
    The Diane McClay Show - Empowering Life Through Choice

    As women, we juggle many demands from our work environments, personal lives, and communities. The feelings of being undervalued, unappreciated, and unheard can often create a sense of unbalanced restlessness. We hear a quiet voice whisper to our soul, "You need something to change. There is more to life than this. You crave more meaning and purpose." This show is for you if you are secretly unhappy and know or feel like you can't stay where you are. We are here to help you create the plan, implement the strategy, and actualize your vision.
    en-usTransformation Radio - New Mainstream in Talk Radio90 Episodes

    Episodes (90)

    Healthy Thinking Happy Life- Part 4 Turning resistance into action: master your mindset and get $hit done!

    Healthy Thinking Happy Life- Part 4
Turning resistance into action: master your mindset and get $hit done!

    How are you doing with your New Year's Resolutions?  Are you getting wear you want to be, or are you getting stuck and need some help?


    Resistance is a natural part of getting stuck and getting unstuck. On one hand, we get stuck because we create emotional resistance to things that are new, scary, or just plain out of our comfort zone.  On the other hand, like a bike chain that connects the front gears to the back gears on a bike, we have to have positive resistance in order to move ourselves forward.  You don't get very far when the chain slips off the sprokets because you lose your energy and forward momentum.


    But what if you could shift your mindset AND get out of your own way?


    WHAT IF you could make one simple change to get yourself back on track and reach the goals you set for yourself?


    "You may not know what lies in the future when you opt for change, but trust your instincts when they tell you that you cannot stay where you are."


    So you know something needs to shift or change in order for you to be happier, healthier, and live the life you dream of living but you don't know how to get there.   Tune in this week as authors from the soon to be released book "Healhty Thinking, Happy Life- Master Your Mindset To Get $#it done give you easy to do strategies to get back on track! 


    Look for our new kindle version on Amazon dot com. Download your copy then leave us a review with your thougths!

    Happy Thinking Healthy Life- It's 2023 Master Your MIndset and Get $#it done!

    Happy Thinking Healthy Life- It's 2023 
Master Your MIndset and Get $#it done!

    Two weeks into the new year, and you've probably made some sort of commitment to yourself, promise or resolution to get yourself going towards new goals. 


    But did you reset your mind that sets you up for success?


    Mastering your mindset is essential to getting what you want.  It's about shifting perspective away from the negative and asking yourself What If and Why Not.


    It's about creating options and opportunity. In this episode of healthy thinking happy life we'll talk about why mindset matters and how using your voice to make an impact.


    Find Your Voice

    You know that communication is a valuably important part of your business & your life. And you (secretly) know you can be doing it better. Why exactly do you deserve to serve the people you want to serve? And what’s holding you back?


    Make Your Peace

    If some secret voice whispers in your ear, “You’re not as good as they think you are,” GET OVER IT. Learn to change your brain’s automatic negativity bias to work FOR you, not against you using scientifically proven brain-changing techniques that let you communicate with confidence & clear focus in almost any situation. It’s easier than you think!


     Live Your Dream!  It's not just possible it's imperative!   You have the power and ability to make your dreams reality.   It's all in the mind.


    We'll talk about how to access that inner wisdom and how to apply it with choice. 2023 is your year!  Tune in now

    Happy Thinking Healthy Life - Master Your Mindset and Get $#it Done!

    Happy Thinking Healthy Life - Master Your Mindset and Get $#it Done!

    Holiday Food- Holiday Stress- Holiday Burnout


    Is it possible to get through this busy time of the year without the pressure of eating, saying or doing the right  or wrong thing? Absolutely!


    We bring you another look at Happy Thinking, Healthy Life with simple and easy steps to pace yourself through the holidays in a way that puts you in control of you and how you respond to old triggers.  Oddly, we don't hear this enough:  you have more choice in your life than you are taught or led to believe.   If you can control your breath, you can control (AND CHANGE) your thoughts to live a happier and more positive life.


