
    NATO Grows on Russia’s Borders

    enJuly 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Turkey's Last-Minute Blockade of Sweden's NATO Membership ApplicationDespite unpredictable actions from Turkey's president, Sweden is now on the path to joining NATO, highlighting the importance of democratic norms and adherence to international agreements.

      The NATO summit in Vilnius was marked by unpredictable actions from Turkey's president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who blocked Sweden's membership application until the last minute, demanding various concessions. This dance between Sweden and Turkey raised questions about Europe's ability to overcome its divisions or succumbing to them. However, Erdogan's actions were likely driven by opportunistic motives, including economic instability in Turkey. Despite the last-minute shift, Sweden is now on the path to joining NATO. The interview with US Ambassador Julie Smith provided insights into her role as the ambassador to NATO, which involves hosting numerous visitors and managing the alliance's issues. The summit also highlighted the importance of democratic norms and adherence to international agreements.

    • Turkish President Erdogan's shift towards NATOErdogan's decision to join NATO improves Turkey's investment climate and reduces human rights pressure. Sweden's addition to NATO is crucial for its strategic location and military power. Erdogan supports Ukraine's potential NATO membership and hosts NATO chief visits, but Biden is skeptical about Ukraine joining NATO during the ongoing war with Russia.

      Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's sudden pivot towards the Western alliance, specifically joining NATO, is a significant development for both NATO and geopolitical tensions in Europe. Erdogan's decision comes after his close reelection and amidst economic instability. This move not only gives Turkey a friendlier investment climate but also reduces pressure on human rights concerns. For NATO, Sweden's addition to the alliance is crucial due to its strategic location and large military power, particularly in the Baltic Sea and Arctic regions. Erdogan's shift towards the West also includes supporting Ukraine's potential NATO membership and hosting NATO chief visits. However, President Biden has expressed skepticism about Ukraine joining NATO during the ongoing war with Russia, suggesting that any pledge to admit Ukraine after the war may not be significantly different from the current situation.

    • Preserving Flexibility in Ukraine's SecurityBiden weighs implications of security guarantees to Ukraine, seeking to preserve flexibility and avoid overcommitting while considering NATO membership or alternative security arrangements. Controversial use of cluster bombs raises concerns about setting a dangerous precedent and long-term harm to civilians.

      President Biden is carefully considering the implications and limitations of security guarantees to Ukraine, as the ongoing war with Russia continues. He wants to preserve flexibility in defining the nature of NATO membership or alternative security guarantees, while avoiding overcommitting to promises he may not be able to keep. Regarding the US decision to send cluster bombs to Ukraine, despite being controversial and having long-term harmful effects on civilians, some argue that the US and other non-signatory countries should uphold the global norm against their use to prevent a dangerous precedent. The human cost of these weapons, as seen in countries like Laos, is a powerful reminder of the long-term consequences of their use.

    • Ukraine War May Setback Arms Control NormsThe ongoing Ukraine war could lead to a significant setback for arms control norms due to the potential use of cluster munitions, which raise concerns for civilian casualties and long-term consequences. Careful consideration of military necessity, potential risks, transparency, and unintended consequences is necessary before making decisions.

      The ongoing war in Ukraine could lead to a significant setback for arms control norms, as the use of cluster munitions raises concerns about civilian casualties and potential long-term consequences. While there is a military necessity for Ukraine to improve its position, the potential risks and uncertain long-term implications should not be overlooked. The Ukrainian perspective, although valid, should not be the sole determining factor in making such decisions. The lack of transparency and potential inaccuracies in military assessments also complicate the situation. The history of the Ukrainian military's inventory requests and the potential for unintended consequences, such as the long-term impact on the environment and civilian populations, should be carefully considered before making any decisions. Ultimately, the inconsistent application of norms in foreign policy, particularly when it is convenient, contributes to the ongoing challenges in this area.

    • Wagner Group leader's alleged mutiny in RussiaDespite conflicting reports, Pergozin remains in Russia, and the Kremlin works to keep Wagner forces under control. Pergozin's leverage comes from Wagner's global footprint, and Putin balances power centers in the Russian political landscape.

