
    614. Andy & DJ CTI: Hunter Biden Shows Up To Capitol, OK Bans Using Funds For DEI & LeBron James Sits During National Anthem

    enDecember 15, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Politics and Pop Culture on the CTI PodcastCTI Podcast explores political allegories and encourages open dialogue, covering topics from pop culture to politics, asking listeners to share and engage in finding solutions.

      Andy and DJ Cruz host a real estate-focused podcast called CTI (Cruz, the internet), where they discuss various topics, speculate on truths and falsehoods, and encourage audience participation. They have different formats like Q&A sessions, real talks, and full-length interviews. They ask listeners to share the show as a form of reciprocity since they don't run ads. They recently discussed the upcoming movie "Civil War," a political allegory about a large-scale insurrection in which 19 states have seceded, and a three-term president is trying to maintain the United States. The podcast covers a range of topics, from pop culture to politics, and encourages listeners to engage in open dialogue and be part of the solution.

    • Civil unrest in America: More complex than meets the eyeThe ongoing civil unrest in America involves more than just protests and violence, with millions of prepared individuals ready to defend their beliefs.

      The ongoing civil unrest in America may not be as one-sided as it appears on the surface. While some groups are actively engaging in protests and violence, there are also millions of prepared and trained individuals who have remained quiet but are ready to defend their beliefs if necessary. The true scale and nature of any large-scale insurrection could be vastly different from what is portrayed in media or predicted in movies. It's essential to recognize the potential for a complex and multifaceted conflict, with various factions and allegiances at play.

    • Political Corruption and the Call for UnityPeople are becoming aware of political corruption and are moving towards unity to oppose it, despite efforts to divide through labels and violent actions. Global issue, not limited to America.

      The current state of politics, as described, is causing widespread concern and a call for unity among people. The speaker believes that those in power, including the media and progressive left, are being exposed for their corrupt actions and are trying to maintain control through various means, including election manipulation or even violent actions. The vast majority of people, however, have become aware of these issues and are moving towards opposing them. The only way to defeat these problems, according to the speaker, is through non-compliance and unity, as identity politics and labels are used to divide the population. The speaker also emphasizes that the issues are not limited to America but are a global problem. The speaker's tone is passionate and urgent, emphasizing the need for action against those causing harm.

    • Embrace Change and Address Issues Head-OnRecognize societal shifts, confront challenges, and unite to build a better future. Criticize those who advocate for violence and prepare for positive action.

      It's crucial for individuals and societies to face reality and address issues head-on instead of clinging to delusions or outdated beliefs. The speaker argues that the U.S. needs to acknowledge the changes happening and take actions to shape the country's future. He also emphasizes that those advocating for violence are often the weakest members of society, and the true power lies with those who remain quiet and prepare for action. The speaker also criticizes the entertainment industry for producing fear-based content and misrepresenting societal issues. Overall, the message is to embrace change, face challenges, and unite to create a better future.

    • Hunter Biden refuses congressional deposition, challenges Republicans to public hearingHunter Biden refused a congressional deposition, accused Republicans of lying and political interference, and criticized them for focusing on him instead of important issues like border security.

      Hunter Biden skipped a congressional deposition and dared Republicans to call him for a public hearing instead, while accusing them of lying about him and engaging in political interference. He criticized them for suppressing information and changing their narrative regarding his business dealings and his father's involvement. Biden also criticized the Republicans for focusing on him while neglecting important issues like border security. The heated exchange between Biden and Republicans highlights the political polarization and the ongoing investigation into Biden's business dealings.

    • Lack of accountability and culture of corruptionUnity and volume needed to hold power accountable, or risk dire consequences including shutting down communication channels and dismantling democratic process.

      The current state of affairs, as discussed, arises from a lack of accountability and a culture of corruption that has infiltrated various institutions. People in power are acting with impunity, and until the public demands change, they will continue to do so. The Hunter Biden situation is a prime example of this, as those in power seem to be held to different standards than the rest of us. The attitude towards this should be one of unity and volume, with the entire populace speaking out against these actions, rather than allowing ourselves to be silenced or intimidated. The consequences of inaction could be dire, potentially leading to the shutting down of communication channels and a dismantling of the democratic process. It's crucial that we remember our history, organize effectively, and hold those in power accountable.

    • Leadership failing promises, Oklahoma bans racial preferential treatmentSome leaders are not keeping their promises, Oklahoma governor issues order against racial preferential treatment in state funds, promoting equal opportunity instead of equal outcomes, addressing societal discrimination against all races.

      Leadership in some organizations is failing to uphold their promises and obligations, allowing America to potentially fall after centuries of sacrifice. In other news, Oklahoma's Republican governor, Kevin Stitt, has issued an executive order banning state funds from being used for diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives that grant preferential treatment based on race or ethnicity. This move, which follows a similar one in Florida, aims to encourage equal opportunity rather than promising equal outcomes. The discussion also touched on the racial double standard in society and the need to address discrimination against all races. The use of derogatory language and jokes in the podcast should not be taken as endorsement or reflection of the intended message.

