries are crucial in any relationship, whether personal or professional. However, it's not always easy to communicate our feelings and concerns, especially when we fear repercussions or feel a power imbalance. In some cases, people may respond with defensiveness, manipulation, or even guilt-tripping. It's essential to recognize these behaviors and stand firm in setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. Sharing experiences and supporting each other in speaking up can help create a safer and more respectful environment for all. Remember, it's never okay to make someone feel uncomfortable or manipulated, and it's not our responsibility to take care of someone else's emotions.

    • Understanding Boundaries and Intentions in Online RelationshipsWhile sharing emotions can deepen online relationships, it's crucial to recognize potential emotional manipulation and maintain healthy boundaries.

      While confiding in someone can create a deep connection, it's essential to understand the boundaries and intentions behind the interaction. The speaker's experience of being manipulated into feeling guilty for rejecting someone highlights the potential for emotional manipulation in online relationships. It's crucial to recognize the difference between genuine expression of emotions and manipulation. Moreover, it's essential to acknowledge that while we can't control how others react to our words, we can control how we respond. In the end, it's essential to approach online interactions with empathy and understanding but also with healthy boundaries and a clear understanding of the power dynamics involved.

    • Respecting boundaries in communicationCreate a safe space for sharing feelings, respecting each other's responses, and focusing on the relationship dynamics rather than individual emotions.

      While it's important for people to express their feelings, it's equally important for them to respect the other person's response. Ambiguity in relationships can be uncomfortable, but it's not a license for individuals to disregard boundaries or make the other person feel guilty. The discussion highlighted the difference between someone sharing their feelings and imposing their emotions on someone else. It's crucial to create a safe and respectful space for communication, where both parties feel heard and valued. The key lies in understanding that the focus should be on the relationship dynamics rather than the individual feelings themselves.

    • The Confusion Between Friendliness and FlirtingMaintain boundaries and communicate clearly to avoid misunderstandings and feelings of guilt or discomfort when being friendly. Not all friendly interactions reflect genuine feelings.

      Being approachable and friendly can sometimes lead people to form unrealistic expectations or even fall in love based on limited interactions. This phenomenon can be attributed to the idealized image people have in their minds and the confusion between friendliness and flirting. It's essential to maintain boundaries and communicate clearly to avoid misunderstandings and feelings of guilt or discomfort. Additionally, it's important to recognize that these interactions might not necessarily reflect genuine feelings towards the individual. Instead, they may stem from preconceived notions or a desire to fill a certain mold. Overall, navigating these situations requires self-awareness, effective communication, and a clear understanding of the dynamics at play.

    • Setting boundaries in relationshipsCommunicating boundaries in relationships can be challenging, but setting them is essential for personal well-being. Respecting boundaries is crucial for healthy relationships.

      Setting boundaries in relationships is essential for personal well-being, but communicating those boundaries can be challenging. The speaker shared her experience of feeling overwhelmed by the expectation to meet every expectation in her first long-term relationship, leading to exhaustion and the realization that she needed to set boundaries. However, when she finally communicated her needs, her partner was confused and reacted negatively. This experience is not unique, as the speaker also shared an instance of being called a curse word when she politely declined an unwanted advance. These experiences highlight the importance of respecting boundaries and the potential for toxic reactions when they are not respected. By setting and communicating boundaries, individuals can ensure they are loved and accepted for who they are.

    • Persisting in a lost causeBe clear and set boundaries when expressing disinterest, and respect others' decisions. Unsolicited therapy exercises or personal feedback may come across as intrusive or inappropriate.

      People can be persistent in trying to change a clear "no" into a "yes," even after being told multiple times that nothing will work out between them. This can be exhausting and may involve individuals asking for personal information or trying to bait the other person into continuing the conversation. It's essential to communicate clearly and set boundaries when expressing disinterest, as some individuals may not respect your decision and continue to push for a relationship. It's also important to remember that both parties have the right to decide if they're on the same page or not. In the case of therapy exercises or requests for personal feedback, it's crucial to consider the context and timing, as unsolicited questions may come across as intrusive or inappropriate.

    • Understanding people's motivations in relationshipsRecognize manipulative tactics, communicate openly about boundaries, and consider the impact of our actions on others for healthier relationships.

