
    Mini Show #6: Chris Cuomo Allegations, Rep. Gottheimer Corruption, Hillary Clinton Booed, Kristi Noem Scandal, Factory Farms' Lies, and More!

    enOctober 02, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring opportunities for personal growthExplore opportunities for career advancement, cost savings, and enjoyable experiences. Take advantage of respected degrees from Purdue Global, affordable wireless service from Consumer Cellular, and refreshing cleaning products from Clorox Scentiva. Hold those in power accountable for their actions and speak out against divisive rhetoric.

      Opportunities for personal growth and improvement are always present, whether you're looking to further your career, save money, or create more enjoyable experiences at home. Purdue Global offers a chance for a comeback with a respected degree. Consumer Cellular provides a more affordable alternative for wireless service. Clorox Scentiva brings a refreshing touch to cleaning routines. And independent media platforms like Breaking Points offer an alternative to the divisive rhetoric of corporate media. Meanwhile, individuals in positions of power, like Chris Cuomo, are being held accountable for their actions, but the power of speaking out against them remains with them. It's important to take advantage of opportunities for change and growth, and to hold those in power accountable for their actions.

    • Prominent figure's private actions contradict public imagePeople's private lives may not align with their public persona, raising questions about hypocrisy and double standards.

      Actions do not always align with public image. A prominent figure, who had been advocating for women's rights and defending those accused of sexual harassment, was exposed for his own inappropriate behavior towards his boss during a work event. He sent an apology email, but it was unclear if he truly regretted his actions. The incident raised questions about hypocrisy and double standards, especially when the individual had used his platform to support others facing similar allegations. This situation serves as a reminder that people's private lives may not always match their public persona.

    • Cable news: Arrogance and lack of accountabilityHigh-rating CNN host faced allegations of lying about COVID diagnosis and sexually harassing a colleague, but lack of consequences or transparency from network highlights double standard and need for accountability in media industry

      Arrogance and lack of accountability seem to be prevalent issues within certain sectors of the media industry, particularly in cable news. An example of this was discussed in relation to a high-rating CNN host who was accused of lying about his COVID diagnosis and sexually harassing a colleague. Despite these serious allegations, there appeared to be a lack of consequences or transparency from the network regarding the situation. This double standard was highlighted, as if similar actions from other hosts would have resulted in immediate termination and public scrutiny. The partnership between the speaker and The Daily Poster aims to bring such important reporting to light and hold those in power accountable.

    • Rep. Gottheimer's Private Equity Ties Impacting His Stance on BillsRep. Gottheimer, a top recipient of campaign cash from private equity, is pushing to delink the reconciliation and infrastructure bills, potentially killing the former, due to industry opposition to certain provisions and potential benefits from infrastructure bill's public-private partnerships.

      Representative Josh Gottheimer's close ties to the private equity industry are influencing his stance on the reconciliation bill and infrastructure bill. Gottheimer, a top recipient of campaign cash from private equity, is pushing to delink the two bills, which could potentially kill the reconciliation bill. The private equity industry, including major donors to Gottheimer, opposes several provisions in the reconciliation bill, such as the closure of the carried interest tax loophole and potential tax increases for billionaires. Additionally, the infrastructure bill includes provisions encouraging public-private partnerships, which benefit private equity firms like Blackstone, where Gottheimer's top donors are based. Gottheimer's district, a wealthier area in New Jersey, is mostly Democratic but swing-leaning, and his push for giveaways to the super-rich may be out of step with his constituents.

    • Politicians prioritizing donors over constituentsSome politicians put donor interests above public good, disproportionately benefiting top 1% with tax breaks, revealing a corrupt political system where money buys elections.

      Some politicians, like Representative Gottheimer, who oppose popular legislation, such as the reconciliation bill, are prioritizing the interests of a small group of high-income donors over their constituents. This is evident in the disproportionate benefits of tax breaks, like SALT, going to the top 1% of income earners. Gottheimer's history of supporting private equity and defending it against criticism of exorbitant fees highlights this trend. Despite the popularity of the reconciliation bill, these politicians are willing to hold it hostage to secure campaign funds, revealing a corrupt political system where money buys elections, regardless of public opinion. This strategy, while effective in the short term, exposes the blatant disregard for the needs and desires of the majority of the population. It's time for media organizations to shine a light on this issue and hold politicians accountable for their actions.

    • Democrats' connections to big pharma and private equityThe focus on Democrats' ties to big pharma and private equity during the reconciliation bill debate is crucial, as some have voted against drug bills, but this issue is largely overlooked in mainstream conversations.

