
    My thoughts on the David Dobrik situation... Dropouts Ep.45

    en-usMay 02, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Dispelling Rumors and Sharing UpdatesDropout podcast reassures listeners that recent rumors are false, shares their PO box address, discusses ongoing podcast project including a pet fish named Zeebee, and reflects on experiences and upcoming plans.

      The speakers on the podcast, Dropout, are addressing recent rumors about them and reassuring their listeners that none of the accusations are true. They also shared their PO box address for fans to send them packages, and discussed their ongoing podcast project, including a pet fish named Zeebee who has surprisingly survived for almost a year. They also joked about various topics and mentioned that one of the hosts, Indie, had threatened to quit several times but ultimately decided to stay. The podcast has been running for 45 weeks, and the hosts reflected on their experiences and upcoming plans, including one host's upcoming birthday and upcoming absence due to travel. Overall, the podcast is a lighthearted and entertaining conversation between friends, with occasional jokes and reflections on their personal experiences.

    • Our experiences with landmarks change as we grow upAs we mature, our perspectives on landmarks shift, revealing their historical and cultural significance.

      Even though we may have seen famous landmarks before, our experiences and perspectives can change as we grow older. The speaker shared an embarrassing story about his childhood encounter with the Statue of Liberty, where he felt underwhelmed and even made inappropriate jokes. However, as he grew up and traveled more, he came to appreciate the cultural significance and historical importance of landmarks, even if they didn't live up to his initial expectations. The speaker also reflected on how, when we're young, we may not fully appreciate these experiences due to our lack of understanding or maturity. Despite the occasional disappointment, it's important to keep an open mind and continue exploring new places and landmarks.

    • Nazi gold rumors and hidden treasuresHistorical discoveries can lead to intriguing stories, from rumored Nazi gold to the belief that gay men make great hairdressers.

      Historical discoveries can lead to intriguing stories, as shown by the rumored Nazi gold buried beneath a palace in Poland, which was once used as a Nazi brothel. The discovery of an SS officer's diary revealed the possible location of the gold, sparking excitement and anticipation for its potential discovery. On a lighter note, the speakers also shared their experience of traveling long distances for a better haircut, emphasizing their belief that gay men are better at cutting hair. The conversation ended with a story about a ghost sighting in a hotel room during a trip to Vegas, adding an element of the supernatural to their shared experiences.

    • The Fascination with Ghosts: From Spectrophilia to Cultural DepictionsOur fascination with ghosts can be both terrifying and intriguing, leading to various manifestations such as Spectrophilia and cultural depictions. The existence of ghosts raises questions about societal acceptance and the psychological aspects of fear and the unknown.

      The human fascination with the supernatural, specifically ghosts. This fascination can manifest in various ways, including a fetish known as Spectrophilia. The idea of having intimate encounters with ghosts may seem strange and terrifying to some, but others might view it as a once-in-a-lifetime experience. In popular culture, such as the show "American Horror Story," ghosts are depicted as beings that can appear and disappear at will, and even have physical interactions with the living. This raises the question, if ghosts existed in reality, how would society react? Would we accept it, or would we consider those who claim to interact with ghosts as crazy? The discussion also touched upon the psychological aspect of fear and the thrill of the unknown. Ultimately, it's a reminder that our fascination with the supernatural can be both terrifying and intriguing.

    • Disappearing from others' lives unexpectedlyThe unexpected loss of social media and personal belongings can lead to confusion, panic, and even suspicion, highlighting the importance of connections and communication in maintaining a sense of self and belonging.

      The feeling of disappearing from others' lives unexpectedly would be a terrifying experience. In the discussion, both individuals shared their hypothetical reaction to such a situation. They emphasized the importance of social media and personal belongings in maintaining a sense of existence. The unexpected disappearance of these elements would lead to confusion, panic, and even suspicion. Additionally, the discussion revealed that miscommunication and misunderstandings can lead to humorous situations, such as accidentally bringing someone to a scary movie instead of a meeting. However, the overall theme of the conversation revolved around the importance of connections and communication in maintaining a sense of self and belonging in the world.

