
    Micah was accused of stealing a snowmobile

    en-usOctober 25, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Hiring Flexibility and Aging with Snagajob and Over the HillSnagajob streamlines hiring processes for businesses, providing access to a large pool of hourly workers. Over the Hill's age threshold remains debated, while hyperbaric chambers offer potential health benefits but require further research.

      Snagajob is a leading platform for businesses to hire hourly workers, with access to over 6 million active workers, offering flexibility in employment types and positions. Snagajob simplifies the hiring process with an easy-to-use platform and dedicated customer support. Over the Hill, a term often used to refer to aging, was a topic of confusion during the podcast, with differing interpretations of its age threshold. Hyperbaric chambers, another topic discussed, are pressurized chambers that increase oxygen intake for potential health benefits. The speakers shared their experiences with hyperbaric therapy and expressed skepticism regarding its effectiveness and the need for further research.

    • Breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber for healingHyperbaric oxygen therapy can be expensive and time-consuming but may help with healing, especially for concussions. An elderly man's success with a personal hyperbaric chamber shows its potential benefits.

      Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber to increase oxygen intake in the body. This can help with healing, particularly for concussions, although its benefits for post-concussion cases are less clear. The therapy can be expensive, costing up to $2,000 for ten sessions, and requires a significant time commitment for each session. However, some people, like an elderly man who suffered severe burns, have found success with personal hyperbaric chambers, which are less expensive but not as advanced as professional ones. The man in question refused skin grafts and instead opted for this alternative treatment, which ultimately proved effective and saved him from a major surgery. Despite the initial skepticism of medical professionals, his determination paid off, demonstrating the potential benefits of this unconventional approach to healing.

    • A Man's Unconventional Decision to Undergo SurgeryDespite potential risks and complications, some individuals may choose surgery due to personal factors like pain tolerance and pride, and unexpected health improvements can occur post-surgery.

      Surgery is often seen as a last resort, especially as we age. This perspective is influenced by the recovery process and potential complications. However, there are exceptions, as shown in a story about a man who refused helicopter transport to a burn unit despite severe injuries. His high pain tolerance and pride played a role in his decision. Additionally, his recent recovery from COVID-19 contributed to his extreme brain fog, which improved after the injury. The experience reminded the speaker of the importance of appreciating good health and being thankful for it. The discussion also touched upon an upcoming merchandise giveaway.

    • Limited by YouTube's policies, hosts focus on motorcycle trips and other contentHosts continue to share their love for the outdoors through motorcycle trips and other content, while expressing a desire to explore new places and cultures, including potential fishing trips in Alaska and hunting expeditions for elk or moose.

      The hosts of this discussion have a deep appreciation for outdoor activities like hunting and fishing, but they face limitations in showcasing these activities on their YouTube channel due to the platform's policies. Instead, they focus on motorcycle trips and other content that aligns better with YouTube's guidelines. However, they express a desire to explore new places and cultures, whether it be within the United States or abroad. They also mention the possibility of creating content around fishing in Alaska or even going on hunting trips for elk or moose. Despite not being able to showcase these activities as frequently as they'd like, their passion for the outdoors remains strong.

    • Overcoming Fear of New ExperiencesEmbrace opportunities for personal and home growth despite fears, as the potential rewards outweigh the intimidation.

      Fear and intimidation can hold us back from new experiences, even if those experiences could lead to personal growth and adventure. The speaker shares his past reluctance to travel to different cultures due to language barriers and the intimidation of being in unfamiliar environments. However, with time and encouragement from others, he realized that the potential rewards outweigh the fears. Similarly, when it comes to home projects, tackling them alone can be intimidating and potentially lead to mistakes. Angi simplifies the process by connecting users with skilled professionals, allowing them to relax and enjoy the results. Ultimately, it's important to push past our fears and take advantage of opportunities for personal and home improvement.

    • Exploring New Cultures and ExperiencesEurope's Amsterdam offers unique experiences, but not every place is for everyone. Traveling new places creates bonds and memorable stories.

      Europe, specifically Amsterdam, offers unique experiences with its legalized substances and diverse cultures. However, not every place is for everyone, as discussed in the example of Seattle and Arkansas. Despite the negative experiences, traveling to new places provides opportunities for bonding over shared experiences and creating memorable stories. The discussion also touched upon the idea of exploring different regions, such as the Carolinas and New York, and the desire to visit Maine due to its diverse terrain and vibes. Ultimately, the importance of experiencing new places and sharing stories was emphasized.

    • Speakers discuss Yung Gravy and the concept of datingSpeakers admire local artist Yung Gravy, share personal stories, and discuss the significance and variations of 'dating'.

