
    Motivating Employees & Marketing Automation

    enJanuary 05, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Importance of authenticity and supporting personal growthAuthenticity matters in business and personal growth, support employees in creating content and building personal brands, and value family businesses and hard work.

      Learning from this episode of the Ask GaryVee Show is the importance of authenticity and supporting personal growth. Gary Vaynerchuk shares his excitement about being back from a break spent with family and working on his wine business, Wine Library. He encourages his audience to buy their wine directly from him and expresses his unexpected shift in rooting for the New England Patriots to win the Super Bowl. In response to a question from Kristen, Gary summarizes 2014 in five words: The AskGaryVee Show. To another question from Chris, Gary expresses his support for his employees writing their own books and curating their own content streams and personal brands. He even shares a story about Chris' persistent attempts to get a question answered during the holiday season. Additionally, Gary emphasizes the importance of family businesses and the value of hard work. He also mentions the concept of scheduled tweets and encourages people to go above their best. Overall, this episode highlights Gary's authentic and supportive approach to business and personal growth.

    • Supporting team members leads to great resultsEmpowering team members by supporting their growth and development can lead to significant benefits for both parties.

      Supporting and empowering your team members can lead to great results for both parties. Gary Vaynerchuk shared a story about a friend, Chris, who needed to send a substantial gift to India as a gesture of goodwill. Chris was able to ask Jason Donnelly, who had recently rejoined VaynerMedia, for help in finding him. Jason, in turn, shared how Vaynerchuk had supported him when he was writing his own book, and how Vaynerchuk's belief in his team's talents and capabilities led him to actively support their growth and development. Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of fairness and capitalism in the workplace, and how suppressing talented team members can hinder an organization's progress. By fostering a supportive and empowering work environment, teams can push each other beyond their best and achieve great things together.

    • Understanding what drives individuals and motivating them to exceed their limitsEffective leaders listen attentively, respond with genuine support, invest in individuals, and deliver on promises to create a culture of overdelivery and inspire their team to reach new heights through empathy and understanding, not guilt.

      Effective leadership involves understanding what drives individuals and using that knowledge to motivate them to exceed their limits. While different people are motivated by various factors, be it personal goals, recognition, or financial rewards, the key is to listen attentively and respond with genuine support and opportunities. By genuinely investing in individuals and delivering on promises, leaders can create a culture of overdelivery and inspire their team to reach new heights. Guilt, in this context, is not about manipulation but rather about using empathy and understanding to create a sense of accountability and drive individuals to strive for their best. Ultimately, the most successful leaders are those who can connect with their team on a personal level and create a shared vision for success.

    • Focus on giving more than you expect to receiveTo build a high-performing team, overdeliver and create a positive, productive work environment where team members feel valued and motivated to give their best.

      To get the best performance from your team, you need to focus on giving more than you expect to receive. This means overdelivering to your team members and creating an environment where they feel valued and appreciated. While this approach may involve some guilt-tripping or making sacrifices, the long-term benefits can be significant. You may encounter ungrateful or underperforming team members, but it's important to communicate clearly, set expectations, and provide opportunities for growth. Ultimately, the goal is to create a positive and productive work environment where everyone feels motivated to give their best. Remember, the best way to win is to give 51% of the relationship, but you must also be prepared to handle the other 49% effectively.

    • Creating a meritocracy and growing through accountabilityListening closely, delivering promises, calling bluffs, supporting decisions, and playing the long game can lead to greater rewards in business and life.

      Creating a meritocracy in business and in life requires both listening closely and delivering on your promises. Calling people's bluffs and holding them accountable can help you grow, even if it means making sacrifices in the short term. Additionally, parents should support their children's decisions, even if it means they don't follow in their footsteps. The speaker, who grew up working in his family business, emphasized that he would not force his own children to join, despite his dark inclination to do so. Ultimately, knowing where you stand and playing the long game can lead to greater rewards, but it's important to be aware of when it may be time to cash out.

    • Prioritize unconditional love and support for childrenFocus on children's strengths, help them succeed, and be authentic in social media engagement.

      Unconditional love and support for children should be a priority, regardless of their career choices or personal paths in life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on their strengths and helping them succeed, whether it's in business or saving one-legged butterflies. He also advises against scheduling tweets during vacations or times of crisis, as it can come across as insensitive. Instead, he suggests responding to tweets as you go along, ensuring authentic engagement with your audience. Ultimately, the goal is to be a good human being, treating others with respect and fairness, and striving for success in all areas of life.

    • The importance of authentic engagement over scheduled contentAuthentic engagement in the moment is more valuable than scheduled tweets, even during unexpected events.

      Scheduling tweets can make you seem out of touch during important and unexpected events. The speaker passionately expressed his disbelief in scheduling tweets, sharing an example of a Cowboys touchdown overshadowing a tweet about a favorite book. Instead, he encourages engaging in the moment and living in the present, whether on vacation or otherwise. The speaker's personal experiences and enthusiasm for wine led him to constantly engage with his followers rather than scheduling tweets in advance. Therefore, it's essential to consider the value of authentic engagement over scheduled content. The speaker also welcomed questions, such as offers for his wine business and anticipations for 2015, and was eager to provide answers.

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    Connect with Ron Alvesteffer






    Connect with Gretchen Murphy


    Connect with Susan Morgan Bailey
    Email: susan.bailey@marshmma.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susanmbailey/