      The situation surrounding Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin, also known as Pergozin, and his alleged mutiny in Russia, is complex and evolving. Despite conflicting reports, it appears that Pergozin is still in Russia, and the Kremlin is making efforts to keep the Wagner forces under the regular chain of command. Analysts suggest that this could be a negotiated settlement, with potential implications for Wagner's global operations and influence. Pergozin's leverage comes from his control over Wagner's extensive global footprint, including private security contracts, mining operations, and disinformation campaigns. Ultimately, Putin's power relies on his ability to mediate and balance between various power centers within Russia, and Pergozin's actions highlight the complexities of the Russian political landscape.

    • Power dynamics in Russia and EuropeRussia's power dynamics are intricate with multiple factions and Putin as the chief negotiator. Europe's political establishment struggles with far-right anti-immigration policies, despite attempts to co-opt them.

      The power dynamics in Russia are more complex than they appear, with various factions and sources of power constantly negotiating with each other, even as Putin serves as the negotiator in chief. The incident with Pergozine serves as a reminder of this, as well as a potential indication that Putin's argument of time being on his side may not hold true. In Europe, the resignation of Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte marks a significant shift, highlighting the challenges the European political establishment faces in responding to the rise of far-right anti-immigration policies. Rutte's approach of co-opting the far right through extreme anti-immigration policies has not prevented the collapse of his coalition. These developments underscore the complexities and challenges facing political leaders in both Russia and Europe.

    • Dutch PM's hardline immigration stance causes coalition collapseEurope's right-wing politics on the rise, with immigration as a major issue, leading to coalition collapses and growing sentiment to isolate Europe

      The Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, prioritized a hardline immigration policy over coalition unity, indicating a growing trend towards right-wing politics in Europe. This was evident in the Netherlands, where his government collapsed due to disagreements with centrist parties over children being reunited with their refugee parents. Similar trends have been observed in other European countries like Greece and France, where immigration remains a contentious issue and protests against perceived injustices have led to a backlash against immigrants. The Ukrainian refugee crisis, which has resulted in millions of people seeking shelter, has added to the sentiment of wanting to "pull up the drawbridge" and further isolate Europe. The lack of a strong left-wing counterbalance and the growing acceptance of right-wing views on immigration contribute to this worrying trajectory for the future of Europe.

    • The Far Right Hasn't Taken Over Europe as PredictedDespite some gains, far-right parties have hit a ceiling of around 15-20% support and have been losing ground in recent years. The center-left is also struggling to gain traction, leading to a more complex political landscape with no clear ideological dominance.

      While the far-right political parties have gained some ground in Europe in recent years, they have not taken over as some predictions suggested. Instead, many of these parties have hit a ceiling of around 15-20% support and have been losing ground in the last few years. The rise of the far right has set the terms of politics in some countries, but the center-left seems to be struggling to gain traction as well. The Netherlands, where Rutte's center-right party has lost support, is just one example of this trend. While there are still concerns about the far right in countries like France, Greece, Hungary, and Italy, the overall picture shows a more complex political landscape with no clear dominance by any one ideology. It's important to note that the situation is fluid and continues to evolve.

    • Europe's center-right shift faces challengesDespite a possible center-right trend in European politics, immigration policies and lack of strong left-wing options could lead to tension and far-right rise, while ongoing Middle East conflicts continue to impact Europe

      European politics may be shifting gradually towards the center-right, but this trend is not without challenges and may not lead to effective solutions for pressing issues. The optimistic view is that the far-right wave has been held at bay, but the European establishment's hardline immigration policies could create long-term tension, especially as migration continues and climate change exacerbates the issue. Additionally, the lack of a strong left-wing political option in many European countries could lead to public unrest and dissatisfaction, potentially fueling the rise of far-right parties. The situation in Jenin serves as a reminder of the ongoing conflict and violence in the Middle East, with Israeli forces launching a major raid in the Palestinian refugee camp, resulting in loss of life and displacement. Addressing the root causes of these issues and fostering political stability and cooperation will be crucial for the future of Europe and the region.

