
    More on Severless - Databases × Files × Secrets × Auth × More!

    enMarch 04, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Expanding Reach of Serverless TechnologyScott and Wes discussed their experiences with serverless databases, files, secrets, auth, and DNS interception using Cloudflare Workers, and shared updates since their last serverless episode. They also talked about Sanity and FreshBooks.

      Serverless technology is expanding its reach in various areas of web development, including databases, files, secrets, auth, and even intercepting requests at the DNS level through platforms like Cloudflare Workers. Scott Talensky and Wes Bos discussed these topics in their podcast, CIT Hacks, continuing their serverless series. They shared their experiences and updates since their last serverless episode, including Scott's attempt to solve a problem using Cloudflare Workers after CloudApp removed a feature he relied on heavily. The podcast is sponsored by Sanity and FreshBooks, and they also discussed these companies and their offerings. Despite dealing with personal matters like their sick child, they were excited to dive deeper into the world of serverless technology.

    • Customizing server functionality with Cloudflare WorkersDevelopers can use Cloudflare Workers to intercept and handle requests, enabling custom code and functionality to be added in the middle, solving issues with third-party services controlling server functionality and URLs.

      Cloudflare Workers can be used as a solution for developers facing issues with third-party services controlling their server functionality and custom URLs. In the discussion, a developer expressed frustration with CloudApp, which controlled the server and prevented custom functionality for specific URLs generated by the service. Instead, they discovered they could write a Cloudflare Worker to intercept and handle requests, effectively allowing them to add custom code and functionality in the middle. This approach not only solved the issue but also opened up new possibilities, such as serving cached content or controlling headers and menus during website migrations. Additionally, Akamai Edge also offers a similar serverless product for similar use cases. Overall, Cloudflare Workers provide a powerful tool for developers to customize their online presence and solve common developer problems.

    • MongoDB Stitch: A New Serverless Offering from MongoDBMongoDB Stitch offers serverless functions, secure CloudSearch integration, and GraphQL APIs, simplifying application logic and querying for MongoDB users, with a pricing model including a MongoDB database.

      MongoDB has entered the serverless landscape with their new offering, MongoDB Stitch. This platform allows developers to run simple JavaScript functions, securely integrate CloudSearch, and build GraphQL APIs, all without having to manage their own infrastructure. The pricing model includes a MongoDB database, serverless functions, GraphQL API, and triggers. MongoDB Stitch seems to be an interesting alternative to other serverless platforms like Prisma or Hasura. The user also mentioned discovering FAAS (Functions as a Service), which can be self-hosted using DigitalOcean's Kubernetes product, allowing for scaling up and down as needed. Despite the potential complexity of managing Kubernetes, this option could be appealing for those who prefer to have more control over their infrastructure. Overall, MongoDB Stitch presents an intriguing option for developers looking to simplify their application logic and querying while using MongoDB databases.

    • Managing Secrets and Avoiding Vendor Lock-in in Serverless ApplicationsKeep secrets out of code, store securely using methods like .env files or hosting service interfaces, and avoid vendor lock-in by using ORM tools or writing code in a framework-agnostic way.

      Managing secrets and avoiding vendor lock-in are crucial aspects of developing applications, especially when it comes to serverless architectures. Secrets, such as passwords, API keys, and database URLs, should be kept out of your code and stored securely using methods like .env files or hosting service interfaces. Vendor lock-in refers to the risk of being tied to a specific technology or service provider, which can limit your flexibility and make it difficult to move your application to another platform. To avoid this, consider using Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tools that allow you to use any database with the same codebase or write your code in a framework-agnostic way. When managing secrets, it's important to consider the ease of use and security of different methods, such as command-line interfaces, dotenv files, or hosting service interfaces. And when dealing with multiple environments, it's best to set secrets in the hosting service UI or log in to the box to paste them in. Overall, keeping your secrets secure and avoiding vendor lock-in can help ensure the long-term success and flexibility of your application.

    • Consider potential for vendor lock-in when choosing a platform or frameworkBe aware of the potential for vendor lock-in when selecting a platform or framework for your project, as it may limit your ability to migrate to another solution in the future.

      When choosing a platform or framework for your project, consider the potential for vendor lock-in. This means evaluating the ease with which you can migrate your project to another platform or framework in the future. Using a tightly integrated solution like Firebase, while convenient, can lead to significant issues if the platform changes or shuts down. Open source solutions, on the other hand, offer more flexibility and the ability to move your project to another provider if needed. For example, Next.js can only run serverless parts on now.sh, while Begin requires a specific framework (architect) to host your app. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but it's essential to understand the potential lock-in before making a decision. In most cases, the risk of vendor lock-in may not be significant, especially since you'll still be writing JavaScript. However, it's crucial to be aware of the potential consequences and plan accordingly.