    • Money and personal boundaries: Subjective valuesRespect individual boundaries and consider unique circumstances and values when dealing with money and personal actions.

      Money and personal boundaries can be subjective and vary greatly among individuals. In the discussion, the speakers revealed their differing attitudes towards money and the potential price they would ask for or accept for certain actions. One speaker was concerned about potential legal consequences for approaching a child, while another was discussing the financial possibilities of starting an OnlyFans account. Despite their contrasting perspectives, it became clear that there is no fixed price for everything, and what one person might consider a small sum, another might view as significant. Ultimately, it's essential to respect individual boundaries and consider the unique circumstances and values of each situation.

    • Values and Money Influence DecisionsPeople's decisions are shaped by their values and financial needs. Some prioritize financial stability, while others prioritize moral or personal convictions. Understanding and respecting individual motivations and boundaries is crucial.

      Money and personal values play a significant role in people's decisions, and what one person is willing to do for a large sum may not be the same for another. The discussion revolved around the idea that some people might be driven by financial stability, while others might have stronger moral or personal convictions. The conversation also touched upon the notion that there might be different standards for men and women when it comes to selling private content online. Ultimately, it's essential to respect each other's choices and understand that everyone has their unique motivations and boundaries.

    • Costs of being an exclusive photographer on OnlyFansPotential costs for exclusive photographers on OnlyFans can be high, reaching six figures per year, and risks include controversial incidents like filming stunts with dangerous machinery.

      The cost of being an exclusive photographer for someone on OnlyFans can be quite high, potentially reaching six figures for a year's worth of sessions. The conversation also touched upon the topic of selling virginity and a controversial incident involving David Dobrik and Jeff Wittek. The latter involved Dobrik filming stunts with an excavator, which resulted in an accident when Jeff asked to slow down but Dobrik instead sped up, causing Jeff to collide with the machine. Despite the potential risks and costs involved, individuals continue to explore these platforms and opportunities for various reasons.

    • A Misunderstanding and Its Aftermath: Jeff and David's Frenemies PrankFriendships can be tested when pranks go wrong, especially if they involve danger or injury. Consent and responsibility are crucial, but public opinion and aftermath can complicate matters.

      The situation between Jeff and David from the Frenemies podcast involves a misunderstanding and aftermath of a dangerous prank gone wrong. David, who was not a trained professional, used a machine to spin his friends around, including Jeff, who ended up getting injured. Although Jeff was initially angry, he later acknowledged that all his friends were consenting to the prank and that David visited him in the hospital and paid for his medical bills. However, the public's negative comments about Jeff's appearance during his recovery period and David's continued success led to a rift between them. Ultimately, the incident raised questions about consent, responsibility, and the consequences of dangerous actions.

    • Understanding the complexity of consentAcknowledge and respect boundaries, even if they change, and communicate openly to maintain healthy relationships.

      Consent is a crucial aspect of any situation, especially in professional relationships. However, the complexity of human emotions and actions can make it a gray area. In the discussed scenario, David and Jeff's relationship involved consensual actions that later led to negative consequences. David's actions were acceptable at the time, but the situation changed, and Jeff felt uncomfortable. The issue of power dynamics and the fear of losing opportunities or standing in the industry came into play. But, ultimately, it's essential to acknowledge that if someone is no longer comfortable with a situation, it becomes an issue that needs to be addressed. The responsibility lies with both parties to communicate openly and honestly about their feelings and boundaries. The documentary mentioned in the discussion hints at a deeper exploration of this issue, and it will be interesting to see how it unfolds in the next part.

    • Considering the influence of pressure and fear on personal choicesPeople should evaluate the consequences of their actions and make decisions based on their values and priorities, not just pressure or fear.

