
    My Daughter Is Asking About Her Sex Offender Birth Father

    enOctober 08, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Difficult Conversations: Vulnerability, Communication, and CommunityVulnerability, communication, and community are key in dealing with life's challenges. It's okay to seek help and not have all the answers. Difficult conversations can be approached with empathy and understanding.

      Navigating difficult conversations, whether it's about putting down a beloved pet or addressing uncomfortable truths, can be challenging for everyone involved. John shared his experience of dealing with the unexpected reach of his podcast and the impact it has on his personal life. Dan called in to discuss seasonal affective disorder and how it affects him during autumn. They both emphasized the importance of open communication and the role of support systems in dealing with life's challenges. John also acknowledged his mistake of underestimating the reach of his podcast and the responsibility that comes with it. He apologized for any discomfort caused to his listeners and expressed gratitude for their understanding. Dan, in turn, thanked John and the team for their help in managing his own struggles. They both encouraged listeners to reach out for support when needed and to approach difficult conversations with empathy and understanding. In essence, the conversation underscored the importance of vulnerability, communication, and community in dealing with life's challenges. It's okay to not have all the answers and to seek help when needed. And it's important to remember that we're not alone in our struggles.

    • Seasonal Depression and Less SunlightSeasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can cause depression, anxiety, oversleeping, weight gain, and social withdrawal during late fall and winter due to less sunlight. Manage it with light therapy, regular exercise, and a consistent daily routine.

      Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that's related to changes in seasons. It's estimated to affect millions of people, particularly during late fall and winter when there is less sunlight. The speaker shared her personal experience of moving to a new place with less sunlight and feeling lethargic, tired, and lacking motivation, which she later realized was likely due to SAD. Symptoms can include depression, anxiety, oversleeping, weight gain, and social withdrawal. While the cause is not fully understood, it's believed that the lack of sunlight can disrupt the body's internal clock and affect the production of certain brain chemicals. To manage SAD, some people find relief through light therapy, regular exercise, and maintaining a consistent daily routine. If you're feeling similar symptoms, it may be worth discussing with a healthcare professional.

    • Reconnecting with nature and community for improved mood and energyPrioritize getting outside, soaking up sunlight, engaging in regular physical activity, connecting with others, and participating in joyful activities to boost mood, energy, and overall well-being.

      Our modern lifestyles, with long hours spent indoors, lack of sunlight, and decreased physical activity, can negatively impact our mood and energy levels. This is not a sign of personal failure or a "broken" body, but rather a natural response to the disconnect from our ancient biological rhythms. To combat this, it's essential to prioritize getting outside, soaking up sunlight, and engaging in regular physical activity. Additionally, connecting with others and participating in activities that bring joy and a sense of community can also help improve overall well-being. This may involve listening to our bodies during times of low energy and allowing for rest, but it's crucial not to let this become a pattern. The benefits of these simple actions may be related to the role of vitamin D and other hormones and neurotransmitters in regulating mood, immune function, and energy levels.

    • Prioritize physical activity, human connection, and sunlight during winter monthsBoost mood and prevent depression by prioritizing exercise, socializing, and sunlight exposure during winter

      Taking care of your mental health during the winter months involves more than just acknowledging potential disorders. It's crucial to prioritize physical activity, human connection, and sunlight, even when it's challenging. These simple actions can help improve your mood and prevent a potential depressive season. Remember, it's okay to ask for help when needed. Even if you're feeling bent over or low, reaching out to someone can make a significant difference. Additionally, consider making adjustments to your environment, such as increasing light exposure and avoiding overly cold temperatures, to support your overall well-being.

    • Leveraging pet experiences to teach life lessonsUse pet experiences to help children understand and cope with life's challenges, including death, and impart valuable life lessons

      The experiences we have with our pets, especially during challenging times, can provide valuable opportunities for teaching important life lessons to our children. The speaker shared a personal story about the passing of his beloved dog and how it led him to reflect on the importance of addressing difficult topics like death with his young son. He emphasized the significance of seizing these moments to help children understand and cope with the realities of life. The speaker's experiences with his own pets, and the advice he received from a friend, underscored the profound impact pets can have on our lives and the lessons they can impart to us and our families.