    • Sanity.io expands API options with GraphQL and GroqSanity.io now offers both GraphQL and Groq APIs, allowing developers to choose their preferred data querying method. Users can also deploy tagged versions of their GraphQL API for multiple endpoints.

      Sanity.io has recently taken their GraphQL API out of beta, providing users with the option to use either Groq or GraphQL to pull data from their platform. This expansion caters to developers who prefer the traditional GraphQL API over Groq. Additionally, Sanity allows users to deploy tagged versions of their GraphQL API, enabling the creation of multiple endpoints for different data sets. Another topic discussed was the challenge of managing dependencies among individual serverless functions. Each function typically has its own package.json file, which can lead to duplication and increased maintenance. The community suggested various solutions, such as publishing a private module of utilities or using a monorepo structure. However, no definitive answer was given, indicating that this issue is still being explored and potentially unsolved.

    • Managing dependencies and optimizing bundle sizes in serverless functionsUnderstand the implications of managing dependencies and optimizing bundle sizes in serverless development using techniques like private NPM repos, tree shaking, requiring dependencies directly, or using solutions offered by function providers. Local development tools like Netlify Dev and now.dev help run serverless functions locally.

      When developing serverless functions, managing dependencies and optimization of bundle sizes is a crucial consideration. There are several ways to handle this, such as using private NPM repos, tree shaking, or requiring dependencies directly. Some serverless function providers offer solutions like layers and built-in dependency bundling. However, local development poses an additional challenge, requiring tools like Netlify Dev or now.dev to run serverless functions locally. Overall, it's essential to understand the implications of managing dependencies and optimizing bundle sizes in serverless development.

    • Choosing the right hosting platform and toolsConsider the specific use case and desired development experience when selecting a hosting platform or tool. Ensure a one-to-one replication of the application's server environment to avoid discrepancies.

      There are various hosting platforms and tools, such as Next.js, Now.js, and Cloudflare Workers, each offering different techniques for deploying and developing applications, with some providing local development capabilities and others focusing on serverless deployment. The choice between these options can depend on the specific use case and desired development experience. For instance, Now.js and Vercel provide smooth and easy hosting experiences, while Cloudflare Workers' Wrangler allows for local development. It's essential to ensure that the chosen development environment offers one-to-one replication of how the application will run on the server to avoid any discrepancies. Additionally, tools like FreshBooks can help manage invoicing and accounting tasks for freelancers and small businesses, making it easier to track expenses and bill clients.

    • Start small when moving to serverlessBegin by offloading smallest, standalone tasks to serverless functions, gradually expanding to larger parts of application as needed, or consider using Apollo Federation for complex GraphQL APIs.

      When considering moving an existing application to a serverless architecture, it's best to approach it piece by piece, starting with the smallest and most standalone functionality. This could involve moving logic for tasks like image resizing, reaching out to external APIs, or sending emails to serverless functions. By doing this, you can maintain the same returned response and gradually offload parts of your application. However, for larger applications with multiple endpoints or complex mutations, you may need to consider using a solution like Apollo Federation to split your GraphQL API across multiple services. While this approach can add complexity, it allows for more efficient handling of heavy lifting tasks in serverless functions. It's important to weigh the benefits of such a setup against the potential costs and consider consulting with someone who has experience in this area.

    • Introducing Hot Potato: A Fast GraphQL API Stitcher for Serverless FunctionsHot Potato is a new tool for stitching GraphQL APIs into serverless functions with an HTTP connection passing feature, Express method support, and an all-in-one editing experience including an IDE, API testing tool, and fake browser.

      There's a new tool called Hot Potato, which is a blazing fast GraphQL API Stitcher focused on serverless functions. It allows you to pass an HTTP connection from one cluster worker to another, making it easy to migrate existing applications piece by piece. This is particularly useful for developers who don't feel the need to scale their applications extensively but still want to take advantage of serverless technology. Hot Potato also offers an HTTP express method, enabling users to hook up old Express applications. The tool's creators have clearly identified the pain points developers face when transitioning to serverless architectures and have addressed them with this innovative solution. Another key point discussed was the editing experience offered by cloud applications like Hot Potato. They provide an integrated development environment (IDE) with Monaco (similar to Visual Studio Code), a Postman-like tool for API testing, and a fake browser for viewing responses. This all-in-one editing experience makes it easier for developers to write and test code, even in the browser. While databases were mentioned as a minor concern, the consensus was that developers can use any database they prefer with serverless architectures. Overall, the conversation highlighted the benefits of serverless technology, particularly for smaller projects, and the tools and services that make the transition smoother.