      People have the power to make their own choices, even when faced with pressure or fear. In the case of the Vlog Squad, while they may not have had a gun to their heads, they could have still said no to participating in questionable activities. However, the production nature of their vlogs and the influence of their friend David may have influenced their decisions. Similarly, in the context of Logan Paul and Floyd Mayweather's boxing match, while it may be entertaining and bring more eyes to the sport, it also raises questions about respect and the true enjoyment of the sport versus the spectacle. Ultimately, individuals need to consider the consequences of their actions and make informed decisions based on their values and priorities.

    • Professional Sports: Money, Skills, and EnjoymentFloyd Mayweather's upcoming fight against Logan Paul sparks debate on skills, prime, and payday. Mayweather's love for tennis and past NFL aspirations showcased.

      Floyd Mayweather's upcoming fight against Logan Paul is seen as a money-driven event by some, with Mayweather being past his prime and Paul being an inexperienced YouTuber. However, others believe that Mayweather still has the skills to win and is extending the fight for the payday it promises. The discussion also touched upon the respect due to boxing legends and the appreciation of sports regardless of one's skill level. The speaker expressed their newfound love for tennis and the excitement of watching professional matches, even if they may not be able to participate at a high level themselves. The conversation also included a brief mention of the speaker's past aspirations to play in the NFL and join Australia's track and field team. Overall, the conversation revolved around the motivation and financial aspects of professional sports and the joy of watching and appreciating them.

    • Appreciating exceptional skills in othersRecognize and celebrate the exceptional talents of others, even if they exceed our own abilities.

      There are varying levels of talent and ability in every field, and it's essential to recognize and appreciate the exceptional skills of others, even if they surpass our own capabilities. The speaker shares anecdotes about realizing this in athletics and music, citing examples of individuals who stood out as exceptional even at a young age. They also express admiration for TikTok creators like Lil Huddy and Addison Rae, acknowledging their unique talents and the impact they've made in their respective industries. The speaker's reflections underscore the importance of recognizing and celebrating the achievements of others, even when they surpass our own abilities.

    • Embracing the unexpected in lifeKeep exploring and trusting the journey, even when life takes unexpected turns. It's okay to pursue different passions and careers at different stages.

      Life can take unexpected turns and people can find themselves in unfamiliar situations, just like Jared from the podcast. He found himself in the limelight after his relationship made headlines, but in reality, he was just a "sweetest little boy" who loved dogs and milk. For someone like Cody, who is about to graduate and unsure of his future career, the advice is to keep things simple and explore different interests without feeling pressured to have everything figured out right away. Life offers many opportunities, and it's okay to pursue different passions at different stages. As Jared put it, "We should be a flipping house duo," and who knows, that could be a viable career option in the future. Ultimately, it's essential to trust the journey and embrace the unexpected twists and turns that life brings.

    • Embracing Change and New OpportunitiesPersonal growth and financial success require stepping out of comfort zones, being resourceful, and embracing change. You're not obligated to be the same person as yesterday.

      Personal growth and financial success often require stepping out of comfort zones and making sacrifices. The speaker shares their own experience of living below the poverty line in an expensive city while pursuing their dreams. They emphasize the importance of being resourceful and smart with money, and challenge the common misconception that one needs a large income to live in certain places. The quote "you are under no obligation to be the same person as you were yesterday" highlights the importance of embracing change and new opportunities, even if they seem daunting or unrealistic at first. Overall, the conversation encourages listeners to stay focused on their goals, be open to new experiences, and trust that they have the ability to adapt and thrive.

    • Learning the ropes of social media at a young ageStart young, but learn and have fun without pressure. Express yourself authentically and create enjoyable content to grow in social media.

      Starting young in social media can be beneficial, but it's important to learn and have fun without putting too much pressure on views or numbers. A 15-year-old asking about getting into social media was advised to wait a bit and learn the ropes before diving in headfirst. The speaker, who started at 14, emphasized the importance of expressing oneself authentically and creating content that is enjoyable. Pressure and expectations can hinder growth, so it's crucial to take the time to learn and experiment without worrying about immediate success. The speaker also acknowledged that starting young can provide a head start, but it can also be a challenging and toxic environment. Ultimately, the key is to enjoy the process and create content that resonates with an audience.