      People's motivations for engaging in relationships can vary greatly, and it's essential to consider the possibility that their actions might not always be driven by genuine care or respect for your feelings. Some individuals may use manipulative tactics, such as feigning therapy sessions as a means to re-engage, or harbor expectations and entitlements that can be harmful to the relationship. It's crucial to recognize these patterns and communicate openly about boundaries, ensuring that both parties are treating each other with respect and understanding. Additionally, it's essential to remember that we all have our unique perspectives, and it takes time and effort to truly understand someone's intentions. Ultimately, being mindful of our actions and considering the impact they might have on others can lead to healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

    • Maintaining Healthy Boundaries in RelationshipsSetting and respecting boundaries in relationships is essential to prevent toxic situations and create fulfilling connections. Allow everyone to express their thoughts and feelings without judgment.

      It's essential to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in relationships to prevent toxic situations. The speaker shares her experience of being in a long-term relationship where she didn't have boundaries and felt exhausted and resentful. She also discusses how people's expectations and conditioning can lead to disrespecting others' internal environments. The speaker also wonders about the origins of these impressions and the insecurity that comes with not being allowed to express emotions freely. Ultimately, it's crucial to treat everyone as humans and allow them to express their thoughts and feelings without judgment or fear of being seen as weak. By doing so, we can create healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

    • Online vs. Face-to-Face InteractionsOnline interactions can bring out the worst in people, but face-to-face conversations reveal empathy and understanding, promoting healthy communication and relationships.

      Online interactions can bring out the worst in people, leading to hateful and hurtful comments towards others, particularly women. However, when given the opportunity for face-to-face interactions or meaningful conversations, many individuals reveal themselves to be decent human beings dealing with their own struggles and emotions. The lack of empathy and understanding in some online communities can make it difficult for people to separate rejection from their self-worth, leading to anger and hurtful behavior. It's important to remember that everyone deserves to be valued as a person, regardless of whether or not a romantic relationship is in the cards. By providing a safe and respectful space for open and vulnerable conversations, it's possible to help people understand the importance of empathy and healthy communication, ultimately leading to positive growth and relationships.

    • Navigating friendships and romantic relationshipsClear communication is crucial for healthy friendships and romantic relationships. Set boundaries, express feelings openly, and respect each other's comfort levels to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

      Clear communication is key in navigating friendships and romantic relationships. The speaker shared an experience of setting a boundary in a friendship only to be ghosted afterwards. They expressed fear of male friendships due to past experiences where their presence seemed to be interpreted as a sign of romantic interest. The conversation touched upon the importance of transparency when feelings are involved, and the potential benefits of open dialogue over ghosting. The ambiguity of friendships versus romantic relationships was also discussed, highlighting the importance of setting boundaries and respecting each other's comfort levels. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the value of clear communication and setting expectations early on in relationships to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

    • Understanding and Adjusting in RelationshipsCommunicate openly about feelings and expectations, be understanding of each other's growth, and embrace the importance of friendships in relationships.

      Relationships and expectations change over time, and it's normal for individuals to adjust and compromise in a healthy relationship. The speaker emphasized that it's important to communicate openly with your partner about your feelings and expectations, as well as being understanding of each other's growth and changes. The speaker also shared an experience of a friend who confessed his feelings for her despite her lack of interest, leading to a deeper friendship. The speaker also expressed dislike for the term "friend zone" and encouraged changing one's perspective to see a friend as just that, a friend. The speaker also shared an experience of meeting new people and making it clear that she's not interested in starting a relationship, but even then, people may still develop feelings. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of communication, understanding, and growth in relationships.

    • Friendships and Romantic Feelings: Complex and NuancedWhile discussing romantic feelings in friendships can lead to growth, it can also lead to loss. Clear boundaries and open communication can help navigate these complexities.

      The dynamics of friendships and romantic feelings can be complex and nuanced. While some people believe that acknowledging and discussing romantic feelings can lead to growth and maturity in friendships, others argue that it can lead to loss of friends and awkwardness in communities. Linda's experience of being friend-zoned and later dating the same person raises the question of whether setting clear boundaries early on can lead to meaningful relationships in the future. However, it's important to remember that every situation is unique, and people's experiences and perspectives can vary greatly. Ultimately, the most supportive thing we can do is to listen to each other's experiences and viewpoints with an open mind and respectful attitude.

