
    My In-Laws Verbally Assaulted Me and My Husband Did Nothing

    enOctober 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Effective communication during disagreementsPrioritize emotional connection and validation during disagreements to ensure both partners feel heard and understood

      Effective communication and validation are crucial during disagreements in a marriage, even when one partner believes they are right. Eric, a caller on The Doctor. John DeLoney Show, shared his concern about his wife feeling unheard and invalidated during their disagreements. He expressed his efforts to listen and articulate her position but felt frustrated when she continued to feel dismissed. John, the host, suggested that Eric might be approaching these conversations like bringing a grenade launcher to a game of UNO, focusing too much on being right rather than ensuring his wife feels heard and validated. Eric acknowledged that their disagreements often stemmed from his wife's strong emotions and occasional lashing out. The key takeaway is to prioritize emotional connection and validation during disagreements, ensuring both partners feel heard and understood, even if the facts of the situation are not fully agreed upon.

    • Empathize with your partner during postpartum momentsDuring challenging moments with a tired and overwhelmed postpartum wife, prioritize empathy and understanding over facts or volume. Validate her feelings and offer solutions for future sleep arrangements to build a stronger connection and foster a more peaceful household.

      During challenging moments with a tired and overwhelmed postpartum wife, it's essential to prioritize empathy and understanding over measuring facts or volume. The context of her exhaustion and the emotional weight of her new role as a mother should be considered. Comparing her behavior to that of a toddler can help put things into perspective, recognizing that she is seeking comfort and support when feeling vulnerable. In the middle of the night, validating her feelings and offering solutions for future sleep arrangements can help build a stronger connection and foster a more peaceful household. New fathers may also experience a sense of loss and disconnection, but focusing on the importance of supporting their partner during this time can help rebuild their relationship and strengthen their bond as a family.

    • Understanding feelings and factsDuring disagreements, recognize feelings and facts exist in different realms. Focus on finding solutions after the heat has passed and lean on support systems.

      During disagreements or challenging situations, it's essential to recognize that feelings and facts often exist in different realms. Feeling's job is not to tell the truth or keep you safe, but rather to process emotions. Therefore, it's crucial not to take personal attacks personally, especially during stressful times like raising young children. Instead, focus on finding solutions to problems after the heat of the moment has passed. Additionally, having a support system of trusted friends can be invaluable during the ups and downs of new parenthood. You can be deeply grateful for your family while also missing your old days and feeling overwhelmed. It's all part of the experience.

    • Choose your battles wisely during disagreementsDuring emotional late-night disagreements, focus on feelings, wait for calmer moments for facts, and prevent unnecessary conflict.

      During disagreements with your partner, especially late at night when emotions run high and both parties are exhausted, it's essential to choose your battles wisely. If the issue doesn't involve safety, it's better to wait until a calmer moment to address it. Communication should focus on feelings during the disagreement and facts when the situation is more peaceful. Being the first person to unplug from the argument can help prevent unnecessary conflict and promote a healthier relationship. The speaker, Eric, is shown to be a caring and involved father who wants to be the best husband possible and is open to finding new ways to communicate effectively with his wife. The use of the Hallow app for prayer and meditation is also highlighted as a valuable tool for maintaining mental and emotional well-being.

    • Navigating a Toxic Trial SeparationClear communication, setting boundaries, and honesty are crucial during a trial separation to ensure a healthy and productive separation process.

      Establishing boundaries during a trial separation can be challenging, especially when dealing with unhealthy patterns in a relationship. The speaker, Maggie, shares her experience of a toxic relationship where she and her partner were heavily intertwined in each other's lives. They decided to separate due to issues such as emotional infidelity, jealousy, and lack of anger regulation. The trial separation was intended to give both partners space and allow them to focus on their individual happiness. However, the speaker discovered that her partner continued to use social media and apps excessively, indicating a lack of commitment to the separation. Maggie's experience highlights the importance of clear communication, setting boundaries, and being honest with oneself during a trial separation to ensure a healthy and productive separation process. If you're going through a similar situation, consider using the Hallow app, which offers resources such as bible stories, meditations, and Lo Fi music to help you navigate your faith journey and find inner peace. You can get three free months of the app by visiting hallow.com/deloney.

    • Maintaining individuality in a relationshipCommunicate openly, set clear expectations, and be willing to walk away when necessary to ensure a healthy and balanced partnership.

      Love can be intense and all-consuming during the early stages, but as reality sets in, it's essential to maintain individuality and personal growth while still nurturing the relationship. However, when one partner refuses to commit or prioritize the relationship, it can lead to feelings of insecurity, manipulation, and emotional turmoil. Trust issues may arise, and boundaries may be crossed, such as going through each other's phones. Ultimately, open communication, setting clear expectations, and being willing to walk away when necessary are crucial for a healthy and balanced partnership.

    • Confirmation bias in relationshipsRecognize when a relationship is no longer healthy and take steps to move on if trust is broken, seeking support from friends.

      Confirmation bias can cloud our judgment in relationships, making us focus on the positive aspects while ignoring the negative ones. However, finding out your partner is cheating is not a sign of confirmation bias, but a harsh reality. Trust is essential in a relationship, and both parties should be open and honest with each other. If that trust is broken, it's essential to take back control of your life and set clear boundaries. It's not about being insecure or having a psychological issue; it's about recognizing when a relationship is no longer healthy and taking steps to move on. Trust your intuition and seek support from friends during this difficult time. Remember, you are worth respect and honesty in a relationship.

