
    #podSessions Ep. 6 | Anastasia Ashley, Aubrey Marcus & Rob Pannell

    enApril 13, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Leveraging Passions and Social Media for SuccessExperienced surfer and professional lacrosse players have built successful careers by producing content and monetizing their social media following, showcasing the power of a unique value proposition and creativity.

      These guests, an experienced surfer and professional lacrosse players, have leveraged their passions and social media platforms to build successful careers outside of traditional sports sponsorships. The surfer, despite retiring from active competition, has found success through producing surf videos and photos for brands. The lacrosse players, who are not paid as much as other professional athletes, have used social media to build their own brands and monetize their following. This shows the power of having a unique value proposition and being creative in building a career. Whether it's through producing content or offering instruction, these individuals have turned their passions into profitable businesses.

    • Exploring Total Human Optimization with Aubrey MarcusAubrey Marcus encourages finding joy in daily obsessions and striving for optimal living through practices in food, exercise, and more, as detailed in his book 'Own the Day, Own Your Life'.

      Aubrey Marcus, the founder of Onnit and author of "Own the Day, Own Your Life," believes in total human optimization and has compiled various practices for it into a comprehensive book. The book covers different sections of a day, from waking up to going to sleep, and includes recommendations for food, exercise, and more. Marcus is excited for the book's release and encourages people to find joy in small, everyday obsessions, like watching Instagram stories from different cities or collecting vintage LA gear. He also shared his recent obsession with the Masters golf tournament, which he watched thoroughly over the weekend. Marcus emphasizes the importance of putting in one's best effort and being open to the outcome.

    • The Masters golf tournament attracts younger generationsInfluential figures like Tiger Woods and social media contribute to the Masters gaining popularity among younger demographics.

      The Masters golf tournament has evolved from being a predominantly older audience sport to capturing the interest of younger generations. This shift is due in part to the impact of influential figures like Tiger Woods and the rise of social media. The speaker shares his personal experiences of growing up around golf and high net worth individuals, and observing the changing demographics of golf fans. He also discusses his own experiences with tobacco, specifically Swedish snus, and its perceived safety compared to other forms. Despite never trying drugs or tobacco before, he finds himself drawn to the energy and focus-enhancing effects of snus. The speaker's background growing up in the Soviet Union also influenced his perspective on substance use. Overall, the conversation highlights the cultural significance of the Masters and how it has adapted to changing times.

    • Growing up around substances influences perspectives and behaviorsUnderstanding personal limits and surroundings is crucial for informed substance use decisions

      People's experiences with substances, whether it's alcohol or drugs, can greatly impact their perspectives and behaviors. The speaker shared how growing up around heavy drinking influenced them to avoid getting out of control, while others find enjoyment and control in certain substances like snus or surfing. It's important to remember that everyone's relationship with substances is unique, and what feels out of control for one person might be a source of control for another. Ultimately, understanding our own limits and being aware of our surroundings can help us make informed decisions about our substance use.

    • Staying in control and conscious during personal growthBeing aware and in control during personal growth, whether in everyday life or using psychedelics, is crucial for effective self-discovery and healing from past traumas. High performers are increasingly using these tools, but it's essential to approach them with consciousness and control to avoid unfavorable situations and maximize benefits.

      Being in control and conscious awareness are important for personal growth, whether it's in everyday life or during experimental experiences like using psychedelics. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being aware and in control to avoid getting into unfavorable situations and to effectively deal with emotional issues. He also mentions the growing trend among high performers to use psychedelics as tools for self-discovery and healing from past traumas and unmet expectations. The speaker's personal experience has been positive, allowing him to gain new insights and awareness, and he encourages others to explore these experiences with consciousness and control. The speaker is also interested in the role of parenting in shaping the next generation's approach to life and personal growth.

    • Parents' behaviors towards protecting kids from losingDuring abundance, parents may prioritize shielding kids from losses, but experiencing losses at a young age can promote personal growth and resilience.

      Parents' behaviors towards protecting their children from losing can change based on the economic conditions and societal norms. During times of abundance, parents may prioritize shielding their kids from losing, leading to a decrease in the importance of competition and the value of learning from losses. This trend has been observed in the US, where the emphasis on participation trophies and avoiding keeping score until later grades has become more prevalent. However, some argue that experiencing losses at a young age can be beneficial for personal growth and resilience. The speaker shares his personal experience of growing up with a win-or-lose mentality and the emotional impact it had on him. Ultimately, it's essential to find a balance between protecting children from unnecessary stress and allowing them to learn valuable life lessons through healthy competition.

    • Overcoming obstacles through determination and resilienceDetermination and resilience, fueled by passion and supportive parenting, can help individuals achieve their goals despite adversity. Unconventional paths and dealing with societal expectations are common challenges, but staying committed to your passion can lead to success.

      Determination and resilience, fueled by a deep passion for a sport and supportive parenting, can help individuals overcome obstacles and achieve their goals, even when faced with adversity. The speakers in this conversation shared their experiences of being underestimated or overlooked, but instead of giving up, they continued to work hard and push forward. For one speaker, it meant taking an unconventional path and taking a fifth year in high school to improve and eventually earn a spot on a Division I lacrosse team. For another, it meant dealing with bullying and societal expectations while pursuing surfing as a female athlete. Despite the challenges, both speakers remained committed to their passions and ultimately found success.

    • Parental support and its impact on children's athletic developmentBalanced parental support with positive feedback and realistic expectations is crucial for children's mental and emotional well-being and athletic success.

