
    Mo Gawdat (Part 1) - Looking Back on 2020, the Year of Silence and Space

    en-usDecember 23, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Reflections on 2020: Finding Silver LiningsAmidst adversity, finding positivity is essential for personal well-being and collective growth. Our responses shape not only our lives but also those around us.

      The year 2020 presented an unprecedented challenge to humanity, unifying us under a common threat and inviting reflection on our individual responses. Despite the hardships and freedoms revoked, some people found silver linings and considered it a transformative year. The conversation between Moe and Becky, two friends reflecting on the year, offers insights and wisdom gained from their guests throughout 2020. The discussion highlights the importance of finding positivity amidst adversity and the impact of our responses on our own well-being and those around us. Overall, 2020 served as a reminder of the power of resilience and the importance of embracing change.

    • The Happiness Equation: Our Reactions Determine Our HappinessOur happiness is determined by the difference between our expectations and the events of our lives, and our reactions to challenges can either increase or decrease our happiness.

      Our reaction to the challenges of 2020, and ultimately our level of happiness during the year, was not determined by the objective circumstances of the year itself, but rather by how we solved the happiness equation in our own minds. The happiness equation is a concept that suggests our happiness is equal to or greater than the difference between the events of our lives and our expectations of how life should be. Our brains constantly make this comparison, and our resulting happiness or unhappiness depends on whether our expectations are met or exceeded. Some people were able to see the good in the challenges of 2020 and view them as opportunities, while others failed to do so and remained unhappy. It's important to reflect on where we stand on this spectrum and strive to find the peacefulness and calm that comes from accepting life as it is, even when it falls short of our expectations.

    • Finding true happiness from withinSeek inner peace for genuine happiness, as external sources of pleasure and excitement can lead to addiction and a decline in serotonin levels, making it harder to be content.

      True happiness comes from a peaceful state within, not from external sources of pleasure and excitement. Happiness is associated with the calming hormone serotonin, which helps us relax and rest, while pleasure and excitement come from dopamine, an excitatory hormone. However, too much dopamine can lead to addiction and a decline in serotonin levels, making it difficult to find genuine happiness. It's important to address the root causes of unhappiness before seeking out dopamine-inducing activities. By prioritizing inner peace and happiness, we can approach external sources of pleasure and excitement with contentment, rather than relying on them as a means of escaping unhappiness.

    • Understanding the difference between pain and sufferingPain is a natural response to an external event, but suffering is the prolonged mental anguish we inflict on ourselves by dwelling on negative emotions. Focus on addressing the source of pain and moving on to prevent unnecessary suffering.

      Pain and suffering are not the same thing. Pain is a natural response to an external event, while suffering is the prolonged mental anguish we inflict on ourselves by dwelling on negative emotions. The distinction between pain and suffering is crucial because pain serves a purpose, such as alerting us to danger or prompting us to take action. However, suffering does not. The brain recognizes pain and triggers negative emotions to get our attention, but it's up to us to decide whether to extend that pain into suffering. The ability to recall and ruminate on negative emotions on demand can be detrimental to our well-being, leading to unnecessary suffering. Instead, we should focus on taking action to address the source of the pain and move on. As Donald Robertson, a world-renowned expert on stoicism, emphasized, the goal is to learn from the pain and use it as an opportunity for growth rather than allowing it to consume us.

    • Illusions and blind spots contribute to sufferingRecognize illusions and blind spots to find true happiness, accept change, and solve real problems

      Suffering and unhappiness bring no gains, and our perception of the world, shaped by illusions and blind spots in our brain, contributes to our suffering. The universe is constantly changing, and our opinions about it can lead to unnecessary unhappiness. Our brains are wired for survival, focusing on potential threats and perceived problems, which can blur our judgment and lead us to believe that something is wrong when it might not be. To find true happiness, we need to recognize these illusions and blind spots, accept the inevitability of change, and take action to solve the real problems in our lives.

    • Understanding the Illusions of Knowledge and Control for HappinessRecognizing and accepting the truth is crucial for happiness, but during crises, it can be hard to see the whole truth due to illusions of knowledge and control. To find greater happiness, strive to see the full truth despite challenges.