    • Unexpected gifts and their impactUnderstanding the intentions behind unexpected gifts can help us appreciate them, even if they don't align with our expectations.

      Receiving a platform unexpectedly can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it's an opportunity to reach a wider audience and make an impact. On the other hand, it requires figuring out how to effectively use it. The speaker shared a personal story about receiving a pizza stone as a gift instead of the video game he had hoped for, feeling disappointed and unappreciative despite his mother's good intentions. The podcast hosts also shared stories of gifts they didn't particularly like, such as spicy soap and a period starter kit. These experiences highlight the importance of understanding and appreciating the intentions behind gifts, even if they don't align with our expectations. Additionally, the speaker expressed their deep appreciation for the podcast and the hosts, showering them with compliments and praises.

    • Sharing stories of awkward growing up momentsGrowing up involves embarrassing moments, but finding humor and appreciation in these experiences can help us embrace the journey of life.

      Growing up involves awkward and embarrassing moments, even when it comes to getting one's first period or receiving unexpected gifts. For instance, one person shared how they received a period starter kit at a young age and felt embarrassed about it. Another person recalled their excitement about receiving a bottle of tequila as a gift, only to later develop an aversion to it. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of body development and the passing down of physical traits, such as breast size, from one generation to the next. Despite these moments of discomfort and embarrassment, the individuals in the conversation found humor and appreciation in their experiences. Overall, the conversation highlighted the universality of growing up and the importance of embracing the awkward moments that come with it.

    • Childhood exercise affects breast size and metabolism in adulthoodRegular exercise during childhood can reduce breast size and improve metabolism in adulthood, primarily due to the fat tissue composition of breasts.

      Regular swimming and other forms of exercise during childhood can help reduce breast size in adulthood by accelerating metabolism. This is because breasts are primarily composed of fat tissue. However, the effects of childhood exercise extend beyond breast size, as it can also influence long-term changes in metabolism. The discussion also touched upon the possibility of creating memes for the podcast, but unfortunately, there were none available during that particular episode. The hosts encouraged listeners to follow them on Instagram at "dropoutpod" for more content and to share their favorite memes. They concluded the podcast by reminding viewers to check their PO box for any mail and expressing their love and appreciation for their audience.

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    Talking About the Break Up... Dropouts #210

    If the idea of finding the right doctor stresses you out, then ZocDoc is the app for you! Find top rated, patient reviewed, and in-network doctors today by downloading the ZocDoc app when you visit https://www.zocdoc.com/dropouts Join over a MILLION people building credit the fastest, easiest, and safest way with Kikoff! Sign up for your Kikoff credit account today and get your first month for just $1 when you go to https://www.getkikoff.com/dropouts The boys are back in town (the boys are back in town)! This week the podcast goes on the road to the sin city where Zach, Skyler, and Jared attended the Power Slap event. Unfortunately Alyssa couldn't make it and Tara was a featured creator at VidCon which is why its just the boys this week, but regardless we have a fun episode for you all! We talk about the event, some of our crazy antics in Vegas, the world's most unlucky animals, and even get into the nitty gritty details of one of our break ups... SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

    en-usJuly 02, 2024

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    Joe Gatto Talks Craziest Pranks on Impractical Jokers! Dropouts #209

    If the idea of finding the right doctor stresses you out, then ZocDoc is the app for you! Find top rated, patient reviewed, and in-network doctors today by downloading the ZocDoc app when you visit https://www.zocdoc.com/dropouts

    What's up party people! This week we got the second of the Impractical Joker infinity stones, Joe Gatto! Don't tell Sal but he's secretly Tara's favorite [but that's just between us ;)] Joe takes us on a deep dive through his life before the show, his favorite memories from the show, and what life looks like after the show and all of the exciting new stuff he's working on and doing! Be sure to get tickets to see him live on his Let's Get Into It tour (and speaking from first hand experience, his show is hilarious you don't want to miss out). AND pre-order his children's book coming out which he talks a little bit about in the episode.