    • New escalation in Israeli-Palestinian conflict in JeninIsraeli military tactics in Jenin could lead to increased instability and potential return to direct military occupation, while Palestinian Authority's irrelevance exacerbates the situation

      The recent violence in Jenin, Israel, marks a concerning development in the long-term trajectory of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Israeli government's use of military tactics similar to those in Gaza against the densely populated West Bank refugee camp is a new and potentially dangerous escalation. Additionally, the Palestinian Authority's irrelevance to young Palestinians and its inability to address militancy in Jenin highlights a slow-motion collapse of the organization. This combination of factors could lead to increased instability and potentially a return to direct military occupation in the West Bank, which has historically been catastrophic for both Israelis and Palestinians.

    • Jenin and West Bank: Complex and Dangerous SituationYoung people in Jenin and the West Bank are becoming increasingly radicalized due to military occupation, Israeli government actions, and US election outcomes. A potential change in US policy towards Israel is on the horizon.

      The situation in Jenin and the West Bank is complex and dangerous, with young people becoming increasingly radicalized due to the military occupation. These individuals may or may not be associated with factions like Hamas or Islamic Jihad, but their anger and desire for change is a symptom of the ongoing conflict. The Israeli government's actions, including raids and settlement expansion, are exacerbating tensions and fueling resentment. The current political climate, with a far-right government, a US election featuring a cautious president, and young cabinet members pushing for annexation, sets the stage for continued instability. Joe Biden's criticism of the Israeli government is a significant shift, indicating a potential change in US policy and a recognition that business as usual is no longer an option. The Democratic Party's old guard is also struggling to support this government, signaling an upcoming reckoning over Israel policy.

    • US and China engage in diplomatic effortsRecent US-China diplomacy signals a shift towards cooperation, addressing global economic issues and reducing tensions between the two superpowers, despite ongoing structural challenges.

      Despite tensions between the US and China remaining significant, the recent diplomatic efforts, including Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's visit and John Kerry's upcoming trip to China, are a positive step towards establishing lines of communication and potentially working together on issues like climate change. These efforts create a foundation for addressing global economic issues and reducing tensions between the two superpowers. However, structural challenges, such as US tech sanctions and China's increasingly hostile stance towards Taiwan, still exist and could escalate the situation. Nonetheless, the mere fact that the US and China are engaging in dialogue is meaningful, as it signals a shift towards cooperation to both domestic audiences and global investors.

    • Tensions between US and China: A Significant Foreign Policy Story in 2023Both US and China are firm on their stance, but avoiding a war is crucial. Sensitivity over territorial claims in the South China Sea, like the Barbie film ban in Vietnam, highlight the need for open communication and diplomacy to prevent any escalation.

      The tensions between the US and China could be the most significant foreign policy story of 2023 if relations deteriorate further. Both parties in the US have shown bipartisan agreement on being tough on China, but avoiding a war is crucial. The ongoing controversy over the Barbie film ban in Vietnam serves as an example of the sensitivity surrounding territorial claims in the South China Sea. China's claim of the 9-dash line in the South China Sea is widely considered absurd, and impartial international arbitration has ruled against it. However, it is not uncommon for media outlets to inadvertently include the 9-dash line on maps, as it is not typically drawn when depicting maritime boundaries. The potential consequences of a conflict between the US and China far outweigh the impact of the ongoing war in Ukraine. Therefore, open communication and diplomacy are essential to prevent any escalation of tensions.

    • Geopolitical tensions over maritime boundaries in movies and mapsCountries include disputed maritime boundaries in movies and maps to ensure access to Chinese market, causing geopolitical tensions. Leaving maritime boundaries off maps and movies may help reduce tensions.

      The inclusion of the 9-dash line in movies and maps is a result of geopolitical tensions between China and other countries, particularly Vietnam. China's market leverage and censorship control over movie screens have led some countries to include the disputed maritime boundary to ensure their films are shown in China. Vietnam, in response, is trying to counter China's influence and nationalist sentiment. The solution, according to some, is to leave maritime boundaries off maps and movies to avoid fueling tensions. Meanwhile, at the NATO summit, the focus is on Ukraine's membership, with some countries advocating for a faster process and others pushing for the normal application of NATO's membership criteria. Success for the summit would be reaching a consensus on Ukraine's membership and addressing other key issues such as cybersecurity and climate change.

