
    My Husband Lied About Smoking Pot for Over a Year

    enJanuary 25, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Honesty and clear communication are key in relationshipsAddressing dishonesty head-on and acknowledging emotions are crucial for maintaining trust in relationships

      Honesty and clear communication are essential in any relationship. A disagreement or misunderstanding about personal habits can lead to feelings of betrayal and mistrust if one partner is not upfront about their actions. The speaker in this conversation shared her experience of discovering her husband's secret use of cannabis products despite an agreement they had made to avoid such behaviors. She felt hurt and confused, questioning where she stood in the relationship. The conversation emphasized the importance of addressing any dishonesty head-on and acknowledging the emotions that come with such situations. It's essential to remember that trust is a two-way street, and both partners must hold up their end of the agreement to maintain a healthy and honest relationship.

    • Addressing dishonesty in relationshipsHonesty is crucial in relationships. Addressing dishonesty requires open communication, facing reality, and rebuilding trust.

      Secrets and dishonesty can significantly harm relationships. The speaker, who has worked with people dealing with substance abuse, emphasizes the importance of addressing dishonesty head-on in a relationship. Trust can be regained, but it requires open communication and facing reality. The speaker also highlights the importance of raising concerns when something feels off, without becoming possessive or controlling. Secrets, whether related to substance abuse, gambling, or other issues, can lead to feelings of unease and mistrust, ultimately damaging the relationship. The key is to approach these conversations with clarity and compassion, and to work together to rebuild trust.

    • Lack of financial transparency damages trustRebuild trust by establishing open communication and transparency around finances, creating a budget together, sharing financial goals, and seeking professional help if needed.

      Trust in a relationship can be severely damaged when financial transparency is lacking. When a partner hides financial information or makes secret financial decisions, it can lead to feelings of anxiety, fear, and a lack of safety in the relationship. To rebuild trust, it's essential to establish open communication and transparency around finances. This may involve creating a budget together, sharing financial goals, and seeking professional help if needed. It's important to remember that rebuilding trust is a process that requires patience, understanding, and a commitment to working together. And if you find yourself in a similar situation, know that it's okay to trust your instincts and seek support from trusted resources.

    • Impact of mindset and experiences on personal growthUnderstanding psychological concepts like learned helplessness and seeking professional help can aid in sustainable progress towards personal goals.

      People's mindsets and experiences greatly impact their ability to make significant changes in their lives, such as losing weight or getting out of debt. The speaker shared his personal struggles with both issues and discussed the psychological concept of learned helplessness, which can prevent individuals from escaping difficult situations. He also mentioned that people are more likely to sustainably move towards a goal rather than run away from a problem. The speaker encouraged seeking professional help, such as a doctor or therapist, to gain a clear understanding of one's current situation and to work together towards improvement. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of addressing the psychological aspects of personal growth and change.

    • From self-hate to self-loveFocusing on self-care and self-love is key to making progress and going further in life, rather than hating oneself or one's body.

      Hating oneself or one's body won't lead to a better physical condition or overall well-being. Instead, focusing on the journey of self-care and self-love is key to making progress and going further in life. This was a transformative realization for the speaker, who had long been obsessed with reaching a specific weight goal on the scale. He shared that he grew up feeling unloved and unworthy, leading him to seek power and validation through his career as a cop and pursuing advanced degrees. However, these external sources of validation didn't fill the void within him. He encouraged everyone to believe in their worth and value, even if it's a practice that needs to be cultivated. Ultimately, taking care of one's body and mind is about being a good steward and having the energy to be present for loved ones. By shifting the focus from the destination to the journey, one can find joy and fulfillment in the process.

    • Accepting setbacks in personal growth journeyDespite setbacks, continue to make progress towards personal growth and healing. Accept mistakes, smile, and move on.

      Personal growth and healing are ongoing processes, and setbacks are a natural part of the journey. The speaker shares his own experiences of making promises to improve himself, but then succumbing to temptations and feeling disappointed. However, instead of getting frustrated or declaring war against himself, he learned to accept setbacks, smile, and move on. He emphasizes the importance of not giving up and continuing to make progress, even when it feels difficult. The speaker also offers resources, including a weight loss app and financial education, to help the listener in their own journey towards self-improvement. Overall, the message is one of hope, resilience, and the belief that everyone is worth investing in and taking care of.

    • Navigating the balance between honoring the past and living in the present during loss and griefAcknowledge past pain while living in the present, find ways to remember and honor, be open to joy, and communicate openly with loved ones during grief

      Coping with loss and grief requires a balance between honoring the past and focusing on the present. This can be a challenging process, especially when dealing with unexpected and tragic circumstances. Anne, who lost her 10-month-old son Benaiyah, shared her experience of navigating this delicate balance. She described the feelings of guilt and sadness that came with the loss, as well as the challenges of moving on while still holding onto memories. Anne's story underscores the importance of acknowledging the pain of loss while also allowing oneself to live in the present. This means finding ways to remember and honor the past, without getting stuck in it. It also means being open to joy and finding ways to live a fulfilling life, even in the midst of grief. Anne's experience also highlights the importance of communication with family members, especially children, during times of grief. Being open and honest about one's feelings can help children understand what's going on and provide them with a sense of security. In summary, coping with loss and grief requires a delicate balance between honoring the past and living in the present. This can be a challenging process, but it's important to remember that it's okay to feel sad and to take the time needed to heal. At the same time, it's important to find ways to live a fulfilling life and to communicate openly with loved ones during this difficult time.

