
    Podcast Summary

    • Open communication and setting boundaries for children's developmentDiscussing boundaries and appropriate behavior with children is vital for their growth. Address sensitive situations with sensitivity and empathy. Open communication and clear boundaries can help navigate complexities of life.

      Having open and honest conversations with our children about boundaries and appropriate behavior is crucial for their development. The discussion on the show touched upon a concerning incident where a child suggested a violent game, and the parents had to make a difficult decision. It's essential to address such situations with sensitivity and empathy, as the children involved may not fully understand the implications of their actions. This incident underscores the importance of open communication and setting clear boundaries for our children. Moreover, the hosts shared their personal experiences and revealed their choices for famous individuals they would like to interview using the "Questions for Humans" format. Their choices reflected their admiration for these individuals' humor, intelligence, and unique perspectives. This segment showcased the hosts' genuine appreciation for the power of conversation and the potential for learning and growth through engaging with others. Overall, the conversation on the Doctor John DeLoney Show emphasized the importance of open communication, setting boundaries, and the value of having meaningful conversations with others. It's a reminder that, as parents and individuals, we're all trying to navigate the complexities of life, and having the right support and resources can make all the difference.

    • Finding Meaning in Diverse ConversationsEngaging in conversations with diverse individuals, even those with challenging backgrounds, can lead to meaningful interactions and personal growth.

      Having interesting and funny conversations with people, regardless of their physical appearance, can lead to meaningful interactions. The speaker shared her desire to have a dinner conversation with a diverse group of individuals who have experienced both the dark and light sides of life. This desire stemmed from finding these individuals to be both funny and intriguing. The speaker also reflected on a past situation where she and her husband had financial struggles, and despite some initial skepticism, she appreciated the courage of the person who called in to discuss the matter. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of courage, honesty, and the value of engaging in thought-provoking conversations with others.

    • Signs of hidden debt or secret expensesHidden debt and unexplained expenses can indicate an affair or secret life, leading to financial instability and mistrust in relationships. Open communication is crucial for maintaining a healthy financial and emotional partnership.

      Hidden debt and unexplained expenses can often be signs of an affair or a secret life. The speaker shared his personal experience of hiding debt from his wife, believing that a big job was just around the corner, which would wipe away their financial struggles. However, when the job didn't come, he continued to take on debt and maintain their previous lifestyle, leading to a cycle of debt and financial instability. The lack of transparency and communication in their financial situation ultimately contributed to mistrust and distance in their relationship. It's important to remember that financial infidelity can be just as damaging as emotional or physical infidelity, and open and honest communication is key to maintaining a healthy financial and emotional partnership.

    • Love and care: A double-edged swordBalanced relationships require both partners to contribute and prioritize their own needs, while recognizing the importance of friendships and connections outside of marriage.

      Love and care, while essential, can turn into a burden when taken to extremes. The man in this discussion, driven by his love for his wife and children, made significant sacrifices and efforts to provide them with the best possible life. However, his actions, rooted in good intentions, led to an unintended consequence - a wedge in their relationship. He neglected his own needs and desires, and inadvertently created a dynamic where he became the sole provider and caretaker, leaving his wife feeling sidelined and undervalued. It's crucial to remember that a balanced and healthy relationship requires both partners to contribute and prioritize their own needs, as well as those of their family. Additionally, it's important to recognize the value of friendships and connections outside of marriage, as they can provide essential emotional support and understanding.

    • Rebuilding Trust in a RelationshipListen to your partner's needs, acknowledge past mistakes, ask what you can do to help rebuild trust, and stay engaged in the conversation.

      In a relationship, it's essential to listen to your partner's needs and work together to build trust. When trust is broken, it's important to acknowledge past mistakes and ask what you can do to help rebuild it. Channeling love and commitment into specific actions tailored to your partner's needs can make a significant difference. The conversation should be ongoing, with both parties asking how they can love each other better every day. Remember, it's crucial not to try to solve all your partner's problems or completely disengage. Instead, stay engaged and ask what they need from you. This approach requires honesty, vulnerability, and a willingness to grow together. It's also essential to remember that everyone's needs are different, and what works for one person might not work for another. Ultimately, the goal is to create a solid foundation of trust and love that can withstand life's challenges.

    • Communication is key in a healthy marriageBoth partners should communicate openly, admit mistakes, ask for grace, and seek support to build trust and face challenges together. Prioritize self-awareness and seek help when needed.

