
    586. Andy & DJ CTI: Israel / Gaza Conflict, Biden's Communications With Hunter & Philadelphia Journalist Killed

    enOctober 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring societal issues and promoting personal growth on 'Cruise the Internet'Andy Priscilla and DJ's podcast offers advice, interviews, and a platform for listener questions, fostering societal discussion and personal development.

      The "Cruise the Internet" podcast, hosted by Andy Priscilla and DJ, is a platform for discussing and solving issues in society, answering listener questions, and promoting personal growth and entrepreneurship. Listeners can submit questions via email or YouTube comments. The show includes segments like "Real Talk," where Andy gives advice, and interviews with individuals who have completed the 75 Hard program and share their transformative experiences. The podcast is free of ads, and Andy encourages listeners to share the show as "paying the fee." Upcoming projects include a new book launching in January, the premiere of a new YouTube concept on the 18th, and the answer to frequently asked questions about the podcast's merchandise. Andy's attention to detail and commitment to delivering high-quality content are evident in the show's production.

    • Corruption in government and its consequencesGovernment corruption is rampant, driven by high campaign costs and donor reliance, potentially compromising sensitive info and requiring transparency and accountability

      Corruption in government, as exemplified by the recent indictment of Senator Menendez for allegedly acting as a foreign agent, is pervasive and deeply ingrained in the system. The high cost of running political campaigns creates a reliance on large donors, leading to a culture of corruption. Menendez's case highlights the serious consequences of this culture, including the potential for sensitive government information to be compromised. It's important for the public to stay informed about such developments and demand transparency and accountability from those in power. The speaker also raised the question of why certain individuals are targeted for prosecution while others are not, suggesting a need for broader systemic reform.

    • Political corruption fueled by big money donationsThe public must demand change to break the cycle of political corruption and create a government that truly represents the people's interests.

      The current political system is corrupt, with big pharma companies and other powerful entities donating large sums of money to political campaigns, influencing lawmakers' decisions and creating a cycle of self-interest that does not serve the public good. This corruption is perpetuated because those in power benefit financially from the status quo, making it difficult for genuine reform to take place. The only way to address this issue is for the public to demand change, stand up for their beliefs, and voice their opinions, rather than being silenced or apathetic. Only then can we hope to break the cycle and create a government that truly represents the interests of the people.

    • Verifying Information During ConflictsDuring conflicts, it's vital to fact-check information before sharing to prevent the spread of false or exaggerated claims, known as 'Tracity Propaganda', which can harm relationships and trust.

      During times of conflict and tension, it's essential to verify information before spreading it, especially when it comes to allegations of atrocities. In the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas, claims of Hamas beheading Israeli children were widely shared, but these claims were later debunked as false. The Israeli government, U.S. officials, and even Hamas itself denied these allegations. This incident highlights the importance of fact-checking and the potential harm caused by spreading unverified information. The term "Tracity Propaganda" refers to the spreading of information about an enemy's crimes, which can include factual information as well as deliberate fabrications or exaggerations. It's crucial to be vigilant and ensure that the information we consume and share is accurate.

    • Historical use of propaganda to manipulate public opinionBe aware of propaganda's manipulative power, especially in emotional and sensitive issues, and critically evaluate information consumed

      Propaganda, whether it be in the form of atrocity propaganda or disinformation, has been used throughout history to manipulate public opinion and morale. From the Committee on Public Information during World War I to modern-day events, propaganda can be spread through various mediums, and in today's digital age, it can be especially effective in creating mob mentality. Propaganda can be designed to be so atrocious that questioning it makes one appear callous or insensitive. This was seen in the case of the Ukrainian conflict, where false narratives of mass graves, ghosts of Kiev, and other war stories were used to sway public opinion. It's important to be aware of this manipulation and to critically evaluate the information we consume, especially when it comes to sensitive and emotional issues.

    • Manipulating narratives for atrocitiesPowerful figures use propaganda to distract and incite emotions, leading to real violence and mistrust. It's crucial to critically evaluate info and differentiate between groups to avoid falling into the trap of revenge and hatred.

      Those in power manipulate narratives to distract the public from accountability and incite emotional responses, often leading to real atrocities. This tactic, known as atrocity propaganda, has been used throughout history and can result in increased violence and mistrust. It's essential to critically evaluate information and differentiate between groups to avoid falling into the trap of revenge and hatred. The recent conflicts between Israel and Hamas serve as a reminder of this dangerous phenomenon, with the potential for mass violence against innocent people based on false propaganda. We must strive for understanding and peace instead of succumbing to emotional manipulation and violence.

    • The progressive left's support for Hamas puts them at risk on American soilThe progressive left's support for Hamas, despite Hamas' hatred for their ideology, could put them in harm's way during potential violence between Israel and Palestine. Hamas' targeting of the left could leave them defenseless.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine could potentially lead to violence on American soil, and the progressive left's support for Hamas could put them in harm's way. The speaker argues that Hamas hates the progressive ideology, including LGBTQ rights and communism, and that these groups are currently living among them in the US. The speaker also criticizes the progressive left for labeling Trump and his supporters as racists and bigots, and then voting for Biden, who they believe has put them in danger by sending money to Iran, a major funder of Hamas, and leaving the US border open to migration. The speaker warns that when violence occurs, it's likely that Hamas will target the progressive left, and that their supporters will be left defenseless. The speaker urges people to be aware of the potential danger and to reconsider their allegiances.

