
    Mini Show #37: BLM Finances, DHS Board, Southern Baptists, Starbucks Workers, Bezos Posting, Baby Formula, & More!

    enMay 28, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Seizing Opportunities for GrowthEvaluate opportunities for personal and professional growth, critically assess sources, and consider sustainable long-term strategies.

      Opportunities for personal and professional growth are always present, and it's never too late to make a comeback. Whether it's earning a respected degree online with Purdue Global or saving money on theme park tickets with undercover tourist, taking advantage of opportunities can lead to significant improvements in one's life. Additionally, in today's media landscape, it's essential to critically evaluate the reliability of sources and consider the motivations behind their content. For instance, Netflix's decision to cancel certain projects may not be a political statement but rather a business choice based on what content is likely to perform well for their audience. Ultimately, relying too heavily on corporate backing or trends for social movements may not be a sustainable long-term strategy.

    • Scrutinizing the intentions and transparency of racial justice effortsIt's essential for individuals and organizations to be transparent and accountable in their actions and financial dealings, particularly when promoting racial justice.

      While there are efforts being made to promote racial justice through books and organizations, it's important to scrutinize their intentions and transparency. In the case of the "Antiracist Baby" book and the Black Lives Matter Foundation, there were concerns about their true commitment to racial justice and the use of funds. The former was criticized for its approach and was reportedly abandoned by its publisher due to lack of profit potential. The latter faced questions about the use of millions of dollars raised during protests, leading to Patrice Cullors' resignation as head of the organization. These incidents serve as reminders that it's crucial for individuals and organizations to be transparent and accountable in their actions and financial dealings, especially when it comes to social justice causes.

    • Black Lives Matter failed to effectively manage $90M in donationsDespite raising $90M, BLM faced criticism for lack of transparency & accountability in spending, including payments to leaders' family businesses and expenses like real estate & parties

      The Black Lives Matter Global Foundation raised over $90 million during the social justice movement following George Floyd's death but failed to effectively manage and allocate the funds. The organization's leaders, including Patrice Cullors, paid significant sums to family members, including her brother's security firm and her child's father's company, without proper transparency or accountability. This mismanagement led to concern and criticism from within the movement, including the Trayvon Martin Foundation. The organization spent money on expenses such as real estate purchases and a birthday party, while families directly affected by police violence were not receiving the support they expected. The delayed filing of tax forms further hindered public understanding of how the funds were being used. Ultimately, this situation raises concerns about the effectiveness and accountability of large-scale charitable organizations, especially those that rely on significant public donations.

    • Controversies Surrounding BLM Funds and the Disinformation Governance BoardThe lack of transparency and accountability in the handling of funds by BLM and the establishment of the Disinformation Governance Board raised concerns and accusations of mismanagement, corporate influence, and lack of trust.

      The lack of transparency and accountability in the handling of funds raised by Black Lives Matter (BLM) during the height of social justice protests in 2020 raised serious concerns. The controversy surrounding the misallocation of funds, with some chapters being told to stand down while corporate sponsorships were prioritized, further fueled mistrust and accusations of racism. Additionally, the appointment of a former Clinton World employee to "right the ship" added to the perception of corporate influence. Meanwhile, the Disinformation Governance Board, established to combat disinformation, faced criticism for its mission and the appointment of a disinformation expert with a questionable track record. The lack of clarity and trust in these organizations' handling of funds and decision-making processes has significant implications for public trust and confidence in social justice movements and government initiatives.

    • Reminder of Importance of Public Scrutiny and DemocracyPublic reaction influenced government decision, highlighting democracy's power and importance of public engagement in holding government accountable.

      The recent controversy surrounding a disbanded government board serves as a reminder of the importance of public scrutiny and democracy in a free society. While some may argue that the board's disbanding is no big deal, others see it as a critical step towards preserving democratic values. The public reaction to the issue, which included voices from various political backgrounds, showed that in a democracy, the opinions of the people can influence government decisions. The government's response to the criticism was a positive sign that the administration is responsive to public concerns. The power of the internet and independent platforms in enabling public discourse and reaching millions of people was also evident in this situation. Overall, the controversy highlights the significance of public engagement and the role of the public in holding their government accountable.