    Who doesn't want a less stressful visit home for the holidays?  


    Thoughts Become Things- says author Matthew Luccetti.  What you think about you bring about.  If you focus on the negative at the holidays, you'll only be able to see the negative. If you choose to shift your perspective and look through the positive and non-judgemental lens, you'll start to see your relatives, and situations in a different way.


    You can guide and direct your personal wellness with the 3 steps of the Steiner Self Reflection model: observation, preparation and Recovery.   My guest Dr. Kate Steiner is confident she can help you create your own recovery formula when you start with observing how you feel when you are in stressful situations.


    You can use the CALM Method anytime you notice you’re feeling an unwanted emotion
    or when you want to feel better about a situation or circumstance in your life as Nikki Gangemi teaches to manage your mind and reset your reactions!


    Join us for a robust conversation from 4 authors who joined together to collaborate on an easy to read book to help you live the life you want to live, with purpose, meaning and a lot less stress!  Take us home for the holidays... trust me. You won't regret it.


    Healthy Thinking, Happy Life- Mastering Your Mindset and Make $#it happen

    Healthy Thinking, Happy Life-
Mastering Your Mindset and Make $#it happen

    How would you feel if you woke up excited, full of energy, and ready to take action every day confidently? If you had discovered your purpose, found fun ways to manage your stress level, and learned strategies for planning and organization that worked so you could accomplish more and live a healthy, happy life based on your wants and desires. 


    This may sound too good to be true, but it is not impossible. You can have the things you desire in life when you approach life in a strategic way. You can achieve your goals and live a healthy, happy life with the right mindset. 


    From Grattitude to Creating what you want, your managing your mindset is within your control and your choice. How you think about your health, wellbeing, and healing has the power to shift the actual health and healing process! 


    Tune in to learn how to maximize the Planning, Doing, and Being phases of mindset managment to get where you want to be in life!

    Gratitude and Giving Back This Holiday Season and All Year Long

    Gratitude and Giving Back This Holiday Season and All Year Long

    Gratitude for what we have is a beautiful and powerful way to create the life we want to have. As David George Brooke says, " Gratitude turns what you have into enough"

    But giving to others in addition to being grateful can literally change the life of someone with less than you

    Writing checks or giving cash is easy but giving your time and talent is often needed more.

    This week we highlight  local food bank volunteers to help convey the ongoing need for donations and support.

    Hear stories of how perspectives can shift when the scarcity of food no longer becomes a concern

    This show is for you if you never worried about your next meal. It's for you if your situation makes food scarcity a thing you deal with on a daily basis.

    You aren't alone.  Everyone can give a little to make our communities stronger and healthier.

    What About Me?

    What About Me?

    Where is your energy and where are your thoughts right now? 

    Right this minute, if you listed your top 10 priorities, how likely is it that YOU are on that list?


    When was the last time you made yourself the number one priority and made time for YOU? 


    If you can't remember, lets talk! (503) 317-8072!


    Think about it. 

    Everything for the kids goes on the calendar almost as immediately as you learn about them:  PTA, sporting events, swim and music lessons, fund raisers, practices, tutoring, and teacher conferences.


    After the kids, work and spouse probably take precedent. Then come the house choresand family obligations.  I'll bet the dog, cat or hamster are probably higher on the list of things to care for than you are.


    My friend Trish Campbell mentioned her work place shifted to a 4-day work week and that Friday's are now called "This Is Trish Day".   What an amazing concept:  dedicating one day a week to our own personal self care! 


    It's true that a whole day of self care sounds luxurious. But how many of us actually block out any quantifiable time on the calendar at all?  It shouldn't be either or, and it doesn't have to be all or nothing.


    We can't stop the the external demands on our time and energy, but we can choose how we reorganize the priority list and build in in some ways to pur ourselves first with soul feeding "ME TIME".  Squeezing in a bubble bath at the end of the day helps, but that method of self care often comes at the days' end when it's abut surviving for the next day.  Planning and protecting "ME TIME" on the calendar is a method to thrive not just survive.  We owe it to ourselves to make ourselves the highest priority, or at least as equitable in value to our jobs, spouses kids, and pets!