      Open and honest communication is key in a healthy marriage. Both partners should be willing to admit their mistakes and shortcomings, and be willing to ask for grace and support from each other. This creates a foundation of trust and safety, allowing the couple to face challenges together. It's important to remember that everyone has bad days and makes mistakes, and it's essential to have a support system in place to help each other through those times. Communication is an ongoing process, and it requires effort and commitment from both parties. Additionally, taking care of one's mental health is crucial, and seeking help from a therapist can be an effective way to recharge and improve overall well-being. Personality tests and online mental health assessments can provide insight, but they should be used as tools rather than definitive answers. Ultimately, it's important to prioritize open communication, self-awareness, and seeking support when needed to build a strong and healthy relationship.

    • Personality tests and online mental health tools should be used with cautionWhile engaging, these tests lack solid scientific evidence and can lead to incorrect assumptions or decisions if used definitively. They should be seen as tools for introspection and conversation starters with mental health professionals.

      While personality tests and online mental health diagnostic tools can be engaging and provide a starting point for self-reflection, they should not be relied upon as definitive or predictive. These tests, including Myers Briggs, Big 5, and others, are not backed by solid scientific evidence and can lead to incorrect assumptions or decisions if used in a concrete way. Instead, they should be seen as tools for introspection and conversation starters with mental health professionals. It's essential to remember that self-reported information may not accurately represent how others perceive us, and professional evaluations and diagnoses should be based on comprehensive assessments and context.

    • Prioritize self-reflection and being presentRecognize strengths and weaknesses, seek professional help, prioritize mental health, remember we're not alone, be reflective and intentional.

      In today's world of constant information and distractions, it's essential to prioritize self-reflection and being present in the moment. In the past, we sought information to understand the world, but now, the best way to impact someone's business or influence their attention is simply by walking away. It's crucial to recognize our strengths and weaknesses and seek professional help when needed. Mental health issues are not uncommon, and it's essential to trust the wisdom and context that professionals can provide. Our sense of self is shaped by our relationships and communities, and it's essential to remember that we are not alone in our experiences. Ultimately, being reflective and intentional in how we engage with the world around us can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in it.

    • Surround yourself with real people and build meaningful relationshipsSeek out trusted friends and professionals for guidance, and use apps like Hallow for personal growth and exploring faith.

      It's important to surround yourself with real people and build meaningful relationships. A job that requires you to spend all day sitting at a table budgeting may not be fulfilling, and relying solely on computer programs or internet quizzes for understanding your personality or mental health concerns can be misleading. Instead, seek out the opinions and guidance of trusted friends and professionals. Additionally, finding an app like Hallow, which offers a wide range of prayers, meditations, and resources, can be a valuable tool for personal growth and exploring faith. The experiences shared on the show, such as Tessa's story, highlight the impact of these connections and the importance of being open to new experiences and opportunities.

    • Mother's concern over neighbor boy's aggressive behavior towards her daughtersStay vigilant about children's interactions with neighbors, set boundaries, communicate openly, prioritize children's safety, and consider involving authorities if necessary.

      Parents need to be vigilant about their children's interactions with neighbors, especially when it comes to potentially dangerous or inappropriate behavior. In this discussion, a mother shares her concern after her daughters play with a neighbor boy who has exhibited aggressive and violent tendencies. The situation escalates when the neighbor boy suggests a game involving harming their mothers. The mother is left questioning when to involve authorities and how to ensure her children's safety. It's important to note that open communication and supervision are crucial in these situations. The mother in this discussion sets boundaries for her children's playtime and uses walkie-talkies to stay in contact. However, when she learns about the neighbor boy's violent behavior towards animals and his suggestion of harming their mothers, she realizes the need for further action. Additionally, the children attending different schools can be an advantage in this situation, as it can provide an additional layer of separation and safety for the family. Ultimately, parents must prioritize their children's safety and well-being above all else, and be proactive in addressing any potential threats or concerns.

    • Protecting Children from Harmful FriendsRecognize potential danger from friends' violent or threatening behaviors, set boundaries, and stay vigilant to prevent more serious consequences.

      As parents, it's our responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of our children. This means setting boundaries and having open conversations about potentially harmful situations or behaviors. In the context discussed, the speaker's children had identified a friend who was talking about violent and threatening behaviors. The speaker recognized the potential danger and made the decision to limit their child's interactions with this friend. This decision was met with resistance from the friend's parents, but the speaker stood firm in her role as a protective parent. Furthermore, the speaker emphasized the importance of recognizing potential trends or escalations in violent or threatening behaviors, especially in children. By staying vigilant and addressing these issues early on, we can help prevent more serious consequences down the line.

    • Sharing concerns with school about neighbor's childIf you notice concerning behavior or threats from a neighbor's child, contact the school to share your concerns. They may have valuable information and could help prevent potential harm.

