
    MURDER TRIAL JUDGE: Why Normal People Do Evil Things - Wendy Joseph KC

    enSeptember 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • A retired judge shares insights on the criminal justice system and knife crime in the UKThe criminal justice system faces challenges in rehabilitating young offenders, as the landscape of crime evolves, resulting in a rise in homicides in the UK.

      The criminal justice system aims to administer punishment, but the release of a large number of young offenders, many of whom have spent significant portions of their lives in prison, back into society may not result in a seamless transition. Old Bailey judge Wendy Joseph Casey, a retired judge and author of "Unlawful Killings," shares her experiences and insights into the criminal justice system, particularly the rise of knife crime in the UK. According to her, the landscape of crime has changed dramatically over the years, with a notable decrease in non-fatal crimes and an increase in homicides, mostly murders, being tried at the Old Bailey. This shift is a concerning trend that requires further attention and discussion.

    • Significant increase in violent crimes in courtrooms linked to gangs and young peopleSociety's short-termism leads young people to join gangs, causing violent crimes and long-term misery

      There has been a significant increase in violent crimes, particularly those involving weapons like knives, in courtrooms over the past few decades. This trend is linked to the rise of gangs and their association with drugs and violence. Many of the perpetrators are young people, under the age of 25, who seem to lack proper care and support from society. The root cause of this issue, according to the speaker, is the short-termism that has crept into our society, leading young people to devote themselves to gangs without considering the long-term consequences. These young people often end up dying or leading miserable lives due to their criminal records and the difficulty of reintegrating into society. The speaker emphasizes that we as a society need to recognize the problems and provide proper care and support to these young people to prevent them from turning to crime.

    • Absence of active father figure increases criminal risk for childrenChildren from difficult home backgrounds without active fathers are at higher risk of involvement in criminal activities, including gangs and drug trafficking. Many of these children are also functionally illiterate, indicating a larger societal issue of neglect and exclusion. They are targeted by gangs for exploitation in drug trafficking schemes.

      The absence of a present and active father figure in a child's life can significantly increase their risk of getting involved in criminal activities, including gangs and drug trafficking. This issue is particularly prevalent among children from difficult home backgrounds, where there may be an absent father, illness, abuse, or a struggling single mother. Furthermore, a significant number of people in prison, not just youngsters, are functionally illiterate, indicating a larger societal issue of neglect and exclusion. These children, often vulnerable and weak, are targeted specifically by gangs and used in drug trafficking schemes, such as county lines, without fully realizing they are being exploited. This problem is not spoken about enough and requires more attention and inclusion to prevent these children from falling into a cycle of crime.

    • The consequences of easy access to harmful tools and vulnerable youthEasy access to harmful tools and vulnerable youth can lead to tragic consequences. To prevent crime, efforts must be made beyond the courtroom.

      Vulnerability and easy access to harmful tools, such as knives, can lead young people into dangerous situations and criminal behavior. The story of a man who ran over and killed another person, trapping him under the car, serves as a grim reminder of the devastating consequences of such actions. From a legal perspective, the law can only punish and try to prevent future crimes, but it cannot undo the harm caused. To truly address the root causes of crime, efforts must be made in schools, family homes, and within society as a whole. The courtroom should be seen as a last resort, not the primary solution.

    • The criminal justice system's primary role is to protect society and ensure its members feel safeThe criminal justice system prioritizes society's safety and provides alternatives to imprisonment to prevent future offenses

      The criminal justice system serves a greater purpose beyond just punishing individuals for their wrongdoings. Its primary role is to ensure society functions safely and confidently by protecting its members. The prosecution represents the people, and the vital decision of guilt or innocence is made by the jury or those who represent the people. The court system identifies those who have been proven guilty, and the judge imposes punishments as laid down by parliament. However, the judge's first priority might not always be punishment but finding viable alternatives to imprisonment to prevent future offenses. Punishment is just one aspect of the criminal justice system, and its ultimate goal is to maintain a safer society.

    • The role of punishment in criminal justiceLong prison sentences may not effectively prepare offenders for reentry into society, potentially leading to recidivism

      While a judge's role isn't solely to punish, society's agreement on the purpose of the criminal justice system is to administer punishment through imprisonment. The reasons for this include protecting society and ensuring that offenders are held accountable for their actions. However, the increasing length of sentences raises questions about their effectiveness in the long term. Prisoners, especially those serving long sentences, may not be adequately prepared for reentry into society, leading to potential recidivism. The consequences of these long sentences include releasing individuals who have spent significant time in prison, often unprepared to reintegrate into society. It's important to consider the potential outcomes of our criminal justice policies and whether they truly serve their intended purpose.

    • Ineffectiveness of current prison systemThe prison system fails to deter crime or rehabilitate offenders, instead, it can hinder their reintegration into society, leading to a cycle of recidivism. Focus on prevention through education, support, and alternative solutions.

