
    Michael & The Witch: "The Blood Oath Killed My Father" | Julie Lopez

    enOctober 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Witchcraft: A Family Legacy of Control and ManipulationWitchcraft goes beyond Halloween and involves gaining power through various means, including self-harm and making covenants with demons. Not all forms are harmful, but the consequences can be severe.

      Witchcraft, as practiced by some individuals and families for generations, is a form of control and manipulation. It goes beyond the commonplace belief that witches only worship the moon during Halloween or that witch hunts are unjust. For Julie Lopez, a former witch, witchcraft was deeply ingrained in her family history, starting with her great-grandmother who was a medium, psychic, and healer. Although they didn't openly identify as witches, they practiced various forms of witchcraft as part of their DNA. However, Julie's experience took a dark turn when her family became involved in black witchcraft, which involves harming others and controlling them through rituals and demonic possession. This led Julie to become deeply depressed and suicidal, ultimately leading to a hospitalization. Witchcraft, according to Julie, is about gaining power through various means, including self-harm and making covenants with demons. It's important to note that not all forms of witchcraft are harmful, but the experiences shared by Julie highlight the potential dangers and consequences of engaging in such practices.

    • A family's tragic encounter with a black witchDespite skepticism, a family believes their experience with a black witch was real, as they recall specific supernatural occurrences and prophecies.

      The speaker's family was destroyed by a witch who infiltrated their lives under the guise of teaching black witchcraft. The witch made a prediction that a family member would die, which came true when the speaker's father committed suicide. The speaker's mother had a friend who was a white witch and warned her about the black witch's intentions. After the father's death, the black witch stopped communicating with the family. The speaker believes that their experience was not just an explanation for natural events, but a real occurrence of witchcraft. They recall a specific instance where a demon came during a ritual and made a prophecy. The speaker acknowledges that skeptics may dismiss their story as an explanation for ordinary social phenomena, but they stand by their experience and believe that people are drawn to spiritual experiences due to their inherent spiritual nature.

    • Searching for Deeper Meaning Beyond Material PossessionsSeek spiritual truth through Jesus, avoid potentially dangerous and illegal methods like pagan religious rituals and witchcraft.

      People, including those who attend music festivals with unconventional practices, are searching for something deeper in life beyond material possessions. However, this search can lead them to the wrong places, such as pagan religious rituals and seeking spiritual power through unhealthy means. The speaker emphasizes that Jesus is the way to access the spiritual realm and that other methods, even if they seem appealing or promising, are not only illegal but also potentially dangerous. The speaker also highlights the importance of sacrifice and the significance of Jesus' sacrifice at Calvary, which has been downplayed in modern times. The speaker's family history of involvement in witchcraft, dating back generations, illustrates how deeply rooted this practice was in their culture. The speaker draws a distinction between white and black witchcraft, with the former being considered more benign. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of seeking spiritual truth through the teachings of Jesus and avoiding counterfeit or illegal means.

    • Understanding the Different Forms of WitchcraftWhite witchcraft promotes good, green focuses on nature, black is used for harm, and spirit guides and familiars are common in all forms.

      Witchcraft is a complex and multifaceted practice with various forms, including white, green, and black. White witchcraft is used for good, connecting with nature and helping people. Green witchcraft focuses on natural remedies and herbs. Black witchcraft, on the other hand, is used for harm, control, and manipulation. The use of spirit guides and familiars, often depicted as animals like black cats, is a key aspect of witchcraft. The concept of witches extends beyond the stereotypical image, with some practicing in secret, even holding positions of power in governments. The speaker shares personal experiences and anecdotes about the presence of witchcraft in politics and government, including Hillary Clinton's campaign team and the current president and vice president of Colombia.

    • Speaker discusses potential ritualistic practices and human sacrificesRecent events may involve ritualistic practices, potentially involving human sacrifices, opening portals for spiritual entities, impacting both the physical and metaphysical worlds. Witchcraft involves daily rituals and protections, contrasted with Christianity's stance against it due to counterfeiting spiritual gifts.

