
    About this Episode

    In this episode 'Navigating Change & Inviting In Synchronicity' I share my personal story of adapting to the change of moving house with reluctant teenagers! I explain how I have witnessed my own behaviour and reaction to uncertainty, peoples' varying opinions and reactions to the unpredictability of the house move process.

    As a therapist and coach, I'm often advising clients how to manage change in their own life. I state that I 'practice what I preach' and so I thought it would be useful to share me doing exactly this! How it felt, how I struggled, how I emerged and the conclusion I arrived at.

    These are some of the points of discovery I explore: Not taking things personally; Being vulnerable & honest about 'Selfish; decisions; Resisting the urge to save or rescue; Being patient with little control; Sitting with & witnessing discomfort when attachment sets in; Focusing on 'Just For Today'... Surrendering structure; Allowing space for the magic of synchronicity!

    I hope you join me on this exploration of human behaviour and how we can CHOOSE to adapt to the flow of life.  How have you found ways to manage the change in your own lives? What has worked best for you? I'd love to know your thoughts... Sonya X

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