    • Navigating Complex Relationships: Open Communication and TrustApproach relationships with honesty, respect, and trust, and be open about feelings while maintaining good friendship. Respect the other person's intentions and don't force a relationship.

      Open communication and trust are crucial in navigating complex relationships, whether they start as friendships or romantic connections. The speaker shared a personal experience where she developed feelings for a friend, and they transitioned into a romantic relationship based on mutual feelings and open communication. However, she emphasized that it's essential to respect the other person's feelings and intentions and not force a relationship. The speaker also acknowledged that friendships can evolve into romantic relationships over time and that it's normal for people to grow and change. She advised against hiding romantic feelings and instead being open about them while maintaining a good friendship. Overall, the key is to approach relationships with honesty, respect, and trust.

    • Having open and honest conversations is crucial for healthy relationshipsAsk for consent and clarification, observe reactions, and be willing to navigate ambiguous situations to create a safe and respectful space for open conversations

      Having open and honest conversations, even if they're difficult, is crucial for healthy relationships. This includes asking for consent and clarification, observing reactions, and being willing to navigate ambiguous situations. For instance, if someone is unsure about how their messages are being received online, they can try to gauge the person's reaction or simply ask for feedback. Additionally, it's important to recognize that sometimes being nice or tactful can come across as ambiguous or unclear, and it may be necessary to be more direct in order to set boundaries or express feelings honestly. Overall, the goal is to create a safe and respectful space where individuals feel comfortable expressing themselves and having open conversations.

    • Respecting Disinterest: Ignoring or Clarifying?When someone shows disinterest, respect their decision and communicate clearly. Signs of disinterest include lack of interaction and explicit rejection. If unwanted attention persists, report it to the authorities.

      It's important to respect someone's decision when they express disinterest, and you don't necessarily need an explanation. Alyssa shared that she prefers ignoring or sending short messages to let someone know she's not interested instead of having a conversation about it. Matt added that signs of disinterest include lack of interaction and explicit rejection. He also shared an extreme example of persistent unwanted attention and advised reporting such behavior to the authorities if it escalates. Star suggested sending a final message to clarify your intentions and give the other person an opportunity to respond if they're interested. Overall, it's crucial to respect boundaries and communicate clearly while being mindful of the other person's feelings and personal space.

    • Respecting others' boundaries is crucial for healthy relationshipsRespecting each other's unique boundaries is essential for healthy relationships, whether platonic or romantic. Listen, understand, and treat everyone as a human being.

      Respecting others' boundaries is essential for healthy relationships, whether they're romantic or platonic. Boundaries are unique to each individual, and it's crucial not to deflate or dismiss them. Instead, listen and understand that everyone communicates and experiences their boundaries differently. Furthermore, being respectful and treating someone as a human being is a fundamental aspect of any relationship, but it doesn't guarantee that a romantic connection will form. It's essential to recognize that strangers met online are just that - strangers - and that interactions should be based on mutual respect and understanding. Additionally, being a good friend or partner doesn't automatically make someone boyfriend or girlfriend material. Instead, it's the foundation for any relationship, but it doesn't guarantee that a romantic connection will develop. Ultimately, respecting each other's boundaries and treating each other as equals is the key to creating safe and healthy relationships.

    • Online Interactions: Friendship or Romance?Approach online interactions as potential friendships, avoid assumptions based on gender, communicate reciprocally, observe behavior and intentions, signal romantic interest early but not too soon, avoid being a 'tennis ball machine', and engage in clear and open communication to understand the relationship's nature and set appropriate boundaries.

      When interacting with someone online, especially women, it's essential to be aware that initial interactions do not necessarily indicate romantic interest. It's crucial to approach online interactions as potential friendships and avoid making assumptions based on gender. Communication should be reciprocal, and it's important to observe the other person's behavior and intentions. If you're interested in pursuing a romantic relationship, it's crucial to signal your interest early on but not too early. Avoid being a "tennis ball machine" by constantly initiating interactions and give the other person space to respond. Ultimately, clear and open communication is key to understanding the nature of the relationship and setting appropriate boundaries. It's also essential to consider the perspective of those who have been friend-zoned and engage in conversations that involve both parties.