      The speaker believes recent events, such as the Travis Scott concert, may involve ritualistic practices and potential human sacrifices, opening portals for spiritual entities. These practices, according to the speaker, can have physical and metaphysical implications, and even affect those who are not spiritual. The speaker also shares their personal experience with witchcraft, explaining that it involves daily rituals and protections, and contrasts it with Christianity. The speaker reflects on the harshness of the Bible's stance against witchcraft, suggesting it may be because witchcraft counterfeits the spiritual gifts God has given His people.

    • Be cautious of occult practices, they counterfeit God's spiritual principlesOccult practices, including white witchcraft, are dangerous as they counterfeit God's spiritual principles and ignore the call to action for believers to impact the world.

      Witchcraft and other occult practices attempt to counterfeit and corrupt God's spiritual principles, and as Christians, we must be cautious not to let these practices infiltrate our lives. The thin line between God's kingdom and the occultism of witchcraft is deceptive, and even seemingly benign practices like white witchcraft are not good. All types of witchcraft are bad because they are counterfeit and guided by spirits other than the Holy Spirit. It is essential to understand that spiritual principles, such as the use of blood for covenants and sacrifices, are real and applicable today. As Christians, we have been given the authority and power through Jesus Christ to impact the earth and influence public policy, not just in private worship. Ignoring this call to action and living as if these principles are not real can be detrimental. The earlier concept of religion was that it was a public matter, and the church and state worked together to inform society. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the impact of spiritual principles on public life and to use our abilities as believers to make a difference in the world.

    • Combating the Occult: A Present ThreatAs the 'church militant', Christians should use their faith and gifts to actively combat the occult and make a difference in the world, rather than being passive observers.

      While some may view the occult as a relic of the past, it remains a present threat, and Christians should not shy away from using their gifts and faith to combat it. The speaker emphasizes that the Church, as the "church militant," has a mission to impact the world and should not be passive in the face of darkness. The enemy may try to use gifts for his kingdom, but they are irrevocable and given by God. The speaker also shares a personal story of her husband's spiritual awakening and encourages skeptics to be open to the possibility of the supernatural. Ultimately, the call to action is for Christians to use their faith and gifts to make a difference in the world, rather than passively observing the growth of darkness.

    • From witchcraft to Christianity: A spiritual transformationEmbracing faith in God can lead to personal healing and growth, but addressing deep-rooted spiritual strongholds requires understanding and action.

      Having a spiritual connection and faith in God can lead to significant personal transformation and healing. The speaker's experience of moving from practicing witchcraft to Christianity resulted in the restoration of her and her family's wellbeing. However, the spiritual realm is complex, and simple blessings may not be enough to overcome deep-rooted spiritual strongholds. Understanding the importance of closing spiritual portals and casting out unclean spirits is crucial for true spiritual growth and protection. The speaker emphasizes the importance of openness to the possibility of a deeper spiritual connection and encourages others to give faith in God a try.

    • Understanding spiritual principles and the spiritual realm is crucial for helping people and standing against the enemy's advancement.Christians must rely on the Holy Spirit for power in spiritual warfare, enforce Jesus' authority, and uphold moral issues in the political sphere.

      Understanding spiritual principles and the spiritual realm is crucial for helping people and standing against the enemy's advancement. The difference between spiritual warfare as a Christian and occult practices lies in the source of power - relying on the Holy Spirit versus relying on one's own power. The church, as the body of Christ, has the authority to enforce Jesus' authority and change atmospheres, but many Christians have lost sight of this. The political sphere is not exempt from this call to action, and Christians must stand firm on moral issues, such as the sanctity of human life, to uphold their faith.

    • Political Involvement and Guidance from the Holy SpiritChristians should seek the Holy Spirit's guidance in political decisions, prioritize unity, and submit to spiritual leadership to effectively make a difference.

      Christians should not be lukewarm in their political involvement and should seek guidance from the Holy Spirit in making decisions. The speaker emphasizes that it's not just about what political parties offer, but rather what the Holy Spirit is guiding us to do. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of discernment and being under spiritual leadership to ensure that private revelations align with the teachings of the church. The ultimate goal is to advance the kingdom of God through unity and submission to God's will. The speaker criticizes the division within the church and encourages Christians to come together in worship of Jesus Christ, as one of the four marks of the church is unity. The spiritual realm, including demons, understands hierarchy and submission, so Christians should do the same to effectively make a difference in the political sphere.