      Our brains have a tendency to focus on negative thoughts more often than positive ones, but the reality is that the majority of our experiences and circumstances in life are neutral or even positive. This misperception is due in part to the illusions of knowledge and control, which can prevent us from recognizing and dealing with the truth. Tal Ben Shahar, in discussing happiness, emphasized that acknowledging and accepting the truth is essential for finding happiness. However, during times of crisis like the pandemic and lockdown, it can be challenging to recognize and deal with the truth due to various factors, including our inability to see the whole truth, forgetting how much worse things could be, and forgetting the reality of life's inherent harshness. By understanding these processes and striving to see the full truth, we can gain a more accurate perspective and find greater happiness.

    • Negativity bias during pandemicWhile COVID-19 has caused harm, it's important to remember that death is a part of life and focusing on positive aspects can help navigate challenging times. In perspective, COVID-19 deaths would rank 6th leading cause in 2020, while 55 million died in 2019 and 1 million weekly from various causes.

      During the pandemic and lockdown, our negativity bias has led us to focus on the negative aspects of COVID-19, while overlooking the positive ones. According to neuroscientists Rick Hansen and Dan Siegel, our brains are wired to hold onto negative information and reject positive experiences. However, it's essential to acknowledge the truth about COVID-19, which is that while it has caused significant loss and hardship for some, the majority of the population has not experienced serious harm. In fact, if the total number of deaths from COVID-19 in 2020 were to reach 2 million, it would only rank as the 6th leading cause of death globally. Perspective is crucial, as over 55 million people died in 2019 alone, and over 1 million people die every week from various causes. It's important to remember that death is a part of life, and focusing on the positive aspects can help us navigate challenging times.

    • Maintaining Perspective on Health CrisesDespite the pandemic, heart disease remains the leading cause of death. Prioritize facts, focus on solutions, and maintain a positive outlook to navigate challenges.

      While the COVID-19 pandemic is a significant global issue, it's important to maintain perspective and not overlook other health crises and issues that have a greater impact on people's lives. Heart disease, for instance, has been the leading cause of death for most of the 20th century, killing 17.9 million people, far more than COVID-19. The media's focus on negativity and the human brain's inclination towards it can create unnecessary anxiety and panic. Instead, we should prioritize facts and focus on solutions, such as social distancing, mask-wearing, and addressing the rise in suicide and depression due to pandemic measures. Karen Guggenheim, CEO and co-founder of the World Happiness Summit, suggests scheduling time for news consumption to avoid constant negativity and maintain a positive outlook on life. By acknowledging the truth and focusing on what we can control, we can better navigate the challenges of the pandemic and beyond.

    • Recognize the value of challenges and prioritize what we consumeFocus on personal growth by acknowledging the worth of adversity and being selective about information intake.

      It's essential to prioritize what information we consume and allow into our lives. The prime minister's announcement might not affect our personal situations, and we should focus on what's healthy for us. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize the value of hardships and the good that comes from them. Erasing past challenges could erase the development and growth that followed. The COVID-19 pandemic is an example of how adversity can lead to positive changes, such as environmental improvements. Furthermore, we should learn to appreciate the value of seemingly negative elements, like the coyote in "The Biggest Little Farm," which contributes to the ecosystem's balance. In summary, being mindful of what we consume and recognizing the value of challenges can lead to personal growth and a more positive perspective on life.

    • Appreciating the blessings in our lives despite challengesDespite hardships like the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on blessings and shifting perspective can bring gratitude and peace

      Despite the challenges and hardships we face, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, it's important to remember the upsides and be grateful for the blessings in our lives. Our perspective can be skewed by focusing only on the negatives, but if we broaden our perspective, we can see that things could be much worse. For example, the current pandemic is the first one many of us have experienced, but if we were born in an earlier era, we would have faced multiple pandemics, economic crises, and wars that claimed the lives of billions of people. Instead of dwelling on the difficulties, we should appreciate the fact that we are safe and able to sustain our loved ones. This shift in perspective can bring a sense of gratitude and peace in uncertain times.