    • Sharing the experience of losing a pet with family creates a bondHonestly discussing pet death, participating in burial helps children process emotions and create a family legacy

      Sharing the experience of losing a beloved pet with family members, especially children, can create a meaningful and lasting bond. The act of burying a pet together can serve as a touchstone moment that children can reflect on as they grow up and face other losses. It's important to be honest with young children about the death, answering their questions factually and providing comfort. The physical act of participating in the burial can help children process their emotions and understand the finality of death. While the experience can be heavy and emotional, it can also provide an opportunity for parents to model healthy grief and create a legacy for the pet within the family.

    • The passing of a beloved pet marks a turning point in lifeHonor the memories and impact of a pet, embrace the new season of life after loss, and navigate challenges with love, support, and resilience.

      The passing of a beloved pet, such as Jack Jack, marks a significant turning point in one's life. It's important to be direct and honest with young children about the reality of death and the grieving process. Dogs often hold a special place in our lives, particularly during important milestones and transitions, and their passing can feel like the end of an era. As we move forward, it's essential to honor the memories and the impact of the pet on our lives, and to embrace the new season of life that follows. Whether it's the loss of a pet or any other significant change, it's natural to feel anxious, burned out, or chronically stressed. However, with love, support, and resilience, we can navigate these challenges and build something great in the new season of our lives.

    • Reporting harmful behavior to authorities is crucial for child safetyWhen dealing with potentially harmful or illegal behavior involving children, it's essential to prioritize reporting it to the appropriate authorities to ensure their safety and hold offenders accountable.

      When dealing with difficult situations, especially those involving the safety and well-being of children, it's crucial to prioritize reporting any potentially harmful or illegal behavior to the appropriate authorities. In the discussed situation, a mother was dealing with her 15-year-old daughter's desire to connect with her birth father, who had a history of unfaithfulness, emotional abuse, and a pornography addiction, including accessing child pornography. The mother, who was married to him at the time, had discovered the pornography but did not report it to the police due to her naivety and the passage of time. However, it's essential to understand that reporting such behavior is a necessary step to protect children and hold accountable those who engage in harmful activities. Even if the offense occurred long ago, making the report is a crucial responsibility.

    • A mother's priority: Protecting her child's safety and wellbeingMothers must prioritize their children's safety and wellbeing, even in uncomfortable situations like discovering a partner's infidelity or addiction. Open and honest communication, while setting boundaries, can help children gain closure and understanding.

      Parents must prioritize their children's safety and wellbeing above all else, even if it means addressing uncomfortable situations head-on. In the discussion, a mother shared her experience of discovering her ex-husband's infidelity and pornography use during her pregnancy. She acknowledged the emotional turmoil she went through but understood the importance of reporting such incidents to protect children. In her case, her 15-year-old daughter was curious about her father and wanted answers. The mother was open and honest with her daughter, but she also emphasized the importance of understanding why her father left and what drew him to other women or addictions. This conversation helped her daughter gain closure and a better understanding of herself and her family history. Ultimately, the mother's priority was her daughter's safety and emotional wellbeing, which led her to encourage her daughter's curiosity while also setting boundaries and protecting her from potential harm. Parents must navigate such situations with care and compassion, ensuring their children's questions are answered truthfully and respectfully while also prioritizing their safety and emotional wellbeing.

    • Balancing Safety and Connection for a Child of a Sex OffenderAllow a child to explore her identity and find herself, while ensuring her safety by setting clear boundaries and reporting the situation to the authorities.