    Don't wait for burnout or fatique to slow you down and pay attention to yourself! 


    Today's show highlights easy to implement practices and methods to guiltlessly put yourself first so that you can serve others at a higher, more energized, engaged and purposeful way. 


    Author Trish M. Campbell talks about her "Love Me" journey, that includes stepping away from trying to check all the boxes and putting others first.   We'll talk about her poetry that came from that journey that continues to feed her "LOVE ME" mission that empowers others to live, work and play with a sense of self and freedom.


    Tune in to hear the inspiring words of a woman who chose to be her own advocate and live the authentic life she was meant to live. 


    Trish M. Campbell





    Who Are YOU?

    Who Are YOU?

    As the leaves and temperature fall, nature intuitively turns inward and prepares to sustain itself through winter. Bears hibernate. Trees return energy and food to their underground root storage system.   Seeds and nuts are stored in the ground and birds migrate to a place where they can sustain life.


    Energetically, it is a natural time for humans to follow nature's intuition and turn inward to create our own level of care and sustenance. 


    The book trilogy Love Me, Love Me- Mediations, and Love - Poetry deepen the human experience and covers the topics of "unlearning"  and rediscovering.   Fall is a time to come back to the true nature of who we are and who we are meant to be and let go of the things that social structure has told us we need to be. 


    Life, Careers, Family, School,  and all the systems that surround us often push us away from the truest and most authentic parts of our souls.   It's time to RETHINK and REFRAME who you really are. 


    Are you living your life to the fullest?

    Do You feel like something is missing?

    What if it was as easy as creating a daily practice to awaken, discover and reconnect to your most vibrant and knowledgable self?


    Today's show features authors T.M Campbell (Trish) and Robert T. Norton who share insights and techniques to connect to your inner you.   Your authentic inner most self has a message for you.  Are you listening?

    We'll help you hear that voice, nurture that voice and leverage that knowledge so that you can living a happier, more balanced life- for the holidays, the new, year, and the rest of your life.


     Let Go of who you think you should be.  Start being who you are designed to be.



    Reclaiming Your Confidence- getting the outcome you want and feeling good about it.

    Reclaiming Your Confidence- getting the outcome you want and feeling good about it.

    Let's face it- we ALL run into things that knock us down or off of our pathway to joy and happiness. 

    It doesn't matter how prepared you think you are, $**t happens and sometimes it takes the wind out of our sails and keeps us from living the live we want to live.


    So how do you make your way back to happy when feel depleted, numb and knocked down?

    How do you break off relationships that don't move you forward?


    Believe it or not, we have  more choice than we are lead to believe and more choice than we actually use.  


    You have the ability to be the hero of your own story.  YOU have the ability to create options, and step back into your own power.  Your story is the root of your power.  It is the way to shift your dream into reality. 


    Come join the conversation.  Learn how to shift relationships, perspectives and outcomes


    “Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.”
    ― Nora Ephron







    Find Your Brilliance- Give the World Your Crazy Good

    Find Your Brilliance- Give the World Your Crazy Good
    Being Crazy Good at something isn't the same as having crazy good.   We all have something unique and special that the world needs to experience. But sometimes our brilliance doesn't shine exactly when we want or the way we want. Maybe you aren't sure what step to take, or you aren't sure how to get started. That's why you need someone who can see your light and see your amazing talents in ways you haven't thought of.   Do you have an idea, but don't have the skills to promote it?   Do you have a creative idea, but aren't sure how to execute it?   Tapping into a culture that believes in curiosity and wonder with a team of people who believe in you could be exactly what you need. Authenticity Beats Popularity any day fo the week.   If you are an entrepreneur, a business owner, or someone with a good idea that needs to oomph to make the world take notice, this show is for you! Crazy Good Marketing believes in doing great work for their clients, starting with helping them understand what they do and who they are from the inside out.   In today's episode, we'll talk about what keeps are dreams from becoming real, the importance of bringing your skills to light, and how you can live more freely and with joy when you let your brilliance shine.



