
    The Beginning Of A New Adventure - MA Fine Art Ceramics at Bath Spa Uni 2022 - Welcome Week Reflections

    en-gbOctober 13, 2022

    About this Episode

    This series of podcasts are raw audio recordings during my travels to and from Bath Spa University while I study a Masters in Fine Art Ceramics.

    They will become part of my artist led research as I progress through the course (an essential way of reflecting and developing ideas into practice). I also hope some of you may find it interesting to hear me bare my Soul! Who knows, you may also be thinking of taking the plunge and doing an MA in Art? Hopefully this will then give you some useful insights in advance!

    I will be honest, talk about my struggles and challenges....even the things that trigger me, make me feel vulnerable and hopefully the highlights and successes too!

    I intend on doing a recording at least once a week (maybe more if something important crosses my mind). The course is for 11 months...so get a cuppa ready, wrap up in a blanket and join me on the adventure!

    Sonya X

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