
    About this Episode

    This episode is full of ideas to help you through the bumps along the way to achieving your goals, including failure planning,  building self trust, and cultivating the identity you need to succeed. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Recent Episodes from Good Enough and Getting Better

    Practical and Empowering Perception Shifts

    Practical and Empowering Perception Shifts

    On this episode, I share a variety of different ways to explore the role your perspective plays in your life, and various ways to shift or expand your perspective. I hope you pick one or two that speak to your current situation, and take some time to question and explore. 

    Here are the list of questions at the end, as a sort of recap and reminder of what we covered in this episode: 

    • Regarding your frame of reference, what experiences are over-represented or underrepresented, when contrasted with the wider world of experiences? 

    • In regards to difficult relationships and interactions, what factors might be influencing the other people involved? What factors have led YOU to act and respond in the ways you do? How can this understanding improve your communications moving forward? 

    • When something is stressing you out, ask yourself how you will feel about this thing in 10 years?

    • Ask yourself what ways you have held yourself back, because you were predicting a negative future outcome? If you are doing so, ask yourself to remember all the times things have surprised you as a way to remember that you don’t know this negative future to be true.

    • Where are my expectations for myself and others out of alignment with reality? Where have I created stories of what “should be” rather than recognizing things as they are and working with that?

    • Where am I letting external feedback have too much influence over me? Are there areas where I can benefit from receiving more external feedback? 

    • And finally, what traits and qualities am I assigning myself as fixed, rather than allowing myself room to grow? Where am I assigning fixed traits to others in my life?

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Hypnosis for Improving your Relationship with Yourself

    Hypnosis for Improving your Relationship with Yourself

    This year, I am suggesting you can be your own valentine, whether you have a sweetheart or not. This super important relationship we have for our entire lives sometimes needs attention in the same way our relationships with other require intentional focus. In this hypnosis journey, we're visiting the "Museum of You" where your unconscious mind can give you greater perspective and appreciation for yourself, for the qualities and habits you like about yourself, as well as the ones that have not been your favorites so far. Allow the symbols to work at a deep level and experience the change in your day to day life, or get some insight and clarity from understanding more about yourself from this experience. However you experience this museum, just know that it works on different levels to help you improve your perspective and appreciation for yourself, which is a great foundation for healthy relationships with others as well. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Uzazu Embodied Intelligence with Dylan Newcomb

    Uzazu Embodied Intelligence with Dylan Newcomb

    Join me for this interview with Dylan Newcomb, founder of Uzazu Embodied Intelligence. We discuss the ways our physical movement, posture, and even vowel sounds we make can impact our state, and some tips on how to be more aware and intentional in working with this powerful mind body connection.

    To connect with Dylan and learn more about this modality, go to https://www.uzazu.org/

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Unconventional New Years Resolutions

    Unconventional New Years Resolutions

    In this episode, I share my ten suggestions for new years resolutions, and I don't mention going to the gym even once. Give these unconventional ideas a chance to brighten up your 2024, and let me know which one you like best. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Hypnosis for Self Love (repeat episode)

    Hypnosis for Self Love (repeat episode)

    I hope you enjoy listening or re-listening to this hypnosis track all about self love. Everything we try to do in life is easier when we can do it with compassion and understanding for ourselves. Cultivating a better relationship with ourselves makes all of our relationships work better, too. Happy holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!  

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Embracing your power to change your relationships

    Embracing your power to change your relationships

    In this episode, I am sharing an empowering framework for thinking about our relationships, which gives us an effective strategy for changing the dynamics of our difficult interactions, without having to directly change another person (something which never works, as attractive of an idea as it always seems!). We also discuss how  to set boundaries in these relationships, when needed, in a more empowering way. 

    My "Happier Holidays" group session is coming up December 7, join me here to learn how to use tapping to begin creating some of these positive shifts right away, and to use hypnosis to release stress and other emotional baggage which makes the holidays a hard time for so many of us.  https://bookme.name/lenorehypnosis/happier-holidays

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Hypnosis to Release Anxiety and Stress

    Hypnosis to Release Anxiety and Stress

    In this episode, we go on a hypnosis journey together to explore different ways our mind can clear up the feelings of stress and anxiety using elements of the natural world as a healing metaphor. This serves as a way to help ourselves feel better in the moment, and also as a part of the process to train ourselves to feel calmer and more confident over time.

    In this episode, I mentioned the Happier Holidays group session, sign up here

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    A simple and effective approach for anxiety

    A simple and effective approach for anxiety

    In this episode, I share the framework which I have used to help many clients overcome anxious thinking patterns, to live more freely, feeling more calm, and confident. Along with the framework, we talk about techniques, all of which are quick, simple, and easy ways to calm your nervous system and begin proactively shaping more positive thinking patterns for yourself. Special thanks for much of what I've learned and shared here go to Melissa Tiers, whos training , and books like The Anti-Anxiety Toolkit have helped me enormously in my work helping clients with anxiety.  

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Hypnosis for Whatever You Need Right Now!

    Hypnosis for Whatever You Need Right Now!

    My indecision is your gain in this episode, as this hypnosis journey is completely open ended, for you to insert your own desired outcome. This process is based on a classic, time tested technique originally from the late, great Gerald Kein, and is something I actually teach my clients to use for their self-hypnosis practice. 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.

    Adventures in Creative Awareness with Melissa Wild

    Adventures in Creative Awareness with Melissa Wild

    In this episode, I am speaking with Melissa Wild about her book Wild Intuition: An Adventure in Creative Awareness. We talk about the intuitive experiences that led her to explore this work, and share some of the tools she's developed to help you tap into this creative intuitive capacity that we all have access to. 

    You can find her at https://www.melissawildinsight.com/ or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/melissawildinsight .

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions! Connect at www.facebook.com/goodenoughandgettingbetter , or at www.instagram.com/lenorehypnosis/ . You can also find me at www.lenorehypnosis.com and subscribe to my monthly newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/f9ea374ba759/newsletter-sign-up.

    Thank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing this podcast with friends!

    Disclaimer: This podcast, and this episode, are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, mental or physical, and is not a substitute for professional help.