    • The unity and order within the church are crucialMaintain unity and order within the church to prevent division and chaos, emphasize traditional religious practices, and guide people away from the occult towards Jesus Christ.

      The unity and order within the church are essential, as division and chaos go against God's nature. Hierarchies and submission exist naturally within the church, symbolizing the relationship between Christ and his church. When someone receives a revelation, it's crucial to consider whether they are submitted to spiritual authority. In today's world, where spiritual things are becoming increasingly important, the church needs to be strong and vocal about spiritual matters to guide people away from occultism and towards the real thing: Jesus Christ. The cultural shift is evident, with people leaving atheism and turning towards spirituality, but some are drawn to the accessible and popular new age practices. The church must emphasize the importance of traditional religious practices and the spiritual realm to prevent people from being misguided by the allure of the occult.

    • A spiritual awakening is occurring globally, with young people seeking out more rigorous forms of faith.Young people are turning towards Eastern Orthodoxy and traditional practices for deeper, more meaningful spiritual experiences.

      There is a global spiritual awakening occurring, with a shift towards more dogmatic and rigorous forms of faith. This trend is particularly noticeable among young people, who are turning away from "lukewarm" and "squishy" mainstream churches. Some are gravitating towards Eastern Orthodoxy, while others are seeking out prophetic and spiritual experiences. This revival is happening across different parts of the world, including Latin America, where there is a strong presence of traditional religions like Santeria. These practices, which blend African and Catholic elements, offer a complex mix of spiritual beliefs and can be seen as a response to the challenges and complexities of modern life. For some individuals, this spiritual awakening has led them to reconnect with their roots and embrace their cultural heritage. For others, it has been a call to help their communities by sharing their newfound understanding of the spiritual realm. Overall, this trend suggests a growing interest in deeper, more meaningful spiritual experiences and a desire to connect with something greater than oneself.

    • The Complex Relationship Between Catholicism and WitchcraftDespite the apparent contradiction, some individuals practice both Catholicism and witchcraft, using saints and religious texts in both. However, outright Satanism and human sacrifice are separate occult practices. Controversial beliefs about sexual immorality and the use of virgins and children in rituals persist.

      There exists a complex relationship between Catholicism and witchcraft in certain communities, particularly within Latin culture. While some individuals may practice both, it's unclear whether they are fully aware of the apparent contradiction. The use of saints and religious texts, such as the Bible, is common in both practices. However, outright Satanism, which involves the black mass and human sacrifice, is a separate and distinct occult practice. The topic of sexual immorality and its connection to witchcraft is a controversial one, but it's important to note that not all practices under the umbrella of witchcraft involve such acts. The use of virgins and children in rituals, as mentioned, is rooted in the belief that their blood holds a special power. These beliefs and practices can be found in various parts of the world, including California and Scotland, where recent trials have highlighted the issue of satanic ritual abuse. It's a complex and nuanced issue that requires further exploration and understanding.

    • Acknowledging the Reality of WitchcraftRecognizing the existence and prevalence of witchcraft is crucial for addressing and combating its horrific acts, including rape, molestation, and child sacrifice, often involving high-ranking individuals.

      Witchcraft, in various forms, has been a part of human history for centuries. People continue to practice it today, despite opposition from religious groups and denial from some secularists or those involved in the practice. The evidence, including historical accounts and current trials, suggests that witchcraft involves horrific acts, including rape, molestation, and even the sacrifice of children. Some high-ranking individuals, including those with significant wealth and power, are believed to be involved in these practices. The importance of acknowledging this reality is that if the church and society as a whole do not recognize the existence and prevalence of witchcraft, they will be unable to effectively address and combat it.

    • Understanding the Spiritual Realm and its Role in LifeBe spiritually prepared by living a holy life, fasting, praying, interceding, understanding the enemy, and taking care of oneself to face spiritual challenges.

      The spiritual realm plays a significant role in our lives and the world around us, and understanding this realm is crucial in combating the forces of evil. The speaker shares personal experiences and biblical references of the existence of wealthy elite cabals involved in ritual abuse and trafficking, which they consider to be a normal part of the "principalities and powers" mentioned in the Bible. They emphasize the importance of spiritual preparation, such as living a holy life, fasting, praying, and interceding, to equip oneself for the spiritual warfare against these high-ranking spirits. The speaker also encourages understanding the enemy and their weak points before engaging in the fight, and the importance of self-care, such as getting enough sleep and eating well, to maintain spiritual strength. Overall, the takeaway is that we should not underestimate the power of the spiritual realm and the importance of being spiritually prepared to face the challenges in our lives and in the world.