    • America's Priorities: Domestic Issues vs. International ConflictsThe speaker expresses concern over America's involvement in international conflicts and the government's prioritization of foreign aid over domestic issues. He urges listeners to focus on fixing domestic problems and criticizes the government for requiring Americans to repay evacuation costs through promissory notes.

      The speaker is expressing concern about the state of America and its involvement in international conflicts, while also criticizing the government for prioritizing aid to other countries over domestic issues. He believes that Americans should focus on fixing their own problems before getting involved in foreign conflicts and that the government is exploiting citizens by making them pay for evacuation costs. The speaker is frustrated that people are not taking action to address these issues and is warning that the consequences of inaction could be dire. He urges listeners to stand up and speak out, and to prioritize fixing domestic problems before getting involved in foreign conflicts. The speaker also criticizes the media for not providing the full picture of the situation and for not reporting on the fact that Americans are being required to sign promissory notes to repay evacuation costs.

    • Speak up and stand for your beliefsSilence perpetuates issues, stand up for American values and speak out against powerful entities.

      It's crucial for individuals to speak up and stand for their beliefs, rather than remaining silent. The speaker emphasizes that silence perpetuates issues and allows powerful entities to operate without criticism. He encourages sharing messages and standing for American values, emphasizing that the last chance to do so is now. The speaker also clarified that he didn't blame Jews for global issues but rather criticized those who use the Jewish community as a shield against criticism. The overall message is to break the silence and stand up for what's right.

    • Separating Individuals from LabelsIt's crucial to focus on actions, not labels, to address root causes and solve problems. Transparent discussions and investigations are essential to uncover the truth.

      The use of labels like "anti-Semite" can be a manipulative tactic to silence important discussions and prevent the identification of true criminals. It's crucial to separate individuals from their culture or identity and focus on their actions. In the discussion, it was pointed out that Jewish people are not immune to criminal behavior and that they, like all communities, have good and bad members. It's essential to be able to talk about these issues openly to address the root causes and solve the problem. In the news headline, Joe Biden denied having spoken to his son about his overseas business dealings, while calling for an investigation into Donald Trump's phone call with Ukraine's president. The discussion and the news headline highlight the importance of transparent discussions and investigations to uncover the truth.

    • New emails reveal Biden family business dealings during Vice PresidencyAllegations of emails between Joe Biden, Hunter, and James Biden regarding overseas business dealings during Biden's time as Vice President have surfaced, contradicting previous statements.

      New allegations have emerged regarding emails exchanged between Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and his brother James, regarding their overseas business dealings during Biden's tenure as Vice President. Thousands of emails were discovered through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, raising questions about Biden's previous assertions that he never discussed his family's business dealings with him. Meanwhile, Hunter Biden's gun possession case was dismissed, but new indictments have been filed. Critics argue that these developments are part of a larger effort to distract from accountability and avoid transparency.

    • Distinguishing People from Governments in the Israeli-Palestinian ConflictRecognizing the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict requires distinguishing between the actions of leaders and their populations, and acknowledging the potential consequences of government actions.

      The complex situation between Israel and Palestine involves more than just the actions of their respective governments and militant groups. The speaker argues that it's essential to distinguish between the people and their governments, as the actions of leaders can sometimes unite their populations against perceived enemies. The speaker also draws parallels between the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and historical events like 9/11, suggesting that allowing attacks to occur can lead to further violence and profit for powerful entities. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the nuances of the situation and acknowledging the potential consequences of government actions.

    • The Dangerous Lag Between Public Realization and Accountability for World Leaders' Crimes Against HumanityThe delay between public recognition of deceit and accountability for world leaders' harmful actions can result in physical harm and destruction, potentially leading to war and harm to innocent people, including ourselves and our children.

      The constant barrage of narratives and propaganda, along with distractions, can create a dangerous lag between the public's realization of deceit and accountability for world leaders' crimes against humanity. This lag may eventually result in physical harm and destruction, potentially leading to war and physical harm for ordinary people, including ourselves and our children. The public's emotional response to manipulation and lack of perception can contribute to this dangerous situation. The recent quick public response to perceived deceit, such as with masks, vaccines, or political tweets, indicates that this lag is shrinking, increasing the risk of real-world consequences. The killing of a Philadelphia journalist, Josh Kruger, serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers.