      While it's important to protect a child from potential harm, it's also crucial to consider the child's desire for connection with their biological parent, even if that parent is a sex offender. The speaker acknowledges the difficulty of this situation and the fear that comes with it, but also emphasizes the importance of allowing the child to explore her identity and find herself, which may involve reaching out to her father. The speaker suggests setting clear boundaries, but also being mindful not to create a situation where the child may try to find ways around those boundaries. Ultimately, the speaker encourages reporting the situation to the authorities to ensure the child's safety while also allowing for some form of communication between the child and her father, if appropriate.

    • Navigating the aftermath of a loved one's involvement in child pornographyReporting crimes, forgiving oneself, focusing on facts, seeking support, and practicing self-care are crucial steps in dealing with a loved one's involvement in child pornography.

      Dealing with the aftermath of a loved one's involvement in child pornography is a complex and challenging process. It's essential to report such crimes, but forgiving oneself for past mistakes and focusing on facts rather than opinions are also crucial. Daughters may blame their parents for not reporting, and it's important to be honest and open about the situation. Remember, those affected by child pornography deserve better, and reporting such crimes is a necessary step to protect them. Additionally, dealing with the emotional burden of such a situation can be overwhelming, but seeking support and setting aside shame are essential for moving forward. Finally, let's not forget the importance of self-care and leaning on favorite songs, like Rihanna's "Umbrella," during challenging times.

    • The power of love and commitment in relationshipsNo matter the distance, loved ones are invaluable and will always be there for each other.

      No matter how far apart you may be from someone you love, their presence in your life is invaluable and you will always be there for them. This message was conveyed beautifully through the lyrics of "Ella Ella Ella (Fiesta)" by J Rain Man, who expressed his unwavering love and commitment to Rihanna. The song's catchy melody and heartfelt lyrics serve as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the people we care about most will always be there for us, just like how the umbrella provides shelter during a rainstorm. This message is not only applicable to romantic relationships but also to all kinds of connections we have with others. So, cherish those relationships and remember that you are an essential part of each other's lives.

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    The Dr. John Delony Show is a caller-driven show that offers real people a chance to be heard as they struggle with relationship issues and mental health challenges. John will give you practical advice on how to connect with people, how to take the next right step when you feel frozen, and how to cut through the depression and anxiety that can feel so overwhelming. You are not alone in this battle. You are worth being well—and it starts by focusing on what you can control. Let us know what’s going on by leaving a voicemail at 844.693.3291 or visiting johndelony.com/show. We want to talk to YOU!   Let us know what you think about the show! Take the survey: https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/6398972/5d46580e08c4   Show Notes for this Episode   John talks to his friend, Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychologist Dr. Michael Gomez, about how to talk to autistic kids about family trauma I need to know how to talk to my special needs son about some horrible family trauma that we just experienced Lyrics of the Day: "Ode to Sad Clown" - Joe Purdy   As heard on this episode:  BetterHelp Redefining Anxiety John's Free Guided Meditation Ramsey+   tags: suicide/self-harm, kids, special needs, parenting, trauma/PTSD, ADHD   These platforms contain content, including information provided by guests, that is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended to replace or substitute for any professional medical, counseling, therapeutic, financial, legal, or other advice. The Lampo Group, LLC d/b/a Ramsey Solutions as well as its affiliates and subsidiaries (including their respective employees, agents and representatives) make no representations or warranties concerning the content and expressly disclaim any and all liability concerning the content including any treatment or action taken by any person following the information offered or provided within or through this show. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified professional expert and specialist. If you are having a health or mental health emergency, please call 9-1-1 immediately.`

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    Jason Reid is a successful businessman, coach for CEOs, and founder of over 20 businesses. He is also the founder of the Tell My Story foundation, a nonprofit organization aimed at educating and empowering parents to support their children's mental health struggles. 

    In today's episode, Jason Reid bravely shared the devastating story of losing his 14-year-old son to suicide in 2018. This tragic event has shaped Jason's mission: to eradicate teenage suicide by 2030. He is arming parents with the necessary skills to become better communicators, listeners, and leaders for their children.

