
    About this Episode

    Brooke Hanmer is a talented photographer, entrepreneur, creative director, dog mama, friend and so much more.

    In this episode we chat about leaving the modeling industry after realizing how toxic it was on her physically, mentally and emotionally. Since leaving, she’s been determined to do things every day that bring her true joy. We dive into leaving relationships and friendships that no longer serve you, and how she maintains positive mental health.

    She's candid about what it took to build her company, Psuedo Labs. After years in production & countless sleepless nights Pseudo gained traction quickly after being featured by Vogue, Rose Inc, and seen on Lizzo. We've teamed up to give one lucky listener faux freckles in the shade of your choice. Make sure you subscribe, rate, & review this podcast for your chance to win! 

    Recent Episodes from I Am More Than

    More Than a Miscarriage: Questions to ask your Dr. and what to be on the lookout for during your healing journey.

    More Than a Miscarriage: Questions to ask your Dr. and what to be on the lookout for during your healing journey.

    This episode comes with a TRIGGER WARNING and is a continuation of the previous episode More Than a Miscarriage.

    Miscarriage is still a taboo topic despite 1 in 4 Women who have or who will experience this heartache. Jordan's hope is through sharing the knowledge she learned post miscarriage, other women will be equipped with questions to ask their Dr. and insight of what to look out for so you won't endure the same prolonged pain.

    Jordan discusses the lack of proper information and guidance she received in the weeks that followed her D&C procedure which led to unnecessary heartache and physical pain. Through her experience, she's learned relatively what's "normal" and "not normal" after experiencing a miscarriage and provides knowledge of what women should be on the lookout for while healing. She provides questions to ask your Dr. and encourages finding support and community to help the healing process.

    More Than a Miscarriage

    More Than a Miscarriage
    This episode comes with a TRIGGER WARNING.
    Jordan was eager to share her pregnancy with this community, but unfortunately in this very vulnerable podcast episode, she opens up about her miscarriage. Through this experience she's learned 1 in 4 women suffer a miscarriage, and chose to open up about her personal journey in hopes of comforting others while also honoring this chapter of her life.
    She shares the excitement of discovering her pregnancy and the joy she felt hearing the heartbeat for the first and last time. Jordan opens up about misconceptions she had surrounding a miscarriage and is candid about her experience in hopes it comforts, educates, and supports anyone in this community who has or will experience this pain. She gives insight into ways her loved ones supported her, and what's helped on the path of healing.
    Jordan also addresses how her personal experience has given her a new perspective on the overturning of Roe vs. Wade and the detrimental impact on women. As she was navigating this chapter, she learned of another Texas woman whose personal decision became headlines for others to judge. She hopes our listeners are able to humanize this issue and develop empathy for those navigating such a personal and difficult decision.
    Jordan concludes by discussing the importance of self-care during this difficult times and explains how she's rebuilding her confidence. We hope this episode reaches the people it's meant to and comforts those who are struggling silently. 
    This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp.
    Give online therapy a try at www.betterhelp.com/morethan

    More Than a Selfish Era: finding yourself in your 20’s, career lessons, dating advice & how to stop holding yourself back.

    More Than a Selfish Era: finding yourself in your 20’s, career lessons, dating advice & how to stop holding yourself back.

    30’s are the new 20’s…RIGHT?! Jordan’s on the mic for solo episode giving a detailed reflection on the vital lessons learned in her 20’s. She dives into lessons in her career, dating, relationships, mental health, and wellness while sharing never before told stories of high’s & low’s in this chapter.

    J gets real (& quite frankly over shares) in hopes her rollercoaster of a decade can help our community learn from both her wins & many mistakes. From Miss AZ USA, to getting dropped by her modeling agency, meeting the love of her life, a mental health battle, moving 14 times, launching her business, finding her purpose, becoming a wife & everything in between. These valuable lessons can resonate with you at any age.

    Wait until the end of the episode for an exclusive discount for your MORE THAN fam :)

    Pour yourself a cocktail/mocktail & CHEERS to the end of an era!

    Enroll in the Fundamentals of Confidence

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    Follow JORDAN: @jordwess



    CONTACT Jordan’s team: info@morethaninc.com

    Please take a moment to FOLLOW, RATE, REVIEW & SHARE.

    More Than My Appearance: how a toxic relationship and a health crisis transformed Georgia's life.

    More Than My Appearance: how a toxic relationship and a health crisis transformed Georgia's life.

    Georgia Gibbs is an International SuperModel with a social following of over 663K. From first glance you'll be captivated by her beauty, but she's so much more than a pretty face.

    In this episode she opens up about suffering in a toxic relationship that over time dimmed her light and destroyed her confidence. Shortly after her relationship ended she suffered a health crisis that halted her modeling career overnight. What started as acne and rosacea covering her face quickly led to countless diagnosis where she was ultimately told she'd never heal. For years she's been on a journey to heal herself naturally, which has led to self discovery, and sparked a deep passion for healing others through becoming a Chinese Herbalist.