    • Journalist's complicated relationship with teen accused of his murderA journalist's years-long sexual relationship with a teenager led to his murder, highlighting the potential for exploitative relationships and the importance of addressing underlying issues rather than stigmatizing individuals

      The shooting death of Philadelphia journalist Josh Kruger involved a complex set of circumstances, including a potential drug-related or domestic dispute, and the revelation of a years-long sexual relationship between Kruger and a 19-year-old teenager accused of the crime. The relationship reportedly involved both sex and drugs, and Kruger allegedly threatened to post explicit photos of the teenager. The teenager's family confirmed the relationship and claimed that Kruger tried to keep it secret. The case highlights the potential for exploitative relationships and the impact they can have on individuals and communities. It also underscores the importance of addressing the root causes of such situations, including addiction and mental health issues, rather than stigmatizing individuals based on their sexual orientation or age.

    • Exploring the Harmful Effects of Psychological Manipulation and ViolenceRecognize the destructive nature of psychological manipulation and violence. Evaluate information critically to avoid supporting harmful actions, and respect the humanity of all parties involved.

      Psychological manipulation and violence, whether it comes from individuals or larger groups, is a harmful and destructive force that should not be condoned. The discussion touched upon the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the dangers of emotional reactions leading to support for violence. It also emphasized the importance of recognizing the humanity of all parties involved and the potential long-term consequences of such actions. Ultimately, it's crucial to critically evaluate information and avoid being manipulated into supporting harmful actions.

    • The importance of standing up and sharing important messagesDon't let fear or indifference prevent you from making a difference. Stay informed, engaged, and compassionate to help address global challenges.

      We, as human beings, have the unique opportunity to make a difference in the current global situation. However, many people are being manipulated and are too afraid or indifferent to stand up and share important messages. The consequences of inaction could lead to self-destruction and replacement by AI and robots. The speaker expresses frustration with the lack of humanity and compassion in the face of critical issues. A lighthearted segment of the show follows, discussing a supposed Bigfoot sighting in Colorado captured on camera. While the speaker acknowledges the skepticism towards such claims, he encourages listeners to check it out for themselves. Overall, the message emphasizes the importance of being informed, engaged, and compassionate in the face of global challenges.

    • Colorado Snowshoeing Encounter: Sasquatch Sighting or Misunderstanding?A Colorado couple's claim of encountering a Sasquatch-like creature while snowshoeing sparked debate and excitement, with some dismissing it as a misunderstanding and others sharing their own experiences. Snowshoeing, a popular winter activity, was a source of confusion for some.

      A couple claimed to have encountered a large, supposedly Sasquatch-like creature in the mountains of Colorado while snowshoeing. This sighting was not the first of its kind, as the conductor of a train reported similar experiences. The couple's post on social media sparked a mix of skepticism and excitement, with some commenters expressing disbelief while others shared their own stories. Snowshoeing, a popular winter activity in Colorado, was a subject of confusion for some, with the term being mistakenly referred to as "snow hoeing." Despite the jokes and skepticism, the couple remained convinced of their encounter and encouraged others to experience the beauty and adventures of Colorado for themselves.

    • Lack of bottled water at a high-end hotel leads to frustrationBe aware of underlying reasons before jumping to conclusions, and be cautious of manipulation in media and politics.

      Sometimes, even in expensive establishments, inconveniences or lack of certain amenities can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction for customers. In this case, the lack of bottled water at a high-end hotel resulted in a negative experience for the speaker. However, it's important to remember that behind every interaction, there may be underlying reasons or motivations that are not immediately apparent. It's crucial to question our reactions and consider the bigger picture before jumping to conclusions. Additionally, being aware of manipulation and propaganda in media and politics can help us make informed decisions and avoid being used as pawns in larger conflicts.

    • Recognizing the need for bold actionInaction in the face of global challenges could lead to devastating consequences, so it's crucial to recognize when we need to take bold action and stand up for what's right.

      We are living in a pivotal moment in history where we cannot afford to be complacent or afraid to speak up for what we believe in. The world is facing numerous challenges, from geopolitical tensions to technological advancements that could potentially lead to depopulation. We are no longer the dominant superpower and cannot rely on others to fight our battles for us. It's crucial that we stand up for ourselves and be bold in our actions. The consequences of inaction could lead to massive death and destruction for everyone. We must recognize when we are being manipulated and find the courage to stand for what is right. The human race's future depends on it.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

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    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

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    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the translucent Pastor of Disaster, Vaughn Kohler. They discuss the upcoming Trump and Biden debates, Julian Assange dropping $500k for a flight to a remote island to avoid setting foot on the US mainland, and a bankruptcy court trustee filing a motion to liquidate Alex Jones' Infowars.

    726. Andy & DJ CTI: GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Laptop, Biden And Zelensky To Ink 10-Year Deal For U.S. Military Support & Spokane Pride Crosswalk Vandalized

    726. Andy & DJ CTI: GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Laptop, Biden And Zelensky To Ink 10-Year Deal For U.S. Military Support & Spokane Pride Crosswalk Vandalized

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the GOP calling out 51 intel officials over Hunter Biden's laptop, President Biden and Zelensky to ink a 10-year deal for U.S. military support for Ukraine, and Spokane pride's crosswalk being vandalized days after teens were charged with felonies for leaving scooter skid marks on the rainbow pavement.

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