    • Choosing the right tools for data storage and file handling in serverless architectureConsider Fauna DB for serverless databases with GraphQL support and low latency, and Cloudinary for file storage with ease of use and image transformations. Remember, serverless functions are ephemeral and stateless, so data and files need to be stored externally. Consider cost and specific features when making decisions.

      When building applications using serverless architecture, choosing the right tools for data storage and file handling is crucial. DynamoDB, Firebase, Cloudflare Workers, and Fauna DB are popular options for serverless databases, each with their unique features. Fauna DB, a newcomer, is gaining popularity due to its native GraphQL support and low latency access to app data. For file storage, services like Cloudinary are preferred due to their ease of use and added features like image transformations. It's important to remember that serverless functions are ephemeral and stateless, meaning that data and files need to be stored externally. Additionally, considering the cost and specific features of each service is essential when making a decision. Overall, making informed choices in data and file handling can significantly improve the development experience and efficiency in serverless architecture.

    • Simplifying file handling with serverless functionsFirebase and Cloudflare Workers offer built-in solutions for uploading and handling files in serverless functions, saving developers time and effort. Consider using JWT for authentication across multiple servers and functions.

      When it comes to using serverless functions for uploading and handling files, services like Firebase offer built-in solutions that can simplify the process and eliminate the need for separate file storage and handling tools. This can save developers time and effort, as they won't have to worry about installing libraries or figuring out how to integrate different tools. Additionally, serverless functions like those offered by Cloudflare Workers can provide helpful demos and templates for common tasks like image resizing. Another consideration when using serverless functions is authentication. JSON Web Tokens (JWT) can be a good fit for handling authentication across multiple servers and functions, but it's important to consider whether it's worth rolling your own auth solution or using a third-party service. Overall, serverless functions offer a lot of benefits for developers, but they also come with new challenges and decisions to make. It's important to carefully consider the trade-offs and choose the right tools for your specific use case.

    • Discussing the Benefits of Serverless Technology with a GuestExploring the shift from traditional to serverless architecture, learning from a successful transition, and understanding the benefits and reasons behind it.

      The speaker is planning to invite someone on their show who has successfully moved a large app or website to serverless technology to discuss the benefits and reasons behind the transition. The speaker also shared a personal story about his struggle with organizing his socket set and how he solved it with a socket organizer. The speaker is currently excited about an ebook he recently discovered, titled "The Power of Bad," which explores the impact of negativity on our lives and how to manage it. The speaker is generally an optimistic person but found the content of the book fascinating.

    • The impact of negativity bias on our thoughts and emotionsBe aware of negativity bias and seek out positive, engaging learning experiences to counteract it

      Our brains tend to focus more on negative feedback than positive feedback, according to the book "The Power of Bad." This phenomenon, known as negativity bias, can significantly impact our thoughts and emotions. For instance, receiving a thousand positive comments on a YouTube video might be overshadowed by a single negative comment. Understanding this psychological concept can help us become more aware of how negativity can creep into our lives and learn strategies to counteract it. During the podcast discussion, the hosts also shared their excitement about various courses and learning resources, including Westboss.com/forward/courses for learning JavaScript, React, Node, CSS, Grid, Flexbox, and more, and leveluptutorials.com for a new course on animating React with Framer Motion. These resources offer practical, hands-on learning experiences to help individuals build real-world projects and expand their skill sets. So, in essence, the key takeaway is to be aware of the negativity bias and its potential impact on our lives, while also seeking out opportunities to learn new skills and grow through positive, engaging educational experiences.

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    Show Notes

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    { show(id: 027) { notes }}


    • What is GraphQL anyways?
    • GraphQL Relational Data


    • How is it different than REST?


    • GraphQL's self documenting Nature


    • You don't need to replace your existing REST api
    • It can sit infront of multiple APIs




    • Why we like Apollo
    • Setup is amazingly fast


    • Pagination
    • Refreshing of data


    • The GraphQL Core Concepts
    • Queries
    • Mutations
    • Filtering and Sorting
    • It's not really a query language


    • How do you say Schema?


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    • Mutations
    • Updating the cache


    • Using with existing APIs
    • Do you have two schemas now? One for MongoDB and one for GraphQL?




    • Apollo Link
    • Apollo VS Redux


    • Graphiql


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