    Joe was a fantastic guest and we hope you enjoy him as much as we did!

    All of his links can be found here!


    SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

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    Brianna Chickenfry talks relationship with Zach Bryan... Dropouts #208

    Join over a MILLION people building credit the fastest, easiest, and safest way with Kikoff! Sign up for your Kikoff credit account today and get your first month for just $1 when you go to https://www.getkikoff.com/dropouts Stop wasting money on subscriptions you don't use and sign up for Rocket Money today! Go to https://www.rocketmoney.com/dropouts and download the Rocket Money app. Get your money back! What's up party people! Hopefully you're not 'hungover' this Sunday morning because we've got the one and only Brianna Chickenfry! Bri joins us in the diner this week, the same diner which she stole the idea for the set of her podcast, Plan Bri. She talks all about her come up on social media from throwing up on TikTok to getting picked up by Barstool, to then being one of the biggest names in the podcasting space. We also dive into her relationship with country/folk superstar, Zach Bryan, and talk to her just about what the rest of her life and career looks like. It's a super fun episode and we hope you enjoy! SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

    en-usJune 18, 2024

    Tara Yummy Cries Over Jake Webber... Dropouts #207

    Tara Yummy Cries Over Jake Webber... Dropouts #207

    Make money while you're watching your favorite sports with PrizePicks! Download the app today and use code DROPOUTS for a first deposit match up to $100! Pick more. Pick less. It’s that easy! Need event tickets at the last minute? Look no further because Gametime has you covered! Right now when you download the Gametime app, create an account, and use our code DROPOUTS, you can get $20 off your first purchase! Bring your A-Game back in the bedroom by using Hims! Visit https://www.hims.com/dropouts for your personalized ED treatment options. (Hard Mints are chewable compounded products which are not approved by or verified for safety or effectiveness by the FDA. Prescriptions require an online consultation with a healthcare provider who will determine if appropriate. Restrictions apply. See website for details and important safety information. Subscription required. Price varies based on product and subscription plan.) You guys have been asking for it for months now and we finally got the ex-lovers but still best friends on the same episode! Of course we dive into the ins and outs of their relationship, but we also get a little deep this episode where we talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly of putting ourselves and our lives on the internet. On top of that deep talk we also have all the fun and knee slapping moments you've come to expect from a Dropouts episode! We hope you enjoy! SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

    en-usJune 11, 2024

    Tana and Zach went on a Secret Date without Tara... Dropouts #206

    Tana and Zach went on a Secret Date without Tara... Dropouts #206

    Soak up the spring sun and rake in the winnings from Draft Kings Casino! New players can download the app today and use our code DROPOUTS to get $50 in Casino credits when you spend just $5. The crown is yours! If the idea of finding the right doctor stresses you out, then ZocDoc is the app for you! Find top rated, patient reviewed, and in-network doctors today by downloading the ZocDoc app when you visit https://www.zocdoc.com/dropouts Ever lost in the gym or just want more structure and guidance? Then it's time to add FitBod to your workout essentials! Visit https://www.fitbod.me/dropouts to save 25% off your subscription or try the app for free! The summer sun is here to stay, so trust MANSCAPED to keep your pubes at bay! Get 20% off + Free Shipping on their new Performance Package 5.0 when you go to https://www.manscaped.com and use our code: DROPOUTS EarnIn empowers you to live life to the fullest by providing money at the speed of you. Download the EarnIn app and use our code Dropouts under PODCAST when you sign up. Subject to your available earnings, Daily Max, Pay Period Max, and location. See EarnIn.com/TOS for details. EarnIn is a financial technology company, not a bank. Bank products are issued by Evolve Bank & Trust, Member FDIC. And a big thank you to the Omni in New Haven, CT and the Liberty Hotel in Boston for being some of the best hotels we've ever stayed! Seriously, if you find yourself in either of those cities we can't recommend enough that you stay with them! Welcome back to Watch Mongeau! This week Tana joins us again in the diner for another hilarious episode that almost tears us apart. We share our deepest darkest secrets, start going for each others throats, and get a little bit real towards the end but we laugh along the whole way through. We hope you enjoy the return of Tana! SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