    • The Trump Administration's Problematic Policies and ActionsDespite Trump's image as a savior figure, the author reveals his role in the administration's controversial decisions, including trusting Kushner and hiring Bolton. New evidence contradicts initial claims regarding the killing of Abu Akleh, emphasizing the need for accountability.

      The author's experience working in the White House under Jared Kushner and Donald Trump revealed that both were significant contributors to the administration's problematic policies and actions. While Trump was often portrayed as a savior figure by his supporters, the author argues that he bore responsibility for the decisions he made, including trusting Kushner and hiring controversial figures like John Bolton. The investigation into the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh highlights how Israeli forces were likely responsible for her death, contradicting initial claims that she was caught in the crossfire. The author's critique of the Trump administration and the new evidence regarding Abu Akleh's death underscore the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions.

    • Israeli Defense Forces suspected of killing American-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu AklehIDF shooters likely responsible for Abu Akleh's death, despite initial denials. International community calls for transparency and investigation.

      There is significant evidence suggesting that Israeli Defense Forces were responsible for the targeted killing of American-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, despite initial denials from the Israeli government. This conclusion is based on the proximity of the shooters to IDF forces, the lack of tension or hostility in the area before the shooting, and the presence of bullet holes near where Abu Akleh was killed. The Israeli government's initial statements, which placed blame on Palestinian militants, have been widely discredited. The international community, including the US, is calling for a thorough and transparent investigation into the incident. The killing of Abu Akleh, a trailblazing female journalist in the Middle East, raises serious questions about the commitment of the Israeli government to press freedom and the safety of journalists in the region. The US, as a close ally of Israel, is under pressure to demand answers and accountability from the Israeli government. The lack of transparency and the pattern of cover-ups in previous similar incidents further undermine trust in the Israeli government's ability to conduct an independent and honest investigation.

    • Institutions prioritize self-interest over safetyInstitutions and their leaders have a history of covering up abuses and protecting predators, prioritizing their own interests over the safety and well-being of their members

      Powerful institutions and their leaders, in this case, the Israeli government, the Southern Baptist Convention, and potentially the Catholic Church, have prioritized protecting their own interests over addressing abhorrent actions and providing safety for their most vulnerable members. In the case of the Southern Baptist Convention, a third-party report revealed rampant cover-ups of sexual assault and harassment allegations, with leaders maintaining a secret database of known predators while denying the possibility of creating a public database to protect victims. Similarly, in the context of U.S. politics, millions of dollars were spent to silence critics of Israeli human rights violations. The common thread is a disregard for the welfare of those who have been wronged and a focus on maintaining the status quo and avoiding scandal.

    • Baptist Church's Handling of Sexual Abuse Allegations Under Scrutiny700 victims affected by crimes committed by two ministers since 1998. Church's democratic structure made it harder to control offenders. Plans to release list of proven offenders, but outrage from members persists. Unionization effort at Starbucks focuses on workers' rights and improving conditions.

      The Baptist Church's handling of sexual abuse allegations has come under intense scrutiny in a recent report. Over 700 victims have been affected by crimes committed by two top ministers since 1998. The report was only made public due to the investigative journalism of the Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express. The church's democratic structure makes it harder to control and expel offenders compared to more centralized institutions. Despite expelling churches for perceived moral transgressions, they failed to address literal sexual predators. The church has since announced plans to release a list of proven offenders. However, the report has caused significant outrage among church members, with some expressing disappointment in the leadership's handling of the situation. Meanwhile, the campaign to unionize Starbucks workers continues, with Leila Dalton, a fired union leader, sharing her experience of harassment and retaliation. The broader context of the unionization effort is about giving workers a voice and improving working conditions.

    • Starbucks Workers' Union Movement: A Testament to Collective ActionStarbucks workers' union movement inspires hope for better working conditions and respect despite personal struggles and illegal union busting, with over 80 stores across the country joining the cause.

      The ongoing labor movement among Starbucks workers, particularly those in Memphis, Tennessee, is a testament to the power of collective action and the importance of workers having a voice. The speaker, who was fired from her store for union organizing efforts, shares her personal struggles with the loss of community and support system at work. However, she remains hopeful for a federal court ruling in their favor, which could lead to reinstatement and a stop to illegal union busting. The movement, which gained momentum during the COVID-19 pandemic, has now spread to over 80 Starbucks stores across the country, challenging the long-held belief that food service industries are impossible to unionize. The speaker's determination and the success of the unionization efforts serve as an inspiration for workers to fight for better working conditions and respect.