    • Navigating Relationships: Clear Communication, Respect, and Self-AwarenessRecognize and address feelings appropriately, respect boundaries, and communicate openly to build healthy relationships.

      Navigating relationships, whether they're new or established, requires clear communication, respect for boundaries, and self-awareness. Ambiguity can be comforting at the beginning, but as feelings develop, it's important to recognize and address them appropriately. Don't assume that someone's actions or words mean something they don't intend. Respect boundaries and understand that feeling hurt doesn't entitle you to anything. If you're expecting a lot from a relationship, examine why and communicate openly. Remember, it's not your job to change someone's feelings or get them to see things your way. And finally, be mindful of the fact that people may be seeking basic human connection and emotional support, which doesn't necessarily mean they're romantically interested. Communication is key in all aspects of relationships.

    • Focusing on spine sensation during meditationImagining spine as a pillar offers stability, centering, and connection during meditation. Focusing on hands' warmth enhances present moment feeling and inner strength.

      During meditation, it's important to focus on the sensation of your spine, imagining it as a pillar that supports your entire being. This exercise helps you feel grounded, centered, and connected to yourself. The meditation also involves focusing on the warmth and energy in your hands, which can make you feel divine and perfect in the present moment. This practice can provide a sense of stability and strength, allowing you to return to it whenever you need to, regardless of external circumstances or relationships. The speaker encourages everyone to try this meditation and discover the inner warmth and support it offers.

    • Experience deep emotions and inner peace through meditationMeditation offers unique experiences for emotional growth and inner peace. Listen, doubt, and discover what works best for you.

      Meditation can provide deep emotional experiences and a sense of inner peace. During this practice, individuals can focus on various sensations and breathe deeply to help elevate their energy. It's important to remember that everyone's experience is unique, and there's no right or wrong way to meditate. Furthermore, the speaker believes that women have a special ability to provide emotional support and compassion to others, even if they may not always receive kindness in return. This act of giving can be a powerful and divine gift to those in need. The meditation process involves listening and doubting, with the ultimate goal of discovering what works best for each individual.

    • Embracing uncomfortable personal growthPersonal growth may involve ending unhealthy relationships, questioning the status quo, and facing challenges, leading to self-reflection, learning, and open-minded dialogue.

      Personal growth can be uncomfortable and may involve ending relationships that aren't serving us well. It's important to question the status quo and take control of our lives, even if it means facing challenges and potentially rocky periods. The truth of our experiences is subjective and not determined by external sources. The speaker shared her own growth journey and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with her audience. She acknowledged the importance of pushing back and learning from differing perspectives, even if they may initially be uncomfortable. The speaker also apologized for any unintentional offense caused during the stream. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of self-reflection, personal growth, and open-minded dialogue.

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    Common misconceptions about autism

    • Autism is often portrayed as a "male" condition, with diagnostic criteria based on white boys who externalize. –
    • Girls and women with autism may not fit the stereotypical image of someone with the condition, as they may be socialized to be polite and take care of others' needs and feelings. –
    • There is a misconception that self-diagnosis is not valid or reliable, but it is. For those who self-diagnose, it can be very empowering.
    • Some people believe that autism is a "disease" or something that needs to be "cured," I believe I AM autistic.  It’s how I’m wired.  I don’t have autism—there’s nothing wrong with me.–
    • There is a stereotype that all autistic individuals lack empathy or emotional intelligence, but this is not true and is a harmful stereotype. –
    • Many people assume that autistic individuals are not interested in socializing or making friends, but this is not always the case and is another harmful stereotype.