      When it comes to potential threats, especially from children, it's important to pay attention to the signs and pieces of information that may seem insignificant at first. These puzzle pieces, when put together, could indicate a larger issue that demands intervention. In this case, the speaker suggests contacting the school and sharing concerns about a neighbor's child who has made threats and engaged in concerning behavior. The school may have information or concerns of their own, and bringing all of this to their attention could help prevent potential harm. Additionally, if a mental health professional or local authorities recommend contacting Child Protective Services (CPS), it may be necessary to do so, even if it means confronting difficult situations with neighbors. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure the safety and well-being of all children involved.

    • Reporting dangerous situations to authoritiesContacting relevant authorities, such as the school and Child Protective Services, is crucial when concerned about a child's safety. Community involvement and prioritizing children's wellbeing can help mitigate under-resourced systems and address mental health, addiction, and generational struggles.

      When faced with a potentially dangerous situation involving a neighbor and their child, it's crucial to prioritize and take action. The speaker in this conversation had already contacted the non-emergency hotline but felt compelled to do more due to the concerning behavior exhibited by the child. They emphasized the importance of making phone calls to relevant authorities, such as the school and Child Protective Services, to ensure the safety of children in the community. The speaker also highlighted the challenges of under-resourced systems and the need for community involvement in addressing mental health, addiction, and generational struggles. They acknowledged the difficulty of making these calls and the potential backlash from neighbors, but ultimately believed it was their responsibility as parents and community members to prioritize the safety of all children.

    • Overcoming Challenges and Helping OthersTaking action, reaching out for help, and prioritizing mental and emotional health can lead to positive outcomes, as shown in the stories of Tessa and Elizabeth.

      No matter how difficult or challenging a situation may seem, taking action and reaching out for help can lead to positive outcomes. Tessa's decision to contact local authorities for a troubled neighbor demonstrates the importance of caring for the well-being of others and oneself. Additionally, Elizabeth's transformation from years of addiction to becoming a sober mother serves as a powerful reminder of the potential for change and growth. It's never too late to make daily choices that prioritize mental and emotional health, leading to a more peaceful and non-anxious life. The stories of Tessa and Elizabeth show that with support and determination, individuals can overcome obstacles and create a better future for themselves and their families.

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    Reframing Selfish is not about avoiding being selfish but rather about SHIFTing our perspective on the concept and removing the negative nuance around the idea of making our well-being and proactive self-care a priority.


    Being selfish when it comes to our well-being not only benefits ourselves, and strengthens our relationship with self, but all of our relationships benefit as well.


    In episode 7 of the SHIFT , Trish & Diane expand the "Reframing Selfish" conversation around the importance of protecting the commitment to our well-being with boundaries.


    We continue unpacking our societal programming and explore the practice of boundaries  - establishing, communicating and enforcing them with ourselves and the demands of life in order to honour that commitment to ourselves.


    Getting more comfortable with managing our own boundaries also helps us to recognize and honour other people's boundaries too.  


    Join us for this fluid conversation and making the SHIFT to a new perspective around the concept of "selfish"  - empowering ourselves in making the choices that bring us closer to our highest self, which benefits and streghtens our connection with all of humanity. 


    This is one episode you’re not going to want to miss! 


    And speaking of that, if you didn’t catch our last show, you can listen to all of our aired episodes on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast or invibe.ca/theSHIFTpodcast


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    The SHIFT Podcast - Episode 7 - Reframing Selfish Series - Let's Talk Boundaries

    The SHIFT Podcast - Episode 7 - Reframing Selfish Series -  Let's Talk Boundaries

    The SHIFT Podcast - Episode 7 - Reframing Selfish Series -  Let's Talk Boundaries


    Reframing Selfish is not about avoiding being selfish but rather about SHIFTing our perspective on the concept and removing the negative nuance around the idea of making our well-being and proactive self-care a priority.


    Being selfish when it comes to our well-being not only benefits ourselves, and strengthens our relationship with self, but all of our relationships benefit as well.


    In episode 7 of the SHIFT , Trish & Diane expand the "Reframing Selfish" conversation around the importance of protecting the commitment to our well-being with boundaries.


    We continue unpacking our societal programming and explore the practice of boundaries  - establishing, communicating and enforcing them with ourselves and the demands of life in order to honour that commitment to ourselves.


    Getting more comfortable with managing our own boundaries also helps us to recognize and honour other people's boundaries too.  


    Join us for this fluid conversation and making the SHIFT to a new perspective around the concept of "selfish"  - empowering ourselves in making the choices that bring us closer to our highest self, which benefits and streghtens our connection with all of humanity. 


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    And speaking of that, if you didn’t catch our last show, you can listen to all of our aired episodes on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast or invibe.ca/theSHIFTpodcast


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    “All this energy you’re using thinking about him is energy you’re taking away from yourself.” 

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    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    Join us for our new LIVE show on Thursdays at 9PM ET/6PM PT on Amp, available in the Apple app store and https://www.onamp.com for Android listeners.

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: https://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line! 

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