    en-usJune 04, 2024

    Tara Yummy Surprised w/ Celebrity Crush, Sal Vulcano! Dropouts #205

    Tara Yummy Surprised w/ Celebrity Crush, Sal Vulcano! Dropouts #205

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    WATCH SAL'S SPECIAL MAY 31st!!! Comedian Sal Vulcano has announced his debut hour-long stand-up special, Terrified, airing globally on YouTube via 800 Pound Gorilla at 8 a.m. PT on May 31st. Check out a trailer below.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdEOAIJ7kaM

    What is up party people! This is not an impractical joke, we actually got Sal Vulcano on the pod! We were all pretty ecstatic to have him on but one of us was beaming a little brighter than the others... can you guess who it is? Anyway this is a hilarious episode, Sal was an incredible guest and we can't thank him enough for coming on. Make sure to watch his new special, Terrified, on YouTube on May 31st!

    We hope you enjoy!

    SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

    en-usMay 28, 2024

    Between the Sheets... *Dropouts Special Episode* - Dropouts #204

    Between the Sheets... *Dropouts Special Episode* - Dropouts #204

    Did you know you can start a claim with America’s largest injury law firm in just a click? It’s so easy. You can start your claim now with Morgan & Morgan a https://www.forthepeople.com/dropouts Take your meals to the next level with Factor! Head to https://www.factormeals.com/dropouts50 and use our code: dropouts50 to get 50% off your first box PLUS 20% off your next month! Bring your A-Game back in the bedroom by using Hims! Visit https://www.hims.com/dropouts for your personalized ED treatment options. (Hard Mints are chewable compounded products which are not approved by or verified for safety or effectiveness by the FDA. Prescriptions require an online consultation with a healthcare provider who will determine if appropriate. Restrictions apply. See website for details and important safety information. Subscription required. Price varies based on product and subscription plan.) Hey everyone! Thank you for tuning in to another episode of Dropouts. We're currently on tour for our east coast live shows and filmed this week's episode at the Omni Hotel in New Haven, CT and I'm currently uploading this from our hotel in Boston. You might be thinking, "didn't you guys film with Sal Vulcano, where's that episode?" And the answer to that is, it'll come out next week. We still have a fun episode for you all where we crammed all five of us into one king bed and talk about all of the crazy adventures we've had on the road. We hope you enjoy! SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

    en-usMay 21, 2024

    Do You Think We Will Get Married? Dropouts #203

    Do You Think We Will Get Married? Dropouts #203

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    EarnIn empowers you to live life to the fullest by providing money at the speed of you. Get up to $100/day of your pay within minutes of earning it and up to $750 per pay period. Download the EarnIn app and use our code Dropouts under PODCAST when you sign up. Subject to your available earnings, Daily Max, Pay Period Max, and location. See EarnIn.com/TOS for details. EarnIn is a financial technology company, not a bank. Bank products are issued by Evolve Bank & Trust, Member FDIC.

    What's up party people! We're back with another fun themed episode but this week we travel back in time! Maybe idk the timeline is a little fuzzy on this one. This week Zach and Tara talk about their experience meeting Tara's idol, we explore the depths of one of our love lives, and there might be a new Dropouts couple to ship you'll just have to watch and see...We hope you enjoy!


    We sincerely apologize for another shorter episode this week :( As you can see this was shot on the same day as the Mount Everest ep and just for a little context, because of everybody’s schedules we had to shoot two episodes AND a music video all in the same day to make sure we were able to put out our regularly scheduled episodes for you all. I hope you can understand and give us a little grace for that. I also wish I could say that we’d be back to our normally scheduled program next week but to be honest with you, the next time we film will most likely be while we’re in NYC for our East coast live shows! Now, no promises, but that episode may or may not have a very cool guest on it 👀 What I can say for certain is that it’ll still be another week until we’re back in the diner. We always want to give you the best content possible and sometimes life gets busy and hectic and tries to throw a wrench in that plan, and we’re just trying our best to uphold that promise to you all. Thank you for coming along this journey, you truly mean the world to us. Can’t wait to see everybody on tour next week!!

    SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

    en-usMay 14, 2024

    This Almost Ended Our Friendship... Dropouts #202

    This Almost Ended Our Friendship... Dropouts #202

    Soak up the spring sun and rake in the winnings from Draft Kings Casino! New players can download the app today and use our code DROPOUTS to get $100 in Casino credits when you spend just $5. The crown is yours! Stop wasting money on your unwanted subscriptions and start saving with Rocket Money! Go to https://www.rocketmoney.com/dropouts to download the Rocket Money app today! If the idea of finding the right doctor stresses you out, then ZocDoc is the app for you! Find top rated, patient reviewed, and in-network doctors today by downloading the ZocDoc app when you visit https://www.zocdoc.com/dropouts

    Thank you to the team at Thurgood Media for creating the back drop for us!https://www.thurgoodmedia.com/ What's up party people! Okay, first order of business we'd like to formally apologize for the shorter episode this week. As you can see we filmed in a special location this week, but with that (and also a few technical issues) came some time constraints that we couldn't avoid. We were also filming a VERY cool project the same day that i think many of you will be excited to see 👀 We always want to provide you all with the best content we can and we hope that this unique location and all the behind the scenes effort we put into every episode and this one in particular, at least somewhat makes up for it... Second order of business, we still have a great episode for you! Despite what the background might say, things start off HOT this episode with some drama between two of our cohosts 👀 You'll just have to see for yourself who's a part of that. Following the drama, Zach and Skyler fill us in on all the wild antics they got into while at Stagecoach. Then to round it all out we dive into an introspective, thought provoking question that you all might want to ask yourselves. It just might make you look at yourself in a different light. We hope you enjoy! SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

    Dropouts Addresses Drama with Unfiltered... Dropouts #201

    Dropouts Addresses Drama with Unfiltered... Dropouts #201

    Soak up the sun of spring and rake in the winnings from Draft Kings Casino! New players can download the app today and use our code DROPOUTS to get $100 in Casino credits when you spend just $5. The crown is yours! Ever lost in the gym or just want more structure and guidance? Then it's time to add FitBod to your workout essentials! Visit https://www.fitbod.me/dropouts to save 25% off your subscription or try the app for free! Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to RocketMoney.com/DROPOUTS We've had them on individually, but now we have the dynamic duo joining us in the diner this week it's Zane and Heath! A lot has changed since we last had either of them on. Zane completed his Xeela transformation and came out the other side like a brand new man, Heath popped the question to Mariah and is no longer a single man (according to his marital status on his taxes), and they started a brand new podcast (now) called Basically Unfiltered with Remi and Alisha! It was great being able to have both of them on at the same time and made for a really fun episode! If you haven't already make sure to check out their podcasts Unfiltered and Basically Unfiltered! We hope you enjoy Be sure to watch their new show Basically Unfiltered! https://www.youtube.com/@UCJR-nbRSN8g4VJMYJDxPY4w SUB TO OUR PATREON FOR BONUS AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT! https://www.patreon.com/dropoutspod BUY OUR SICK FREAKING MERCH! https://www.shopdropouts.com Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Tara: https://www.instagram.com/tarayummyy/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ DM us with your questions, ideas, and videos! https://www.instagram.com/dropoutspod/ or Email us! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

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    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel

    Show Intro INSTRUMENTAL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyub39AXxUw
    Show Intro FREE DOWNLOAD: https://bit.ly/2HxNcw3

    Follow Evan on TikTok and his YouTube channel "Pawn Man":
    YouTube: https://bit.ly/3bNQYCl
    TikTok: https://bit.ly/30R5W4l

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    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

    A Keynote: NAC Philadelphia 2018

    A Keynote: NAC Philadelphia 2018

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    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

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    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message