    What are harmful hurtful things one can say to someone who discloses they’re autistic

    • "You don't look autistic," or “You don’t act autistic.” This statement invalidates the person's experiences and reinforces stereotypes about how autism should appear. It also indicates that the person really has no idea what autism looks like.
    • "Just try harder to fit in." This disregards the challenges that autistic individuals face in social situations and implies that they are not making enough effort.
    • "You're overreacting." Dismissing or minimizing the person's sensory sensitivities or emotional responses can be invalidating and hurtful.
    • "You're being too sensitive." This statement undermines the person's experiences and feelings, disregarding their unique sensory experiences and emotional responses.
    • "You should act more normal." Pressuring someone to conform to neurotypical standards disregards their authentic self and can lead to masking or suppressing their true identity.
    • "You're not trying hard enough to communicate." This places blame on the autistic individual for communication difficulties, disregarding the fact that communication styles may differ for autistic individuals. Allistics (non autistics) set the “norms” for communication, which is also invalidating for how autistic brains are wired.
    • "You're just seeking attention." Accusing someone of seeking attention can be dismissive and hurtful. Invalidating the challenges autistics experience and blaming the autistic is ableist.
    • "You're not capable of doing that." Underestimating someone's abilities based on their autism can be demeaning and limit their opportunities for growth and success.
    • "You need to be fixed." Implying that autism is a flaw or something that needs to be cured can be deeply hurtful and perpetuates harmful ableist attitudes.
    • "You're not normal." Labeling someone as "abnormal" or "not normal" can be stigmatizing and contribute to feelings of isolation and low self-worth. It is important to approach conversations with empathy, respect, and understanding, focusing on acceptance and supporting the individual's unique needs and experiences.

    Neurodiversity Explained

    • Neurodiversity is the concept that neurological differences are natural variations in human neurology, rather than disorders or deficits. –
    • This perspective recognizes that every individual has unique strengths and challenges, and that these differences should be celebrated and accommodated rather than pathologized or stigmatized. –
    • In the context of autism, the idea that autism is a "disease" or something that needs to be "cured." –
    • It’s important to understand and honor how autistic individuals are wired, rather than trying to make them conform to neurotypical standards. –
    • There is a lack of diversity in the diagnostic criteria for autism, which are often based on white boys who externalize. - This can lead to a narrow understanding of what autism looks like and can result in many autistic individuals, particularly girls and women, being overlooked or misdiagnosed. –
    • The paradigm needs to be changed, so we are embracing neurodiversity and celebrating differences, finding one's own community of like-minded individuals, and rejecting the notion that there is a "normal" or "correct" way to be. –
    • By understanding and respecting neurodiversity, we can create a more inclusive and accepting society that values and accommodates all individuals, regardless of their neurological differences.


    Patricia was a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, but is now exclusively providing coaching. She knows what it’s like to feel like an outcast, misfit, and truthteller.  Learning about the trait of being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), then learning she is autistic helped Patricia rewrite her history with a deeper understanding, appreciation, and a sense of self-compassion.  She created the podcast Unapologetically Sensitive to help other neurodivergent folks know that they aren’t alone, and that having a brain that is wired differently comes with amazing gifts, and some challenges.  Patricia works online globally working individually with clients, therapists, and she teaches Online Courses for HSPs that focus on understanding what it means to be an HSP, self-care, self-compassion, boundaries, perfectionism, mindfulness, communication, and creating a lifestyle that honors you


    HSP Online Course--https://unapologeticallysensitive.com/hsp-online-groups/

    Receive the top 10 most downloaded episodes of the podcast-- https://www.subscribepage.com/e6z6e6 

    Sign up for the Newsletter-- https://www.subscribepage.com/y0l7d4

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    1. click on this link https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unapologetically-sensitive/id1440433481?mt=2
    2. select “listen on Apple Podcasts”
    3. chose “open in itunes”
    4. choose “ratings and reviews”
    5. click to rate the number of starts
    6. click “write a review”


    Facebook-- https://www.facebook.com/Unapologetically-Sensitive-2296688923985657/

    Closed/Private Facebook group Unapologetically Sensitive-- https://www.facebook.com/groups/2099705880047619/

    Instagram-- https://www.instagram.com/unapologeticallysensitive/

    Youtube-- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOE6fodj7RBdO3Iw0NrAllg/videos?view_as=subscriber

    Tik Tok--https://www.tiktok.com/@unapologeticallysensitiv

    e-mail-- unapologeticallysensitive@gmail.com

    Show hashtag--#unapologeticallysensitive

    Music-- Gravel Dance by Andy Robinson www.andyrobinson.com