
    Morning briefing Wednesday 31st January

    enJanuary 31, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • New Brexit customs controls could cost £300m annually and disrupt food supplyNew Brexit customs controls may add £300m in costs and potentially disrupt food supply, but the home secretary assures no disruption to public. DUP deal details to end Northern Ireland stalemate, BBC releases emails on controversial interview, and France uses drones to monitor Channel migrants.

      Businesses importing goods from the EU are now subject to new Brexit customs controls, which could cost an additional £300,000,000 annually and push up prices. However, the home secretary, James Cleverley, assures the public that these checks will not disrupt food supply. Meanwhile, the details of the DUP's agreement to restore power sharing in Northern Ireland will be revealed today, ending a 700-day stalemate. The BBC has released thousands of emails from journalist Martin Bashir regarding his controversial 1995 Princess of Wales interview, in which he attributed professional jealousy to allegations of deception and use of fake documents. Lastly, France has agreed to use drones to monitor migrants attempting to cross the Channel. Overall, these events underscore the ongoing challenges and changes in various sectors, from Brexit to politics to media.

    • New measures to tackle people smuggling and improve healthcare servicesAllowing pharmacists to issue prescriptions for common ailments could save 10 million GP appointments a year, while Scotland's COVID inquiry will scrutinize government leadership and decision-making process

      The UK government is implementing new measures to tackle people smuggling and improve healthcare services. In the realm of immigration, Westminster officials believe that allowing pharmacists to issue prescriptions for common ailments will save time and resources, potentially freeing up to 10 million GP appointments a year. On the other hand, in the political sphere, the Scottish COVID inquiry is set to scrutinize Nicola Sturgeon's leadership, focusing on her handling of WhatsApp messages and the existence of 'gold command' meetings within her government. These developments highlight the government's commitment to addressing pressing issues in various sectors. In the case of Scotland, the inquiry aims to shed light on the decision-making process and transparency within the government. Overall, these events underscore the importance of effective governance and the continuous efforts to improve public services.

    • Streamline mailing and shipping processes with Stamps.comConnects to major marketplaces and shopping carts, schedules pickups, accesses discounted rates, saves time and money, free trial, no long-term commitments, mobile app.

      Stamps.com is a no-brainer decision for businesses looking to streamline their mailing and shipping processes. With the ability to connect to major marketplaces and shopping carts, schedule pickups, and access discounted rates from USPS and UPS, Stamps.com can help businesses save time and money while keeping operations efficient. Plus, with a free 4-week trial, no long-term commitments, and a mobile app, it's an easy choice for over 1 million other businesses. So, if you're looking to simplify your mailing and shipping processes, consider giving Stamps.com a try using the code program for added benefits.

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    Top 3  Curtain Pulls in this episode: 

    1. Preparing your business for disruption means building a team and systems that will have your back.
    2. You must affordably invest in creating redundancies in your business. This will allow you to experience less anxiety when life throws unexpected turns your way.
    3. As businesses and as people, we have to find ways to stop living in fear. If we take anything from 2020, let it be an awareness of how powerful fear can be and how worthwhile it is to create awareness of it and not live in it. 


    For more tips, discussion, and behind the scenes:


    About The Guys: 

    Bob Hutchins: Founder of BuzzPlant, a digital agency that he ran from from 2000 -2017. He is also the author of 3 books. More on Bob: 

    Brad Ayres: Founder of Anthem Republic, an award-winning ad agency. Brad’s knowledge has led some of the biggest brands in the world. Originally from Detroit, Brad is an OG in the ad agency world and has the wisdom and scars to prove it. Currently that knowledge is being applied to his boutique agency. More on Brad:

    Ken Ott: Co-Founder and Chief Growth Rebel of Metacake, an Ecommerce Growth Team for some of the world’s most influential brands with a mission to Grow Brands That Matter. Ken is also an author, speaker, and was nominated for an Emmy for his acting on the Metacake Youtube Channel (not really). More on Ken: 


    Show Notes:

    [1:05] Bob asks Brad about his experience with Covid so far, and Brad says that he must have caught in on a flight with little social distancing. He’s had 12 days of feeling really bad and it’s been very challenging to keep working while he’s sick. 

    [3:00] Brad says that because the immune system doesn’t know how to fight this virus, he’s experience a lot of symptoms over and over again. “The virus just goes around and just pokes at you, tries to find a vulnerability.” 

