
    202. How Labour should fight the election, taking on the British press, and Orbán's future far-right axis

    enDecember 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Public figures with questionable backgrounds gain influenceDespite ethical concerns, individuals with controversial pasts can rise to power and influence, highlighting the importance of scrutiny and accountability in public life

      Public figures with questionable backgrounds and business practices can still gain significant influence and recognition, as seen in the case of Michelle Mone. Despite her history of deception and failed business ventures, she was appointed to the House of Lords by David Cameron. Meanwhile, the media's response to the Prince Harry and Piers Morgan controversy highlights the importance of ethical standards in public life. On the international stage, leaders like Viktor Orban in Hungary and Aleksandar Vucic in Serbia continue to raise concerns about democracy and human rights. The intersection of these issues, both domestically and abroad, underscores the need for vigilance and accountability in public figures and institutions.

    • Michel and Doug's Interview Reveals Prioritizing Personal Gain Over MoralityDespite denials, Michel and Doug were found to have deceived the public, misused public funds, and prioritized personal gain over basic moral values during the COVID-19 PPE supply contract.

      During the interview with Michel Mone and her husband Doug Barrowman regarding their involvement in the PPE supply contract during the COVID-19 pandemic, it became clear that they prioritized personal gain over basic moral decency and values. They presented their actions as entrepreneurial opportunities and public service, but the interview revealed numerous inconsistencies and lies. For instance, they claimed to have little contact with a man named Anthony Page, who was actually closely connected to them and ran their family office. They received large sums of money for supplying face masks and gowns to the government, with some contracts being for substandard or unused goods. Despite their denials, it was discovered that they had recommended the company to a lord and lobbied for another company they were involved in. Furthermore, an Isle of Man trust received £29 million from their company, PPE MedPro, through complicated offshore routes. The interview showed that they were willing to deceive the public and misuse public funds, yet they remained unapologetic and unrepentant.

    • Michelle Mone and Doug Barrowman's questionable financial practices raise global concernsInvestigative journalism plays a crucial role in holding those in power accountable for impunity and questionable financial practices, regardless of their global location.

      Impunity and questionable financial practices, as seen in the case of Michelle Mone and Doug Barrowman, are not unique to the UK but are a global issue. Mone, who denies any wrongdoing, set up a trust to distribute PPE funds through a series of roundabout routes, raising suspicions of tax evasion and self-enrichment. The use of the Isle of Man as a tax haven further fueled concerns. However, the heart of the matter is the sense of entitlement and disregard for rules that comes with wealth and power. Mone and Barrowman are currently under investigation for fraud and bribery allegations, which they deny. Meanwhile, investigative journalism plays a crucial role in holding those in power accountable, as seen in the reporting on Mone's activities. The Levinson Report, another topic of discussion, also emphasizes the importance of transparency and accountability in business and politics.

    • Prince Harry's Court Case Against Mirror Group for Phone Hacking and Illegal Information GatheringPrince Harry's court case against the Mirror Group revealed illegal activities and led to significant damages and legal costs, highlighting the tension between journalists' freedom and their impunity to engage in destructive practices.

      The Levinson report brought attention to the balance between journalists' freedom to conduct investigative journalism and their impunity to engage in destructive, damaging personal attacks. The issue came to the forefront recently due to Prince Harry's court case against the Mirror Group for phone hacking and illegal information gathering. Harry was awarded significant damages, and the legal costs and settlements for affected individuals have surpassed £1 billion. The Mirror and Murdoch Inc. are the main culprits. Prince Harry, who was a victim and a former employee of the Mirror, testified in the case, which led to the exposure of illegal activities. Despite the potential for financial gain through settlements, Harry and others are pursuing justice. This issue has a long history, with unlawful tracking, blagging, and hacking occurring as early as the 1990s. Examples of journalists' actions include obtaining bank account and mortgage details through private investigators. The conflict between Harry's sworn testimony, his court case evidence, and his public statements adds complexity to the situation. Harry's next target is the Mail, and other individuals, such as Elton John, are involved in related cases. The issue is far from resolved, and the pursuit of justice continues.

    • Illegal Access to Personal Information of Public Figures in the UK during the Late 1990sDuring the late 1990s, there was widespread illegal activity involving the unauthorized access to personal information of public figures in the UK, often achieved through 'blagging' or guessing default passwords for voice mails. Notable cases involved Alastair Campbell and Peter Mandelson. Media involvement was common, but it's unclear if the law was broken.