      The speakers in the discussion had varying perspectives on the concept of "dating" and its significance, while also expressing their admiration for local artists, such as Yung Gravy from Minnesota. The speakers also shared personal stories about snowmobile trips and reminisced about past experiences. Regarding the comparison made earlier in the discussion, it was acknowledged that the two subjects being compared were very different. However, the speaker expressed a desire to visit Maine, despite its perceived distance and lack of reason to go. The conversation then shifted to Yung Gravy and his recent success in the music industry. The speakers expressed their excitement about his achievements, as he is from their home state. They also discussed the media's portrayal of his relationships and the use of the term "dating" in the entertainment industry. The speakers then shared a personal story about renting a snowmobile in West Yellowstone and reflecting on the evolution of their snowmobile trips into filming videos. They also discussed their preferences in potential partners, with one speaker expressing a preference for older women and the other for someone shorter and dark-haired. Overall, the discussion covered a range of topics, including music, relationships, and personal experiences.

    • Clear communication and prompt returns prevent misunderstandingsReturn rented items on time to avoid misunderstandings and potential conflicts, and maintain clear communication to prevent misinterpretations.

      Clear communication and returning rented items on time are crucial to avoid misunderstandings and potential conflicts. The speaker rented a sled from a business and returned it late, causing the owner to suspect theft and involve the police. However, it was later discovered that someone else had stolen the sled from the business's yard, where the keys were left in some sleds. The speaker felt bad for the misunderstanding and apologized, but the owner was initially unforgiving. This incident highlights the importance of clear communication and returning rented items promptly to avoid unnecessary confusion and potential consequences.

    • Misunderstandings with Snowmobile Rentals Can Lead to Unfortunate SituationsClear communication and double-checking information are crucial to avoid misunderstandings and unfortunate situations when renting a snowmobile. Stay calm and address the situation directly if an issue arises.

      Miscommunications and misunderstandings can lead to unfortunate situations, even when renting something as seemingly simple as a snowmobile. The speaker shared a story about a friend who rented a snowmobile from a popular rental company in West Yellowstone, only for it to be stolen and crashed by someone else. The friend was mistakenly accused of the crime and even had a warrant issued for his arrest. The real thief was eventually caught, but the incident left the friend feeling confused and frustrated. This experience highlights the importance of clear communication and double-checking information before making assumptions. It also serves as a reminder that mistakes can happen, and it's essential to stay calm and address the situation directly rather than letting it escalate. The rental market can be unpredictable, and it's crucial to have a reliable and trustworthy rental company to ensure a positive experience.

    • Risks and costs of exotic car rentals through TuroExotic car rentals through Turo can be costly and risky, with high insurance premiums, potential damage or theft, and reports of unscrupulous renters.

      Exotic car rentals through platforms like Turo come with significant costs and risks. The rentals can be expensive, with high insurance premiums that often exceed the cost of the car itself. Owners of these rented cars also face the risk of damage or theft, which can lead to costly repairs or replacements. Additionally, there have been reports of unscrupulous renters damaging or stripping down rented cars for profit. Despite these challenges, some people still find the thrill of driving an exotic car worth the risk and expense. However, it's essential to be aware of these potential issues before deciding to rent an exotic car through a platform like Turo.

    • Creative Uses of Personal VehiclesPeople find innovative ways to use rental cars and their own vehicles for various purposes, sometimes involving unconventional methods or misleading others.

      People have creative ways to use rental cars and their own personal vehicles for various purposes, even if it means bending the truth or using them for unexpected activities. Ben shared a story from his college days where he borrowed his mom's car for weekend trips to the cities, and later told her he was using it for Uber driving. Another friend of Ben's had a Lamborghini with sirens and lights installed, originally intended for use in car rallies. These stories illustrate the lengths people go to for convenience, fun, or to save money, even if it means being a little unconventional or misleading. Additionally, the discussion touched on the idea that options are endless when it comes to personalizing and customizing vehicles.

    • Unauthorized emergency lights on personal vehicles can lead to serious consequencesInstalling unauthorized emergency lights on a personal vehicle can result in impounding, arrest, and misinterpretation as impersonating a police officer. Always respect the law to avoid potential risks.

      Having unauthorized emergency lights on a personal vehicle can lead to serious consequences, including impounding and even arrest. The speaker was surprised to find such lights in his new Lamborghini, but after receiving warnings from local law enforcement, he had them disconnected. It's important to understand that using these lights for anything other than emergency situations is illegal and can be misconstrued as attempting to impersonate a police officer. There are various reasons why someone might install such a system, ranging from pranks to showing off at car shows. However, the potential risks far outweigh any potential benefits. It's always best to respect the law and avoid any situations that could put yourself or others in danger.

    • Man in Florida Dressed as Police Officer, Caused ChaosImpersonating a police officer is illegal and dangerous, causing chaos and confusion for those involved. Respect law enforcement roles and responsibilities.

      Sometimes people go to great lengths to assume authority they don't have, even if it means breaking the law. The discussion revolves around a man in Florida who dressed up as a police officer and pulled over unsuspecting drivers. He even went as far as blocking roads for funeral processions and Corvette rallies. The group found the situation hilarious, but it's important to remember that such actions are not only illegal but also dangerous. The man's antics caused chaos and confusion for those involved, and it's crucial to respect the roles and responsibilities of law enforcement officers. The incident serves as a reminder that impersonating an officer is a serious offense and can have severe consequences.

    • Clear communication and understanding prevent misunderstandingsBe clear and respectful in interactions, especially with authority figures or unfamiliar situations. Clarify doubts and avoid jumping to conclusions to prevent misunderstandings and potential conflicts.