    • Reflecting on a Pivotal Year: Adapting to the Challenges of 2020Despite the pandemic's challenges, it's important to reflect, adapt, and find resilience. Take a break, reflect, and return with renewed perspective.

      That while the pandemic has brought significant challenges for many, including illness and loss, for some it has meant being forced to stay at home and find solace in activities like binge-watching Netflix. The speaker suggests that if we can't find resilience and adapt to this experience, it raises questions about our expectations for life. Despite the many difficult aspects of 2020, it's important to take a moment to reflect and come back with renewed perspective. So, take a short break, get yourself a warm drink, and join the conversation as we continue to reflect on this pivotal year.

    Recent Episodes from Slo Mo: A Podcast with Mo Gawdat

    Surviving Human Trafficking & Torture: Lurata Lyon's Journey to Positivity | Slo Mo with Mo Gawdat

    Surviving Human Trafficking & Torture: Lurata Lyon's Journey to Positivity | Slo Mo with Mo Gawdat

    Lurata Lyon was just a young girl when war broke out in the former Yugoslavia. What lay ahead was a nightmare. She endured captivity, torture, and abuse. A girl sold for sex to the highest bidder. Lurata was not only taken once, but twice. Listen to her harrowing story as she explains her journey to positivity despite such unimaginable hardships. 

    00:00 Intro 
    2:35 Mo is like a 'father figure'
    5:10 Human connection 
    7:00 Can we truly find connection with other people?
    13:50 Lurata's book 'Unbroken'
    14:44 Lurata's childhood in Yugoslavia
    16:15 Civil war 
    17:38 Lurata's attempted escape
    25:11 Abduction
    32:00 Close to death
    41:00 Abducted again
    45:27 Innocence 'taken away'
    47:15 Finally rescued
    53:00 What did Lurata learn in solitary confinement?
    59:25 Can we have faith in humanity?
    1:09:16 How is Lurata so positive?
    1:13:06 Working out to feel good
    1:15:50 How does Lurata find joy in life?
    1:17:00 Why did God let Lurata go through so much?

    Buy Lurata's book 'Unbroken' here: https://rb.gy/hz4s5q

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    TJ Power: How Social Media Is Destroying Our Brains And How To Become Happier Humans

    TJ Power: How Social Media Is Destroying Our Brains And How To Become Happier Humans

    TJ Power is the remarkable neuroscientist and author, reaching a whole new demographic of young people through his informative social media posts. 

    00:00 Intro 
    02:08 Why has TJ become a social media success?
    3:34 Combining tech and psychology
    5:58 What is D.O.S.E?
    15:20 How can we get to a happier state?
    19:20 How gaming can improve our brain health
    24:50 Why is ADHD considered a 'problem'?
    31:36 Could AI taking traditional jobs create more room for creativity?
    37:30 Neurodiversity 
    41:30 Why don't we have hobbies anymore?
    57:03 Oxytocin in a world of loneliness
    1:00:01 Practices on how to increase brain hormones naturally
    1:09:38 Ego and 'wanting to be right'
    1:13:10 A world with no social media?
    1:18:58 What is addiction?

    You can pre-order TJ's book 'The DOSE Effect' here: https://t.ly/LWtqe

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #OneBillionHappy

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    Unstressable with Corey Keyes - The Path to Flourishing

    Unstressable with Corey Keyes - The Path to Flourishing

    Thanks to all of you who pre-ordered it, the book has already done incredibly well.  If you haven't already, you can still help the book reach 1 million people by ordering a copy (https://amzn.eu/d/ipz9OUW).

    Today on Slo Mo, we bring the Unstressable series to a close with a captivating conversation featuring Corey Keyes, a distinguished sociologist and professor emeritus at Emory University. Corey is renowned for his pioneering research on human flourishing and mental health, introducing the concept of "languishing"—a state of being where one is neither mentally ill nor mentally well.

    Many of you may be familiar with Corey's influential work and his acclaimed book "Languishing," which has been lauded by thought leaders like Adam Grant, Arianna Huffington, Angela Duckworth, and Jonathan Haidt. But there's so much more to Corey than his academic achievements.

