
    More Sex, Less Narcissism w/ Jenny Mollen

    enJuly 06, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Magic Wand: Beyond Just a VibratorThe Magic Wand is a cultural icon and symbol of unapologetic pleasure, offering powerful rumble and various iterations. Enhance sexual experiences with seasonal products like delay spray and warming arousal gel.

      The magic wand is more than just a vibrator - it's a cultural icon and symbol of unapologetic pleasure. With its powerful rumble and various iterations, it continues to be a trusted confidant for many. Additionally, during the summer season, products like Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel can enhance sexual experiences by helping to last longer and heightening pleasure, respectively. Overall, prioritizing pleasure and open conversations around sex are essential, as shown through the experiences shared in the episode with author Jenny Mullen.

    • Jenny Mullen shares her experiences and perspective on sex in long-term relationships and social media's impactJenny Mullen, a writer, actor, and bestselling author, shares her candid perspective on sex and relationships, including past experiences and the importance of maintaining a healthy sex life in marriage, despite social media's influence.

      Jenny Mullen, a writer, actor, Instagram personality, and New York Times bestselling author, shares her honest and relatable experiences about sex in long-term relationships and the influence of social media on real-life connections. Jenny's refreshingly authentic perspective aims to bring humor and lightness to listeners during challenging times. Her new book, "City of Likes," is now available. Jenny's candid approach to sex and relationships, including her past experiences with hiring a sex worker for a surprise threesome, paved the way for open conversations about sex and pleasure. Despite not having as much sex as before in her marriage, Jenny finds pride in maintaining a healthy sex life and appreciates her partner's understanding of her needs. Listeners can engage with Jenny through her social media channels, including Instagram (@jenny\_molen), Twitter (@jennyantietz), and her website (jennyMolen.com).

    • Understanding Intimacy and Sexual Frequency in RelationshipsCommunicate openly about needs and desires, explore new ways to deepen connection, and find a balance that works for both partners in a relationship.

      The frequency of sexual activity in a relationship is a personal matter that depends on the comfort and satisfaction of both partners. Some people may be content with having sex once a month, while others may desire it more frequently. Intimacy and connection are essential in a relationship, but the ways in which individuals express and receive love can vary. Some people may find touch to be a primary love language, while others may prefer acts of service or validation. It's essential to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your needs and desires, and to be open to exploring new ways to deepen your connection. Additionally, past experiences and upbringing can influence one's attitudes towards intimacy and touch. Ultimately, the key is to find a balance that works for both partners and to continue to nurture and grow the relationship through open communication and mutual respect.

    • Exploring underlying issues in relationships for increased intimacyRegular therapy sessions can help couples understand their love languages and past experiences, leading to increased intimacy and connection.

      Exploring and addressing underlying issues in a relationship, even if they don't currently seem like a problem, can lead to increased intimacy and desire. The speaker shares her personal experience with therapy and how it helped her understand her love language and past experiences that may be impacting her current relationship. She also emphasizes the importance of focusing on intimacy and connection beyond just intercourse, and how having children can make finding time for these things challenging. The speaker and her partner prioritize their relationship by seeing their therapist regularly, recognizing that even strong couples can benefit from ongoing support.

    • Understanding Perspectives and Past Experiences in RelationshipsEffective communication and therapy help couples understand their perspectives and past experiences, promoting healthy and long-lasting relationships. Being heard and seen, addressing childhood influences, and maintaining continuous communication and novelty are key components.

      Effective communication and therapy play crucial roles in maintaining a healthy and long-lasting relationship. The speakers shared their experiences of using therapy to understand their perspectives and past experiences that often influence their reactions in arguments. They emphasized the importance of being heard and seen in a relationship, and how misunderstandings can be rooted in childhood experiences. The speakers also highlighted the significance of being in a sober relationship and the importance of novelty and continuous communication to keep the relationship exciting. By recognizing and addressing these underlying issues, couples can break free from repeating patterns and deepen their connection.

    • The importance of effort, communication, and mutual support in a healthy relationshipDetermination, communication, and mutual support are crucial for a long-lasting and healthy relationship. Despite challenges and disagreements, love and belief in your partner's potential can help you overcome obstacles and thrive in your personal and professional lives.

      A healthy and long-lasting relationship requires both partners to be willing to put in effort and change for the betterment of the partnership. The speakers in this conversation, who met young and have been through challenges, emphasized the importance of determination, communication, and mutual support. They also acknowledged the hardships and disagreements that come with any relationship but emphasized their love for each other and the belief that they found their "twin flame" in their respective partners. Ultimately, they credit their ability to thrive in their careers and personal lives to their supportive and confident partners.

    • Embracing Authenticity and TransparencyBeing true to oneself and embracing authenticity builds trust and acceptance in relationships, whether personal or professional. Self-acceptance and acknowledging imperfections are crucial, and healthier choices don't have to mean sacrificing taste or enjoyment.

      Authenticity and transparency are important in building trust and acceptance in relationships, both personal and professional. The speaker, Jenny Lawton, shares her experiences of feeling the need to disclose her truth to disarm people and distinguish herself from a perceived perfect image. In the context of social media, this can be particularly relevant as people often present curated versions of themselves online. The discussion also touches upon the importance of self-acceptance and acknowledging that everyone has their own struggles and imperfections. Furthermore, the speaker discusses the importance of making choices that align with personal health goals, as illustrated by her discovery of Hero Bread, which offers delicious bread options with minimal carbs and sugar. The speaker's enthusiasm for Hero Bread underscores the idea that making healthier choices doesn't mean sacrificing taste or enjoyment. Overall, the conversation highlights the value of being true to oneself and embracing authenticity in various aspects of life.