    • The disconnect between essential workers' status and treatmentDuring the pandemic, essential workers faced difficult choices and felt undervalued, while billionaire ownership of media outlets raised questions about transparency and potential influence on coverage.

      The experiences of essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the disconnect between their essential status and the treatment they received from their employers. Leila, a Starbucks employee, shared her story of feeling undervalued and being forced to make impossible choices between work and family during a difficult time. Meanwhile, billionaire Jeff Bezos's ownership of The Washington Post raised questions about the potential influence of corporate interests on journalistic coverage. Despite the reputable status of The Washington Post, there is a lack of transparency regarding Bezos's involvement and potential impact on the editorial process. These issues underscore the importance of examining the intersection of corporate power and media ownership, particularly when it comes to essential workers and the public's access to accurate information.

    • Media ownership impacts news reportingCorporate ideological preferences can impact news reporting, as seen with Jeff Bezos' influence on Bloomberg's opinion section, potentially downplaying issues like corporate profiteering's role in inflation

      Media ownership can significantly influence the perspectives presented in news outlets. In the case of Jeff Bezos and his ownership of Bloomberg, it has been observed that his opinions are reflected in the opinion section of the publication. This raises concerns about the potential impact of corporate ideological preferences on news reporting. For instance, there has been an organized effort to downplay the role of corporate profiteering in inflation. However, studies by organizations like the Economic Policy Institute have shown that more than half of the price increases experienced by Americans can be attributed to larger corporate profit margins. Yet, columns exposing this issue are less likely to be published or endorsed by influential figures like Bezos, creating less incentive for journalists to explore this aspect of the problem. The Democratic establishment has also faced a challenging week in the elections, with several candidates defeating establishment-backed opponents. The ongoing debate around the role of corporate profits in inflation and the influence of media ownership on news reporting remains a significant issue.

    • Democratic Party's Controversial Support for Anti-Abortion, NRA-Backed Democrat Henry CuellarThe Democratic Party is under scrutiny for supporting Henry Cuellar, an anti-abortion, NRA-backed Democrat under FBI investigation, over progressive candidate Carolyn Bordeaux, highlighting internal party tensions and ethical concerns.

      The Democratic Party leadership is facing an awkward primary season, as they have poured significant resources into defending anti-abortion, NRA-backed Democrat Henry Cuellar in Texas, despite his ongoing FBI investigation. Cuellar, who was not up for reelection, quickly transitioned into a lobbying role after announcing his retirement, raising questions about the timing and ethics of his actions. Meanwhile, progressive candidate Carolyn Bordeaux was defeated in her primary race by Lucy McBath. The party's decision to support Cuellar, despite his controversial record and ongoing investigation, highlights the tensions between progressive and more centrist factions within the Democratic Party. The party's defense of Cuellar also raises ethical concerns, as his lobbying firm, Akin Gump, is one of the biggest in Washington, and he is currently unable to technically lobby but can give strategic advice and have consultations. The investigation into Cuellar's potential involvement in Azerbaijani corruption adds to the controversy surrounding his campaign.

    • Tension between Party Leadership and Grassroots in Democratic PrimariesRaids on progressive candidates close to elections and party leadership's actions raising concerns about suppression of grassroots energy. Staying true to principles crucial for electoral success.

      The political landscape is becoming increasingly complex, with party leadership and grassroots energy at odds in some races, particularly in Democratic primaries. The discussion focused on the ongoing contest between Congressman Henry Cuellar and progressive challenger Jessica Cisneros in Texas. The extraordinary step of conducting a raid so close to an election, with the race likely to be decided by a small margin, has raised concerns about party interference and the potential suppression of grassroots energy. AOC's comments, likening the party leadership to an "incumbent protection racket," highlight the growing tension. Another intriguing race mentioned was the contest between Lucy McBath and Carolyn Bordeaux in Georgia, where Bordeaux's attempt to position herself as the most electable Democrat against a Republican backfired spectacularly, with voters seemingly more frustrated by her undermining of the party's vision than the party leadership's actions. Overall, these races underscore the importance of staying true to one's principles and the potential consequences of attempting to play the system for personal gain.

