
    Podcast Summary

    • Global events impact businesses and require international cooperationEarthquakes, naval forces, UN resolutions, and volcanic eruptions are just a few examples of global events that can impact businesses and require international cooperation to address

      BT, a sponsor of this podcast, is committed to supporting businesses of all sizes and types. Meanwhile, in global news, over 110 people have died in an earthquake in Northwestern China, and a wide-scale rescue operation is underway. The UK is joining a multinational naval force to protect ships from attacks in the Red Sea by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels. A UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is being voted on, following recent attacks and tensions. Former Minister Alastair Burt urges caution and emphasizes the importance of targeting terrorists without harming the civilian population. Additionally, a volcano in Southwest Iceland has erupted, causing significant lava flow. These events underscore the complex and dynamic nature of global issues, and the need for careful consideration and cooperation among nations.

    • Government addresses housing, planning, and Paris Olympics ticket costsThe UK government is addressing housing and planning issues, aiming to please both YIMBYs and NIMBYs, while also dealing with high Paris Olympics ticket costs and advocating for a free vote on assisted dying.

      The government is addressing two key issues: housing and planning, and the high cost of tickets for the Paris Olympics. Dame Esther Ranson, an 83-year-old broadcaster and Childline founder, has joined a Swiss organization advocating for assisted dying and is calling for a free vote on the issue in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Meanwhile, Michael Gove, the housing secretary, plans to address slow processing of housing applications by local councils and boost planning performance across the system. The government aims to appeal to both YIMBYs (Yes In My Back Yard) and NIMBYs (Not In My Back Yard) by promising to protect local areas and not concrete over green spaces. Additionally, Lord Koh, president of World Athletics, expressed concern over the high cost of Olympic tickets, with some athletics events costing up to £850 and the cheapest tickets starting at £170. The government and the Olympics organizers are dealing with these issues while also addressing the concerns of their respective voter bases. In health care, UnitedHealthcare offers a solution for managing out-of-pocket costs with their Health ProtectorGuard fixed indemnity insurance plans, which supplement primary plans without usual requirements and restrictions.

    • Protecting health vs Enhancing celebrationsUhone.com offers health insurance plans to safeguard wellbeing, while 1800flowers.com enhances celebrations by focusing on love and care in every product

      Both Uhone.com and 1800flowers.com offer unique value to their customers. Uhone.com is dedicated to providing health insurance plans, including the Health ProtectorGuard, to help individuals safeguard their wellbeing. On the other hand, 1800flowers.com goes beyond being just a gift-giving destination. They put their hearts into every aspect of their business, from their farmers and bakers to their florists and makers, ensuring that all their products are made with love. They understand that celebrating life's special occasions with friends and family is of utmost importance. Therefore, while Uhone.com focuses on protecting your health, 1800flowers.com aims to enhance your celebrations. By visiting uhone.com for your health insurance needs and 1800flowers.com for your gifting requirements, you can ensure that you are taking care of both your health and your relationships.

    Recent Episodes from Times news briefing

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    REDIFF // Piet Colruyt, Fondateur Impact House - “Investir des millions pour rendre le monde plus juste, social et écologique”

    Pour ce tout premier épisode de 2022, je vous propose de rencontrer Piet Colruyt.

    Si j’ai voulu interviewer Piet, c’est parce que j’étais curieuse de connaître sa vision du monde en tant qu’investisseur dans le monde de l’impact et curieuse de savoir comment concrètement, à son échelle, il agit pour changer le monde.

    Avec Piet on a parlé de son parcours d’architecte et d’administrateur chez Colruyt puis de sa reconversion après une crise de la quarantaine comme il le dit lui-même vers l’impact investing, pourquoi il a décidé de faire de l’impact investing, sa vision de l’impact, ce qui l’anime, de ce qu’il ferait si il avait une baguette magique, de ses projets pour les prochaines années pour avoir le plus d’impact possible. Une discussion vraiment passionnante sur les grands enjeux de notre société et de la puissance des investissements pour y répondre.

    J’espère que cet épisode vous plaira. Si c’est le cas, dites-le moi, et surtout, partagez ce contenu autour de vous, parce que c'est le meilleur moyen d'inspirer un maximum de personnes à changer le monde grâce à leur business ! 

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