    She reflects on the lessons learned being in a toxic relationship and we know many of you will resonate. Georgia talks about humbling it was to realize her confidence was tied to her external appearance and the extensive work she did to gain genuine confidence. She also discusses how the unconditional love of her partner helped her to fall in love with herself.

    She dives deep into her health journey and how Chinese medicine helped her heal from the inside out inspiring her to begin a new career path helping others.It’s a beautiful, emotional, value packed episode where she shows how her greatest pain became her greatest purpose.

    Work with Georgia

    If you're loving the I Am More Than Podcast, please take a moment to Follow, Download & share with a friend! 

    This episode is brought to you by GutPersonal. Use code MORETHAN for 10% off supplements and gut testing to jumpstart your health and begin feeling your best. 

    More Than Functional Medicine: find the root cause of your symptoms, heal your gut health & take charge of your life.

    More Than Functional Medicine: find the root cause of your symptoms, heal your gut health & take charge of your life.

    If you've ever struggled with your health, you know how discouraging, overwhelming and frustrating it can be to get answers. Western medicine often gives a pill for every ill, instead of finding the root cause behind your symptoms to heal at the source. This is where functional health comes in and aims to find the root cause of your health symptoms and uses natural approaches to get you feeling your best. This week's guest, Jillian Smith, is a Gut Health Dietitian on a mission to empower, educate, and encourage women to prioritize their health. 

    In this episode she explains why gut health is so important and how it truly is the center of all our health. After experiencing debilitating stomach pain, she studied Functional Medicine in hopes of healing herself, and now she uses this knowledge to heal thousands of women. We discuss why IBS is a BS diagnosis, the causes of bloating, why supplements need to be personalized, and how the majority of us are living with parasites. She explains the gut/brain connection and how gut imbalances can cause anxiety, depression, fatigue, brain fog, headaches, hormone imbalances, autoimmune disease, joint pain, and so much more. 

    Jillian is the lead dietitian for GutPersonal, a female owned company founded by a functional medicine registered dietitians. They offer at home-testing, personalized supplementation backed by science, and continued support allowing them for work with clients all over the country. Instead of searching "Functional Medicine Clinics near me" you can have access to a full clinical team of functional medicine registered dietitians, ready to get to the root cause of your symptoms, and design a custom protocol for optimal healing.

    If you're ready to start feeling your best and invest in your gut health, use code MORETHAN for 10% off testing kits and supplementation.

    Follow: @gutpersonal @jilliansmith.rd


    More Than a Hero: taking charge of your life, overcoming post pageant depression, designing a life you love & a SURPRISE just for you.

    More Than a Hero: taking charge of your life, overcoming post pageant depression, designing a life you love & a SURPRISE just for you.

    We're giving our podcast community early access to the brand new Hero Collection!! 

    Citrine the Label and More Than teamed up to create a capsule collection inspired by becoming the woman you needed when you were younger. Hero means something differently to everyone & we wanted to design a collection to reflect that. In this episode, you'll hear the heart behind our designs while getting to know the designers on a deeply personal level.

    Samantha is the Founder of Citrine the Label, an Entrepreneur, Creative Director, Artist, Model, Content Creator, Filmmaker, Role Model, Daughter, Wife, and former Miss Maine USA. She competed in her first pageant at age 19, leading her to become one of the youngest to compete at Miss USA. Jordan and Sam bonded quickly, and have been a support system for each other throughout post pageant depression, creating our brands, and getting married.

    In this episode we talk about being bullied in a small town and choosing to follow a non-traditional path. We open up about the high's-low's of Miss USA, and how we've began healing our negative relationship with our bodies. We're excited to let you in on this conversation, prepare to laugh, cry, and be inspired. 

    Shop our Hero Collection NOW.


    More Than Gut Health: How Bridgitte healed her gut & is helping millions of women do the same.

    More Than Gut Health: How Bridgitte healed her gut & is helping millions of women do the same.

    There's been a stigma around digestive issues in women which has led to many not attaining the tools, knowledge, support, and help we need to heal our bodies from the inside out.  An estimated 100 million women struggle with gut health issues, yet most of us don’t talk about it. 

    After healing a lifelong struggle with her gut, Bridgitte has spent a decade studying functional medicine and nutrition as a registered functional dietitian. Through healing herself, she knew she had a way to change womens lives and has dedicated her career to educating, empowering, supporting, and encouraging women to invest in their health. Our bodies are all unique and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to healing. She developed a individualized science-backed gut health supplement company, GutPersonal, using a personalized approach to forge a path of healing that gives each customer lasting results. In just 3 years she's built two successful 7 figure+ companies, turning her passion into profit.

    In this episode she educates us how an unhealthy gut can affect our mental health, energy levels, physical pain, and impact our confidence. She describes how you can enjoy alcohol while still looking after your gut, how to stock your natural medicine cabinent, and how functional medicine differs from western medicine. She details what it was like launching a supplement company in a heavily saturated industry, and why it's important to only buy from a reputable company since supplements aren't regulated by the FDA. We dive into her Entreprenuial journey and how she had to rewire her limited beliefs in order to become successful in business. This is a fascinating, informative, and inspiring episode we know you'll love. 