    According to recent CDC data, teenage suicide is now the second leading cause of death for teenagers in the United States, with the pandemic and increased cell phone usage contributing to the surge in mental health issues among the youth. These concerning statistics emphasize the urgency of addressing the mental health of our children.

    Jason stressed the importance of active listening and creating a safe space for children to express their feelings freely. He pointed out that often, in our attempts to console our kids, we may unintentionally dismiss their feelings, which could have harmful consequences. Recognizing the difference between occasional sadness and persistent symptoms of depression or anxiety is vital.

    Interestingly, Jason's passion for music and his guitars, symbolizes the need to have personal interests, acting as a reminder that life isn't solely about the hardships but also about the joys that make it worth living.

    In this urgent fight against teenage suicide, we, as parents, can make a difference by providing support, fostering open conversations about mental health, and teaching our kids to navigate through life's challenges. Through Jason's heartrending story, let's take action to protect our children and their mental well-being.








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    On today’s show, we hear about: - A man desperate to win his wife back after hiding a lot of debt - Whether you can trust personality and mental health tests you find online - A mother worried for her children’s safety Let us know what’s going on by leaving a voicemail at 844.693.3291 or visiting johndelony.com/show. Enter the Ramsey Cash Giveaway here Shop the $10 Sale here  Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp DreamCloud Hallow Thorne Add products to your cart create an account at checkout Receive 25% off ALL orders Resources: Own Your Past, Change Your Future Questions for Humans Conversation Cards Redefining Anxiety Quick Read John’s Free Guided Meditation Listen to all The Ramsey Network podcasts anytime, anywhere in our app. Download at: https://apple.co/3eN8jNq These platforms contain content, including information provided by guests, that is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended to replace or substitute for any professional medical, counseling, therapeutic, financial, legal, or other advice. The Lampo Group, LLC d/b/a Ramsey Solutions as well as its affiliates and subsidiaries (including their respective employees, agents and representatives) make no representations or warranties concerning the content and expressly disclaim any and all liability concerning the content including any treatment or action taken by any person following the information offered or provided within or through this show. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified professional expert and specialist. If you are having a health or mental health emergency, please call 9-1-1 immediately. Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy

    142: Rich Specht reesspechts life

    142: Rich Specht reesspechts life

    Rich Specht and his wife, Samantha, are the co-founders of the ReesSpecht Life Foundation. The foundation formed in the wake of the drowning death of their only son, Richard Edwin-Ehmer (Rees) Specht, at 22 months old. The acts of kindness that his family received after Rees’ passing inspired them to “pay it forward” with the worldwide distribution of over 750,000 ReesSpecht Life “pay it forward” cards and counting.

    The foundation also provides school assemblies called “Cultivate Kindness” and “ReesSpecht the Water,” which have reached over 350,000 students nationwide in the past six years. 

    Rich’s never-ending mission is to make the world a kinder and safer place, one Rees’ piece at a time. In addition to his school programs, Rich is also the published author of the award-winning children’s book  “A Little Rees Specht Cultivates Kindness” and the upcoming “A Little Rees Specht Stops a Bully.” 

    He currently resides in Sound Beach, New York with his wife, Samantha, daughters, Abigail, Lorilei, Melina and his angel above, Rees.

    Rich Specht Online: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reesspechtlife/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/reesspechtlife
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReesSpechtLife 
    Website: www.reesspechtlife.com
    Website: www.cultivatekindness.org

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    Follow Randy on Clubhouse

    Twitter (Susan): https://twitter.com/SiriouslySusan
    Instagram (Susan): https://www.instagram.com/siriouslysusan/
    Facebook (Susan): https://www.facebook.com/siriouslysusan/
    Web: SusanCBennett.com
    Follow Susan on Clubhouse

    LinkedIn (Kevin): https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-randall-jones/
    Web: KevinRandallJones.com 
