
    Gathering Insights by Sonya Wilkins

    Sonya Wilkins, holistic consultant, shares personal insights about spiritual development practices, healing techniques and how to develop emotional intelligence through real life examples and experiences. Enlighten your mind with these tid bits of wisdom.
    en-gbSonya Wilkins32 Episodes

    Episodes (32)

    The Beginning Of A New Adventure - MA Fine Art Ceramics at Bath Spa Uni 2022 - Welcome Week Reflections

    The Beginning Of A New Adventure - MA Fine Art Ceramics at Bath Spa Uni 2022 - Welcome Week Reflections

    This series of podcasts are raw audio recordings during my travels to and from Bath Spa University while I study a Masters in Fine Art Ceramics.

    They will become part of my artist led research as I progress through the course (an essential way of reflecting and developing ideas into practice). I also hope some of you may find it interesting to hear me bare my Soul! Who knows, you may also be thinking of taking the plunge and doing an MA in Art? Hopefully this will then give you some useful insights in advance!

    I will be honest, talk about my struggles and challenges....even the things that trigger me, make me feel vulnerable and hopefully the highlights and successes too!

    I intend on doing a recording at least once a week (maybe more if something important crosses my mind). The course is for 11 months...so get a cuppa ready, wrap up in a blanket and join me on the adventure!

    Sonya X

    Why You Need To 'Play With Clay'

    Why You Need To 'Play With Clay'

    What Can We Do About Being So Busy?

    We all need to ground our energies more in this busy and fast life we live in! Is it just me or do you feel like everything and everyone is speeding up at the moment?!

    For this reason, it's so important that we find ways to slow down, breathe...let our thoughts drop away and connect with the healing benefits of nature. So many people talk about 'being present' at the moment...but it's tough right? particularly when you have so many things going around in your head and plates to spin! 😕

    Why Clay?

    This is why clay is so clever! Even if you don't think you are creative, you can benefit from 'Playing with Clay'. This is why children love it so much - it's simple, forgiving, playful and fun. It's like having one of those stress relief balls in your hand and squeezing it, but better!

    One of my fondest memories is when my daughter (who was 2 or 3 at the time) was playing with play dough...it was an excuse for me to get stuck in to something fun with her. We connected over the simple task of making shapes with this soft putty type material. She still talks about it now - remembering it even at that young age! This was a special moment in time when we could both be children...

    What You'll Learn:

    So, I invite you to listen to my FREE podcast 'Gathering Insights' to understand a little bit about:

    ✅ What clay is

    ✅ How it relates to crystals

    ✅ Why it grounds our energies

    ✅ How creating playfully can change your brainwave pattern

    ✅ How you can use intention setting with clay to further heal aspects of your life

    ✅  How you can combine it with the healing power of nature

    FREE Online Family Clay & Leaves Workshop

    If you feel keen to take this further, you can access my FREE Family Clay Workshop on Youtube. It's the perfect time of year to forage Autumn leaves in the UK and then press them into clay to make trinket dishes, jewellery - anything you want!

    Interested in making a professional piece of pottery with clay and leaves? Enrol on my 5 star rated Udemy course Pottery, Clay & Leaves? Find Out More


    Sonya X

    Psychedelic Floor Tiles and Stealth Mind

    Psychedelic Floor Tiles and Stealth Mind

    'Psychedelic Floor Tiles and Stealth Mind' ~ Yes a strange title I know, but sometimes the every day things in our life can trigger reactions in us, ones that when we look closer, open a window of self enquiry and discovery.

    This podcast was prompted by a book I was reading the previous night called 'The Courage To Be Disliked' by Ichiro Kishimi and when I woke the following morning it sparked some interesting insights about my life and the environment I live in and around. 

    Allow me to take you on an insightful meander about how we all can take our surroundings for granted and still be dominated by the 'internal weather' of our minds. Have you got any Psychedelic Floor Tiles that aggravate you? Does your stealth mind creep up on you and take over your thoughts...only to find that you are in a very different place in your mind minutes, hours or days later?