      The way parents support their children's athletic pursuits can have a significant impact on their development. The speaker shared his experience of growing up as a 5th year senior in high school while his friends were starting college, feeling isolated and unsure of his future. However, a chance encounter with the Cornell coaching staff during homecoming led him to join the team and play in the national championship as a freshman. He reflected on the intense 8-month period and observed the pressure from parents in the highly competitive northeast environment. While his mother, a former professional tennis player, provided positive and supportive feedback, his father's critical comments and high expectations caused him stress and frustration. The speaker believes that parents who can adjust their expectations and provide balanced feedback are essential for their children's mental and emotional well-being and athletic success.

    • Learning from Loss and FailureExperiencing loss and failure is essential for personal growth. Parents play a role in teaching children to navigate setbacks and use them as opportunities for growth. Balance is key when it comes to social media use. Regret is inevitable, but focusing on growth from experiences is valuable.

      Experiencing loss and failure is a crucial part of personal growth. The way we handle these setbacks can shape our resilience and self-worth. Parents have a significant role in teaching their children how to navigate loss and use it as an opportunity for growth. Over-reliance on social media, such as Instagram, can be a hindrance to personal development, but it's essential to find a balance. The speaker, who has retired from competing and now focuses on events, reflects on the potential regret of not pursuing an Olympic gold medal but acknowledges that the past cannot be changed. Instead, we should focus on using our experiences, both positive and negative, to become stronger and more self-aware. Ultimately, the ability to learn from loss and failure is a valuable skill that contributes to a successful and fulfilling life.

    • From amateur to pro: The journey to growth and successConsistency, focusing on strengths, adapting to change, and taking calculated risks are key to bridging the gap between amateur and professional levels.

      The gap between amateur and professional levels in any sport or creative pursuit is vast, and it requires dedication and hard work to make a serious run at the top. The speaker shares his own experiences and observations, from basketball to social media, highlighting the importance of consistency and focusing on your strengths to grow and succeed. He also acknowledges the constant evolution of platforms and the need to adapt and explore new opportunities. Ultimately, it's about finding comfort in your current position while striving for improvement and taking calculated risks to reach the next level.

    • Trusting others to carry on the visionTo grow a personal brand, let go of control and trust team to help steer the ship while focusing on the bigger picture.

      Building and growing a personal brand, especially when it becomes a successful business, presents unique challenges. For Aubrey Marcus, who started a company based on his personal experiences, the biggest challenge was letting go and trusting the team to carry on the vision while he focused on other aspects. He shared that in the early days, he had complete control, making nearly every decision. However, as the company grew, he had to delegate more and focus on the bigger picture. This transition was not easy, but it allowed him to continue growing both personally and professionally. It's a reminder that as we build our personal brands, we must be willing to let go and trust others to help us steer the ship while we focus on the horizon.

    • Effective delegation and collaboration through trust and empathyTrusting team members to make decisions aligned with your values and maintaining open communication builds trust and understanding, leading to successful delegation and collaboration. Instagram can be a powerful tool for personal branding and business growth through consistency and authenticity.

      Building trust and understanding with others through open communication and empathy is crucial for effective delegation and collaboration. Aubrey shares how trusting those around you allows them to make decisions that align with your values and keeps your spirit alive in your absence. Aubrey also highlights the power of Instagram for personal branding and business growth, as seen in the success story of Primo, a trainer who built a $100,000 business in 18 months through consistency and authenticity. Lastly, Aubrey shares some personal preferences, such as a fondness for matcha and molecular hydrogen, and an intrigue towards new discoveries like exogenous ketones and nutritional yeast popcorn.

    • The importance of written and audio contentImprove writing skills, start a blog or podcast to stand out and gain distribution and awareness for projects, fully commit to projects, and utilize digital platforms for growth opportunities.

      The power of written and audio content should not be underestimated in today's visual-dominated social media landscape. The speaker emphasizes that while pictures are important, the copy that accompanies them plays a significant role in the success of content. He suggests that focusing on improving writing skills, starting a blog, or even starting a podcast can help individuals stand out and gain distribution and awareness for their projects, whether it's selling supplements, sneakers, or promoting a book. The speaker is currently in the final stages of a book launch and is utilizing various digital platforms to reach a wider audience. He encourages everyone to fully commit to their projects and believes that the combination of human optimization resources available today offers unparalleled opportunities for growth.

    • Understanding individual sleep needsQuality sleep and short naps can be more beneficial than long hours of sleep or excessive caffeine intake. Self-awareness and experimentation are crucial for finding the optimal sleep and energy routine.

      Optimizing sleep and energy levels is crucial for productivity and overall well-being, and it's essential to understand individual needs. Contrary to popular belief, sleeping for long hours is not always better than getting quality sleep and taking short naps. A 30-minute nap can be more beneficial than additional hours of sleep or consuming caffeine. However, it's vital to know one's body and avoid going into deep sleep phases during naps to avoid feeling groggy upon waking up. Ultimately, self-awareness and experimentation are key to finding the optimal sleep and energy routine for each person. Don't be afraid to try different strategies, such as caffeine naps, to maximize productivity and feel your best.

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    “I just wanted to be like my Dad”

    “The school system didn’t work for me at all”

    “I’m a real big believer in no excuses”

    “99% of the reason we don’t try things is because we are worried about what other people say”







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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    Order Dr Chatterjee's new book Happy Mind, Happy Life: UK version: https://amzn.to/304opgJ, US & Canada version: https://amzn.to/3DRxjgp

    Show notes available at https://drchatterjee.com/262

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