      Our current prison system may not be effective in deterring crime or rehabilitating offenders. Instead, it can leave prisoners ill-equipped to reintegrate into society upon release, leading to a cycle of recidivism. The discussion also highlighted the importance of considering the developmental stages of young offenders and the limitations of using lengthy sentences as a deterrent. Instead, efforts should focus on preventing crime through education, support, and alternative solutions. Judges play a crucial role in administering justice, but they must be able to detach emotionally from the heinous details of a crime and pass judgments objectively. To do this, they must have considerable legal experience before becoming judges, unlike some other countries that have judge schools or judge degrees. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a society where fewer people end up in court in the first place.

    • Understanding the Role of a JudgeJudges bring legal experience, detachment, and people skills to the bench. They must understand complex cases, detach emotionally, and manage large groups effectively.

      Being a judge, particularly in criminal cases, requires a unique blend of experience, detachment, and people management skills. Judges, often former criminal barristers, have direct experience with the complexities and challenges of criminal cases, including working with victims, officers, and clients. However, they must also detach themselves emotionally to make fair judgments. Empathy, not sympathy, is essential to understand the backgrounds of everyone in the courtroom. Judges must also effectively manage large and diverse groups of people, including defendants, witnesses, jurors, and staff, in often tense and challenging situations. Effective courtroom management is crucial to ensure trials run smoothly and fairly, even when dealing with difficult circumstances such as unmanageable defendants or emotionally charged cases.

    • Maintaining focus on the trial while respecting emotional needsBalancing emotional impact and fair trial: Asking public gallery to turn t-shirts, ensuring top barristers handle serious cases, and recognizing imperfections in the system.

      Balancing the emotional impact of a high-profile case on the jury with the need for a fair trial is a complex issue. In the discussed case, the solution was to ask the public gallery to turn their t-shirts inside out to keep the image of the deceased close while maintaining focus on the trial. Regarding the access to better legal representation, while most defendants in murder trials are legally aided, the cab rank rule ensures top barristers handle such cases. However, mismatches can occur, but they are more common at lower levels of crime. Money can influence better representation in fraud cases, but it's less significant in serious violent crime. The British criminal justice system is considered the envy of the world, but it's not perfect, and there's always room for improvement.

    • Teaching children about criminal justice system and productive dialogueAddressing fear of witnesses and functional illiteracy among prisoners are crucial for effective criminal justice system

      The belief in the criminal justice system's ability to achieve justice, despite its faults, is crucial for its functioning. This belief is held by defendants, jurors, and witnesses alike. However, there is a problem with certain witnesses being afraid to cooperate. To address this, judges have the power to grant anonymity, allow evidence to be given outside the courtroom, or prerecorded. If I were in charge, I would go back to the schools to teach children about the criminal justice system and how to engage in productive dialogue. This understanding would make the jury system and the entire process more effective. Another important issue we should address as a society is the high rate of functional illiteracy among prisoners, which hinders their ability to function in society. This issue should not be overlooked.

    • The Importance of ReadingThe inability to read can limit opportunities and experiences, impacting daily life, learning, and communication. Efforts to help struggling readers, especially young people in prison, are essential for personal growth and societal progress.

      The inability to read can significantly limit people's opportunities and experiences in life, both for adults and young people. This issue can affect various aspects of daily life, from shopping and paying bills to learning and communicating with others. It can even lead people to turn to crime out of desperation, as shown in the case of Freeway Ricky, a former drug dealer who learned to read in prison and turned his life around. The importance of literacy skills is clear, and efforts to help those who struggle with reading, especially young people in prison, are worth supporting. The Sheriffs and Recorders Fund is one example of an organization working to address this issue. Overall, the ability to read is a fundamental skill that opens doors to education, employment, and personal growth.

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    Ben Shapiro is an American political commentator, columnist, author, attorney and businessman. He is editor emeritus for The Daily Wire, a media company he co-founded, and the host of The Ben Shapiro Show, a daily political podcast and live radio show. He is the author of 16 books. Find Ben on X: https://x.com/benshapiro Find Ben on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BenShapiro  Check out the Daily Wire: https://dailywire.com/ APPLY to Ralston College’s Summer Latin Program at http://ralston.ac/latin-program Worldwide applications close on 31 May. Buy gold and earn interest on it! https://monetary-metals.com/triggernometry/ Watch the Munk Debate: Is Anti-Zionism Antisemitism? Live June 17th. Join today to live stream: https://bit.ly/munk_debate. Join our Premium Membership for early access, extended and ad-free content: https://triggernometry.supercast.com OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ YouTube: @xentricapc Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/#mailinglist Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media: https://twitter.com/triggerpod https://www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry: Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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