    How adaptable are you to your environment? Do you have any coping mechanisms to stay present and grateful? I'd love to hear how you manage your equivalent of 'Psychedelic Floor Tiles and Stealth Mind'.

    Best Wishes,


    PS Would you like to discover more Gathering Insights with your Family, Friends and Work Colleagues? Purchase my book 'Gathering Insights' and enjoy revealing conversations around the camp fire, on long car journeys, around the kitchen table with friends, or cuddled up in bed with your loved one...

    Shape Shifting Energy For Healing Your Body & Your Life

    Shape Shifting Energy For Healing Your Body & Your Life

    I would love to explain how you can shape shift energy for healing your body & your life. Energy is readily available to all of us and what's more, when we do something we love in life, that energy is amplified. If we choose to focus on the energy and vitality we gain when doing something we love, we can in fact utilise that vital energy and transfer it to another area of our body or life. 

    What makes you feel alive? What makes you feel expansive? What makes you connect with something greater than yourself?

    I invite you to engage with this wonderful, dynamic force of energy and then use it to invade an area of your life that needs a boost. You can apply this technique to your physical body too. Any area of the body which is in pain or needs healing, can be alleviated by injecting it with vital energy from an area of the body that is well, balanced and working effortlessly!

    Shape shifting energy for healing your body & your life is a fun and dynamic tool; why not engage your inner child and start to play with this technique to see what you can gain? Maybe you can develop a new found skill or strengthen a relationship in your life? The possibilities are endless once you learn how to harness and transfer vital, positive energy.

    Do you know the difference between Kensho and Satori? I will also explain the different ways our energy unfolds in life...

    Curious? Then do listen and start exploring the potential you hold within you for healing and as always, I'd love to hear how you get on!

    Best Wishes,

    Sonya X

    Music by Neil H 'Novus Initium'

    Interested in my Udemy course 'Quantum Crystal Healing'? watch FREE preview videos and read reviews here.

    3 Ways To Break Free From The Matrix

    3 Ways To Break Free From The Matrix

    Have you watched the film 'The Matrix'? If not, I strongly advise you do...

    In today's ever changing and vulnerable world, we are starting to see things differently and maybe even start to break through the veil of illusion we have been under. It's almost like we are breaking free from a spell...a reality that we now realise isn't real. 

    So what is YOUR reality? How do you know it is true? How do you know if what you experience every day, when you wake up, is real or an illusion created to keep you from finding an enlightened existence?

    If you had the choice of knowing, seeing and experiencing the truth of life as we know it, would you take the chance or stay comfortably numb? Would you take the blue pill or the red pill?

    Could you live knowing that you will never view the world the same if you take the veil of illusion away? Or could you survive bearing the truth never to return to the illusion again?

    Well...given that many of us do seek the truth, I offer 3 ways how you can lift the veil of illusion. How you can break free from the matrix!

    They are 3 simple tools, one of which you may already do as part of your daily routine. But I suspect very few of us do all three.

    They also offer you the ability to break free from not just your illusion but tap into your subconscious mind and potentially re-program your beliefs.

    This is the key to true self awareness, self-empowerment and the truth of life itself.

    Enjoy the journey...and let me know where it takes you...

    Sonya X

    Watch 'The Matrix'

    Music by Neil H 'Novus Initium' 

    Interested in my new course IKIGAI? visit www.mindfulneya.com to find out more.

    3 Ways To Change Your Perspective

    3 Ways To Change Your Perspective

    When life gets confusing, confrontational and challenging its often refreshing to take a step back and change our viewpoint or perspective. But it can be hard to remember to do it - how can we do this in the heat of the moment? Analogy and symbolism can help to remind us to take action and switch our viewpoint.