    Outside of his groundbreaking research, Corey is a passionate advocate for holistic well-being, emphasizing what he calls the "Five Vitamins" for a fulfilling life: love, learning, work, spirituality, and play. He believes that these elements are essential for overcoming languishing and achieving true mental wellness.

    Listen as we discuss: 

    Join us for an enriching conversation that explores the depths of human flourishing and the pathways to a more vibrant, fulfilling life. Corey's wisdom and expertise offer valuable guidance for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of mental health and personal growth.

    Looking forward to sharing this enlightening episode with you, and as always, thank you for tuning in. To learn more about Corey Keyes and his work, I recommend you start with:

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    Unstressable with Helen Marie - Unraveling Ourselves

    Unstressable with Helen Marie - Unraveling Ourselves

    In our ongoing Unstressable series, today I’m joined by the remarkable Helen Marie, a therapist who has dedicated her life to helping individuals navigate through their trauma toward a path of healing. 

    While many of you might recognize her from her public seminars and writings on emotional recovery, there’s much about Helen that remains beneath the surface.

    As an avid mountain climber, a hobby that she describes as a metaphor for her approach to therapy—focusing on one small step at a time to conquer seemingly insurmountable challenges. Her insights extend beyond the therapy room, offering practical advice for anyone looking to overcome their own personal hurdles.

    Join us for a profound conversation that dives into the heart of emotional healing and personal growth. Helen shares her professional insights and therapeutic approaches, offering a wealth of wisdom that can benefit anyone looking to navigate through their own challenges.

    Listen as we discuss: 

    Looking forward to sharing this powerful episode with you, and as always, thank you for tuning in. Continue the conversation with Helen on:

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    Unstressable with Michael Carlisle, Elizabeth Beier, and Alice Law - Behind the Pages

    Unstressable with Michael Carlisle, Elizabeth Beier, and Alice Law - Behind the Pages

    Today we have a special treat on Slo Mo, diving into the fascinating world of books with Michael Carlisle and Elizabeth Beier, two people responsible for  Unstressable being published.

    Both Alice and I, want the book to reach as many people as it should. You can help us by pre-ordering the book (https://amzn.eu/d/ipz9OUW) ahead of its international publishing day on May 9th. 

    We get up close and personal with Michael Carlisle, literary agent at InkWell Management, and friend. Not only has Michael represented Pulitzer Prize winners, but his journey from the bustling corridors of the William Morris Agency to InkWell is a story of passion and dedication to the literary arts. 

    Then, we switch gears to chat with Elizabeth Beier, the executive editor at St. Martin’s Press. While Elizabeth is known for her sharp editorial eye, there’s a playful and distinctly personal side to her that often goes unnoticed. We delve into industry secrets and tips for aspiring writers too! 

    Listen as we discuss: 

    • Unstressable 
    • Who Michael and Elizabeth are
    • The challenges of the publishing Industry
    • How to get published
    • Alice's perspective on becoming Unstressable
    • The most stressful things in publishing
    • Drivers of the publishing Industry
    • Mo's and Alice's writing process
    • Why Unstressable got published

    Join us for this enlightening exploration of the literary world. Whether you're a devoted bibliophile or simply curious about the people behind the pages, this episode offers insights for everyone.

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    Unstressable with Stuart Sandeman - Breathing Better

    Unstressable with Stuart Sandeman - Breathing Better

    In today’s episode, I'm thrilled to share an enlightening conversation with a truly inspiring person and a wonderful teacher, Stuart Sandeman. Many of you might know Stuart as the mastermind behind "Breathpod," where he transforms lives through the power of breathing. But there’s so much more to his story that isn’t widely known.

    He is here to help us move closer to our mission of getting 1 million people out of stress and you can help too. "Unstressable: A Practical Guide to Stress-Free Living" is almost here, so please pre-order it before the end of April. 

    Today, we start off by exploring Stuart’s unexpected journey from a successful career in music and entertainment to becoming a breathwork specialist. Stuart opens up about how the loss of a loved one deeply influenced his mission to help others find healing and resilience through breathwork.