    • Comparing ancient Israel's reliance on God's guidance in war to spiritual battlesSeeking divine strategy in spiritual battles requires personal holiness and strategic discipline, with a warning against private sin and the dangers of pornography.

      Spiritual warfare requires both personal holiness and strategic discipline. The speaker draws a parallel between ancient Israel's reliance on God's guidance in war and the importance of seeking divine strategy in our own spiritual battles. He emphasizes that being a Christian involves more than just believing in Jesus; it requires working on our soul, which includes our mind and emotions. He warns against the dangers of private sin, especially sexual immorality, which can hinder our ability to receive and act on the Holy Spirit's guidance. The ubiquity of pornography in modern life raises particular concerns, as it is a key component of witchcraft and the occult. Ultimately, the speaker encourages us to view ourselves as part of God's army and to adopt disciplines and strategies for spiritual growth and protection.

    • Identifying and addressing spiritual strongholds behind sexual immoralityTo combat societal and personal struggles with sexual immorality, focus on identifying and addressing the root spiritual strongholds instead of just the symptoms

      The expansion of witchcraft, new age, and occultism in our societies is leading to an increase in sexual immorality, and it's essential to identify and address the root causes rather than just the symptoms. The presence of sexual immorality can be a sign of underlying spiritual strongholds. These strongholds, or "strongmen," come with minions or followers, and simply removing the minions won't eliminate the stronghold. Instead, we need to identify the strongman and deal with it at its source. This concept applies not only to societal issues but also to personal struggles with addictions and other negative behaviors. By focusing on the root causes, we can bring healing and freedom instead of just trying to cut away the bad fruit. Ultimately, the deeper issues of maximal individual autonomy and self-sovereignty, which can be traced back to the Garden of Eden, need to be addressed to effectively combat these problems.

    • Using power for good in the spiritual realmA leader with good intentions can positively influence a nation by establishing God's rule, using power responsibly, and satisfying basic needs.

      The spiritual realm plays a significant role in shaping a nation's culture and politics. The person in power, with the right intentions and heart, can influence the nation positively by establishing God's rule. This is a practical approach to changing a society and protecting it from negative influences. The Bible supports the idea of wielding political power in a just way, and Christians should not shy away from engaging in politics or other areas of influence. Money, like power, is a tool that can be used for good or bad, and satisfying basic needs is necessary for happiness. The love of money, or idolizing it, is the real evil. Overall, understanding the importance of spiritual and material realms, and using them responsibly, can lead to a flourishing society.

    • The Significance of Spiritual Practices and RitualsRecognize the impact of spiritual practices on individuals and society, remain open to their potential, and consider the consequences of dismissing the spiritual realm.

      Throughout history, spiritual practices and rituals, both considered "good" and "bad," have played significant roles in various cultures and communities. While some may dismiss certain practices as outdated or absurd, it's essential to recognize their impact and influence on individuals and society. The speaker emphasizes that many influential people, from the poorest to the most powerful, engage in spiritual practices, some with seemingly controversial goals. She also highlights the potential consequences of dismissing the spiritual realm, including personal struggles with depression, anxiety, addiction, and immorality. Ultimately, the speaker encourages listeners to remain open to the possibility of the spiritual world and its potential to bring positive change to their families and communities. To learn more from the speaker, Julie Lopez, you can find her on social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube, as well as her ministry websites, Rig Latam and Julie Lopez.

