
    Menopause: Does diet play a part?

    enNovember 17, 2022
    What marks the end of menstruation in women?
    How can hormone replacement therapy (HRT) help women?
    What age does perimenopause typically start in the US?
    What role does diet play in managing menopause symptoms?
    How does obesity affect menopausal symptoms according to the study?

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Menopause: A Crucial Life StageMenopause is a global phenomenon affecting over half the population, marked by the end of menstruation and estrogen decline, starting typically between 45-55 years old. Let's break the stigma and increase awareness to improve understanding and alleviate suffering.

      Menopause is a significant life stage affecting over half the world's population, and yet it is often misunderstood and underdiscussed. Menopause marks the end of menstruation and the decline of estrogen levels, leading to various symptoms and health concerns. Despite its widespread impact, there is still a lot of misinformation and secrecy surrounding it. The menopause transition, or perimenopause, typically begins between 45 and 55 years old in the US. At ZOE, we've conducted extensive research on nutrition and menopause symptoms and discovered some intriguing findings. It's crucial to address the stigma and increase awareness about menopause to improve understanding, alleviate suffering, and encourage further research.

    • Understanding Menopause: A Unique Experience for Every WomanMenopause is a natural phase lasting up to 14 years with common symptoms including sleep disturbances, hot flashes, anxiety, and increased risks of certain diseases. Every woman's experience is unique, and not all will face the same symptoms.

      Menopause, a natural phase in a woman's life, is a significant period of physical and mental upheaval that can last up to 14 years. Despite being discussed since the 1800s, it remains understudied, and we don't fully understand why some women experience mild symptoms while others face burdensome ones. Common symptoms include sleep disturbances, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, anxiety, and muscle loss. Moreover, women may experience increased risks of certain diseases during this phase. A recent study involving over 25,000 people found that most women experience sleep disturbances, anxiety, and brain fog. Only about 2% of perimenopausal women reported having no symptoms. It's crucial to remember that every woman's experience with menopause is unique, and not all women will face the same symptoms or health effects.

    • Menopause: A Time of Metabolic UpheavalMenopause linked to excess belly fat, heart disease risk, poor sleep, increased sugar intake, poor blood sugar responses, higher inflammation, and worse blood lipids. Diet and gut health may help mitigate some negative effects.

      Menopause is a time of significant upheaval for women, not just emotionally, but metabolically as well. The ZOEPREDICT study, which involved over 1000 participants, found that menopause is linked to excess weight around the belly, higher risk of heart disease, worse sleep, increased sugar intake, poorer blood sugar responses, higher inflammation, and worse blood lipids. These factors increase the risk of chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. However, there is some good news. The study also found that the quality of a woman's diet and the bacterial species in her gut can help mitigate some of these unfavorable effects. For example, a healthy diet can help reduce belly fat and inflammation. While more research is needed, these findings suggest that women may have some control over their health during menopause and could potentially counteract some of its negative effects.

    • Diet and gut health impact menopausal symptomsMaintaining a healthy diet and weight can help reduce menopausal symptoms by up to 30%, even for those on hormone replacement therapy, by decreasing inflammation, blood sugar spikes, or altering the gut microbiome.

      Diet and gut health play a significant role in managing menopausal symptoms, even for those who choose hormone replacement therapy (HRT). HRT is a treatment used to help alleviate symptoms of menopause by replacing declining hormone levels. In the ZOE health study, researchers found that body weight and diet have a notable impact on menopausal symptoms. For instance, mood changes and hot flushes were more prevalent among women with severe obesity than those with a healthy weight. Furthermore, the study revealed that a high-quality, gut-friendly diet rich in healthy plants could reduce the likelihood of suffering from symptoms like hot flushes and sleep disturbances by up to 30%, regardless of weight. This evidence suggests that dietary modifications could help reduce menopausal symptoms by decreasing inflammation and blood sugar spikes or altering the gut microbiome. However, it's important to note that hormone replacement therapy does carry risks and should be discussed with a healthcare professional. Overall, focusing on a nutritious diet and maintaining a healthy weight could help women manage menopausal symptoms more effectively.

    • Hormone replacement therapy benefits and risksRecent research shows that HRT benefits, especially estrogen-only therapy, outweigh risks for most women. HRT is linked to lower risk factors for chronic diseases.

      Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can provide significant relief from menopause symptoms for many women, and the risks associated with it are often exaggerated. Recent research shows that the benefits of HRT, particularly estrogen-only therapy, outweigh the risks for most women. Moreover, HRT has been linked to lower levels of risk factors for chronic diseases, such as lower blood pressure, blood lipids, and body fat. However, there are still many unknowns regarding the relationship between diet, nutrition, menopause symptoms, and disease risk. As a researcher in this area, I am excited about the potential for diet to reduce some of these symptoms and attenuate increased risk in postmenopausal women. It's important to note that until recently, menopause and its associated symptoms were not widely discussed, and many women, like my mother, did not seek treatment. As we continue to make progress in understanding the complex relationship between menopause, diet, and disease risk, it's crucial that we raise awareness and provide women with effective options for managing their symptoms.