    • Honoring a lost loved one during pregnancyIt's essential to lean on support systems, engage in comforting activities, communicate openly, and remember that grief and celebration can coexist during pregnancy.

      During times of grief, it's essential to find ways to honor the lost loved one while also embracing new experiences, such as a pregnancy. Grief and celebration are not mutually exclusive. It's crucial to lean on support systems, whether they're family members, friends, or support groups. Engaging in activities that bring comfort, even when feelings are hard to find, can help in the healing process. Remember, it's okay to feel a mix of emotions and to seek connection with others. Additionally, having a network of trusted individuals to lean on during pregnancy can make a significant difference in navigating the challenges that come with this new season of life. Lastly, it's important to communicate openly with loved ones about feelings and needs, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working together through the grieving process and the excitement of a new addition to the family.

    • Reframing difficult memoriesCreate a list of things to do, seek accountability, practice mindfulness, recall fond memories, write letters to loved ones.

      During difficult times, focusing on positive memories and experiences can help in the healing process instead of dwelling on the painful ones. The speaker emphasizes the importance of creating a list of things to do and seeking accountability from others to help maintain a healthy routine. Additionally, practicing mindfulness and intentionally recalling fond memories can help reframe the way we remember loved ones who have passed away, allowing their memory to reside in us as a source of light rather than heaviness. It's also important to write letters to loved ones, both old and new, to express excitement and anticipation for their arrival or continuation in one's life. Despite the challenges, the speaker acknowledges the bravery of those going through tough times and offers gratitude for their willingness to share their stories.

    • Mom's bravery and daily choices for a non-anxious lifeDespite unimaginable challenges, showing up for loved ones requires immense bravery. Daily choices, like those outlined in Jon Deloney's book, can help reduce anxiety and respond better to life's challenges.

      No matter how difficult life gets, showing up every day and taking care of your loved ones requires immense bravery. The mom in the first part of the discussion embodies this, ensuring her family's needs are met despite facing unimaginable challenges. On a more relatable note, we all experience anxiety, burnout, and stress. In his new book, "Building a Non-Anxious Life," Jon Deloney offers six daily choices to help reduce anxious feelings and respond better to life's challenges. As we wind down, remember that Tom Petty's "Mary Jane's Last Dance" is a testament to resilience and moving forward, even when we're tired of our circumstances.

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    Katrina Elkins, Bryan Elkins, and Ben Roschke are creators of the Elemental Lifestyle - an open-source community dedicated to helping individuals discover their F*CK YES and opening their lives to the power of love and community. Katrina is a best-selling author and life-purpose alignment and intimacy coach. With Ben and Bryan, the Elemental Lifestyle helps individuals and romantic partners (of all varieties) reach alignment with their highest life purpose and themselves through coaching and radical approaches to somatic healing. 

    If you want to learn more about their journey, download their free e-book - 5 Keys to Open Relating - here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/ZnzAhXG/5KeysToOpenRelating

    Schedule a free 60-minute consultation to learn how the Elemental Lifestyle can assist you in addressing any intimacy blocks or relationship struggles at:  https://theelementallifestyle.net/60-minute-consultation-page/

    Subscribe to The Elemental Lifestyle Podcast for inspiring and enriching weekly conversations: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-elemental-lifestyles-podcast-with-katrina-elkins/id1369252329

    The Elemental Lifestyle created a FREE 50 Minute Masterclass filmed in Cambodia, India, and Yosemite CA. Find it on our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/nEObneLarxs

    The Elemental Lifestyle website https://theelementallifestyle.net

    The Elemental Lifestyle Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1616435395331095/

    Further content information from this episode: https://www.livetheimpossible.today/076

    Get the free Live the Impossible Playbook, here https://www.livetheimpossible.today/

    Oliver & Susanas mentoring programs: https://silverhoj.com/

    Pam the Health Genie: https://www.pamlob.com/

    Oliver & Susanas travel blog: https://www.conscioustravelfamily.com/

    Jon Century our household Magic Musician: https://www.joncentury.com/music

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    Connect with me @







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    1 in 4 - Pt. 1

    1 in 4 - Pt. 1
    This Month's conversation isn't an easy one and it comes with a *TRIGGER WARNING*.


    3 courageous, beautiful women, who are also my close personal friends, agreed to sit down with me and speak candidly about their miscarriages. 


    1 in 4 women will experience the loss of a pregnancy in their lifetime...and yet, this topic is still extremely closeted. It can feel awkward, uncomfortable, shameful, or even unsafe to share. Because of this, we as a society do not understand how to support ourselves or those we love as we navigate one of life's most tender and impactful events. 


    -We discuss the differences and commonalities in each of their experiences


    -The most supportive thing a friend can do for a friend who has miscarried


    -What no one tells you about miscarriage


    -How the health system fails women going through pregnancy loss


    -What it's like to be pregnant after losing a pregnancy 


    My hope in holding space for this conversation is to see and honor those who have miscarried and equip those who haven't with increased awareness that may help them offer deeper support and compassion in the future. 


    DISCLAIMER: These are the lived experiences of individuals. This conversation should not be treated as medical or professional advice.


    Deep gratitude to Liza Witonis, Lesley Gordon-Malone, and Erica Ballard Nelson for sharing their stories with us. I hope you have found healing in them. 