    Listen as we discuss: 

    • Being too busy to breathe
    • Stuart's personal story
    • Hallucinating with just our breathing
    • Breathing and its effects
    • How "simple" breathing is
    • Why we are not breathing correctly 
    • The 5 archetypes of breathers 
    • Eating healthy
    • Breathing and Stress
    • Breathing and Sleep
    • Practical steps to improve our breathing

    So, grab your headphones and join us for this deep dive on breathing. Whether you’re already a breathwork enthusiast or just curious, there’s something in this episode for everyone.

    You can order Stuart's book 'Breathe In, Breathe Out' here: https://rb.gy/sxtqth
    Stuart's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breathpod/?hl=en 

    Looking forward to you joining us, and as always, thank you for listening.

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    Unstressable with Bassem Youssef - Humanity, Palestine And The Price Of Speaking Out

    Unstressable with Bassem Youssef - Humanity, Palestine And The Price Of Speaking Out

    In today’s episode of Slo Mo, I sit down with the inimitable Bassem Youssef, a man whose wit and wisdom have challenged and changed the contours of political satire in the Middle East. In a departure from our usual tone, this conversation takes a more contemplative and, indeed, somewhat pessimistic turn as we delve into the complexities of modern life and the daunting challenges that lie ahead.

    As we continue our Unstressable series, Bassem's courage to speak about the world's most challenging topics should remind us never to be afraid to take, even the biggest problems, head on.  

    00:00 Intro
    05:00 The oversized role of ego 
    07:36 Fame is not real
    11:49 Bassem's veganism
    12:42 The last time Mo and Bassem met
    14:53 Is most of humanity disappointing?
    18:00 Bassem's influence in the Israel-Palestine conflict
    21:10 Are we in an era of hyperinformation?
    23:45 Cancel culture
    24:37 Will humanity ever change?
    32:57 Can we be hopeful?
    37:56 Are we heading into more conflict?
    40:23 The end of the truth
    48:50 How will AI affect us?
    1:00:35 How does Bassem keep going?

    This episode is a compelling journey through the darker sides of our modern realities, offering no easy answers but many important questions. Bassem's voice is an important warning to those who might choose to ignore the world. His reflections invite us to think deeply about our own beliefs, biases, and the kind of future we are creating, so take the time to Slow Down with us and look for answers to some truly tough questions.

    For more thought-provoking exploration and a lot of laughter you can catch Bassem Youssef on his European "Middle Beast" tour in: Oslo, Berlin, Zurich, Munich, Hamburg, Antwerp, Stockholm, London, Copenhagen, Birmingham, Dublin, Manchester, and Paris: https://www.bassemyoussef.xyz/upcoming-shows/  

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    Unstressable with Jodi Wellman - Living Fully

    Unstressable with Jodi Wellman - Living Fully

    We're well into our Unstressable series on Slo Mo where today I have the profound pleasure of sitting down with Jodi Wellman, a luminary in the realm of living fully. You can help our mission by preordering "Unstressable: A Practical Guide to Stress-Free Living" written by me, Mo Gawdat, and Alice Law. 

    In today's conversation with Jodi, we ventured into the heart of what it means to truly embrace every moment of our existence, guided by Jodi's remarkable journey and the wisdom she's garnered along the way.

    Jodi, with her vibrant approach to life, challenges us to confront the finiteness of our time with grace and intentionality. Her work, centered around maximizing the richness of our days, resonates deeply with my own quest for happiness and meaning. We explored the delicate balance between acknowledging our mortality and using that awareness as a catalyst to live more fully, a theme that has touched my life personally and profoundly.

    Listen as we discuss: 

    • Unstressable
    • Doing the Math of Living
    • Tuning In
    • Scheduling vs. Savoring 
    • Living without Regrets
    • Afterlife
    • What Brings us Joy 
    • What should we Care About
    • The Joy List
    • Society at Large

    Jodi's message is a call to action, urging us to not only chase our dreams but to savor the journey along the way. Learn more about it here: https://fourthousandmondays.com/ 

    I left our conversation more inspired than ever to embrace the beauty of the unknown, to appreciate the finite nature of our existence, and to live every day to its fullest. I invite you to continue the conversation with Jodi on her Instagram, or LinkedIn

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    Unstressable with Gabor Mate - Overcoming Stress, Pain, and Suffering

    Unstressable with Gabor Mate - Overcoming Stress, Pain, and Suffering

    Joining us on Slo Mo today is Dr. Gabor Maté, a revered figure in the fields of addiction, stress, and childhood development and someone I personally deeply respect and admire. We engage in a conversation that feels as intimate as one between lifelong companions and Gabor shares insights from his extensive exploration of the human condition.