      During the late 1990s, there was widespread illegal activity involving the unauthorized access to personal information, including financial details, of public figures in the UK. This was often achieved through "blagging," which involved tricking people into revealing sensitive information, or by guessing default passwords for voice mails. One notable case involved the unauthorized acquisition of mortgage details for Alastair Campbell, then-Director of Communications for the British Prime Minister, and former Labour Minister Peter Mandelson. The media, including the Mirror and the Mail, were involved in these activities. The judgment in the case acknowledged that this kind of industrial-scale illegal activity was wrong, but it's unclear whether those involved actually broke the law. What's striking is that this activity continued even after it was exposed in 2003. The lack of media interest in the Harry-Mirror story, despite the tabloids' usual focus on the royal family, is a testament to the pervasive nature of this illegal activity and the power dynamics at play.

    • Phone hacking scandal and failed implementation of Leveson Inquiry recommendationsThe phone hacking scandal exposed ethical breaches in the media, but the government's failure to fully implement the Leveson Inquiry's recommendations left the public without adequate protection, potentially resulting in financial harm.

      The phone hacking scandal at News of the World, which involved the illegal interception of voicemails, including those of a murdered teenager, went on for years despite several warning signs. The government, under Theresa May, failed to fully implement the recommendations of the Leveson Inquiry, which aimed to regulate the press and hold them accountable for such ethical breaches. Section 40 of the Inquiry's report, which would have protected newspapers that joined a regulatory body from certain legal actions, was particularly contentious. The press rejected the proposals, and the current political issue is whether or not the incoming Labour government will reinstate it. The speaker, who had admired Leveson, believed the report was fair and reasonable but was disappointed with the lack of implementation. The failure to address the issue effectively has left the public without adequate protection against media intrusion, potentially resulting in significant financial costs for ordinary people.

    • Discussing potential replacement for Section 40 of UK Defamation ActThe Labour Party should consider alternative solutions to protect politicians from costly legal actions by the media, but should not abandon efforts to restore standards in public life and address media excesses and criminality.

      During the discussion, it was emphasized that Section 40 of the UK Defamation Act, which aimed to protect politicians from costly legal actions by the media, could potentially be replaced with an alternative solution. The concern was raised that if the Labour Party were to abandon this issue, they might face harsher treatment from the press once in power. The metaphor used was "shrink the target," meaning to minimize policies and potential attack points for the media. However, it was also acknowledged that the current Section 40 is not well-drafted and needs to be replaced with a more effective alternative. The SMP and George Eustace were mentioned as attempting to address this issue. Overall, the message was that the Labour Party should not abandon the goal of restoring standards in public life and addressing excesses and criminality in the media, even if it means taking on the press.

    • Embracing Criticism as an OpportunityLabour should welcome criticism from the press as it allows them to distinguish themselves from the opposition and emphasize their progressive policies. Instead of avoiding attacks, they should address them head-on and hold the press accountable for false narratives.

      During Labour's past campaigns, they faced significant criticism from the press on various issues such as minimum wage, New Deal, section 28, gay rights, and the Scottish Parliament. However, they welcomed these attacks as it allowed them to differentiate themselves from the Tories and highlight their progressive policies. A strategy of shrinking the target and giving the opposition less to attack might lead to a lack of clarity on what Labour stands for. Instead, a campaign focusing on standards and rule of law could suit Keir Starmer's strengths. Attacks from the press, rather than being avoided, should be addressed head-on, as the Telegraph's smear campaign against Keir Starmer shows. Labour should not expect kindness from the press, even in the post-Leveson era. Instead, they should be prepared to fight back against false narratives and undermine the rule of law by holding the press accountable for their actions.

    • Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's Political EvolutionOrban, once a pro-democracy leader, now champions authoritarianism, citing the failure of the liberal world order

      During a pivotal year for democracy and world affairs, the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, is waiting for a world where strong leaders like Trump and Putin triumph. Orban's actions, as discussed in the podcast "The Rest is Politics," reveal his belief that the liberal world order has crumbled and that democracy is failing. However, it's important to note that Orban's political evolution was not always towards authoritarianism. In his first term as prime minister, he led Hungary into NATO. Furthermore, Orban was once a beneficiary of a scholarship funded by George Soros, the figure he now often campaigns against using anti-Semitic tropes. This complex history highlights the nuances of Orban's political journey and his shifting stance on democracy and liberal values.

    • Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's Controversial Actions and BeliefsDespite accusations of undermining democratic institutions and promoting divisive views, Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban maintains power within the EU, changing the electoral system to secure a supermajority.

      Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary, has been a significant figure in European politics, often acting as a lone figure within the EU. He has used his position to veto Ukraine's accession to the EU and block financial support for the country, while also promoting nationalist and conservative views. Orban has been accused of undermining democratic institutions, such as the media and the judiciary, and has pushed for restrictive laws against LGBTQ rights and climate change measures. He has also expressed views aligning with the "great replacement theory," which holds that white Christians are being replaced by people of color through immigration and birth rates. Despite these controversial actions and beliefs, Orban continues to wield power within the EU and has been able to change the electoral system to secure a supermajority in parliament.

    • Serbia's President Vucic: A Powerful Figure with Authoritarian Tendencies Inspired by OrbanSerbia's President Vucic, with 46.6% of votes, aims to reclaim northern Kosovo and Serbian part of Bosnia Herzegovina, inspired by Azerbaijan's takeover of Nagorno Karabakh.

      Aleksandar Vucic, the current president of Serbia, is a powerful figure worth keeping an eye on due to his increasing sympathies towards the authoritarian vision of leaders like Viktor Orban. Vucic, who previously controlled Milosevic's media machine during the Kosovo war, recently won 46.6% of the votes in Serbia's general election, which could give him an absolute majority. He has a history of calling elections to further his message and control, and this time around, his Serbian Progressive Party is winning local elections in Belgrade but not as decisively. Vucic is looking to the example of Azerbaijan and its takeover of Nagorno Karabakh as inspiration for potentially reclaiming northern Kosovo and the Serbian part of Bosnia Herzegovina, Republika Srpska. These territories were left to the Serbs in the 1990s as part of the peace settlement, but Vucic and the leader of Republika Srpska are now signaling a desire for reunification. It's important to pay attention to local press for further insights into these developments.

    • Geopolitical Shift in Western Balkans: Serbia's Bond with Russia and ChinaSerbia's leader Vulin's stance against Western influence and strong bond with Russia and China raises concerns about re-energizing EU membership for Western Balkan countries. Tensions and potential for violence arise from refusal to comply with EU agreements and insistent use of Serbian number plates.

      The geopolitical landscape is shifting, with leaders like Orban in Hungary and Vulin in Serbia leaning towards the populist right and showing sympathies towards Russia and China. The interview with Vulin showcased a clear stance against Western influence and a strong bond with Russia and China. This raises the question of whether it's possible to re-energize the movement to bring Serbia and other Western Balkan countries into the European Union, despite the stated policy objective. However, recent actions, such as refusing to comply with EU agreements and insisting on Serbian number plates, have led to tensions and potential for violence. Additionally, the election in Serbia, which saw accusations of ballot rigging and voter intimidation, highlights the long-term power of these leaders and their disregard for international criticism. These issues, while seemingly small, have significant symbolic importance and have led to violence in the past.

    • Europe's Borders: Once Stable, Now ContestedAssumptions of European border stability have been shattered, with recent conflicts in Ukraine, Nagorno Karabakh, and potential territorial claims by Serbia and Russian expansion raising concerns about international reaction and the potential for more dangerous border disputes.

      The stability of borders, which was once considered a given in Europe after the end of World War II, is no longer a certainty. The discussion highlighted how borders in Europe were once contested and the importance of maintaining them, especially in regions with artificial borders like sub-Saharan Africa. However, the assumption that the borders issue in Europe had been resolved was shattered with Russia's annexation of Crimea and the ongoing conflicts in eastern Ukraine and Nagorno Karabakh. The world is now entering a more dangerous phase where borders could be challenged again, with countries like Serbia potentially trying to retake territories and Putin possibly expanding Russian influence. The lack of international reaction to these recent border disputes raises concerns about how much outcry there would be if a major power attempted to take territory from another European country. The discussion also touched on the role of the United States and its influence on European conflicts, with the assumption that a Trump administration would not intervene in a conflict in the Balkans being challenged. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of addressing border disputes and maintaining international stability.

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    This podcast was brought to you thanks to the support of readers of The Times and The Sunday Times. Subscribe today: thetimes.co.uk/storiesofourtimes.

    Guest: Paul Morgan-Bentley, Head of Investigations, The Times.

    Host: Manveen Rana.

    Links: Decca Aitkenhead’s interview with Russell Brand, published in 2019:


    Get in touch: If you have any information you want to share with the team behind this investigation, email investigations@news.co.uk.

    You can contact the Stories of Our Times team on storiesofourtimes@thetimes.co.uk.

    Clips: Sky News, ABC News, ABC News Australia, Russell Brand on YouTube, GB News, Times Radio, BBC Radio 2, Radio X, Mindhouse Productions/BBC Two, Love Productions/Channel 4.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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