    • Unity against discriminationDiscrimination is harmful, regardless of race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Public figures who discriminate should be held accountable and removed from office, while diversity initiatives should be used to promote unity and progress, not for personal gain.

      America is a place for everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, as long as they don't harm children. The speaker expresses disappointment in the persistent racial divisions and exclusion, and encourages unity against discrimination. He also shares his frustration with being blamed for historical wrongs that he had no involvement in. The speaker believes that public figures who discriminate or make discriminatory remarks should be held accountable and removed from office. He also criticizes the misuse of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, and the issue of people in positions of power stealing from their organizations. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the present and focusing on unity and progress.

    • Promoting meritocracy for true inclusionFocusing on skills and merit ensures a diverse and inclusive workforce, recognizes individual talent, and avoids the negative consequences of some DEI policies.

      Meritocracy is the key to true inclusion in the workforce. The speaker argues that promoting individuals based on their skills and merit, rather than their identity, is the most effective way to create a diverse and inclusive environment. He also criticizes the assumption that people from certain backgrounds cannot perform as effectively as others, and emphasizes the importance of recognizing individual talent and ability. The speaker also touches on the absurdity of certain diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies and the potential negative consequences they can have. Ultimately, he believes that focusing on meritocracy is the best way to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.

    • LeBron James' Anthem Protest: A Complex IssueThe anthem protest by LeBron James sparked controversy, with some seeing it as disrespectful and others as a form of protest against systemic issues. The incident highlighted the need for open dialogue and mutual understanding.

      The issue of respecting national symbols, such as the national anthem, is a complex and nuanced topic that elicits strong reactions from different communities. LeBron James' decision to sit during the anthem at his son's college basketball game sparked controversy and backlash, particularly from the black community. Some see it as a sign of disrespect, while others view it as a form of protest against systemic issues like poverty and racial inequality. The conversation also highlighted the hypocrisy of wealthy individuals, like James, who engage in questionable behaviors while criticizing others for perceived slights. Ultimately, the incident underscores the need for open dialogue and mutual understanding to bridge the divide and find common ground.

    • LeBron's disrespectful actions during the National AnthemLeBron James' decision to not stand during the National Anthem has sparked controversy and criticism, with some arguing it's destructive to those who have sacrificed for their country. He could have used his platform to be a hero instead.

      Actions speak louder than words, especially for public figures. LeBron James, despite his wealth and influence, could have set a better example by showing respect during the National Anthem. Instead, his decision to not stand during its performance has sparked controversy and criticism. The speaker argues that LeBron's actions are destructive to those who have sacrificed for their country and that he could have used his platform to be a hero instead. The speaker also suggests that LeBron may be influenced by the wrong people and that he could still change his stance and improve his public image.

    • The Price of Losing AuthenticityLeaders risk damaging their reputations and careers by straying from authentic beliefs or succumbing to external pressures. Regaining authenticity and making a positive impact is possible, but the window may be closing.

      Leaders in positions of influence, like celebrities and politicians, risk damaging their reputations and careers when they stray from their authentic beliefs or succumb to external pressures. The speaker expresses frustration towards figures who have had historic potential but have lost public trust due to their actions or endorsements. He believes that these individuals have an opportunity to regain their authenticity and make a positive impact, but the window for doing so may be closing. The speaker also expresses sympathy for those affected by the actions of their influential figures, such as the sons of controversial figures or the fans of a particular brand. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying true to one's beliefs and values in order to maintain public trust and make a meaningful impact.

    • Powerful individuals under pressureThe pressure on powerful individuals can lead them to make decisions against their beliefs, requiring unity and common sense leadership to navigate complex situations.

      The pressure and leverage on powerful individuals, particularly those in the public eye, can lead them to make decisions that may not align with their true beliefs or values. This was discussed in relation to various public figures, including Colin Kaepernick and unnamed individuals potentially involved in scandals like the Epstein case. The speaker expressed frustration with the situation and a desire for these individuals to come forward and be heroic, but acknowledged the complexities and potential risks involved. He emphasized the need for unity and common sense leadership to help people understand they're being manipulated and that we're all in this together, trying to do our best despite the challenges.

    • Embracing Unity and UnderstandingFocus on unity, recognize the impact of cancel culture, and strive for a society that values differing opinions and lifestyles while promoting accountability and clear communication.