    Don't forget that you can help us in our mission by preordering "Unstressable: A Practical Guide to Stress-Free Living" written by me, Mo Gawdat, and my wonderful co-author Alice Law. 

    Dr. Maté's journey reveals the profound connection between our emotional well-being and physical health, shedding light on how our environments, from early childhood onwards, shape our behaviors, relationships, and even our susceptibilities to diseases. Dr. Maté invites us to consider the complex tapestry of factors influencing addiction and stress, advocating for a compassionate approach to generational healing and recovery.

    This episode is a homage to the power of understanding, the importance of authentic connection, and the transformative potential of embracing vulnerability.

    Listen as we discuss:

    • What Pain and Trauma are and how to Accept them
    • Why You should never compare Pain and Suffering
    • What we can do Individually to Make a Difference
    • How to Awaken Ourselves
    • What Integrative Thinking is
    • What are the Choices we Make
    • A sort of Preprogramming of Humanity 
    • The Effects of Longterm Stress
    • How to Face the Truth
    • And How we can Begin Generational Healing

    For more wisdom and guidance from Dr. Gabor Maté, follow him on Instagram or visit: https://drgabormate.com

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    Unstressable with Robert Sapolsky - Revealing Humanity's Inner Workings

    Unstressable with Robert Sapolsky - Revealing Humanity's Inner Workings

    Today I'll start with a gentle reminder that our upcoming book "Unstressable: A Practical Guide to Stress-Free Living" is available for preorder. It is written by me, Mo Gawdat and my wonderful co-author Alice Law and we hope it will truly make an impact in getting a million people out of Stress.

    To help us learn more about Stress, in this episode of Slo Mo, I am honored to welcome Robert Sapolsky, a luminary in the field of neuroscience and a master storyteller of human behavior. A truly remarkable human being. Like a deep and engaging dialogue between friends, Robert shares his journey through the intricate maze of the human brain, discussing the marvels of biology that underpin our emotions, actions, and the essence of what makes us human.

    Beyond his groundbreaking research on stress, Robert explores his passion for teaching, his profound insights into the intersection of biology and behavior, and his unyielding curiosity about the human condition. This episode is a celebration of intellectual exploration, the wonders of scientific discovery, and the profound impact of sharing knowledge to illuminate the mysteries of our existence.

    Listen as we discuss:

    • The upcoming release of Unstressable
    • The Biology of Stress
    • How our Compassion sometimes contributes to our Stress
    • How humans are a species of Contradictions
    • How Contextual is Stress
    • The Evolution of our Tribal mentality 
    • Dopamine
    • Free Will
    • The Positive impact we can make

    For more insights and inspiration from Robert Sapolsky, dive into his lectures and books (his most recent: https://a.co/d/iZTAUed), and follow his work at the forefront of neuroscience and behavior. To stay in touch with Robert, you can follow his academic contributions and public engagements, or subscribe to his Instagram page.

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    Related Episodes

    Mo Gawdat (Part 2) - Mo's Lessons Learned from Guests on Slo Mo in 2020

    Mo Gawdat (Part 2) -  Mo's Lessons Learned from Guests on Slo Mo in 2020

    This is Part 2 of the chat between myself and my own brain, Becky.

    For those who know me well, you know I call my brain Becky. Becky is a retired control freak, tends to be obsessive, sees the negative in everything and loves to be vocal about it. I decided to free flow a year in review with Becky, focusing on the positive.

    Thank you to our listeners and guests for an incredible year. There's so much more Slo Mo to come. I love you all for listening.

    In Part 2, (we) discuss:

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

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    Episode 27: The Long Night Has Ended

    Welcome to the 27th Episode of your favourite fortnightly feminist podcast - Overdue with the sl*t and the prude! We are both back in quarantine, so, please, if you or someone you know have a library that deserves a shoutout, DM us!