    Ignite Your Spark- Getting L.I.T. To Get Unstuck

    Ignite Your Spark- 
Getting L.I.T. To Get Unstuck

    Are you caught up in the stuckery of life? 


    Has your motivation taken a summer vacation and forgot to buy a return ticket?


    It can be easy to lose our spark, our inspiration, or motivation, but it's even easier to get it back and light things up with your very own sparkle.   You have something very special and unique to you that the world needs!


    We are all designed to shine in our own unique way,  but sometimes life events, our surroundings, and even family can dim out our light and our talents.  Getting L.I.T is about reconnecting to the ever present, internal spark we hold inside.  Our well being and sense of balance comes from that spark.  We need to shine for ourselves first, in order to shine outwardly for others.


    How you shine and how you express yourself is so different than how everyone else shows up in their shine.  It's critical that we don't hide our light or let others diminish it or extinguish it. 


    Tune in for a light hearted conversation about applying your shine so that you can feel joy, happiness, and live more freely the way you are meant to live, When you feel L.I.T.  others will too.



    Guest Kim Selby





    373 Greendale Way

    Emerald Hills, CA 94062








    Resilience: Your Super Power To Success

    Resilience:  Your Super Power To Success

    "Change is inevitable. Transformation is a choice." -www.pjswisdom.com


    Let's face it. Challenges exist in every aspect of our lives:  From the work place to the home and everything inbetween.  At some point in time we will all experience loss and failure.  We will feel disappointed or frustrated because something didn't turn out the way we planned or wanted.


    Emotional and Mental Fitness is critical to having and implementing reliable strategies to bounce back, recover from, or adjust to change or misfortune.  Understading what resilience is, how we can access it, engage it, and take action through it will help us all heal faster and move forward with more freedom.


    What if you could reliably navigate the feelings of loss, failure, disappointment, frustation, and even anger faster?


    What exactly is resilience and how is it relevant to our lives?  Resilience is often described as a the means to "bounce back" from something.  But what if the thing you experience is really really hard and you don't know where to start?


    What if you could transform "set back" moments into "move forward moments" AND make a positive impact within your work teams, families and personal relationships?


    In this episdoe we'll talk about:

    • 4 different types of resillience
    • Ways to become more resilient
    • Common traps of reslience
    • The traps of resiliency and how to avoid them

    Join Diane McClay and P.J. (international speaker and resiliency trainer) to find out how you can shift your mindset and move into action and move through the things that bog you down.













    Ep. 30 - The Deliberate Pause

    Ep. 30 - The Deliberate Pause

    When we started his show, we did so unattached to any particular outcome other than to spark thought and contemplation around a broader perspective; how a shift in perspective can affect meaningful change in our lives - individually and collectively speaking.


    Fast forward to a year and a half into the SHIFT - 30 episodes! - and we want to be more intentional with the direction we are headed, for ourselves and our growing listening community.


    Sometimes in order to move forward with intention,  we need to pause, purposefully... being present in that pause, so we can move forward with  deepening purpose and impact.  


    And if you have been tuning in, you'll know a primary thread woven into our message has always been taking the time to reflect and understand what we are doing, how we are operating in our day-to-day lives and why we are doing it - or are we upholding the status quo simply because it's what we have always done... perhaps because it is easier than being a bit uncomfortable with something we have never done before.



    The more we can understand ourselves, the better equipped we are to navigate these times of constant change.  However, we need to carve out time in order to apply the wisdom gleaned along the way.


    On this episode we will expand on all of that and more... and how we're taking some of our own advice too.


    You don't want to miss this one!


    Our power to change collectively begins and ends with each of us individually, so let's do this together!