    This episode is brought to you by GutPersonal, use code MORETHAN for 10% off your entire order of supplements, programs & gut testing. 

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    Theta Breathwork

    To Be Magnetic

    Bob Proctor Meditations (available on YouTube)

    More Than My Trauma: turning her pain into purpose with Emotional Health Coach, Ali Kates.

    More Than My Trauma: turning her pain into purpose with Emotional Health Coach, Ali Kates.

    Trauma is something we’ve all experienced yet is a topic that is rarely talked about. You all know I’m a mental health advocate, for me personally talk therapy was a significant part of my journey. However, my mind was opened to a whole new form of healing with this weeks guest, Ali Kates. Ali is an Emotional Health Coach and a Somatic Experience Practitioner. This is a topic I knew nothing about, but I got so much value out of this conversation.

    Ali has been through extensive trauma and I admire her for holding nothing back in this episode. With that being said, I do want to say this episode comes with a trigger warning as we discuss sexual abuse, and numbing with drugs and alcohol. 

    In 2019 Ali’s life was turned upside down when she was diagnosed with late stage chronic Lyme, multiple autoimmunities, endometriosis, and mourned the deaths of 7 loved ones within a 3 year period. This chapter brought up old and complex trauma Ali dealt with in adolesence that up until that point she had disassociated from. She knew she needed help with her mental health, she tried psychotherapy, EMDR, CBT, and Neuroplasticity but nothing seemed to be helping. She found a trauma recovery coach who taught her how to remove the emotional charge out of her body, which is when she learned that trauma lives in the body not the brain.

    She learned how to cope and heal from her complex developmental trauma and C-PTSD, and has dedicated her life to helping other process their grief and develop strategies to transform their lives. 

    In this episode she’ll teach you about the trauma cycle, and why so many of us are living in fight or flight. She explains disassociation, trauma bonding, and how trauma in body can ultimately make you sick. She explains how to access anger in a healthy way, and how to not make healing your identity. This episode is beyond valuable and fascinating, and I deeply admire Ali for using her pain for purpose.

    Listen to Ali's Podcast 

    Follow Ali on IG  

    Ali's Website 

    Shop Our Mental Health Awareness Tee 

    Follow @jordwess @moretha ninc 

    More Than My Skin: how healing her acne led her to becoming the Co-Founder of CLEARSTEM, a Holistic Nutritionist, and Wellness Based Investor.

    More Than My Skin: how healing her acne led her to becoming the Co-Founder of CLEARSTEM, a Holistic Nutritionist, and Wellness Based Investor.

    If you've ever personally struggled with acne, you know how damaging it can be to your confidence and mental health. This weeks guest, Kayleigh Christina Clark, began developing severe cystic acne in her mid-20s, and in her search for a cure was told by doctors and dermatologists to begin Accutane, antibiotics, and birth control to clear her skin instead of getting to the root of the problem.

    Thankfully, she met skin specialist/Acne Guru, and owner of San Diego Acne Clinic, Danielle Gronich , who helped heal her skin within 2 months with no acne scars. They quickly bonded over their passion for helping others achieve clear skin without sacrificing their health. The duo founded CLEARSTEM Skincare which has been featured in FORBES, WomensHealth, Buzzfeed and POOSH.

    In this episode Kayleigh takes us through how a painful period on her personal life led her to creating products to change the lives of others. She opens up about her mental health journey, filtering out B.S. on social media, and discusses common misconceptions of clean beauty products. She also shares how she became an investor for wellness based brands, and why she invested in a Co-Founder therapist. This is a educational, interesting, and entertaining episode we know you'll love.

    The CLEARSTEM team was kind enough to give our listeners 15% off when you use code MORE.

    Kayleigh's favorite products mentioned in the episode:

    Gentle Clean Cleanser

    Vitamin Scrub

    Clearity Serum

    Bounce Back Serum

    Hydragrow Stem Cell Moisturizer

    Hydraberry Sleep Mask

    More Than Fun On Weekdays: Building Confidence, a Community and a Career with Jenna Palek.

    More Than Fun On Weekdays: Building Confidence, a Community and a Career with Jenna Palek.

    So many of you know and love Jenna Palek from TikTok and from her iconic company Fun On Weekdays, so recording in her studio was truly a dream come true for us. We absolutely loved getting to know Jenna, and wanted to share a more vulnerable side to her that isn't always shown on social media.

    She opened up about struggling with her confidence and mental health last year, and takes us through the things she implemented to become the best version of herself. She talks about the inspiration behind creating Fun On Weekdays, and how she's building not just a strong community but also a business empire. Jenna gives our audience advice for finding your purpose, takes us through structuring her day as a business owner, and tells us how she manifested her relationship. We love how open, down to earth, and relatable Jenna is and know you're going to love this episode.

    I also had the honor of being a guest on the Fun On Weekdays Podcast, so be on the lookout for that episode dropping this week!

    Go pour yourself a cocktail (or a mocktail) and enjoy!

    If you're loving our podcast, please take a second to follow, rate, review, & share!

    Follow @jennapalek @funonweekdays @morethaninc @jordwess