    • Uncertainty surrounds major legislation amidst political pressure and controversial policiesGrowing public pressure for action on key issues, but uncertain probability of significant legislation passing due to political tensions and controversial policies, including Middle East relations with Saudi Arabia.

      Despite growing public pressure on Democrats to take action on key issues like drug prices, climate change, and taxes on the wealthy, the probability of significant legislation passing remains uncertain. This comes as the Biden administration continues to pursue a controversial Middle East policy, including normalizing relations with Saudi Arabia, which could contribute to rising gas prices and inflation. A recent high-level meeting revealed the administration's plans to strengthen ties with Riyadh through a classified 15-page document. While some factions within the administration support this approach, others are not in agreement. Overall, the window for passing major legislation is closing, and the outcome remains uncertain.

    • Covert Diplomacy in Middle East: Biden's Secret Meetings with Regional LeadersBiden's covert diplomacy in Middle East raises concerns for deeper US entanglements and potential military obligations, while critics argue for addressing root causes and Palestinian rights.

      The Biden administration is pursuing covert diplomatic efforts in the Middle East, using the CIA director for discreet meetings with regional leaders like MBS of Saudi Arabia, MBZ of the UAE, and others, to potentially sidestep the Palestinian question and normalize relations between Israel and Arab countries. This secretive approach raises concerns about the potential long-term implications for the United States, as it could lead to deeper entanglements in regional conflicts and possible obligations to intervene militarily on behalf of our allies. Critics argue that this approach does not address the root causes of the regional instability and neglects the rights of Palestinians. The administration's reluctance to engage publicly and transparently in these diplomatic efforts adds to the frustration and raises questions about the true motivations and benefits for the United States.

    • Military interventions can incentivize more conflictsThe US's military involvement can lead to more wars, as regional actors may feel emboldened to act recklessly. The real power at Davos lies with billionaires and CEOs, hindering meaningful change through actions like carbon taxes and progressive taxation.

      The US's military involvement in global conflicts, as described by the speaker, can incentivize regional actors to be more reckless in their foreign policies, disincentivizing efforts to draw down hostilities. This dynamic, as seen in the Middle East, could lead to more wars in the future. Davos, the World Economic Forum, gathers the world's most powerful people, but the real power lies with the billionaires and CEOs. They use the event to signal their virtues and protect their wealth, often preventing meaningful change through actions like carbon taxes, regulations, and progressive taxation. The war in Ukraine serves as an example, with the focus on pressuring oligarchs to end the conflict. However, these oligarchs, including those in attendance at Davos, have significant influence and can hinder efforts to bring about peace. The status quo benefits those in power, perpetuating the cycle of conflict and inequality.

    • Davos as a platform for elite dealsDavos is a significant gathering for world leaders and billionaires, but it doesn't set the rules for democratic societies, and deals are made in private with limited transparency.

      The World Economic Forum (WEF) and Davos, while a significant gathering of powerful individuals, do not hold the power to make and enforce rules as some conspiracy theories suggest. Instead, it serves as a platform for billionaires and world leaders to network and make deals outside of public scrutiny. The WEF has responded to criticism and controversy by co-opting the language of its critics and increasing the number of pledges and reports, while the actual decision-making occurs in private suites where transparency is lacking. Private equity firms benefit from this lack of transparency and the ability to avoid regulations, which can protect their ill-gotten gains and maintain the status quo. The WEF's significance lies in its role as a watering hole for the world's elite, where deals are made and power is wielded, but it does not set the rules for democratic societies.

    • The power of Davos men to shape public opinion and block legislation is not unlimitedDespite Davos men's influence, democratic action and regulations are necessary for real change. Their power is not absolute, as shown by labor and activist movements.

      While billionaires and corporate elites, often referred to as "Davos men," may engage in philanthropy and make public statements about addressing social issues, real change requires democratic action and the implementation of rules and regulations. The power of Davos men to perpetuate the status quo, particularly in democracies with significant campaign finance influence, is formidable. However, their power to shape public opinion and block legislation is not unlimited, as demonstrated by recent labor and activist movements. Ultimately, the power structure itself needs to be altered to create a true democracy and bring about meaningful change. The book "Davos Man" by Gary Shteyngart further explores these ideas and their relevance to current issues, including climate change.