    On the SHIFT, we use multiple perspectives to effect positive change within ourselves and our communities.  We create a reframe on traditionally accepted norms to generate personal freedom, empowerment, self-love and self-care.  We discover new wisdom and learnings by stretching our existing understanding of social protocols, health and spiritual practices, personal belief systems, celebrations and cultural influences.


    Viewing life through multiple perspectives helps us find new tools and teachings that can support us in healing, in understanding ourselves better, and realizing the potential in our self-actualization. As we journey through perspective, we learn ways to reclaim our power from where we have historically given it away.









    Change The Way We Waste-

    Change The Way We Waste-

    Let's face it.  Plastic is literally everywhere, and it's impact to our natural enviornment is growing by the day. 


    Scientists have documented micro and macro plastic particles in rivers, drinking water, sea mammals, salt-water invetebrates, and even in "pristine environments like the high mountain snowfields. 


    So why should you care?  What can you do to reduce the local and global impact of your plastic waste?


    We've heard of REDUCE - REUSE- RECYCLE.  But have you heard of RETHINK?  

    Rethink is the first and most important R in the plastic conversation.  Be proactive and help create a world with less waste starting in your own home, business and community.


    Learn about you can postively impact the waste stream, reduce your gabage bills, and feel good while you do it!

    There ARE solutions to the plastic problems we face.  Understand what options are available for reducing and recyling those  "difficult"  plastics such as styrofoam, pill bottles,  bubble envelopes that massive online retailers, meat stryofoam,  soft plastic wraps,  bulk food package wraps AND MORE!


    Rethink your use, Rethink your waste. Join us for an insightful conversations about common plastic recycling problems, and solutions that are getting better every day



    Ep. 29 - We Can't See It When We're in It: Perspective Shift

    Ep. 29 - We Can't See It When We're in It: Perspective Shift

    We can't fully see something when we are in it. Whether the "it" is a situation, environment, relationship dynamic, belief systems, the stories of illusion we live in, or something else.


    When we are enmeshed in something, the perspective is not always clear. 


    There is an attachment emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually or any combination of these. We might remain in situations that are not serving us any longer because we have created a story we hold on to that makes us feel better about something that isn't really good for us, and isn't in alignment with who we are now.  


    We simply can't see it because we are in it.


    “ Attachment is root of all suffering:”-  Buddha


    That attachment is what sometimes keeps us stuck, and often we can make something more difficult than it truly has to be... we get in our own way, and in the process give away our power and agency over our own being.  


    Often the simplest thing is the most difficult because it might be uncomfortable to do something we haven't done before, and it is easier to just stay where we are.  When we do that, we perpetuate our own suffering.


    In this episode, we'll talk about the perspective shift that letting go of the attachment gifts us, and how we can reclaim our power within. And we'll share some tips and questions we can work with to "let go."


    You don't want to miss this one!


    Our power to change collectively begins and ends with each of us individually, so let's do this together!






    On the SHIFT, we use multiple perspectives to effect positive change within ourselves and our communities.  We create a reframe on traditionally accepted norms to generate personal freedom, empowerment, self-love and self-care.  We discover new wisdom and learnings by stretching our existing understanding of social protocols, health and spiritual practices, personal belief systems, celebrations and cultural influences.


    Viewing life through multiple perspectives helps us find new tools and teachings that can support us in healing, in understanding ourselves better, and realizing the potential in our self-actualization. As we journey through perspective, we learn ways to reclaim our power from where we have historically given it away.








    Encore: A Tool Box For Your Soul - simple ways to support personal growth

    Encore: A Tool Box For Your Soul
- simple ways to support personal growth

    The ABC's....


    We learned them at a young age in primary school and they became the foundation of the words and thoughts we use to express ourselves.


    But somewhere between childhood and adulting, things got complicated and our purest dreams and intuition got drowned out by the noise of an ever-evolving world around us.


    In the depth of our soul, we know things we can be happier, feel healthier and more fulfilled, and we know we can do more. But maybe we forgot how. Maybe we didn't have access to the information that makes Guru's of today seem so put together.