      Communication and understanding are crucial in avoiding misunderstandings and potential conflicts. The discussion revolves around an encounter between two individuals, one of whom was mistakenly believed to be a police officer. The situation escalated due to a lack of clear communication and an unwillingness to back down or apologize. This incident highlights the importance of being clear and respectful in our interactions, especially when dealing with authority figures or situations that may be unfamiliar or ambiguous. It's always better to take a moment to clarify any doubts or misunderstandings rather than jumping to conclusions or escalating the situation. Additionally, the discussion sheds light on the potential dangers of impersonating a police officer and the serious consequences that come with it.

    • Encountering unexpected situations can cause fear and uncertaintyStay calm, communicate effectively, and be prepared to avoid unnecessary stress or conflict in unfamiliar situations

      Being in unfamiliar or unexpected situations can lead to feelings of fear and uncertainty, and sometimes, encounters with authority figures or unexpected obstacles. The speaker shared an experience of being pulled over by a police officer while driving, feeling unsure of what to do due to the lack of a shoulder on the road. The situation escalated, leaving the speaker feeling helpless and vulnerable. Another situation involved being unable to enter a McDonald's due to a locked door, causing a scene and attracting unwanted attention. These experiences highlight the importance of being prepared, staying calm, and communicating effectively in unfamiliar situations to avoid unnecessary stress or conflict.

    • A man's determination to get McDonald's leads to a local legendDetermination can lead to extreme actions, but consequences should be considered. Check orders carefully to avoid mistakes.

      Sometimes, when we're frustrated or hungry, we might act impulsively and push boundaries. In this story, a man named Ryan, feeling hangry and determined to get his McDonald's fix, barged his way into the restaurant despite being closed. His actions were met with resistance from the staff and other customers, but he eventually gained entry and even let some others in as well. This experience turned into a local legend, with Ryan becoming a hero to some and a meme to others. However, it's important to remember that such behavior isn't the norm and can have consequences. Another takeaway is the importance of checking our orders carefully, especially when ordering from places like Domino's, where mistakes can happen frequently. Overall, the story highlights the human tendency to assert ourselves when we feel strongly about something, and the potential consequences of our actions.

    • Cletus' Ranger Danger Race: A Platform for Diverse RangersThe Cletus' Ranger Danger 9,000 race welcomes all Ranger modifications, providing a chance for winners to join the elite Lemolets 2.4 race. Snagajob links businesses with a vast pool of hourly workers, simplifying the hiring process.

      Cletus' Ranger Danger 9,000 race is an invite-only, anything goes event where any Ranger can participate, regardless of its modifications. The winner gets an opportunity to join the exclusive Lemolets 2.4 race. Despite the large number of participants, only one winner is chosen. The race showcases a diverse range of Rangers, from stock models to heavily modified ones, and the winner often takes home the top spot with more power under the hood. Snagajob is a platform that connects businesses with a vast pool of hourly workers, offering on-demand, temp-to-hire, part-time, and full-time employees for various positions. It provides an easy-to-use platform and dedicated customer support to help businesses efficiently fill their open positions.

    • Partnering with Snagajob for Streamlined HiringSnagajob is a leading job platform where businesses can find qualified candidates and receive expert hiring assistance, streamlining their hiring process.

      Snagajob is a valuable partner for businesses looking to streamline their hiring process. Snagajob.com is where many Americans go to find employment, making it an excellent resource for businesses seeking to fill open positions. By partnering with Snagajob, businesses can tap into a large pool of potential candidates, making it easier to find qualified and reliable employees. Additionally, Snagajob offers expert assistance, allowing businesses to talk to hiring experts and get advice tailored to their specific needs. Whether you need help finding the right candidate for a seasonal position or are looking to build a long-term team, Snagajob can help keep your business running smoothly. To get started, visit snagajob.com or text "snag" to 242424 to speak with an expert.

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    I share 11 tricks you can start using today that work in professional settings like business conferences, events, and meetings or social gatherings like parties or your next happy hour. 

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    Karina Popovich is determined to have her name listed alongside other STEM giants such as Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk. At 14 she founded the company, Connect with Tech, to give students of underrepresented backgrounds the opportunity to deep-dive into the world of technology through coding workshops, speaker sessions, and tech programs. In a few weeks, she'll graduate from the prestigious Brooklyn Technical High School in New York City before heading to Cornell University to pursue a degree in Business and Engineering. 

    We discuss: 

    • Why she unapologetically calls herself an engineer 
    • How life as a first-generation immigrant influenced her work ethic
    • Confidence as a young woman in a male-dominated field of STEM 
    • Apprenticeship with Girls Who Code 
    • Ways her parents' support and encouragement has influenced her

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    Episode 16: HOME BIRTH Part 2

    Episode 16: HOME BIRTH   Part 2

    Cassi and Leon Griesbach moved abroad while expecting a baby. Their plan: Hire local midwives and give birth in their apartment. Cassi shared their story in Episode 12. How did it go? Today we visit with Cassi to find out.


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