    • He says that on day 5 he thought he was feeling better but woke up the next morning and yet another set of symptoms had presented. He did lost his taste and sense of smell. 

    [5:31] Bob asks how his family has been doing- Brad’s wife and daughter had no exposure to him and his son didn’t show any symptoms. 

    [6:58] Brad talks about how lucky he has been through this process, he realized he’s got a really good team because there were people that jumped in and took the ball from him as soon as he got sick. He said they made a point to talk every day and then by early afternoon he would be exhausted and had no way of predicting when he would need to rest. He experienced more exhaustion than he’s ever experienced!

    [8:06] Brad “I think we just have to be prepared that you have to really prepare your business so that you as a business owner don’t need to be there every hour to run it… When you find yourself in this situation where… you actually can’t participate, then you really realize what you have and what you don’t have, who can actually support you.” 

    [9:15] Ken talks about how emergencies like this truly reveal truths about the state of your business. “What happens when some of your key people or some of your key systems go down?”

    [10:35] Ken asks if Brad found it a significant challenge to his company.

    [10:41] Brad says that he had a handful of clients who experienced being sick with Covid earlier this year and they had a lot of sympathy and understanding for what he was going through. He says the experience has taught him to focus on working to “affordably create redundancies” in the rest of his business in the future.

    [13:11] Ken asks Brad what some of those redundancies might be. 

    [13:22] Brad says his thought have included extra hires along with team building and working to manage specific clients more as a team versus a single person being a key point of contact. He shares that creating communication redundancies and having transparency in the area of communication is key as well. 

    [14:50] Ken talks about the different areas of redundancy; communication systems internally and externally, roles and responsibilities inside and outside the team. 

    [16:01] Bob asks Brad if there were things that run a lot smoother in his business than he expected. 

    [16:38] Brad says that overall he was happy with the way his team dealt with things in his absence. There were 2 weeks that were particularly hard because he slept 18 hours per day; but his team always kept him in the loop about possible problems where he would be needed early on. They kept him informed and that helped him rest easier. 

    • Creating more redundancy for his team is the focus now, so that if one of them does get sick he can step in or others can step in and help carry the weight. 

    [20:35] Ken asks if there is a weight that has lifted now that he knows he’s had it and survived. 

    [20:50] Brad says no, unfortunately. The difficulty of recovering and knowing how severe it could become for others has almost become heavier. 

    [23:28] Bob asks Brad if the fear got to him while he was sick, having known someone who passed away from Covid and knowing how bad it could get. 

    [25:00] Brad says that he monitored it very well and worked to build his immune system this year, so as long as he didn’t feel like it was in his lungs, he didn’t get too scared. The worst part for him was having a sinus infection on top of the exhaustion. 

    [26:45] Bob asks if having Covid-19 has changed his perspective. 

    [26:50] Brad says that it was weird that no one with him got it as well- he’s worn a mask everywhere and been very diligent, and somehow he still got it. “I think you gotta go about your life, trying not to worry about it because it’s really a statistic at this point, and you have to just do what you think is right for you and what you feel is right. If the most defense you have  is social distancing and wearing a mask then do it.” 

    • “If I can wear a mask, even though I don’t need to now, if I can bring some peace to somebody that they feel more secure because I have my mask on, then why wouldn’t I do that?” 

    [29:49] Bob shares that when a vaccine is available, he won’t be one fo the first to rush in and get it. But eventually once it’s been proven effective on a larger scale he’ll feel more comfortable. 

    [31:00] Brad has a lot of hope that with 4 possible vaccines, things could become normal again. The most desperate will get it first, and will give us a good idea of what sort of side effects and symptoms it will create. 

    [32:00] The Guys discuss 2021 and what they expect, hope for, look forward to, etc. 

    [33:07] Ken shares that one of his hopes is that we become more aware of how powerful fear is in our society and that we become more aware of it. He talks about the opportunities that have been created during this time and how he’s worked towards plugging Metacake into those needs. For those businesses that have transitioned to working from home, how has that impacted your business financially? How have onboarding and integration worked for new hires during this time? Keeping people connected has become a huge focus and has required a lot of intentionality. 

    [38:31] Brad talks about how after a war, typically our country has done well and thrived. There is unity, there is a readiness to work and get things back on track. He predicts an explosion of business growth and general growth overall in 2021, and says it’s possible that we may see more of a recession 3 or 4 years from now. By summer 2021, a lot of our questions will be answered. 

