
    Miami Minutes - Minute 50: Dexy's Midnight Whoresons

    en-gbSeptember 02, 2023

    About this Episode

    The great train track showdown is about to hit full gear as Dexy and the gang declare our Dragon lads to be dead meat whoreson knaves! These truly are Streets of Rage.

    From kitchen knives all the way to trains themselves, no weapon is off limits in this brawl to end it all!

    The next episode follows in one week, friends!

    Join us on Facebook at the Miami Minutes' Taekwondo Orphanage!

    The Miami Minutes theme song is by Ash Lerczak (aka Doc Horror) of Zombina and The Skeletones and Double Echo.


    Recent Episodes from Miami Minutes

    Miami Minutes - Minute 77: Shirtless Slicing and the Cuck Box

    Miami Minutes - Minute 77: Shirtless Slicing and the Cuck Box

    John slices and dices through ninja nobodies and this guy’s innards continue to fly out with abandon.


    Mark is feeling all of the feels. He's about to have a Menty B and I don't think we can blame him at this point - let it all out. Push out the jive, bring in the love.


    The next episode follows in one week, friends!

    Join us on Facebook at the Miami Minutes' Taekwondo Orphanage!

    The Miami Minutes theme song is by Ash Lerczak (aka Doc Horror) of Zombina and The Skeletones and Double Echo.


    Miami Minutes - Minute 76: Reanimate THIS!

    Miami Minutes - Minute 76: Reanimate THIS!

    John has gone from an angry man to the Doom Slayer incarnate - time to rip and tear. No mercy!

    Mark is feeling the same kind of way as he stabs a fool of his own. Jim must be both protected AND avenged. A double whammy!

    As the crimson flows (and explodes), join our duo on this wild ride of blades and booze.

    The next episode follows in one week, friends!

    Join us on Facebook at the Miami Minutes' Taekwondo Orphanage!

    The Miami Minutes theme song is by Ash Lerczak (aka Doc Horror) of Zombina and The Skeletones and Double Echo.


    Miami Minutes - Minute 75: Tough Mudder

    Miami Minutes - Minute 75: Tough Mudder

    Jim is slowly expiring as Mark drags him through dirt and ditches, water and swampland, all in an effort to... comfort him? Mark seems to know that hope is lost.

    Meanwhile, John fights on for his fallen friend, taking revenge on these fools with no pity in his heart. He's certainly got a katana for theirs, however!

    The next episode follows in one week, friends!

    Join us on Facebook at the Miami Minutes' Taekwondo Orphanage!

    The Miami Minutes theme song is by Ash Lerczak (aka Doc Horror) of Zombina and The Skeletones and Double Echo.


    Miami Minutes - Minute 74: Jim Has Fallen

    Miami Minutes - Minute 74: Jim Has Fallen

    Jeff's death shall be avenged! In the most tragic way for Dragon Sound fans and orpan-enthusiasts alike.

    This week we see Mark desperately attempting to keep Jim out of the way of the oncoming ninja onslaught. Jim's tie is sadly a fatality in the skirmish... and Jim himself may very well be next.

    Our hero goes down in the most dramatic of fashions as we all shed a tear for our boy.

    The next episode follows in one week, friends!

    Join us on Facebook at the Miami Minutes' Taekwondo Orphanage!

    The Miami Minutes theme song is by Ash Lerczak (aka Doc Horror) of Zombina and The Skeletones and Double Echo.


    Miami Minutes - Minute 72: The Stages of Grief

    Miami Minutes - Minute 72: The Stages of Grief

    Jane is here to reconnect with her love. She's done a lot of soul searching over the last... day? Two days? The grieving is done, apparently - it's time to get back to romance, baby.

    Mark and John get Jim to the car, ready for his big meeting with pop. Apparently there's going to be NEON SIGNS and everything upon their return. Let's see if that ends up happening...

    The next episode follows in one week, friends!

    Join us on Facebook at the Miami Minutes' Taekwondo Orphanage!

    The Miami Minutes theme song is by Ash Lerczak (aka Doc Horror) of Zombina and The Skeletones and Double Echo.


    Miami Minutes - Minute 71: Suited and Booted

    Miami Minutes - Minute 71: Suited and Booted

    Jim's happiest day is fast approaching, so Mark and John take him to buy his first big boy suit - the former even using his dad-kwon-do to teach tie tying! He's all grown up *tear*.

    Once he's got the 'fit, they head back home just in time for Jane to... kind of... sort of... maybe... briefly... mention the whole dead brother thing. Oof...

    The next episode follows in one week, friends!

    Join us on Facebook at the Miami Minutes' Taekwondo Orphanage!

    The Miami Minutes theme song is by Ash Lerczak (aka Doc Horror) of Zombina and The Skeletones and Double Echo.


    Miami Minutes - Minute 70: Delivering Daddies

    Miami Minutes - Minute 70: Delivering Daddies

    Jim opens the mail, like he does every morning. There's never anything there, is there? Never anything of worth anyway. A newspaper, some brochures, junk... except today there's one a daddy waiting just for him! In the literal sense. OH MY GOOOOOOOOD!

    Jim was surprised... and the Miami Minutes team may just had a surprise addition of their own this time...

    The next episode follows in one week, friends!

    Join us on Facebook at the Miami Minutes' Taekwondo Orphanage!

    The Miami Minutes theme song is by Ash Lerczak (aka Doc Horror) of Zombina and The Skeletones and Double Echo.


    Miami Minutes - Minute 69: Heartbreak, Heartbeat and Heartbeeps

    Miami Minutes - Minute 69: Heartbreak, Heartbeat and Heartbeeps

    The Miami Ninja are gearing up for the showdown to end all showdowns... but all Yashito can think of is good times with his now-deceased boy. Remember the fun they used to have at business meetings? Lost now like tears in rain.

    Meanwhile, Jim sashay's to the mailbox and finds something rather important...

    The next episode follows in one week, friends!

    Join us on Facebook at the Miami Minutes' Taekwondo Orphanage!

    The Miami Minutes theme song is by Ash Lerczak (aka Doc Horror) of Zombina and The Skeletones and Double Echo.


    Miami Minutes - Minute 68: Meditating with the Lads (The Tool Has Landed)

    Miami Minutes - Minute 68: Meditating with the Lads (The Tool Has Landed)

    It's the end of an era as a fan-favourite meets his demise. He may be evil, but he was the king our hearts... and beards. Has Mark gone too far? Was it justified? Was it deliberate? Our duo may be at odds on this one!

    Yashito feels a great disturbance in the force, as if his beloved suddenly fell silent...

    It's time to rally the Miami Ninja! The final showdown awaits!

    The next episode follows in one week, friends!

    Join us on Facebook at the Miami Minutes' Taekwondo Orphanage!

    The Miami Minutes theme song is by Ash Lerczak (aka Doc Horror) of Zombina and The Skeletones and Double Echo.