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    Intro: Danse Macabre - Busy Strings by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (creativecommons.org/licenses/...)
    Source: incompetech.com/music/royalty-...
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    #43 - That's a Wrap

    #43 - That's a Wrap

    The Neighbors Upstairs discuss 2020, a year filled with challenges and then some. We remember the passing of Kobe Bryant, President Donald Trump's impeachment, the rise of COVID-19, the Black Lives Matter Protests, the growing possibility of aliens actually existing, and much more. We also thank our growing number of listeners who kept listening to the first season of The Neighbors Upstairs. That's a wrap on season 1, see you next year!

    Check our other links: linktr.ee/theneighborsupstairs

    Email us: tneighborsu@gmail.com

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    Ep. 63 - New Years 2021: A Retrospective ft. Genta Tamashiro

    Ep. 63 - New Years 2021: A Retrospective ft. Genta Tamashiro

    BrownTown on BrownTown. The gang reflects on 2020, unpacking the episodes that helped us get through a truly unprecedented year. From coronavirus to George Floyd uprisings to national elections to our everyday mental health, BrownTown and audio engineer Genta Tamashiro discuss creating the podcast against the backdrop of a tragic yet powerful year.

    BrownTown and Genta methodically and chronologically detail the year's episodes with regard to COVID-19, quarantine, and transitioning from in-person to virtual recording. As the behind-the-scenes production changed, so did the episodes themselves, each leaning into how the pandemic and/or uprisings implicated the episode's topic. Even before COVID/quarantine in the early months of 2020, the episodes were packed with deeply relevant topics such as the Chicago city budget, the prison-industrial complex, and Black-centered, Black-owned media that were all heavily revisited in mass in the latter part of the year.

    With 19 total episodes, the most in one year since Bourbon 'n BrownTown's inception, 2020 also brought 7 sequel episodes (1 third installment), only 1 with no guests, and 5 episodes with two guests at the same time. In addition to breaking down each episode, the team chops it out about SoapBox projects Chi DNA, Census 2020, and Obama CBA; the 8-week Instagram Lives during quarantine; and much more. For better or worse, here's to 2021!

    Listen to all the episodes on your chosen podcast application or right here! For more information on the podcast, check out Bourbon 'n BrownTown on the SoapBox website.


    Born and raised in Denver, Colorado, Genta Tamashiro is a creative devotee of the artistic community. He attended the specialized magnet school Denver School of the Arts for middle and high school, which gave him a solid foundation in musical performance and theory as well as an introduction into audio engineering. After spending some time at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Genta moved to Chicago to pursue a career in audio engineering where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Audio Design and Production from Columbia College in 2015. Through his freelance audio work, he has traveled around the country and the world with notable artists such as the Becca Kaufman Orchestra, The Way Down Wanderers, and Masego. When he is not running the sound for a band somewhere, you can find him producing his own music or editing podcasts for SoapBox and other creative organizations. Listen to more about this life, work, and perspectives on hip-hop in Episode 5 - Hip-Hop in the Age of Spin (2017) and all of Bourbon 'n BrownTown's previous New Years episodes.


    CREDITS: Intro/outro song Karen by Yvie Oddly. Audio engineered by Genta Tamashiro.with assistance from Kiera Battles. Episode photo by Sean Kelly.


    Bourbon ’n BrownTown
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    SoapBox Productions and Organizing, 501(c)3
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    Who is God: Transcendent & Immanent p.5

    Who is God: Transcendent & Immanent p.5

    Who is God?
    Do you know the Biblical attributes about God and why they matter to us? The degree we trust God is largely dependent on WHO we know God to be. This series will help us understand WHO God is ... and as a result we will trust God more!  This series will provide great opportunities to have ongoing conversations with those in your huddle about who God is!

    Watch our sermon LIVE Sunday mornings at 10:30am on our youtube channel "Flipside Christian Church"
    Join us 9:00am & 10:30am every Sunday morning.
    37193 Ave 12 #3h, Madera, CA 93636
    or visit us at https://www.flipside.church/media/