    • Setting boundaries and demanding respectIt's crucial to set boundaries, recognize emotional abuse, and seek help when needed to build healthy relationships where we're treated with kindness and respect.

      Everyone deserves respect and love that goes beyond small gestures or moments. As Maggie shared, she won't settle for crumbs of affection and expects a partner who respects her and shows up completely. Sarah, on the other hand, has experienced emotional abuse and struggles to be vulnerable with her husband. Their stories remind us that it's essential to set boundaries and demand respect in relationships. It's not easy to heal from emotional abuse, but it's crucial to recognize its impact and seek help when needed. Remember, you're worth more than the mistreatment you receive, and you deserve a partner who treats you with kindness and respect.

    • Healing from emotional abuse and setting healthy boundariesTo be more vulnerable with a partner after emotional abuse, focus on personal healing, set healthy boundaries, and recognize unhealthy patterns to prevent further harm and build fulfilling relationships.

      In order to be more vulnerable with a partner after experiencing emotional abuse, focusing on personal healing from historical traumas and setting healthy boundaries are crucial steps. The conversation with an in-law revealed a pattern of emotional manipulation, and continuing to engage in such relationships may perpetuate a cycle of self-blame and unworthiness. Seeking therapy and prioritizing personal healing can empower individuals to value themselves and demand respect in relationships. Additionally, recognizing unhealthy patterns and setting boundaries, such as leaving abusive situations, can help prevent further harm. It's important to remember that everyone deserves love and respect, and healing from past traumas is an essential part of building healthy, fulfilling relationships.

    • Setting Boundaries in an Unhealthy MarriageAcknowledge past hurts but focus on present and future, demand respectful communication, and refuse to tolerate abusive behavior to create a healthier relationship environment

      Setting firm boundaries in a relationship is essential for maintaining healthy communication and power dynamics. In an unhealthy marriage, a partner may have grown up with toxic behaviors modeled by their parents, leading them to repeat those patterns. When a spouse refuses to engage in respectful dialogue and instead uses manipulative tactics, it's crucial to acknowledge the past hurts but also focus on the present and future. Healing and rebuilding trust takes time and consistent effort from both parties. By refusing to tolerate abusive behavior and demanding respectful communication, a spouse can create a healthier environment for growth and change.

    • Communicating to Overcome Relationship IssuesClear, direct communication and mutual respect are key to resolving relationship issues. Both partners must be open to learning new skills and adapting to each other's needs, while actively listening and showing empathy.

      Effective communication and understanding are crucial in overcoming relationship issues. The speaker shares her struggle with her husband's desire for physical affection and her own history of trauma. She acknowledges the validity of both their grievances but emphasizes the importance of addressing the present issue: each partner's unwillingness to meet the other's needs. The speaker suggests that clear, direct communication is essential, and that both partners must be open to learning new skills and adapting to each other's needs. She also highlights the importance of defining and understanding each other's desires and feelings in simple, clear terms, rather than relying on lofty counseling language. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of active listening, empathy, and mutual respect in resolving relationship challenges.

    • Healing deep-rooted emotional issues in marriageBoth partners must take ownership of feelings, communicate openly, set boundaries, seek help, and commit to growth for a successful marriage.

      Dealing with deep-rooted emotional issues in a marriage requires both partners to take ownership of their feelings and commit to making positive changes. The discussion emphasized that a husband's past experiences and unresolved anger can significantly impact the relationship, and it's crucial for him to seek help and work through these emotions. The wife's role is to encourage open communication, set clear boundaries, and provide a safe and supportive environment for her husband to heal. Ultimately, the success of their marriage depends on their ability to face their challenges together and make a mutual commitment to growth.

    • Recognize when something isn't meant for us and seek helpRespect others' emotions and dreams, admit when we need help, and do the next right thing instead of destructive behaviors.

      It's important to recognize when something isn't meant for us, and in the case of relationships, it's crucial to know when to seek help and do the right thing, even if it's difficult. The song "Stupid Boy" by Keith Urban highlights the importance of respecting and valuing the emotions and dreams of others, and not holding them back. When we find ourselves at a loss, it's essential to reach out for support instead of destructive behaviors. Masculinity is not about having all the answers or being in control, but rather, it's about doing the next right thing, even if that means admitting we need help and acquiring new tools.

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    E630 Ask Nick Updates Special Episode - Part 11

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    To catch up on all of these callers original questions please see the show numbers:  

    Original Episode numbers for callers:

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    • Episode Number 575 Ask Nick Updates Special Episode - Part 7 (First appeared on Episode Number 545 Francesca Farago - Likable Villain Gone Bad)

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    “People are very attracted to someone who can demonstrate self control.” 

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://www.viallfiles.supportingcast.fm 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    Join us for our new LIVE show on Thursdays at 9PM ET/6PM PT on Amp, available in the Apple app store. Android User? Listen here: https://www.onamp.com/ 

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    Wondering why the guy you’re seeing doesn’t seem to respect you? You might be surprised by the reason . . .

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    If any of this sounds familiar, you will not want to miss the 3 tips I share in today’s episode. Not only will you learn how to honor your own needs and boundaries, but you’ll also raise your value in the process. What’s more, you’ll do so by actually living your life rather than simply existing in a state of perpetual people pleasing and anxiety.


    Break Your Negative Patterns & Build Unstoppable Confidence. Learn More About The Matthew Hussey Virtual Retreat → http://www.MHVirtualRetreat.com

    34. Live Q&A!