    But guess what!  You can go back to, or find that intuitive, energizing self with a simple elements that can help you live with more meaning and purpose.


    What if you could go back to an elemental system to reconnect with yourself, and your purpose? 


    What if you had simple ways you improve your life, your community, and your contribution to the world with just one one thing? 


    Author Cate Schultz joins the show to share how we can re-discover our 'building blocks for the soul' so that we can expand and transform for the good of ourselves and the good of the world.


    "Change is inevitable. Transformation is a Choice"- pjswisdom.com


    HALF PRICE on Cate Schultz' book, "Soul Primer"


    Ep. 28 - We Are the Change We Need Right Now - Part 2

    Ep. 28 - We Are the Change We Need Right Now - Part 2

    Nothing changes if nothing changes. 


    Nothing changes If we keep doing the same things, expecting different results - or not doing anything at all and expecting some else to take action.


    Picking up from our last show, we'll talk about taking personal responsibility through our actions around environmental sustainability.


    Will talk about some ways we can enhance our environmental connection and care for the Earth.



    Bearing personal responsibility through the decisions we make, the actions we take, is more critical now than ever.


    We can't wait to be told what to do or for someone else to do something.


    We are the change we need right now.



    What are we doing on a personal level to affect positive change in our own lives, our communities and on a broader scale?


    Join us as this conversation unfolds!


    Another episode you won't want to miss!


    Our power to change collectively begins and ends with each of us individually, so let's do this together!






    On the SHIFT, we use multiple perspectives to effect positive change within ourselves and our communities.  We create a reframe on traditionally accepted norms to generate personal freedom, empowerment, self-love and self-care.  We discover new wisdom and learnings by stretching our existing understanding of social protocols, health and spiritual practices, personal belief systems, celebrations and cultural influences.


    Viewing life through multiple perspectives helps us find new tools and teachings that can support us in healing, in understanding ourselves better, and realizing the potential in our self-actualization. As we journey through perspective, we learn ways to reclaim our power from where we have historically given it away.



    Nature Stories to Feed the Soul With Special Guest, Erica Fielder

    Nature Stories to Feed the Soul With Special Guest, Erica Fielder

    Imagine you are on vacation in someplace new.
    What's the first thing to catch your curiousity?   Why are you intriqued by it?  How did you satiate your curiousity?
    Nature has a fascinating way of making us feel peaceful, whole, balanced, and less stressed.  Through it, we can learn lessons in humility, perserverance, survival, appreciation, gratitude, beauty, balance, and serenity.
    It also helps us feel grounded  to that unique inner compass of self guidance that we all have. 
    Nature makes us feel connected. We are part of something bigger than ourselves, our perspectives our perceptions of the world. It's one of the ways the soul gets fed, and for many Nature invites the creative muses to come out and play.
    In this episode, our conversation will be about the stories that nature invites us to hear, and the lessons we are invited to learn.    We'll look at why story telling is an easy way to start creating connection to a place, a culture and it's people, the plants and animals that live in a particular habitat, and what the land can tell us if we just look for the right clues.
    We'll learn why connection is critical to humans, and why connecting to nature is one of the simplist ways we can heal emotional wounds. 
    Erica Fielder is a passionate story teller and has been connecting people to nature for more than 40 years.  Her work informs and inspires in creative, balance ways that tell more than one side of the story.


    Join us to learn about how your curiosity is one of the most powerful skills you have and how nature's wonder contributes to your productivity, happienes, joy, and sense of peace even with a crazy busy, hectic career, family life or community.

    Ep. 27 - We Are the Change We Need Right Now

    Ep. 27 - We Are the Change We Need Right Now

    Last year at this time, our show was about independence, and celebrating independence - why do we celebrate and what are we celebrating when not everyone has the same freedoms?