      It's essential to focus on unity and understanding each other as human beings, rather than getting bogged down in identity politics and arguments over insignificant matters. Dana White's decision to sign with Bud Light, despite the backlash, can be seen as a smart business move and a stand against cancel culture. It's crucial to recognize the impact of cancel culture on individuals and businesses, and to strive for a unified society that values differing opinions and lifestyles. The speaker emphasizes the importance of accountability and clear communication, and encourages people to stand for what they believe in without overcorrecting to the extreme. Ultimately, we need to move towards a more compassionate and understanding society, where everyone's voice matters and is respected.

    • Bud Light's Controversial Campaign and Cancel CultureWhile Bud Light's campaign was inappropriate, their apology and learning experience highlight the importance of considering a company's track record and the potential consequences of cancel culture. Individuals have the power to make choices, but the cycle of cancel culture may need to be broken.

      The ongoing debate around cancel culture and corporate accountability was discussed in depth, with a particular focus on Bud Light's controversial advertising campaign featuring transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. The speaker expressed his opinion that while the campaign was inappropriate in certain contexts, Bud Light's apology and subsequent actions may indicate a learning experience. He also emphasized the importance of considering a company's track record and the potential consequences of cancel culture. Ultimately, he suggested that individuals have the power to make their own choices about what they support and that the cycle of cancel culture may need to be broken by refusing to apologize for every perceived offense. However, he acknowledged the complexity of the issue and the real-world impact it can have on people's lives.

    • Cancel culture's real-life consequences and the importance of nuanced discussionsCancel culture can impact businesses and employment significantly. Companies must understand their customers' perspectives and avoid oversimplifying complex issues to maintain unity and respect differences.

      Cancel culture has real-life consequences, and it's important to consider the implications of our actions, especially when it comes to businesses and employment. The discussion also touched on the controversial topic of trans issues and their association with controversial issues like grooming and inappropriate content for children. The speakers expressed concern over the normalization of these issues and the demand for people to conform to certain identities or beliefs. They emphasized the importance of unity and respecting differences, while also acknowledging that there are lines that cannot be crossed. The controversy surrounding Bud Light's sponsorship of a trans influencer highlights the need for companies to understand their customers' perspectives and the potential backlash against certain issues. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of nuanced discussions and avoiding the oversimplification of complex issues.

    • Artists and Copyright Laws: Protecting Intellectual PropertyArtists need to guard their intellectual property and be cautious of unauthorized use, as it can lead to costly legal consequences. Offering support to those affected is also important.

      Artists, even those with a smaller following, need to be aware of copyright laws and the potential consequences of others using their likeness or intellectual property without permission. Luke Combs, a country star, was unaware that a fan was being sued for selling homemade merchandise with his image on it. The fan, who relies on selling such items to make a living due to health issues, was ordered to pay $250,000 in damages. Combs, upon learning of the situation, apologized to the fan and offered to help cover her debts. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting intellectual property and the potential harm that can come from unauthorized use. The conversation also touched on the topic of cancel culture and the importance of respecting differing viewpoints. The speaker saw Dana White's decision to step back from the UFC as an attempt to prevent canceling from happening. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of being aware of legal and ethical issues in various contexts.

    • Discussion on Intellectual Property Protection in Creative IndustryUnauthorized use of someone's likeness for commercial gain is illegal and can lead to significant financial losses. Protecting intellectual property is crucial in the creative industry to maintain authenticity and prevent financial losses.

      Intellectual property protection is essential in the creative industry. The discussion revolves around an individual who unknowingly had their likeness used without permission for commercial gain. The individual expressed remorse and understanding towards the situation but also emphasized the importance of enforcing copyright and trademark laws. The use of AI to create videos with someone's likeness without permission is illegal and can lead to significant financial losses. It's important to draw a line between genuine mistakes and malicious intent when enforcing intellectual property rights. The individual acknowledged the complexity of the issue and questioned where to draw the line in enforcing intellectual property rights. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of protecting intellectual property to prevent financial losses and maintain authenticity in the creative industry.

    • Distinguishing Intentions in BusinessBe skeptical of those who claim not to care about money in business, as their intentions may not be genuine. Honesty and transparency are valuable traits in business relationships.

      Intent plays a crucial role in evaluating situations, especially when it comes to business and people's actions. The speaker emphasizes that it's essential to distinguish between genuine fans and those with malicious intentions. While some may claim they don't care about money, the speaker advises being skeptical and acknowledging the importance of financial considerations in business dealings. Ultimately, the speaker appreciates honesty and transparency, believing that doing business with those who openly value money is more trustworthy. Additionally, the speaker expresses admiration for Luke Combs' actions and encourages listeners to keep sharing the show.

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    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    In today's episode, Andy and DJ are joined in the studio by comedian Tim Young. They discuss the Supreme Court's dismissal of the Social Media Censorship case, the congressional report that showed interference in 2020, and what we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

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    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

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    726. Andy & DJ CTI: GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Laptop, Biden And Zelensky To Ink 10-Year Deal For U.S. Military Support & Spokane Pride Crosswalk Vandalized

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