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    Shema AM - Choose Blessings or Curses? (10/27/2011)

    Shema AM - Choose Blessings or Curses? (10/27/2011)
    In this show Maria, preached and got on her & soap box about the curses that we bring upon our children and our family when we persist in pagan holidays and worshiping in a false way that violates the commandments. See Maria’s related blogs below: “What Real Witches Practice After Halloween.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/10/what-real-witches-practice-after_23.html “A Prayer for Cleansing & Removal of All Sin Ground Given to Satan by my Will.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/prayer-for-cleansing-removal-of-all-sin.html “Spiritual Warfare Prayer.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/spiritual-warfare-prayer_25.html

    Christianity & Magic with Rev. Michael Lux

    Christianity & Magic with Rev. Michael Lux

    To many the words "Christianity" and "Magic" should be like oil and water. For most Christians, the Occult is strictly forbidden; a dalliance with the dark forces of Satan. For Occultists, Christianity is the great adversary; always seeking to destroy and do away with those who use Magic of any form. Yet these dichotomies are somewhat new and it has not always been so easy to seperate. Much of the nuance has been lost, but luckily over the last 15 years, many of those into Magic and Witchcraft have begun the process of reexamining these complex ideas. Joining this episode is Christian Magician and renegade catholic cleric Reverend Michael Lux.

    Satanism, Witchcraft and Halloween

    Satanism, Witchcraft and Halloween


    Satanism, Witchcraft and Halloween

    A sober warning about the kingdom of darkness!

    This audio message is from a series of lectures on the dangers of Occultism and many practices associated with it. Recorded in the late 1990s during an outreach in San Luis Obispo, CA - when Chris was serving as a pastor in that same city - the message includes several audio clips from other speakers as well. These clips are not blanket endorsements for these other ministries, but rather, they serve to illustrate the reality of the powers of darkness and the importance of being educated on the subject.

    The first illustrative audio clip is from a Christian evangelist who spent 4 hours being educated - by the Los Angeles County Satanic and Occult Task Force - about the reality of satanic activity and crime in Southern California. In the second clip, the same author explains how teen suicide is part of the occult revolution. The third illustrative audio clip is a piece from Dr. Walter Martin speaking on the origin of Halloween and the Christian’s responsibility to make every opportunity to proclaim the biblical gospel.

    Christians of all sorts need to hear this message, for many are completely ignorant about what truly takes place in the kingdom of the occult, what oftentimes occurs on Halloween, and what witches and Satanists seek to do when they visit Christian churches for non-Christian purposes.

    “If you can tear down the prayer foundation of a church then you’ve destroyed that church. And that’s what every witch or Satanist plans to do when they go into a church, is to tear down that prayer foundation, and the rest of the church goes quickly after that.”

    - From an ex-Satanist who is now a committed Christian

    Topics in this audio:

    - Clarification on Satanism versus Witchcraft.
    - Re-cap from the previous seminar on several components of Paganism (Pantheism, Reincarnation, Moral Relativism, Esotericism).
    - The global spiritual/cultural phenomenon of snake/serpent worship.
    - Who and what Satan is, and what the devil’s goals are.
    - Mention of Freemasonry and the occult symbolism on the American dollar bill.
    - The activities of Satan.
    - Defining terminology.
    - Various illustrations on Satanism, Witchcraft, Wicca, occult practices (i.e., Hillary Clinton and Shamanism).
    - Disney’s “desensitizing” movies that are full of occult themes (i.e., sorcery, spiritism, shamanism, pantheism, etc.) - Fantasia, Aladdin, The Lion King, Pocahontas, etc.
    - Subliminal occult images in Jehovah's Witness Watchtower literature handed out at your front door.
    - Extensive listing of terms/techniques employed by New Age spirituality/occult practitioners.
    - Warning about Halloween and an exhortation for the Christian to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Scriptures: Deuteronomy 13:1-11; 18:9-14; Acts 19.

    Chris Lawson
    Jude 3

    The Heretic Speaks #8: Sermon: Not of This Flock

    The Heretic Speaks #8: Sermon: Not of This Flock

    Wicca and Christianity, to some, seem to be completely incompatible paths. But are they? When Jesus said that there are others “not of this flock” who were coming, could he have meant those who practice more than one faith tradition?  Also, while this isn’t specifically about Transgender Day of Remembrance, it does ask the question: If someone believes they are part of the “flock,” regardless of who they are, is that enough? Can we accept difference while celebrating commonalities?

    The readings that referenced in the sermon are Luke 8: 43-48 and John 10: 14-16 (NRSV).

    The sermon was recorded on November 16, 2014 at the Tapestry Ministries service in the Chapel of the Great Commission at Pacific School of Religion. (And apologies for the weird sounding voice. I'm still getting over my cold!)