    Are we simply going through the motions because that's how we have always done things? So as not to disrupt the status quo? Or are we actively choosing how we are living life and taking personal responsibility to create a better world with the individual choices we make on a daily basis?


    A year later we can feel that encroachment on "freedom" reverberate in our lives even moreso. 


    Nothing changes if nothing changes. 


    Nothing changes If we keep doing the same things, expecting different results - or not doing anything at all and expecting some else to take action.



    Bearing personal responsibility through the decisions we make, the actions we take, is more critical now than ever.


    We can't wait to be told what to do or for someone else to do something.


    We are the change we need right now.


    We are going to talk about taking personal responsibility, what that means, why it is essential to navigate the current environment  and the constant change. 


    What are we doing on a personal level to affect positive change in our own lives, our communities and on a broader scale?


    Join us as this conversation unfolds!


    Another episode you won't want to miss!


    Our power to change collectively begins and ends with each of us individually, so let's do this together!






    On the SHIFT, we use multiple perspectives to effect positive change within ourselves and our communities.  We create a reframe on traditionally accepted norms to generate personal freedom, empowerment, self-love and self-care.  We discover new wisdom and learnings by stretching our existing understanding of social protocols, health and spiritual practices, personal belief systems, celebrations and cultural influences.


    Viewing life through multiple perspectives helps us find new tools and teachings that can support us in healing, in understanding ourselves better, and realizing the potential in our self-actualization. As we journey through perspective, we learn ways to reclaim our power from where we have historically given it away.

    Kornelia Stephanie Media Group: Healing Heavy Hearts ~ Replenishing Your Soul Cup Podcast

    Kornelia Stephanie Media Group: Healing Heavy Hearts ~ Replenishing Your Soul Cup Podcast

    Healing Heavy Hearts ~ Replenishing Your Soul Cup

    Harnessing our power to make a meaningful contribution to the collective

    10+ Strategies To Replenish Your Soul Cup


    -Look after #1 (You) by starting your day with you and what you need.

    -Curate Your Space.

    -Allow your unique personal inner wisdom to be present. Listen. Allow it to RISE.

    -Borrow something that you know works for someone else.

    -Stop; Create the pause; Have awareness about how you feel.

    -Acknowledge how you feel.

    -Create a tangible way to express your feelings (e.g. journaling, art)

    -Give from the overflow. -Write for yourself, and/ or write for others.

    -Always return to the breath -Stay true to your passion

    -Generate, and hop onto a solution. (What is possible?)

    -Take your eyes off yourself, your needs, and your problems, and put your eyes on someone else.

    -Touch the land. Ask yourself what can I learn from the nature around me.


    “Always, To MAKE A Difference”

    “I am the problem. I am the solution. I am the resource.”


    Featured on this Episode:

    Kornelia Stephanie

    Nadine Searle

    Annie McKinnon

    Antonia Manev

    Robert Saul

    Julie DeLucca-Collins

    Diane McClay

    Phil Thornley


    Download and connect with us on the KS Media Group App. Available on Android and Apple platforms.

    Connect with us on

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100065026749587

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/korneliastephanie/

    Encore: The ART of saying NO to others and yes to yourself

    Encore: The ART of saying NO to others and yes to yourself

    When was the last time you said yes to doing something important to you?


    If you are the kind of person who is always in service to others, it's likely that you've created a habit of always saying yes to the requests of othes, even if, deep down inside, you don't really want to. 


    Perhaps you don't want to disappoint the person who is asking for the favor.  Perhaps you don't want to feel bad or guilty for saying no.  Maybe you feel like you don't know how to say no.


    Regardless of the reason for saying yes to the favor requests from others, saying no is easier than you think. It just takes some practice to remind yourself that your time and talents are just as valuable as the time and talent of  others.



    Today's show discuss the myths of being selfish and 5 secrets to saying no without feeling shame or guilt whlie you do it.


    We use real time awareness to identify the things (requests) that drain your energy, focus,  and time.


    What do you want to say no to? start doing the things that are on your priority list