    [40:53] Ken says that figuring out how to diversify to create redundancies to mitigate potential disruption is a great place to be right now. This year has been a great year to reveal those truths and help you pinpoint how to intentionally move forward. 

    [42:15] Bob is already thinking about 2021, about being ready to take the year on with plans of jumping into a “new normal” and readying your business for that process. Ecommerce is the future, and so aligning your business with that is the way to go!

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    Get in touch:
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    Email: croydonconstitutionalists@gmail.com
    Facebook: facebook/CroydonConstitutionalists

    Lewackie Pitolenie o kierowcach ciężarówek w UK

    Lewackie Pitolenie o kierowcach ciężarówek w UK

    Pół roku temu Tomek stał się przez moment gwiazdą brytyjskich mediów. W dobie kryzysu spowodowanego brakiem kierowców ciężarówek nagle wszyscy zainteresowali się tym, dlaczego Polacy nie chcą już wsiadać za kierownice brytyjskich tirów. 

    Dziś możemy na to spojrzeć z dystansu. Tomkowe pięć minut sławy już dawno minęło bo temat mediom się znudził. Ale czy problemy, o których pisał Tomek w artykule, od którego wszystko się zaczęło także są już problemami minionymi? Z pewnością Brytyjczycy wyciągnęli wnioski i dziś kierowcy walą do Anglii drzwiami i oknami a dla poszukujący pracy za kółkiem mają teraz jak pączki w maśle? Otóż... A zresztą, posłuchajcie sami. 

    Wspomniane w podkaście materiały: 

    Tekst Tomka od którego się wszystko zaczęło: 

    Tomek w BBC: 

    Tomek u Jamesa O'Briena: 

    Ciężarówki pod specjalnym nadzorem: 

    Strona wspomnianego w podkaście Luke'a Vernona: 

    Zobaczcie także: 

    Tekst Tomka na ten temat dla Politics Home:

    Tekst Tomka o problemach wynikających z braku przydrożnej infrasrtuktury: https://orynski.eu/trudna-sztuka-sikania-podczas-jazdy-autostrada/

    O poprzedniej pracy Tomka w Business Insider: 

    * * *

    Lewackie Pitolenie to nazwa trochę ironiczna - takimi słowami oburzeni prawicowi czytelnicy podsumowywali kiedyś artykuły w prowadzonym przez Maćka i Tomka portalu. Choć jednak serca mamy bardziej po lewej niż po prawej, to załoga podkastu różni się w swoich poglądach, co pozwala nam toczyć dyskusje i spory które - mamy nadzieję - są interesujące również dla naszych słuchaczy.

    Szukajcie nas na Facebooku: https://www.facebook.com/LewackiePitolenie
    Możecie także napisać do nas na adres lewackie.pitolenie.podkast@gmail.com

    Ekipę programu stanowią:

    Magdalena Lasota - fotografka i przedsiębiorca z Wrocławia
    Adam "Beret" Mańczuk - nomad, żeglarz hippis i programista pomieszkujący wszedzie po trochu.
    Tomasz Oryński - niezależny dziennikarz i kierowca ciężarówki mieszkający w Helsinkach
    Maciej Przybycień - dawniej redaktor prasy polonijnej a dziś barman i programista żyjący w Edynburgu
    Dariusz Wójcicki - project manager z branży IT mieszkający w Warszawie

    W pierwszym okresie działania podkastu współpracowała z nami także Martyna Sokołowska, dziennikarka z Sanoka.

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                                                                 David Immobilier
                                                        « Notre pari responsable »

    Dans ce 3e podcast spécial Brexit & tendance 2021 du marché immobilier, nous répondons à toutes les questions que vous vous posez avec Alain Montaut, directeur de David Immobilier.

    Sommaire :

    • Quelle est la tendance du marché immobilier en Île-de-France pour 2021 ? (0’47)
    • Y a-t-il un exode des Franciliens vers la province ou la campagne ? (1’35)
    • Le Brexit aura-t-il des conséquences sur l'immobilier en Île-de-France ? (2’22)
    • Les conseils pour acheter, louer ou vendre en 2021 (3'00)
    • Le conseil éco-responsable de David Immobilier (3'52)

     Vous pouvez nous poser vos questions par l’intermédiaire des réseaux sociaux :

    Abonnez vous à ce podcast et retrouvez nous chaque mois pour parler de l’actualité du secteur immobilier.

    Production : Angiocom