    • NATO allies send strong message to Russia over UkraineNATO reaffirmed support for Ukraine, no consensus on membership, commitment to enhancing relationship, and acknowledging progress towards eventual membership.

      The United States and its NATO allies are sending a strong message to Russia during the Vilnius summit that they will not back down from their support for Ukraine despite the ongoing conflict. Regarding Ukraine's potential membership in NATO, there is no consensus among allies, and no invitation will be extended at this time. However, there is a commitment to enhancing the relationship between Ukraine and the alliance, providing political support, and preventing future conflicts. To join NATO, Ukraine must undertake various reforms, including civilian control of the military, respect for the rule of law, and anti-corruption measures. The alliance will acknowledge Ukraine's progress but also recognize that more work needs to be done before membership is a possibility. The ANP program will help Ukraine map out the necessary steps towards eventual membership. The war in Ukraine is the dominant issue at the summit, overshadowing other matters.

    • NATO shifts deterrence and defense postureNATO is making a generational shift in its deterrence and defense posture, including new regional plans, renewed defense investment pledge, and potential new members, requiring significant resources and adjustments to the defense strategy.

      Key takeaway from the NATO summit in Vilnius is that the alliance is making a generational shift in its deterrence and defense posture. This includes the rollout of new regional plans to defend every inch of NATO territory, which will impact the alliance for the next decade. Additionally, allies are gathering to renew their defense investment pledge, which is set to expire next year. These developments come after the lack of contingency planning for the defense of all NATO territory was identified earlier in the Obama administration. The implementation of these plans will require significant resourcing and may lead to the deployment of more hardware and personnel to Eastern Europe. The addition of Finland to NATO and potential future membership of Sweden will also require adjustments to the defense strategy. Overall, these changes represent a return to the alliance's core mission of collective defense.

    • NATO's Transformation and Sweden's Potential MembershipNATO is undergoing changes with potential new members, requiring adjustments to command structures and defense plans. The US is leading negotiations for Sweden's inclusion. NATO offers unity and a platform for sharing intel, while nations provide direct aid to Ukraine.

      The NATO alliance is undergoing significant changes, particularly in Europe, as countries like Finland and Sweden look to join the alliance. This will require adjustments to command structures and the alignment of national defense plans with NATO plans. The US is taking a more active role in these negotiations and is urging for Sweden's inclusion. The division of labor between NATO and individual nations in providing assistance to Ukraine is that NATO provides unity and a platform for sharing intelligence, while individual nations provide humanitarian, economic, and security assistance directly to Ukraine. The summit for Ukraine is an example of this, with most NATO member states making individual commitments to assist Ukraine.

    • NATO's Role in Supporting UkraineNATO provides political unity and non-lethal support for Ukraine amidst conflict with Russia. Ambassador Smith emphasizes the importance of the alliance in addressing security issues like Ukraine, China, and emerging technologies.

      NATO plays a crucial role in providing political unity and non-lethal support for Ukraine during the ongoing conflict with Russia. Ambassador Julian Smith, representing the United States at NATO, highlighted the importance of the alliance in maintaining unity among its members and addressing various security issues, including Ukraine, China, emerging technologies, and more. The life of a NATO ambassador is unlike a typical diplomatic posting, as it is focused almost exclusively on national security matters and involves high-level visitors and constant multilateral work. Despite the demanding nature of the job, Ambassador Smith expressed his love for it and the unique opportunities it presents.

    • Discussion among former Obama administration officials and journalistInsightful analysis and humor from former Obama officials and journalist on global politics and current events, produced by a talented team

      The Pod Save the World podcast, produced by Crooked Media, is a lively and engaging discussion among former Obama administration officials Tommy Vietor and Ben Rhodes, as well as journalist and podcast host Dan Pfeiffer. They discuss global politics and current events with insightful analysis and humor. Tommy is currently on vacation, but listeners can look forward to his return next week. The podcast is produced by a team of talented individuals, including Hailey Muse, Ashley Mazzuo, Andrew Chadwick, Kyle Seguin, Charlotte Landis, Vasilius Futopoulos, Elijah Cohn, Phoebe Bradford, Milo Kim, and Saul Rubin. The podcast is available for listening and viewing on various platforms, including YouTube, and new episodes are uploaded regularly.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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