      The connections of certain Democrats to big pharma and private equity, particularly those who have voted against drug bills, should be a central focus in the legislative debate during the reconciliation bill. However, this issue is barely part of the mainstream conversation and often flies under the radar. Another topic that continues to generate attention is Hillary Clinton's public appearances, despite her controversial past, including her recent commencement speech at Queen's University in Northern Ireland, where she was met with protests. These incidents serve as reminders of the baggage that some political figures carry, even as they attempt to present themselves as global leaders.

    • Clinton family's image in rural America no longer accurateDespite evidence, Clinton family continues to act as beloved figures in rural America, leading to disconnect and growing distrust in political figures

      The Clinton family's image as beloved and populist figures in rural America and the heartland is no longer accurate. Despite this, they continue to act as if it is. A recent example of this disconnect was seen during the 2016 campaign when Bill Clinton was booed in rural Kentucky, a place where he had previously been popular. Additionally, during Hillary Clinton's campaign, Bill summoned state officials to help his daughter obtain a real estate certification after she failed the exam. This incident, which took place in July 2020, is currently under investigation for potential age discrimination. The Clinton's continued attempts to maintain their image, despite evidence to the contrary, highlights a disconnect between their past and present. Furthermore, the incident in South Dakota adds to the growing distrust in political figures and institutions, including the media, as the truth of their actions comes to light.

    • Misuse of power for personal gainGovernors' daughters received special treatment, leading to unqualified jobs and licenses, raising concerns about potential misuse of state resources and accountability in public office

      The misuse of power for personal gain, no matter how small the issue may seem, is a serious concern. In the discussed cases, governors' daughters received special treatment, leading to licenses and high-paying jobs they weren't qualified for. These incidents raise questions about the potential misuse of state resources and the lengths those in power are willing to go to benefit their families. It's important to remember that these instances are not unique to one political party and serve as a reminder of the importance of accountability and transparency in public office.

    • Comparing certification denial and Troopergate, PR firm's racial spin on animal welfare regulationsBe cautious of manipulative tactics, such as racializing issues, and critically evaluate information presented. Recognize the interconnectedness of issues affecting workers in the pork industry, including poor working conditions and systemic discrimination.

      The use of manipulative tactics, such as racializing issues to deflect attention from real concerns, is a concerning trend. In the first part of the discussion, it was mentioned how a female appraiser was denied certification despite meeting the requirements, drawing comparisons to the Troopergate scandal. Later, it was revealed that a Republican PR firm was trying to spin new animal welfare regulations in California as racist, using the disparity fallacy. These incidents highlight the importance of being aware of such tactics and critically evaluating information presented. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the harsh realities faced by workers in the pork industry, who are often immigrants, minorities, and subjected to poor working conditions. It's essential to recognize that these issues are interconnected and demand our attention and action.

    • Exploiting Consumer Concerns in Factory FarmingFactory farming industries manipulate consumer concerns for profit, while existing price supports could help mitigate price increases for consumers. It's crucial to examine true motivations behind industry actions.

      The discussion highlights the manipulative tactics used by factory farming industries to exploit consumer concerns for personal gain. Despite the challenges faced in the meat supply chain, the speaker argues that more could be done to alleviate price increases for consumers, given the existing price supports for the agriculture industry in the US. The speaker also criticizes the use of "wokeness" as a tool to distract from ethical issues, such as animal welfare and worker pay, and calls for a focus on addressing these concerns directly. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of being aware of how businesses use societal issues to further their own interests and encourages a critical examination of the true motivations behind industry actions.

    • Save on Disney tickets and prioritize mental healthDiscover savings on Disney tickets by purchasing child prices as adults and enhance your park experience with Genie Plus and Lightning Lane upgrades. Prioritize mental health with affordable online therapy sessions from BetterHelp.

      This summer, you can make your Walt Disney World vacation more affordable by purchasing adult theme park tickets at child prices from Undercover Tourist. This savings opportunity allows you to enjoy the magic of Disney without breaking the bank. Additionally, linking your tickets to the official Walt Disney World apps enables you to add on Genie Plus and Lightning Lane upgrades easily. Furthermore, it's important to prioritize mental health and everyone can be affected by mental health challenges. BetterHelp, an online therapy platform, offers flexible and affordable mental health support from licensed therapists. It's a simple truth that mental health matters, and everyone deserves access to resources that can help them manage their mental health effectively. So, whether you're planning a Disney adventure or focusing on your mental well-being, remember that there are resources available to help you save money and prioritize your overall wellness.

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    Intro music credit Bensound.com

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