    • Lack of research and investment in women's health during menopauseDespite the growing awareness, there's a need for more focus and investment in researching women's health, specifically during menopause, to improve symptoms through personalized diet programs.

      There's a significant lack of research and investment in women's health, particularly in relation to the menopause. Researcher Sarah Brewer shares her experience of having conducted only two out of her over 30 clinical trials on women due to the challenges of factoring in menopause and menstrual cycles. She expresses her hope that with the growing awareness around menopause, there will be more focus on women's health research, including the menopause. Sarah also mentions her ongoing studies to explore the impact of personalized diet programs on menopause symptoms, moving beyond just associations to actual improvements.

    • Personalized nutrition for managing menopause symptomsZOE program tracks symptoms and diet changes to establish causal links and identify personalized dietary components for managing menopause symptoms, with results expected in the next year. Listeners can learn more and receive a discount at joinzoe.com/podcast.

      The ZOE program, which focuses on personalized nutrition, aims to establish a causal link between diet changes and symptom improvements, particularly in the context of menopause. By tracking symptoms before and after the program, researchers can assess the overall impact on symptoms as well as identify specific dietary components that help alleviate symptoms for different individuals. Excitingly, results from these studies are expected in the next year. For those interested in learning more about eating the right foods for their body to potentially help manage menopause symptoms, check out Zoe's personalized nutrition program at joinzoe.com/podcast and receive a 10% discount. Stay tuned for more insights on this topic in future ZOE podcast episodes.

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    ZOE Science & Nutrition
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    ZOE Science & Nutrition
    enAugust 22, 2024

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    Recap: Why nuts make you healthier | Professor Sarah Berry
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    ZOE Science & Nutrition
    enAugust 20, 2024

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    Why one in ten children have a food allergy | Dr. Gideon Lack
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    ZOE Science & Nutrition
    enAugust 15, 2024

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    You can find Emily at


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    The Doctor was featured in the Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper last week click on this link and it will take you to his article on how get the most out of your workout with a friend or something like that. If this link is bad go to www.ajc.com and search for Dr. Adam Shafran and it will come up.

    You know Kathie as the host of Real Savvy Moms.  Real Savvy Moms is a great show for moms that is available on most Public Broadcasting Stations around the US and online. Remember Kathie is one of the top feet and legs model's out there... she is so hot she got to be a body double for Alyssa Milano in that Veet commercial that is on TV 24 hours a day. Be sure to check out Kathie's website www.getkathie.com. Also check out her hosting skills on www.RealSavvyMoms.com.

    Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. We're working on ways to make those tips available to all our listeners. If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too.

    Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My nine year kid Max made his radio debut in his new show "Kid Power Radio." This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of David Spade's "Showbiz Show" on Comedy Central or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at www.kidpowerradio.com and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at Yahoo.com. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts!!!

    As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at www.weightlossradio.blogspot.com for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our website www.drfitnessandthefatguy.com to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!

    Menopause: What to Know, What to Ask & What to Do – Mary Claire Haver, M.D. : 1015

    Menopause: What to Know, What to Ask & What to Do – Mary Claire Haver, M.D. : 1015

    IN THIS EPISODE OF THE HUMAN UPGRADE™… board-certified OB/GYN and “menopause warrior” Mary Claire Haver, M.D., joins the show to give women a toolkit to manage what comes before, during and after menopause.

    • She explains the science of women’s hormones, physiology and brain during the menopausal transition.
    • She breaks down the studies, risks, and age timing of Hormone Replacement Therapy.
    • She gives you information you can use to both help yourself and ask for help from medical professionals.
    • She arms you with actions that work based on what is happening to your biology and brain chemistry during the years leading up to and after menopause.

    “When I talk about the menopausal toolkit, HRT is just one small part of what I counsel patients about,” Dr. Haver says. “We talk about nutrition, we talk about exercise, we talk about stress reduction, we talk about sleep, we talk about possible other pharmaceuticals. And of course, we talk about supplementation. It's like a tackle box and everything is important.”

    Although Dr. Haver’s career included taking care of women at all life stages, she didn’t expect to experience the shocks of her own menopause. So, she went looking for answers and took action along the way. She changed the entire focus of her medical practice to menopause. She also channeled the power of social media to provide menopause education and reaches more than 2 million on her TikTok channel alone.

    Her new book, “The Galveston Diet: The Doctor-Developed, Patient-Proven Plan to Burn Fat and Tame Your Hormonal Symptoms," lays out three specific action areas: intermittent fasting, anti-inflammatory nutrition, and fuel refocus.

    Menopause is having a moment. (As Lizzo would say, “It’s About Damn Time.”) From investor-backed start-ups in a $6B market to celebrity-led wellness brands to demands for more science—women, and women medical professionals, are changing mid-life menopause dynamics.

    Watch this episode on YouTube!


    Liquid Ketones for Better Energy, Focus and Endurancehttps://hvmn.com, use code DAVE to get 20% off

    Dave Asprey’s NEW Book! “Smarter Not Harder: The Biohacker's Guide to Getting the Body and Mind You Want” launches Feb. 28, 2023. Pre-order yours today: IndieBound / Barnes & Noble / Apple Books / Amazon

    9th Annual Biohacking Conference: https://biohackingconference.com

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