    • Baby formula shortage caused by monopolistic controlMonopolistic control in baby formula industry leads to higher prices, fewer options for consumers due to WIC program contracts.

      The baby formula shortage is a symptom of a larger issue with monopolistic control in the industry. Abbott Labs, the largest producer of baby formula in the U.S., faced a shutdown of its main production facilities due to contamination, leaving a significant portion of the market without a key supplier. However, even with this failure, Abbott is likely to maintain a large market share due to its monopolistic power. This power is maintained through the government's WIC program, which grants monopoly contracts to formula producers in each state. These contracts make it unprofitable for retailers to carry alternative formulas, leading to a market dominated by the WIC supplier. This situation allows the formula producer to raise prices on non-WIC recipients, resulting in higher costs for consumers. The baby formula shortage highlights the problem of monopolistic control in essential industries and the potential negative consequences for consumers.

    • Baby Formula Shortage: A Complex IssueThe baby formula shortage in the US is a complex issue caused by regional distribution challenges, monopolistic practices, and regulatory hurdles, leading to high prices, limited availability, and potentially harmful ingredients.

      The baby formula shortage in the US is not primarily a production issue but a regional distribution problem, exacerbated by monopolistic practices and regulatory hurdles. Helena Boddamiller Ebbich, a reporter who has covered the issue, highlighted that the average formula stock rate in the US is currently at 79%, far below pre-pandemic norms, but not critically low. The shortage is more of a regional issue, with certain states experiencing severe shortages due to control by specific formula producers like Abbott. The WIC program, which is the largest buyer of formula in the US, keeps smaller players out of the market, reducing competition and market resiliency. Even large global players like Nestle face challenges entering the market due to the FDA's strict regulations, which are designed to ensure formula safety but also act as barriers to entry. The FDA's focus on safety and its deference to incumbents has led to high prices and potentially harmful ingredients in formula, with every tested formula containing detectable levels of heavy metals. In summary, the baby formula shortage is a complex issue with roots in regional distribution, monopolistic practices, and regulatory hurdles, all contributing to high prices, limited availability, and potentially harmful ingredients.

    • FDA's inspection of Abbott's factory reveals safety concerns and regulatory lapsesThe baby formula shortage is linked to safety concerns and regulatory lapses at a sole source producer's factory, as well as monopolistic practices in the industry that lead to consolidated supply chains and potential shortages.

      The baby formula shortage is a result of various issues including regulatory lapses, monopolistic practices, and safety concerns. The FDA's inspection of Abbott's Sturgis factory last year revealed old and dirty equipment, leaky water towers, and falsified records. The firm failed to address these problems despite warnings from the FDA. When a whistleblower came forward in October, the FDA did not act immediately. However, when the FDA investigated again in January to March, they found 310 documented water leaks that could have allowed bacteria to contaminate the formula. The issue of bacterial contamination is linked to a larger problem of monopolistic practices in various industries, including baby formula and pharmaceuticals. Power buyers, such as group purchasing organizations, hand out sole source contracts in return for rebates, leading to consolidated supply chains and potential shortages when there's a problem at a sole source producer's factory. To end these shortages, we need to take on the power buyers and ban exclusive contracts and predatory rebates. The FDA commissioner, Robert Califf, has acknowledged this issue and its connection to the medical supply shortages across the board.

    • Understanding Essential Goods Shortages: Market Structure MattersMarket structure issues, such as monopolization, are causing essential goods shortages in the US. Solutions include enforcing antitrust laws, breaking up large buyers, and passing legislation limiting supplier dependence.

      The current issue of essential goods shortages in the US is largely due to market structure issues, particularly monopolization, and not just regulatory problems. The speaker suggests several potential solutions, including enforcing existing antitrust laws, breaking up large buyers, and passing a law limiting the percentage of essential goods a large buyer can purchase from a single supplier. These steps would help diversify supply chains and mitigate shortages. The speaker also notes that these shortages are a relatively new phenomenon, and that America did not used to experience regular shortages of vital goods. The key, according to the speaker, is understanding that the problem is rooted in market structure and addressing it through a combination of legal and regulatory measures.

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