    In this podcast I offer up 3 ways in which we can 'get over ourselves', or literally 'get outside of ourselves' in order to:

    Find the clarity we need during times of turmoil and chaos;

    Bring to light what we need to do during an emergency situation;

    Take our own agenda out of a situation and become more objective;

    Grow more self awareness;

    ..and finally,

    Become more present;

    I describe the 3 creative ways you can achieve this altered perspective and gain the benefits...further more, how you can invite in a new Archetype of behaviour into your life!

    Which archetype would you choose? Will you be 'The Joker', 'The Magician' or 'The Maverick'?

    I'd love to hear yours...

    Best Wishes,

    Sonya :-)

    The Declaration of Absolute Light

    The Declaration of Absolute Light

    In this podcast 'The Declaration of Absolute Light', I share with you 3 beautiful forms and frequencies of light that can be used to heal yourself as an individual and the collective as a whole. I invite you to explore with me the difference between these 3 different light frequencies - Polarity Light, Virtual Light and Absolute Light. I describe in practical terms how you can use them to bring about change in your life, manifest what you desire and potentially bring about miraculous healing.

    I invite you to 'Act, Manifest & Pray' not only for yourself, but for others, your community and our world as a whole.

    With this knowledge, The Declaration of Absolute Light, will be invited into your life and who knows what wonderful transformation this may bring about!

    For those of you who are celebrating Christmas, have a wonderful festive season together; for those of you who are not, I wish you peace, good health and joy...

    I will look forward to sharing more Gathering Insights with you in 2021 :-)

    Best Wishes,

    Sonya X

    Navigating Change & Inviting Synchronicity

    Navigating Change & Inviting Synchronicity

    In this episode 'Navigating Change & Inviting In Synchronicity' I share my personal story of adapting to the change of moving house with reluctant teenagers! I explain how I have witnessed my own behaviour and reaction to uncertainty, peoples' varying opinions and reactions to the unpredictability of the house move process.

    As a therapist and coach, I'm often advising clients how to manage change in their own life. I state that I 'practice what I preach' and so I thought it would be useful to share me doing exactly this! How it felt, how I struggled, how I emerged and the conclusion I arrived at.

    These are some of the points of discovery I explore: Not taking things personally; Being vulnerable & honest about 'Selfish; decisions; Resisting the urge to save or rescue; Being patient with little control; Sitting with & witnessing discomfort when attachment sets in; Focusing on 'Just For Today'... Surrendering structure; Allowing space for the magic of synchronicity!

    I hope you join me on this exploration of human behaviour and how we can CHOOSE to adapt to the flow of life.  How have you found ways to manage the change in your own lives? What has worked best for you? I'd love to know your thoughts... Sonya X

    The Wonders Of Castor Oil

    The Wonders Of Castor Oil

    Hi everyone,

    In this podcast I share the amazing healing qualities of Castor Oil. I first learnt about Castor Oil from Dr. Norman Shealy many years ago. Norman has seen amazing results with his clients over the years, from healing cancers to simple muscular injuries and strains. I too have seen amazing results with my own clients, helping them to treat frozen shoulder, IBS, Anxiety and more.

    In this podcast I share my own personal experiences using Castor Oil to treat my suspected Endometriosis and painful periods - I realise first hand, how debilitating this can be for many women every month so it was important I shared this healing knowledge with you all. I describe 3 ways in which you can easily use and integrate Castor Oil into your wellbeing routine and the simple, inexpensive 'kit' you will need.

    I also want to direct you to the work of Dr. William McGarey of the ARE Clinic in Phoenix. He has performed many tests using Castor Oil, so if you wish to find out more about his clinical results, please use the link below:


    If you suffer from Cataracts, you will need this link to purchase Dr. Norman Shealy's USP Castor Oil:


    Castor Oil can also be easily purchased online, this is the brand I use:


    I really hope you give Castor Oil a try - it is an age old remedy that we all need to have in our bathroom cabinets!

    Best Wishes,

    Sonya X