
    Moved with Fear

    enJuly 23, 2024
    What did Noah build to save his family?
    How long did Noah live among the ungodly?
    What motivated Noah to build the ark?
    What can parents learn from Noah's example?
    How can we serve the Lord according to the text?

    Podcast Summary

    • Noah's obedienceNoah's obedience to God's warning saved his entire family during a time of widespread unbelief. Parents can learn from Noah's example and strive to be obedient to God, potentially leading their families to salvation.

      Noah, a man of great faith, prepared for the unknown and saved his family by building an ark during a time of widespread unbelief. Despite living among an ungodly world for over a century, Noah was not afraid to die but was moved with fear for the salvation of his household. His obedience to God's warning ultimately led his entire family to safety. Today, as parents, we can learn from Noah's example and strive to be obedient to God, setting an example for our families and potentially leading them to salvation. By having faith in God's word and acting on it, we can make a difference in our own households and in the world around us. So, let us serve the Lord and trust that He will save us and our families.

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