    • Communication is crucial for trust and understanding in social media usageBe open about social media usage, address concerns, and respect each other's boundaries to build trust and maintain a healthy relationship.

      Open communication is key in maintaining trust and understanding in a relationship, especially when it comes to social media usage. It's natural for individuals to be curious or feel attracted to others, but it's important to address any concerns or discomforts with your partner. Ignoring or hiding these feelings can lead to misunderstandings and potential infidelity. Transparency and honesty are essential for building trust and fostering a healthy, long-lasting relationship. It's important to remember that everyone has different boundaries and comfort levels when it comes to social media use, and it's crucial to respect each other's boundaries and communicate openly about any issues that arise. Ultimately, trust, communication, and respect are the foundation of any strong relationship.

    • The importance of self-care and intimacy in relationshipsCouples should prioritize both self-care and intimacy, recognizing that each is essential for overall well-being and connection. Self-care, including masturbation, can actually bring partners closer together through mutual experiences.

      Self-care and intimacy are two different things, and it's important for both partners to prioritize their individual needs in a relationship. The discussion revolves around a couple who have been together for two and a half years and have experienced challenges, including the death of one partner's father and the demands of work and family life. The couple's sex life has suffered, and the man feels jealous when his girlfriend uses a vibrator instead of having sex with him. The therapist explains that masturbation is a form of self-care and can actually bring partners closer together through mutual masturbation. The therapist also emphasizes the importance of communication and finding ways to prioritize intimacy while also allowing each other space for personal growth and self-care. The therapist suggests that the couple try mutual masturbation as a way to reconnect intimately while also respecting each other's individual needs. Ultimately, the therapist encourages the couple to prioritize both self-care and intimacy in their relationship, recognizing that both are essential for overall well-being and connection.

    • Maintaining sexual health requires regular useCommunication, consent, and perseverance are essential for positive sexual experiences and achieving goals like writing a book.

      Sex, like working out, is a muscle that needs regular use to maintain its strength. The longer we go without it, the harder it becomes to get back into the rhythm. Communication and consent are key to making it a positive experience for both partners. Another insight from the discussion was the author's experience with writing her book "City of Likes." Despite facing rejection and setbacks, she remained determined to tell her story and eventually found a publisher. The book explores themes of social media influence, narcissistic relationships, and a young mom's journey to find herself in Manhattan. The challenges she faced in writing and publishing the book serve as a reminder of the importance of perseverance and believing in oneself.

    • Exploring Narcissistic Relationships and CodependencyNarcissistic relationships can be addictive and destructive, leaving individuals feeling validated one moment and eviscerated the next. Codependency, a dynamic where one's sense of self is overly tied to another's actions, can also contribute to these harmful patterns.

      Narcissistic relationships, particularly those between women, can be addictive and destructive. These relationships often involve a dynamic where one person, the narcissist, shines their light on the other, making them feel validated and chosen. However, when the narcissist's attention shifts, the other person can be left feeling eviscerated. The speaker, who has experienced such relationships, explores this theme in her writing, raising questions about the motivations behind these friendships and the role of external validation and codependency. The speaker acknowledges her own pattern of seeking out narcissistic relationships and the challenges of recognizing and breaking free from them. She also notes that narcissists may not fully understand their own behavior or the impact it has on others. Codependency, another complex concept, refers to a dynamic where one person's sense of self is overly tied to the actions and well-being of another. The speaker reflects on her own experiences with codependency and the need for greater understanding and language around these issues.

    • Understanding Codependency in RelationshipsAcknowledging and reflecting on patterns in relationships, like codependency, can lead to growth and healthier dynamics through communication and self-reflection.

      Understanding and acknowledging our patterns in relationships, such as codependency, can lead to growth and healthier dynamics. Jenny and Jason's conversation reveals their shared codependent tendencies and how they navigate their relationship through communication. Jenny also shared her experiences with writing a novel, highlighting the importance of earning decisions in fiction writing compared to memoir. Lastly, Jenny reflected on her past experiences with sex and relationships, encouraging having more of both and emphasizing the importance of communication. Throughout the conversation, Jenny showcased her vulnerability and openness, demonstrating the power of self-reflection and honest communication in personal growth and relationships.

    • Early experiences and societal norms shape our attitudes towards sexOur upbringing and societal norms can influence our views on sex, and it's important to challenge limiting beliefs and explore our own desires.

      Our early experiences and the messages we receive about sex can significantly shape our attitudes and behaviors towards it. The speaker in this conversation shared how her mother's sexualized behavior and lack of sex education led her to view sex in a negative light and resist being sexual herself. However, as she grew older, she began to question why she was denying herself pleasure and eventually came to embrace her sexuality. It's important to recognize that our upbringing and societal norms can influence our views on sex, and it's never too late to challenge limiting beliefs and explore our own desires. Additionally, the conversation touched on the importance of sex education and the need for women to be empowered to ask for and assert their sexual needs. The speaker also mentioned the impact of family dynamics on our understanding of sex and relationships. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex and multifaceted nature of sexuality and the importance of open and honest dialogue around the topic.

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